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tpoole committed Nov 2, 2016
1 parent f88013e commit 169b5ed
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Showing 29 changed files with 123 additions and 122 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions extras/BLOCKS/doxygen/pages/example_blocks_drawing.dox
Expand Up @@ -13,18 +13,18 @@ The concept of a BLOCKS topology and the methods for receiving callbacks from a

@section blocks_drawing_led_grid The LEDGrid Object

Lightpads have a 15x15 LED grid which can be accessed and controlled through the LEDGrid object, a pointer to which is returned by the Block::getLEDGrid() method (for more details on how the %LEDGrid object operates, see @ref controlling_led_grids). In the <code>topologyChanged()</code> method of <code>MainContentComponent</code> this %LEDGrid pointer is passed to the <code>setLEDProgram()</code> method, which sets the LEDGrid::Program to either a DrumPadGridProgram or BitmapLEDProgram, depending on the selected mode.
Lightpads have a 15x15 LED grid which can be accessed and controlled through the LEDGrid object, a pointer to which is returned by the Block::getLEDGrid() method (for more details on how the %LEDGrid object operates, see @ref controlling_led_grids). In the <code>topologyChanged()</code> method of <code>MainComponent</code> this %LEDGrid pointer is passed to the <code>setLEDProgram()</code> method, which sets the LEDGrid::Program to either a DrumPadGridProgram or BitmapLEDProgram, depending on the selected mode.

@section blocks_drawing_colour_palette Colour Palette

In the colour palette mode the Lightpad displays a 3x3 grid of colours, constructed using the %DrumPadGridProgram class. A %DrumPadGridProgram pointer called <code>colourPaletteProgram</code> is declared as a private member variable of <code>MainContentComponent</code> and in the <code>MainContentComponent::setLEDProgram()</code> method this is set to point to a new %DrumPadGridProgram object and is passed the %LEDGrid object of the Lightpad in its constructor. After the program has been initialised, it is passed to the LEDGrid to display using the LEDGrid::setProgram() method and the layout of the grid is set up using the DrumPadGridProgram::setGridFills() method. This function takes 3 arguments: the number of rows, number of columns and an array of DrumPadGridProgram::GridFill objects containing a <code>GridFill</code> for each pad that controls its colour and fill type. The <code>ColourGrid</code> struct in MainComponent.h contains all of this information and handles the construction of the <code>GridFill</code> array in the <code>ColourGrid::constructGridFillArray()</code> method. An instance of this object called <code>layout</code> is declared as a member variable of <code>MainContentComponent</code> to easily change how the grid looks. The <code>ColourGrid::setActiveColourForTouch()</code> method is called in the <code>MainContentComponent::touchChanged()</code> callback and is used to determine which brush colour has been selected based on a Touch coordinate from the Lightpad.
In the colour palette mode the Lightpad displays a 3x3 grid of colours, constructed using the %DrumPadGridProgram class. A %DrumPadGridProgram pointer called <code>colourPaletteProgram</code> is declared as a private member variable of <code>MainComponent</code> and in the <code>MainComponent::setLEDProgram()</code> method this is set to point to a new %DrumPadGridProgram object and is passed the %LEDGrid object of the Lightpad in its constructor. After the program has been initialised, it is passed to the LEDGrid to display using the LEDGrid::setProgram() method and the layout of the grid is set up using the DrumPadGridProgram::setGridFills() method. This function takes 3 arguments: the number of rows, number of columns and an array of DrumPadGridProgram::GridFill objects containing a <code>GridFill</code> for each pad that controls its colour and fill type. The <code>ColourGrid</code> struct in MainComponent.h contains all of this information and handles the construction of the <code>GridFill</code> array in the <code>ColourGrid::constructGridFillArray()</code> method. An instance of this object called <code>layout</code> is declared as a member variable of <code>MainComponent</code> to easily change how the grid looks. The <code>ColourGrid::setActiveColourForTouch()</code> method is called in the <code>MainComponent::touchChanged()</code> callback and is used to determine which brush colour has been selected based on a Touch coordinate from the Lightpad.

