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This is a standalone reader for Texture stories.


Method 1

This method is simpler in the sense that you don't need to modify the story file you get from the Texture Writer. Choose this method if you plan on uploading the final product on the Internet.

  1. Download all the files in this repository (green "clone or download" button).

  2. Download the Texture story data from your project: open the Settings page and click on the "Download backup file" button. You'll get the data in JSON format in a file with a .texture ending.

  3. Put the Texture data file in the same directory where you downloaded this repository. We'll assume it's called "story.json" from now on (it can have any other name too.)

  4. Edit index.html and add this to the end of the file:

      texture.load( "story.json" );

Now the story should be playable by uploading the whole directory to the Internet (or a local server) and opening the index.html from there.

Notes and caveats:

  • You can also load the story data from anywhere on the Internet (texture.load("")), but if you do, you'll need CORS headers enabled in the target server if the file is in another domain (
  • texture.load() will not work on local filesystem, it needs to be online, in a local server (localhost) or in some other system where this security restriction doesn't exist (apps etc.) Therefore if you plan on sharing the story by sending the whole thing to people to play on their own computers, use method 2 described below instead.

Method 2

With this method the end result will work also when the story is played locally from the filesystem. Choose this if you plan on sharing the story by sending it directly to people or if you don't want to install a local server on your computer.

  1. Download necessary files as in method 1 above (steps 1-3) but name the file "story.js".

  2. Open the story file (story.js) and at the start add this: =

    The file should now look something like = {"id":"874ea6a8-b169-...

  3. Edit index.html and add this to the end of the file:

    <script src="story.js"></script>
      texture.start( );


texture.start and texture.load accept a second parameter that is a configuration object.

Example of a full configuration object:

    coverUrl: "cover.jpg",
    from: 2,
    showTitlePage: true

All properties are optional.


(string) An URL to the cover picture. Can also be a data URI.

coverUrl: ""


(number/string) The page from where the story starts. Can either be a number which represents the index of the page (0 = first page) or a page id. Defaults to 0.

from: "874ea6a8-b169-1ef7-08f1-c613509f54d0"


(boolean) If false, the title page (which contains the story title and the initial "tutorial" where the player must drag the "start" button on top of a word on the headline) will not be shown. Defaults to true.

showTitlePage: false

License and distribution

You are free without limitations to modify and distribute the reader code alone or as a part of a Texture project. It's considered courteous not to remove the link to


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