1256 commits
to master
since this release
JuMP v0.21.0
Closed issues:
- Generic solver preferences (#91)
- @LinearConstraint with syntiax as @addConstraint (#595)
- Problem writers (#1075)
- [docs] Callbacks (#1553)
- Print constraint names with the model? (#1767)
- @lazyconstraint not defined in Julia 1.1 (#1880)
- Error when parsing an inner product in an expression (#2005)
- Problem with using certain matrix wrappers (#2039)
- JuMP not precompiling on Julia Version 1.3.0-rc1.0 (2019-08-18) (#2048)
- Add an example of using indicator constraints (#2049)
- JuMP upgrade problem to V0.20 (#2050)
- [docs] document how to get MOI attributes (#2057)
- Allow
(#2064) - Trouble fixing variable in linear constraint (#2072)
- Binary variable inconsistency (#2081)
- Problem when defining constraints involving symmetric variables (#2102)
- Constrained variables (#2105)
- Broadcast not needed in macro (#2106)
- basic.jl example model is not working (#2112)
- Best way to retrieve the backend solver type from an existing model (#2113)
- Use SemVer (Semantic Versioning) (#2118)
- Initialize variable with some value (#2121)
- Working with block arrays (#2122)
- Callbacks in automatic and manual mode (#2124)
- Performance of pairs interface (#2125)
- Tweak documentation for variables constrained on creation (#2133)
- JuMP precompiling error on an AWS EC2 Ubuntu server instance (#2136)
- JuMP tests fails on Julia 1.4 due to changes in printing (#2137)
- Tooling for Solvers with Solver-Specific Parameters (#2138)
- Where can I find a list of all currently working optimizers? (#2144)
- Where can I find explanation what does mean the columns in the optimization progress table? (#2145)
- Rename
(#2149) - Question: how does JuMP compare with OpenMDAO (#2153)
- New way of setvalue (#2154)
Merged pull requests:
- Querying after modifying is undefined behaviour (#2076) (@henriquebecker91)
- Deprecate with_optimizer (#2090) (@mlubin)
- Correct a typo in the docs. (#2091) (@dourouc05)
- Add indicator syntax to @constraint (#2092) (@blegat)
- Update Documenter to 0.23 (#2095) (@mlubin)
- Minor JuMP 1.0 roadmap update (#2096) (@mlubin)
- Add support for multiple solutions (#2100) (@odow)
- Callbacks Episode II: revenge of the solver-independent implementation (#2101) (@odow)
- Update FUNDING.yml (#2103) (@Dr-G)
- Replace parse_expr and destructive_add by MutableArithmetics (#2107) (@blegat)
- Print constraint name in model string (#2108) (@blegat)
- Update solver links. (#2109) (@englhardt)
- Minor tweaks to solutions.md (#2110) (@mlubin)
- Add write_to_file and read_from_file (#2114) (@odow)
- Clearer warning about examples version mismatch (#2119) (@mlubin)
- Add documentation on performance and work-around for sparse variable creation (#2126) (@hellemo)
- Constrained variables with @variable (#2128) (@blegat)
- Update to MOI v0.9.9 (#2129) (@blegat)
- Add SDPNAL (#2130) (@blegat)
- Remove useless JuMP prefix in indicator (#2131) (@blegat)
- [RFC] Add complementarity constraints (#2132) (@blegat)
- Update documentation and examples for callbacks in automatic mode (#2134) (@odow)
- Create a version of method delete that deletes a vector of variables. (#2135) (@henriquebecker91)
- Change docs for variables constrained on creation (#2139) (@mlubin)
- Use UninstantiatedOptimizer of MOI (#2141) (@blegat)
- set_parameter -> set_optimizer_attribute (#2150) (@odow)
- Fix tests for Julia v1.4-rc1 (#2151) (@blegat)
- Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#2155) (@JuliaTagBot)
- Add docs for MOI.get (#2156) (@odow)
- Fill news for JuMP v0.21 (#2160) (@blegat)
- Improve warning messages for with_optimizer deprecation (#2161) (@blegat)
- final prep for v0.21 (#2164) (@mlubin)