\image html BlocksDrawing_palette.JPG "Colour palette mode"

@section blocks_drawing_canvas Canvas

In canvas mode, the %LEDGrid program is set to an instance of %BitmapLEDProgram and uses the BitmapLEDProgram::setLED() method to set individual LEDs on the Lightpad to a particular colour. The <code>ActiveLED</code> struct declared in the private section of <code>MainContentComponent</code> is used to keep track of which LEDs are on and their colour and brightness. <code>MainContentComponent</code> contains an %Array of these objects called <code>activeLeds</code>.
In the <code>MainContentComponent::setLEDProgram()</code> method the program is set up and passed to the %LEDGrid object the same way as in the colour palette mode but the <code>MainContentComponent::redrawLEDs()</code> method is also called which iterates over the <code>activeLeds</code> array and sets the appropriate LEDs on the Lightpad so the LED states persist between mode switches. When a Touch is received in the <code>MainContentComponent::touchChanged()</code> callback the <code>MainContentComponent::drawLEDs()</code> method is called with 4 arguments: x and y coordinates, touch pressure and brush colour. This method iterates over the <code>activeLed</code> array and checks to see if there is an active LED at the given coordinate. If it is blank, an <code>ActiveLED</code> object is created and added to the array with the given coordinates and colour using touch pressure for brightness. If there is already an active LED at the coordinate, the colour of that LED will be blended with the current brush colour, the proportion of which is determined by the touch pressure.
In canvas mode, the %LEDGrid program is set to an instance of %BitmapLEDProgram and uses the BitmapLEDProgram::setLED() method to set individual LEDs on the Lightpad to a particular colour. The <code>ActiveLED</code> struct declared in the private section of <code>MainComponent</code> is used to keep track of which LEDs are on and their colour and brightness. <code>MainComponent</code> contains an %Array of these objects called <code>activeLeds</code>.
In the <code>MainComponent::setLEDProgram()</code> method the program is set up and passed to the %LEDGrid object the same way as in the colour palette mode but the <code>MainComponent::redrawLEDs()</code> method is also called which iterates over the <code>activeLeds</code> array and sets the appropriate LEDs on the Lightpad so the LED states persist between mode switches. When a Touch is received in the <code>MainComponent::touchChanged()</code> callback the <code>MainComponent::drawLEDs()</code> method is called with 4 arguments: x and y coordinates, touch pressure and brush colour. This method iterates over the <code>activeLed</code> array and checks to see if there is an active LED at the given coordinate. If it is blank, an <code>ActiveLED</code> object is created and added to the array with the given coordinates and colour using touch pressure for brightness. If there is already an active LED at the coordinate, the colour of that LED will be blended with the current brush colour, the proportion of which is determined by the touch pressure.

\image html BlocksDrawing_canvas.JPG "Unleash your inner Picasso!"

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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions extras/BLOCKS/doxygen/pages/example_blocks_monitor.dox
Expand Up @@ -9,19 +9,19 @@ BlocksMonitor is a simple JUCE application that shows currently connected Lightp

Navigate to the <tt>JUCE/examples/BLOCKS/BlocksMonitor/Builds/</tt> directory and open the code project in your IDE of choice. Run the application and connect your Blocks (if you do not know how to do this, see @ref connecting_blocks). Any devices that you have connected should now show up in the application window and this display will be updated as you add and remove Blocks. Lightpads are represented as a black square and will display the current touches as coloured circles, the size of which depend on the touch pressure, and Control Blocks are shown as rectangles containing the LED row and clickable buttons on the hardware. If you hover the mouse cursor over a %Block, a tooltip will appear displaying the name, UID, serial number and current battery level.

\image html BlocksMonitor.png "The BlocksMonitor application with a Lightpad and Control %Block connected"
\image html BlocksMonitor.png "The BlocksMonitor application with a Lightpad and Control Block connected"

@section blocks_monitor_topology Topology

One of the fundamental concepts of the BLOCKS API is topology - a topology is a set of physically connected Blocks and the connections between them. Knowing when the topology has changed and accessing a data structure containing the current topology is the basis of any Blocks application.

