This is the capstone project for the Udacity C++ Nanodegree Program. It is a queue system which can be used to pass massages to other processes in a asynchronously fashion. It is inspired by systems like Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ.
The hole project consist in 3 programs. The queue system itself, producer and consumer program. The producer program will connect into the queue system to published messages. Those message will be consumed by the consumer program.
The queue system can handle multiples topic at the same time. A topic is a queue where producers can publish their message to the consumers. Each topic can receive message from multiples producer to multiples consumers consume them.
Overview of the classes and files used in the queue system
This files contain the code of the Server class. This class stores all the open connection as well as the topics and the methods to process messages and accept new connections. When a new connection is accepted, a new session object is create to handle the connection with the client.
The Session class has all the data and methods used to communicate to a client. It has the code to handle data send by the client as well as the method to write messages to the client.
Every time the client send a message to the queue system, a task is launched to process the message and wait before set the callback for new messages again. The task call the method Server::ProcessPendingMessage.
Every time the client wants to subscribe to a topic, a new thread is launched to continually follows the message published and send back to the client.
The Topic is a class used to send and get message published in a topic. All the
client subscribed in topics will has a thread constantly calling the method Receive
trying to get the message published in the topic. The method Server::ProcessPendingMessage
call the Send
method to publish message into the topic
It's a synchronization method under the hood of the Topic class. It guarantees that only on thread at a time can access a queue with the messages published in the topics
Client is the base class used by both client program (producer and consumer). It has all the methods necessary to handle the connection as well as method to send messages, subscribe to topics, create topic and so on.
Programs that make use of the Client class to simulate a program sending and receiving data from the queue system.
The Message is a class to ensure the clients program and the queue system will be able to serialize and deserialize the messages. The Message class and related files have the code necessary to define and extract info from message exchange between clients program and server.
This project requires boost asio, serialization libraries.
If you are in a Ubuntu box, you need to install a more recent Boost Asio version, the version 1.66.0. For that, there is a target in the Makefile used to install the right boost version. From the root of the project you can run:
make boost
Once you have the right boost version, you can build the project with the following commands:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make
The following example consider you are running all the app in a single machine.
Terminal 1:
cd build
# Run the queue system spesifiying the listen port as command line argument
./queue 8888
During the execution of the queue program, the used will be able to see in the console all the messages received and sent by the queue system.
Terminal 2:
cd build
# Run the producer program with the following arguments, queue system ip, port
# and the topic name where the message will be published
./producer localhost 8888 test messages
During the execution of the program, you will be able to see the ID of the messages send to the queue system. When all the messages are sent, the program wait for the user kill the program. You can do this step multiple time, if you want to
The producer read the messages from a file specified in the last command line argument. Each file of this file should container the message to be sent. You can generate this file using the message_generator which is build together with the project:
cd build
./message_genarator messages 1000
The program expects 2 arguments: the file path of the file where the messages will be written as well as the number of the message the file should contains.
Terminal 3:
cd build
# Run the consumer program with the following arguments, queue system ip, port
# and the topic name which the consumer is listen for messages
./consumer localhost 8888 test
During the execution of the program, you will be able to see the ID of the messages published in the topic specified in the command line. If the topic does not exist yet, the program will keep trying to subscribe to it. Once subscribed, the consumer will log in the console all the message sent by the queue system, including the message ID. The program will run until the user kill it.
You can do this step multiple time, if you want to
The project demonstrates an understanding of C++ functions and control structures: server.hpp, server.cpp, session.hpp, session.cpp, topic.hpp, topic.cpp, common/message.hpp, common/message.cpp, message_queue.hpp
The project reads data from a file and process the data, or the program writes data to a file. TODO
The project accepts user input and processes the input: client/producer.cpp line 25, client/consumer.cpp line 52, main.cpp
The project uses Object Oriented Programming techniques: server.hpp, server.cpp, session.hpp, session.cpp, topic.hpp, topic.cpp, common/message.hpp, common/message.cpp, message_queue.hpp
Classes use appropriate access specifiers for class members: server.hpp, server.cpp, session.hpp, session.cpp, topic.hpp, topic.cpp, common/message.hpp, common/message.cpp, message_queue.hpp
Class constructors utilize member initialization lists: sercer.cpp line 8, session.cpp line 10, common/message.cpp line 3
Classes abstract implementation details from their interfaces: server.hpp, server.cpp, session.hpp, session.cpp, topic.hpp, topic.cpp, common/message.hpp, common/message.cpp
Classes encapsulate behavior. server.hpp, server.cpp, session.hpp, session.cpp, topic.hpp, topic.cpp, common/message.hpp, common/message.cpp
Classes follow an appropriate inheritance hierarchy. common/message.hpp, common/message.cpp
Overloaded functions allow the same function to operate on different parameters. session.hpp, session.cpp
Derived class functions override virtual base class functions: TODO
Templates generalize functions in the project. message_queue.hpp
The project makes use of references in function declarations. server.cpp line 39
The project uses destructors appropriately: server.hpp, session.hpp, topic.hpp, common/message.hpp
The project uses scope / Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII) where appropriate. server.hpp, server.cpp, session.hpp, session.cpp, topic.hpp, topic.cpp, common/message.hpp, common/message.cpp
The project follows the Rule of 5. server.hpp, server.cpp, session.hpp, session.cpp, topic.hpp, topic.cpp, common/message.hpp, common/message.cpp
The project uses move semantics to move data, instead of copying it, where possible. topic.cpp line 21 and 26, server.cpp line 56, client/client.cpp line 13, 32, 40 and 45
The project uses smart pointers instead of raw pointers. server.cpp line 12, 18 and 27
The project uses multithreading: session.cpp line 30 and 51
A promise and future is used in the project: session.cpp line 51
A mutex or lock is used in the project: message_queue.hpp, server.cpp
A condition variable is used in the project: message_queue.hpp