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Reproducible Central: rebuild instructions for artifacts published to (Maven) Central Repository

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Reproducible Builds for Maven Central Repository

This project is the Java part of the Reproducible Builds effort:

Reproducible Builds an independently-verifiable path from source to binary code

Its objectives are to provide:

  1. Tools and methods allowing to verify that Java builds are reproducible
  2. A list of reproducible releases published to Maven Central
    rebuilding 5194 releases of 717 projects:
    • 3882 releases are confirmed fully reproducible (100% reproducible artifacts ✅),
    • 1312 releases are only partially reproducible (contain some unreproducible artifacts ⚠️)
    • on 717 projects, 621 have at least one fully reproducible release, 96 have none

Rebuild Detailed Results

Central Repository groupId artifactId(s) versions result: reproducible?
biz.aQute.bnd bnd-plugin-parent 9 9 ✅
ch.qos.logback logback-parent 52 37 ✅ / 15 ⚠️
ch.qos.reload4j reload4j 8 1 ✅ / 7 ⚠️
ch.qos.logback.access parent 5 5 ✅
ch.qos.logback.db logback-parent-db 1 1 ⚠️
ch.vorburger.mariaDB4j mariaDB4j 1 1 ✅
com.flowlogix flowlogix 20 15 ✅ / 5 ⚠️
com.adobe.acs acs-aem-commons 4 4 ⚠️
com.cognite.units units-catalog 12 7 ✅ / 5 ⚠️
com.corgibytes mrm 1 1 ✅
versions-maven-plugin 1 1 ✅
com.fasterxml oss-parent 16 16 ✅
com.fasterxml.uuid java-uuid-generator 4 1 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
com.fasterxml.woodstox woodstox-core 5 2 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
com.fasterxml.jackson.core jackson-annotations 27 11 ✅ / 16 ⚠️
jackson-core 27 15 ✅ / 12 ⚠️
jackson-databind 27 11 ✅ / 16 ⚠️
com.fasterxml.jackson jackson-bom 11 11 ✅
jackson-parent 6 6 ✅
com.fasterxml.jackson.jr jackson-jr-parent 26 6 ✅ / 20 ⚠️
com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat jackson-dataformat-xml 11 11 ✅
jackson-dataformats-binary 10 6 ✅ / 4 ⚠️
jackson-dataformats-text 11 11 ✅
com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype jackson-datatype-joda 11 11 ✅
jackson-datatypes-collections 11 11 ✅
jackson-datatypes-misc-parent 11 11 ✅
com.github.ldapchai ldapchai 8 1 ✅ / 7 ⚠️
com.github.psi-probe psi-probe 20 15 ✅ / 5 ⚠️
com.github.adangel.liquibase.ext liquibase-percona 1 1 ✅
com.github.hazendaz.7zip 7zip 6 6 ✅
com.github.hazendaz displaytag-doc 9 7 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
javabean-tester 14 12 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
com.github.hazendaz.maven coveralls-maven-plugin 5 5 ✅
directory-maven-plugin 5 5 ✅
htmlcompressor-maven-plugin 12 12 ✅
makeself-maven-plugin 8 8 ✅
smartsprites-maven-plugin 2 2 ✅
whitespace-maven-plugin 5 2 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
yuicompressor-maven-plugin 3 3 ✅
com.github.marschall jakarta-jms-adapter 7 4 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
jfr-servlet 2 2 ✅
com.github.nbbrd.spreadsheet4j spreadsheet-parent 2 2 ✅
com.github.package-url packageurl-java 5 5 ✅
com.github.philippheuer.credentialmanager credentialmanager 1 1 ✅
com.github.sitture env-config 4 3 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