To access the current topology, <code>MainContentComponent</code> inherits from the TopologySource::Listener base class and implements the TopologySource::Listener::topologyChanged() method, a callback which is used to inform listeners when any physical devices have been added or removed. In order to receive these callbacks, <code>MainContentComponent</code> contains an instance of the PhysicalTopologySource class and registers itself as a listener to this object in its constructor. When the <code>topologyChanged()</code> method is called, this object can be used to access the updated topology through the PhysicalTopologySource::getCurrentTopology() method which returns a BlockTopology struct containing an array of currently connected Block objects and an array of BlockDeviceConnection structs representing the connections between them.
To access the current topology, <code>MainComponent</code> inherits from the TopologySource::Listener base class and implements the TopologySource::Listener::topologyChanged() method, a callback which is used to inform listeners when any physical devices have been added or removed. In order to receive these callbacks, <code>MainComponent</code> contains an instance of the PhysicalTopologySource class and registers itself as a listener to this object in its constructor. When the <code>topologyChanged()</code> method is called, this object can be used to access the updated topology through the PhysicalTopologySource::getCurrentTopology() method which returns a BlockTopology struct containing an array of currently connected Block objects and an array of BlockDeviceConnection structs representing the connections between them.

@section blocks_monitor_block_object The Block Object

The array of %Block objects contained in the %BlockTopology struct can be used to access individual %Block objects and determine their type using the Block::getType() method. The application uses this information to construct an on-screen representation of the currently connected Blocks by creating either a <code>LightpadBlockComponent</code> or <code>ControlBlockComponent</code> object for each %Block in the current topology. Both of these classes derive from <code>BlockComponent</code>, a relatively simple base class that contains some virtual functions for painting the %Block on screen and handling callbacks from the touch surface and/or buttons on the %Block. In its constructor, <code>BlockComponent</code> takes a reference to the %Block object that it represents and adds itself as a listener to the touch surface (if it is a Lightpad) and buttons using the Block::getTouchSurface() and Block::getButtons() methods, respectively. It inherits from the TouchSurface::Listener and ControlButton::Listener classes and overrides the TouchSurface::Listener::touchChanged(), ControlButton::Listener::buttonPressed() and ControlButton::Listener::buttonReleased() methods to call its own virtual methods, which are implemented by the <code>LightpadBlockComponent</code> and <code>ControlBlockComponent</code> classes to update the on-screen components.
The array of %Block objects contained in the %BlockTopology struct can be used to access individual %Block objects and determine their type using the Block::getType() method. The application uses this information to construct an on-screen representation of the currently connected Blocks by creating either a <code>LightpadComponent</code> or <code>ControlBlockComponent</code> object for each %Block in the current topology. Both of these classes derive from <code>BlockComponent</code>, a relatively simple base class that contains some virtual functions for painting the %Block on screen and handling callbacks from the touch surface and/or buttons on the %Block. In its constructor, <code>BlockComponent</code> takes a reference to the %Block object that it represents and adds itself as a listener to the touch surface (if it is a Lightpad) and buttons using the Block::getTouchSurface() and Block::getButtons() methods, respectively. It inherits from the TouchSurface::Listener and ControlButton::Listener classes and overrides the TouchSurface::Listener::touchChanged(), ControlButton::Listener::buttonPressed() and ControlButton::Listener::buttonReleased() methods to call its own virtual methods, which are implemented by the <code>LightpadComponent</code> and <code>ControlBlockComponent</code> classes to update the on-screen components.

To visualise touches on the Lightpad, <code>LightpadBlockComponent</code> contains an instance of the TouchList class called <code>touches</code> and calls the TouchList::updateTouch() method whenever it receives a touch surface listener callback in the <code>LightpadBlockComponent::handleTouchChange()</code> method. The <code>LightpadBlock::paint()</code> method then iterates over the current TouchSurface::Touch objects in the %TouchList and visualises them on the component at 25Hz.
To visualise touches on the Lightpad, <code>LightpadComponent</code> contains an instance of the TouchList class called <code>touches</code> and calls the TouchList::updateTouch() method whenever it receives a touch surface listener callback in the <code>LightpadComponent::handleTouchChange()</code> method. The <code>LightpadBlock::paint()</code> method then iterates over the current TouchSurface::Touch objects in the %TouchList and visualises them on the component at 25Hz.

The <code>ControlBlockComponent</code> class represents a generic Control %Block with 15 LEDs, 8 circular buttons and 1 rounded rectangular button. When a button is pressed on the physical Control %Block, the <code>BlockComponent::handleButtonPressed()</code> function is called and this class uses the ControlButton::ButtonFunction variable to determine which button was pressed and should be activated on the on-screen component. The same process is repeated for when the button is released. This class also overrides the <code>BlockComponent::handleBatteryLevelUpdate()</code> method to update which LEDs should be on based on the battery level, which is accessed in the <code>BlockComponent</code> base class using the Block::getBatteryLevel() and Block::isBatteryCharging() methods.

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