⚠️ Directions are kept for "how to" only. Please view https://github.com/julie-ng/azure-nodejs-demo for an example Azure DevOps Pipeline.⚠️
This barebones repository shows how to automate building and pushing a Docker image and push to Azure Container Registry (ACR).
This was not straightfoward from the documentation. I got it working after trial and error and have published my simplified example. I hope you find it useful.
This demo deploys an application to:
Instead of using docker login
, we want to do a secure login by creating a Service Connection using Azure Resource Manager. This means we do not need a username or password in our environment.
azureSubscriptionEndpoint: <<YOUR_CONNECTION_NAME>>
azureContainerRegistry: <<YOUR_ACR_NAME>>
registryName: $(azureContainerRegistry)/$(Build.Repository.Name)
imageTag: $(registryName):$(Build.BuildId)
You need to replace <<VARIABLE>>
with your setup.
Variable | Example Value | Description |
azureSubscriptionEndpoint |
julie-ng-connection |
Azure Service Connection Name |
azureContainerRegistry |
julie.azurecr.io |
Your ACR Name, which should have the azurecr.io domain in it. |
It is worth noting that the default Azure examples using just the build number as a tag, e.g. 42
. In my experience, a simple build number is not very helpful when debugging deployments.
I prefer to append the git sha so that I easily know which code was deployed:
# Default Tag
# Custom Tag with git sha
If there's a problem in a deployment you can immediately view the image code with git checkout -b <NEW_BRANCH_NAME> <GIT_SHA>
After setting up the variables, the pipeline steps are mostly straightfoward - if you use the docker commands. I only kept the login task, because it has added security value. For the rest, plain docker commands are easier to understand IMO.
- script: docker build --tag $(imageTag) .
displayName: 'Docker: Build and tag image'
# Use the task to avoid embedding credentials in pipeline
- task: Docker@1
displayName: 'Docker: login ACR'
command: login
azureSubscriptionEndpoint: $(azureSubscriptionEndpoint)
azureContainerRegistry: $(azureContainerRegistry)
- script: docker push $(imageTag)-$(buildSha)
displayName: 'Docker: Push image'
- script: docker logout $(azureContainerRegistry)
displayName: 'Docker: logout ACR'
See full azure-pipelines.yml file for details.
Before you deploy, you need to create the resource (e.g. first deploy) by hand. Otherwise you may see this error message:
##[error]Error: Resource 'azure-devops-acr-example' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.