com.github.spotbugs spotbugs-maven-plugin 26 26 ✅
com.github.veithen.alta alta-maven-plugin 2 2 ✅
com.github.veithen.checkt checkt 1 1 ✅
com.github.veithen.cosmos cosmos 2 1 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
com.github.veithen.daemon daemon 9 9 ✅
com.github.veithen jrel 1 1 ✅
parent 16 15 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
com.github.veithen.phos phos 1 1 ✅
com.github.veithen.maven eclipse-settings-maven-plugin 1 1 ✅
hermetic-maven-plugin 3 3 ✅
jacoco-report-maven-plugin 2 2 ✅
java-format-maven-plugin 1 1 ✅
p2-maven-connector 1 1 ✅
resolver-proxy-maven-plugin 4 4 ✅
wsimport-maven-plugin 1 1 ✅
xjc-maven-plugin 2 2 ✅ guava 5 5 ⚠️
com.homeofthewizard spring-bridge-maven-plugin 1 1 ✅
vault-maven-plugin 2 1 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
com.innoq junit5-logging-extension 2 1 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
com.intellectualsites.arkitektonika Arkitektonika-Client 1 1 ✅ bom-newest 7 7 ✅
com.intellectualsites.fastasyncvoxelsniper fastasyncvoxelsniper 3 3 ✅
com.intellectualsites.informative-annotations informative-annotations 1 1 ✅
com.intellectualsites.paster Paster 1 1 ✅
com.io7m *.abstand 4 4 ✅
*.anethum 6 6 ✅
*.blackthorne 13 9 ✅ / 4 ⚠️
*.calino 1 1 ✅
*.canonmill 8 8 ✅
*.cardant 1 1 ⚠️
*.cedarbridge 3 3 ⚠️
*.certusine 4 4 ⚠️
*.chione 1 1 ⚠️
*.claypot 2 2 ✅
*.cxbutton 4 4 ✅
*.digal 6 6 ✅
*.dixmont 4 4 ✅
*.ervilla 8 8 ✅
*.genevan 3 3 ✅
*.gtyrell 5 4 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
*.hibiscus 10 10 ✅
*.idstore 4 1 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
*.ieee754b16 2 2 ✅
*.immutables-style 1 1 ✅
*.jade 3 2 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
*.jaffirm 4 4 ✅
*.jattribute 3 3 ✅
*.jbssio 9 8 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
*.jcolorspace 4 4 ✅
*.jcoords 2 2 ✅
*.jdeferthrow 4 4 ✅
*.jdownload 2 2 ✅
*.jequality 2 2 ✅
*.jeucreader 2 2 ✅
*.jfsm 2 2 ✅
*.jintegers 2 2 ✅
*.jinterp 1 1 ✅
*.jlexing 1 1 ✅
*.jmulticlose 6 6 ✅
*.jmurmur 2 2 ✅
*.jmutnum 1 1 ✅
*.jnfp 1 1 ✅
*.jnoisetype 3 3 ✅
*.jobj 1 1 ✅
*.jodist 2 2 ✅
*.jorchard 3 3 ✅
*.jpita 1 1 ✅
*.jpplib 1 1 ✅
*.jproperties 4 4 ✅
*.jptbox 1 1 ✅
*.jpuddle 1 1 ✅
*.jqpage 4 4 ✅
*.jranges 2 2 ✅
*.jregions 3 3 ✅
*.jsamplebuffer 5 4 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
*.jserial 2 2 ✅
*.jsx 7 6 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
*.jtensors 1 1 ✅
*.junreachable 2 2 ✅
*.junsigned 2 2 ✅
*.jvindicator 3 3 ✅
*.jwheatsheaf 5 4 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
*.jxe 5 5 ✅
*.jxtrand 4 4 ✅
*.kabstand 3 3 ✅
*.lanark 4 4 ✅
*.looseleaf 7 7 ✅
*.medrina 7 7 ✅
*.mesquida 2 2 ✅
*.mime2045 4 4 ✅
*.percentpass 5 5 ✅
*.primogenitor 36 33 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
*.quarrel 11 11 ✅
*.quixote 6 5 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
*.repetoir 3 3 ✅
*.scando 1 1 ✅
*.seltzer 2 2 ✅
com.io7m.stmp string-template-maven-plugin 1 1 ✅
com.io7m *.streamtime 2 2 ✅
*.sunburst 2 2 ⚠️
*.tabla 3 3 ✅
*.taskrecorder 3 3 ✅
*.tavella 1 1 ✅
*.timehack6435126 2 2 ✅
*.trasco 14 14 ✅
*.verdant 3 3 ✅
*.verona 5 5 ✅
*.wendover 6 6 ✅
*.xoanon 7 7 ✅
*.xstructural 8 8 ✅
*.zelador 2 2 ✅
com.newmediaworks nmw-oss-parent 5 5 ✅
com.ongres.scram scram-aggregator 1 1 ✅
