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KMC: a tool for checking k-multiparty compatibility in communicating session automata

This is a tool that implements the theory introduced in "Verifying Asynchronous Interactions via Communicating Session Automata".

Understanding the KMC tool

The KMC tool has one purpose: check that a given system of communicating automata is correct, i.e., all messages that are sent are received, and no automaton gets permanently stuck in a receiving state; this is called safety in the paper.


You will need ghc installed on your machine to run our tool, and python (with some additional libariries) to run our benchmark scripts. Depending on your setup, you might need to extra Haskell packages (see below).

The full requirements on a typical ubuntu machine can met as follows:

sudo apt install haskell-platform
sudo apt install python-matplotlib
sudo apt install python-scipy
cabal update
cabal build

Getting started (download and compile)

  • Open a terminal
  • Clone the repository: git clone
  • Change direcotry: cd kmc-cav19
  • Compile: cabal build


Usage for k-MC checking:

  • Interactive: to check for k-MC (of input file): cabal run KMC -- <path-to-automata> <k> +RTS -N<number-of-cpus>

  • Benchmarking: to find the least k s.t. k-MC holds for input file: cabal run KMC -- <path-to-automata> <min-bound> <max-bound> +RTS -N<number-of-cpus>


The KMC tool takes two parameters: a (path to a file containing a) system of communicating automata and a bound k.

Example with k=2

$ cabal run KMC -- tests/benchmarks/gmc-runningexample 2 --fsm
CSA: True            			    # The automata are deterministic and have no mixed states (Remark 1)
reduced 2-OBI: True			    # The automata validate 2-OBI (Def 6)
reduced 2-SIBI: False			    # The automata validate 2-SIBI (Def 11)
reduced 2-exhaustive: True 		    # The automata validate 2-exhaustivity (Def 9)
reduced 2-safe: True  			    # The automata validate 2-safety (Def 4)

In the above case, we have that this example validates all necessary conditions, except for 2-SIBI. The k-CIBI check is disabled by default as it is generally a lot more expensive. It can be activated using the --cibi flag, e.g.,

$ cabal run KMC -- tests/benchmarks/gmc-runningexample 2 --fsm --cibi
CSA: True
reduced 2-OBI: True
reduced 2-SIBI: False		# The automata _do not_ validate 2-SIBI (Def 11)
reduced 2-CIBI: True		# The automata validate 2-CIBI (Def 10)
reduced 2-exhaustive: True
reduced 2-safe: True

Now, we know that the automata are 2-OBI, IBI, and k-MC, hence they are safe (see Theorem 1 and Lemma 1).

The k-OBI and k-*IBI are only executed when necessary (i.e., if the automata are not directed). For instance the automata in our running example are basic (directed), hence we have:

$ cabel run KMC -- tests/running-example.txt 3 
CSA: True
Basic: True
reduced 3-exhaustive: True
reduced 3-safe: True

In general, Basic implies k-OBI and k-SIBI (for all k), we also have that k-SIBI implies k-CIBI. For k-MC to (soundly) imply general safety, k-OBI and k-CIBI must hold.

The --debug flag displays information regarding the size of the generated reduced transition system (RTS).

Other usages:

  • More information: see cabal run KMC -- --help and ./

  • To generate examples: cabal run GenCFSMs -- <n> <k> <m>

  • To run benchmark script for literature examples: ./

  • To run benchmark script for generated examples: ./ (run ghc GenCFSMs.hs first!)

  • Examples are available in ./tests/ (./tests/benchmarks/ contains examples from other papers).

Input languages

Syntactical session types (default)

KMC takes files that contain a list of "named" session types, e.g.,

S: rec x . C?req; { C!ko;C?data;x
   	   	          , C!ok;C?data;L!log;end}

L: S?log;end

C: rec x . S!req;S!data; {S?ko;x, S?ok;end, S?err;end}

CFSMs (use --fsm flag)

KMC takes the same input language as the GMC tool, e.g.,

-- This is machine #0
.state graph
q0 1 ! hello q1
q0 1 ! bye q1
.marking q0

-- This is machine #1
.state graph
q0 0 ? hello q1
q0 0 ? bye q1
.marking q0

Experimental synthesis of global graph

For this you will need to have petrify in you PATH.


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