Ansible role to install LXD only and do network configuration.
Containers configuration or publishing is done in separated roles.
It was tested on the following versions:
- 2.0
- 2.2
- 2.5
Tested on Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04 and 22.04. Initial support for RHEL/Centos7 through ngompa/snapcore-el7 copr.
Just include this role in your list. For example
- host: all
- juju4.lxd
Nothing specific for now.
This role has a travis test calling kitchen with lxd (for github), kitchen local with vagrant+virtualbox and also a Vagrantfile (test/vagrant).
Once you ensured all necessary roles are present, You can test with:
$ cd /path/to/roles/juju4.lxd
## lxd backend
$ kitchen verify
$ kitchen login
## vagrant+virtualbox backend
$ KITCHEN_YAML=".kitchen.vagrant.yml" kitchen verify
$ cd /path/to/roles/juju4.lxd/test/vagrant
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
- for network connectivity check if http_proxy is set (usually from /etc/default/lxd-bridge proxy settings) check iptables nat config for masquerading
# iptables -t nat -L
## if empty
# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s 10.x.y.0/24 -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
- if you want to forward traffic external to host to one of the private lxc container
# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i if_incoming -p tcp --dport port_incoming -j DNAT --to-destination container_ip:container_port
- role can be executed on centos/redhat system on containers as kernel is host's but RHEL/CentOS 7 has kernel 3.10 which is ?not compatible with LXC.
- service command on centos7 stalling
$ /bin/systemctl start lxd
- Rhel/Centos8 disable as snap in lxd kitchen requires extra config
BSD 2-clause