com.ongres.stringprep stringprep-aggregator 1 1 ✅
com.scalapenos stamina_2.11 2 2 ✅
com.semanticcms semanticcms-all 1 1 ✅
semanticcms-all-book 1 1 ✅
semanticcms-bom 1 1 ✅
semanticcms-bom-book 1 1 ✅
semanticcms-core-all 1 1 ✅
semanticcms-core-all-book 1 1 ✅
semanticcms-core-bom 1 1 ✅
semanticcms-core-bom-book 1 1 ✅
semanticcms-core-breadcrumblist-json-ld 1 1 ✅
semanticcms-core-breadcrumblist-json-ld-book 1 1 ✅
semanticcms-core-docs 1 1 ✅
semanticcms-core-docs-book 1 1 ✅
semanticcms-news-all 1 1 ✅
semanticcms-news-all-book 1 1 ✅
semanticcms-parent 3 3 ✅
semanticcms-parent-book 9 9 ✅
semanticcms-tag-reference 2 1 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
semanticcms-tag-reference-book 2 2 ✅
com.spotify.fmt fmt-maven-plugin 8 8 ✅
com.spotify github-client 40 39 ✅ / 1 ⚠️ arthas-all 14 14 ⚠️
com.vladsch.flexmark flexmark-java 4 4 ✅
de.jflex jflex-parent 1 1 ✅
de.gematik.pki gemLibPki 18 18 ✅
de.gematik.pki.gemlibpki gemLibPki 2 2 ⚠️
de.unentscheidbar migratedb 7 5 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
dev.langchain4j langchain4j 13 10 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
dev.cdevents cdevents-sdk-java 3 3 ⚠️
dev.notmyfault.serverlib ServerLib 1 1 ✅
dev.sigstore sigstore-maven-plugin 4 1 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
dk.mada.jaxrs openapi-jaxrs-bom 5 3 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
dk.mada.reproducible reproducible-gradle 1 1 ✅ mada-style-gradle 7 6 ✅ / 1 ⚠️ jdplus-benchmarking 1 1 ⚠️
jdplus-experimental 1 1 ✅
jdplus-incubator 1 1 ⚠️
jdplus-main 3 3 ⚠️
jdplus-nowcasting 1 1 ✅
eu.europa.ted.eforms eforms-core-java 9 6 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
eforms-sdk 36 31 ✅ / 5 ⚠️
efx-toolkit-java 4 4 ⚠️ bom-builder 3 3 ✅
eu.maveniverse.maven.mima mima 43 40 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
eu.maveniverse.maven.nisse nisse 8 8 ✅
eu.maveniverse.maven.toolbox toolbox 47 46 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
eu.maveniverse.maven.mase mase 3 3 ✅
fr.inria.gforge.spoon spoon-core 123 19 ✅ / 104 ⚠️
fr.marcwrobel jbanking 2 2 ✅
fr.vidal.oss atom-jaxb 3 1 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
io.jooby jooby 23 23 ⚠️
io.liftwizard liftwizard 63 62 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
io.quarkus quarkus-project 6 6 ⚠️
io.trino trino-root 19 14 ✅ / 5 ⚠️
io.airlift airbase 39 37 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
io.avaje avaje-inject-parent 1 1 ✅
io.cucumber ci-environment 2 2 ✅
cucumber-expressions 9 9 ✅
cucumber-jvm 19 19 ✅
gherkin 10 10 ✅
gherkin-utils 6 6 ✅
html-formatter 1 1 ⚠️
junit-xml-formatter 6 6 ✅
messages 12 12 ✅
tag-expressions 10 10 ✅
io.dropwizard dropwizard-project 83 78 ✅ / 5 ⚠️
io.dropwizard.metrics metrics-parent 63 25 ✅ / 38 ⚠️
io.dropwizard.metrics5 metrics-parent 19 8 ✅ / 11 ⚠️
io.dwpbank.movewp3 microservice-security-autoconfiguration 2 2 ⚠️
io.fabric8 docker-maven-plugin 23 20 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
kubernetes-client-project 12 12 ⚠️
io.github.git-commit-id git-commit-id-maven-plugin 6 2 ✅ / 4 ⚠️
io.github.albertus82 jface-utils 10 10 ✅
unexepack 3 3 ⚠️
io.github.chains-project maven-lockfile 6 6 ⚠️
io.github.derkrischan jpdftest 4 4 ✅
