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ErrorStalker is an extensible exception monitor for Ruby apps.

Getting Started

After installing the gem, you should require it:

require 'error_stalker'

Afterwards, reporting exceptions is simple:, exception, extra_data)

This will report an exception to ErrorStalker.

In Rails, you should be able to put this code in your ApplicationController to report all exceptions:

rescue_from Exception do |exception|, exception)
  raise exception

The ErrorStalker Server

ErrorStalker has decent defaults for running in development – when you call, it logs the exception to a logfile. If you’re inside a Rails app, it will log to log/exceptions.log, otherwise it will put the logfile in /tmp/exceptions.log.

This is probably not what you want in production, so ErrorStalker supports different backends, and comes stock with an ErrorStalker Sinatra server that can persist, aggregate, and show the exceptions your app is raising. Switching backends can be done like this:

require 'error_stalker/backend/server'
ErrorStalker::Client.backend = => "localhost", :port => 8080)

From that point on, all exceptions will be posted to the ErrorStalker server running on localhost:8080.

That server is a standard Sinatra app, but you still need to run it. You can do that by pointing your favorite rack-enabled server at a that looks like this:

require 'error_stalker/server'

ErrorStalker::Server.configuration = {
  ... # server config goes here

run ErrorStalker::Server

Data Stores

The server takes two main bits of configuration. The most important is the data store. Currently, the server supports an in-memory data store (which will go away when the server does) and a persistent mongodb store (using mongoid). You can configure these with a hash before you start the server:

ErrorStalker::Server.configuration = {
  'store' => {
    'class' => 'ErrorStalker::Store::Mongoid',
    'parameters' => '/path/to/mongoid.yml'

Each data store should call out the parameters it supports in its documentation.


The ErrorStalker server also supports a simple plugin architecture. Currently, it supports a simple lighthouse reporter and an automatic email sender. Documentation for these plugins is in the Rdoc for the specific classes. They are configured the same way as the data store:

ErrorStalker::Server.configuration = {
  'store' => {
    'class' => 'ErrorStalker::Store::Mongoid',
    'parameters' => '/path/to/mongoid.yml'
  'plugin' => [
      'class' => 'ErrorStalker::Plugin::EmailSender',
      'parameters' => {
        'to' => '',
        'from' => ''

Extending ExceptionStalker

Feel free to write your own backends, stores, or plugins as you need them. As long as you follow the documentation in the ::Base classes, your code should fit right in. Let me know what you come up with!


Regardless of what any other file may say about it, this code is licensed under the MIT license.