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Hosting your own interpreter instance

Juhana Leinonen edited this page Dec 17, 2016 · 2 revisions

You can play your own Hugo games with the online interpreter by uploading your .hex game file to the Internet and pasting the file's public URL to the form found at

You can also host the entire interpreter on your own site:

  1. Download the interpreter from and unpack it.

  2. Copy your .hex game file to the same directory with the interpreter files.

  3. Edit the index.html file and find the line that says

    // URL to the game file
    story: "",

Insert your game file's name in the story string (e.g. story: "mygame.hex",). Take care not to remove the comma at the end by mistake. 4. Set your other preferences in the options object. If you're planning to use this interpreter installation for one game only, it's recommended to set the lock_story option to true. 5. Upload everything online and you're done.

If the game file is on another domain or if you want to install the interpreter as a general interpreter that can play any game anywhere on the Internet, you need a CORS proxy. See here for instructions.

Note that you can't run the interpreter from the filesystem, i.e. it won't work if you open the index.html file with a browser while it's on your hard drive. Most browsers have extra security measures in place with local HTML files, which prevents the interpreter from loading the story file. To see if it's really working you need to upload the interpreter online or set up a local web server for testing.

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