io.github.hboutemy sigstore-maven-plugin 1 1 ✅
io.github.sebastian-toepfer.ddd domain-driven-desgin 1 1 ✅
io.github.sebastian-toepfer.json-schema json-schema 5 5 ✅
io.github.sebastian-toepfer.json.rpc json-printable-maven-plugin 6 6 ✅
json-rpc 5 5 ✅
io.github.shanqiang-sq jstream 28 28 ✅
io.github.xanthic.cache cache-api 1 1 ✅
io.github.zlika reproducible-build-maven-plugin 2 2 ✅
io.jstach jstachio 13 13 ✅
io.jstach.pistachio pistachio-maven-parent 1 1 ✅ micronaut-maven-plugin 35 35 ✅
io.micronaut.maven micronaut-maven-plugin 32 32 ✅
io.opentelemetry.instrumentation opentelemetry-instrumentation-api 32 18 ✅ / 14 ⚠️
io.opentelemetry opentelemetry-sdk 9 6 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
io.repaint.maven tiles-maven-plugin 2 2 ✅
io.smallrye jandex 10 10 ⚠️
io.takari *.incrementalbuild 2 2 ⚠️
takari-archiver 4 4 ✅
io.takari.maven maven-timeline 4 2 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
takari-smart-builder 3 2 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
io.takari.maven.plugins takari-lifecycle-plugin 5 2 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
takari-plugin-testing 3 1 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
io.telicent.jena jena-kafka 3 3 ✅
rdf-abac 9 9 ✅ scg-base 17 17 ✅
io.wcm *.caconfig.editor.parent 10 10 ⚠️
*.parent_toplevel 18 18 ✅
*.handler.commons 1 1 ✅
* 6 6 ⚠️
* 9 5 ✅ / 4 ⚠️
*.handler.richtext 5 5 ⚠️
*.wcm.commons 6 2 ✅ / 4 ⚠️
*.wcm.parsys 4 3 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
*.wcm.ui.clientlibs 6 3 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
*.wcm.ui.granite 8 4 ✅ / 4 ⚠️
io.wcm.maven.plugins cq-maven-plugin 1 1 ✅
nodejs-maven-plugin 4 2 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
sling-initial-content-transform-maven-plugin 3 3 ✅
io.wcm.tooling.commons *.content-package-builder 6 4 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
*.crx-packmgr-helper 9 7 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
jakarta.persistence *-api 4 4 ✅
jakarta.servlet *-api 3 1 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
net.bytebuddy byte-buddy-parent 39 35 ✅ / 4 ⚠️
net.jsign jsign 3 3 ⚠️
net.bzzt reproducible-builds-jvm-stripper 1 1 ✅
net.nicoulaj.maven.plugins checksum-maven-plugin 1 1 ✅
net.osslabz crypto-commons 1 1 ⚠️
net.revelc.code impsort-maven-plugin 6 6 ✅
net.sf.michael-o michael-o-parent 2 2 ✅
net.sf.michael-o.tomcat tomcat-authnz-spnego-ad 6 6 ✅
net.sourceforge.pmd pmd 44 39 ✅ / 5 ⚠️
pmd-build-tools-config 10 10 ✅ energy-parent 2 2 ✅
nl.basjes.codeowners codeowners-parent 20 20 ✅
nl.basjes.maven.release conventional-commits-version-policy 7 7 ✅
nl.basjes.parse.httpdlog httpdlog-parser 3 3 ✅
nl.basjes.parse.useragent yauaa 19 15 ✅ / 4 ⚠️
nl.hsac hsac-fitnesse-fixtures 102 71 ✅ / 31 ⚠️
hsac-fitnesse-pdf 5 2 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
org.jdbi.internal jdbi3-root 6 6 ⚠️
org.jline jline 14 12 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
org.jreleaser jreleaser 11 5 ✅ / 6 ⚠️
org.phoebus parent 1 1 ⚠️
org.quickperf quick-perf 3 3 ✅
org.slf4j slf4j-parent 13 6 ✅ / 7 ⚠️
org.alluxio alluxio-parent 15 9 ✅ / 6 ⚠️
org.antlr antlr4-master 4 2 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
org.apache.accumulo accumulo 11 4 ✅ / 7 ⚠️
org.apache.activemq activemq-parent 24 9 ✅ / 15 ⚠️
org.apache.any23 apache-any23 1 1 ⚠️
org.apache apache 11 10 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
org.apache.avro avro-toplevel 5 3 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
org.apache.axis2 axis2 2 2 ⚠️
org.apache.batchee batchee 4 2 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
org.apache.drill drill-root 3 3 ⚠️
org.apache.dubbo dubbo 77 18 ✅ / 59 ⚠️
org.apache.helix helix 8 2 ✅ / 6 ⚠️
org.apache.hive hive 4 4 ⚠️
org.apache.isis isis-parent 1 1 ⚠️
org.apache jdo 2 2 ⚠️
org.apache.johnzon johnzon 2 1 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
org.apache.jspwiki jspwiki-builder 9 1 ✅ / 8 ⚠️
org.apache.mina mina-parent 8 2 ✅ / 6 ⚠️
org.apache.orc orc 20 13 ✅ / 7 ⚠️
org.apache.paimon paimon-parent 4 4 ⚠️
org.apache.pulsar pulsar 3 3 ⚠️
org.apache.rat apache-rat-project 4 4 ✅
org.apache.ratis ratis 5 1 ✅ / 4 ⚠️
org.apache.shiro shiro-root 13 3 ✅ / 10 ⚠️
org.apache.sis parent 1 1 ⚠️
org.apache.sshd sshd 9 9 ⚠️
org.apache.struts struts2-parent 24 6 ✅ / 18 ⚠️
org.apache.synapse Apache-Synapse 1 1 ⚠️
org.apache.syncope syncope 13 2 ✅ / 11 ⚠️
org.apache.systemds systemds 2 2 ⚠️
org.apache.tika tika 8 8 ⚠️
org.apache.wayang wayang 3 2 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
org.apache.wicket wicket-parent 2 2 ✅
org.apache.wss4j wss4j 8 7 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
org.apache.zookeeper parent 5 5 ⚠️
org.apache.activemq artemis-pom 14 3 ✅ / 11 ⚠️
org.apache.aries *.cdi 2 1 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
org.apache.aries.jax *.rs 1 1 ✅
org.apache.camel camel 7 7 ⚠️
org.apache.camel.k camel-k-runtime-project 6 6 ⚠️
org.apache.bcel bcel 6 6 ⚠️
commons-cli * 2 2 ⚠️
commons-daemon * 1 1 ⚠️
org.apache.commons commons-exec 1 1 ✅
commons-io * 3 3 ✅
org.apache.commons commons-jcs3 1 1 ⚠️
commons-jexl3 1 1 ✅
commons-release-plugin 1 1 ⚠️
commons-compress 9 5 ✅ / 4 ⚠️
commons-configuration2 1 1 ✅
commons-csv 3 2 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
commons-net * 4 1 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
org.apache.commons commons-numbers-parent 2 1 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
commons-parent 26 25 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
commons-rng-parent 2 1 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
commons-statistics-parent 2 1 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
commons-logging * 5 5 ✅ cxf-build-utils 1 1 ✅
org.apache.cxf.fediz fediz 3 3 ⚠️
org.apache.cxf.xjc-utils xjc-utils 5 4 ✅ / 1 ⚠️ api-parent 7 7 ✅ project 4 4 ✅ scimple 1 1 ⚠️
org.apache.felix *.feature 5 5 ✅
maven-bundle-plugin 7 7 ✅
*.healthcheck.core 2 2 ⚠️
felix-parent 3 3 ✅
*.http.parent 1 1 ✅
org.apache.flink flink-kubernetes-operator 1 1 ⚠️
org.apache.httpcomponents httpcomponents-parent 3 3 ✅
org.apache.jackrabbit.vault jackrabbit-filevault 14 6 ✅ / 8 ⚠️
org.apache.jackrabbit filevault-package-maven-plugin 9 9 ✅
jackrabbit-parent 16 5 ✅ / 11 ⚠️
oak-parent 6 6 ⚠️
org.apache.jena jena 9 9 ⚠️
org.apache.karaf decanter 2 2 ⚠️
karaf 8 8 ⚠️
org.apache.karaf.minho minho 1 1 ✅
org.apache.logging logging-parent 17 16 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
org.apache.logging.log4j log4j 11 8 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
log4j-jmx-gui 1 1 ✅
log4j-tools-bom 9 9 ✅
log4j-transform-bom 2 2 ✅
org.apache.maven.archetype maven-archetype 4 4 ✅
org.apache.maven.archetypes maven-archetype-bundles 1 1 ✅
org.apache.maven.enforcer enforcer 7 7 ✅
org.apache.maven.indexer maven-indexer 15 13 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
org.apache.maven.jxr jxr 8 8 ✅
org.apache.maven maven 32 28 ✅ / 4 ⚠️
maven-parent 10 7 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
org.apache.maven.scm maven-scm 10 9 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
org.apache.maven.surefire surefire 18 14 ✅ / 4 ⚠️
org.apache.maven.doxia doxia 17 16 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
doxia-converter 1 1 ✅
doxia-sitetools 19 19 ✅
org.apache.maven.extensions maven-build-cache-extension 4 4 ✅
org.apache.maven.plugin-testing maven-plugin-testing 3 3 ✅
org.apache.maven.plugin-tools maven-plugin-tools 18 18 ✅
org.apache.maven.plugins maven-antrun-plugin 2 2 ✅
maven-artifact-plugin 10 10 ✅
maven-assembly-plugin 8 8 ✅
maven-checkstyle-plugin 10 10 ✅
maven-clean-plugin 5 5 ✅
maven-compiler-plugin 8 8 ✅
maven-dependency-plugin 11 11 ✅
maven-deploy-plugin 7 7 ✅
maven-docck-plugin 1 1 ✅
maven-ear-plugin 3 3 ✅
maven-ejb-plugin 2 2 ✅
maven-gpg-plugin 10 8 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
maven-help-plugin 5 5 ✅
maven-install-plugin 7 7 ✅
maven-invoker-plugin 10 10 ✅
maven-jar-plugin 7 7 ✅
maven-jarsigner-plugin 1 1 ✅
maven-javadoc-plugin 15 11 ✅ / 4 ⚠️
maven-jlink-plugin 3 3 ✅
maven-pdf-plugin 3 3 ✅
maven-pmd-plugin 14 14 ✅
maven-project-info-reports-plugin 18 17 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
maven-rar-plugin 1 1 ✅
maven-release-plugin 8 8 ✅
maven-remote-resources-plugin 3 2 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
maven-resources-plugin 4 3 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
maven-scm-publish-plugin 3 3 ✅
maven-scripting-plugin 1 1 ✅
maven-shade-plugin 11 11 ✅
maven-site-plugin 24 22 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
maven-source-plugin 4 3 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
maven-toolchains-plugin 2 2 ✅
maven-war-plugin 4 4 ✅
maven-wrapper-plugin 8 7 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
org.apache.maven.reporting maven-reporting-api 15 15 ✅
maven-reporting-exec 17 17 ✅
maven-reporting-impl 18 18 ✅
org.apache.maven.resolver maven-resolver 45 43 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
maven-resolver-ant-tasks 6 6 ✅
org.apache.maven maven-archiver 7 7 ✅
org.apache.maven.shared file-management 1 1 ✅
maven-artifact-transfer 1 1 ⚠️
maven-common-artifact-filters 6 6 ✅
maven-dependency-analyzer 10 10 ✅
maven-dependency-tree 5 5 ✅
maven-filtering 6 5 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
maven-invoker 3 3 ✅
maven-jarsigner 1 1 ✅
maven-script-interpreter 4 4 ✅
maven-shared-jar 2 2 ✅
maven-shared-resources 4 4 ✅
maven-shared-utils 3 2 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
maven-verifier 4 4 ✅
org.apache.maven.skins maven-fluido-skin 15 12 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
org.apache.maven.wagon wagon 8 8 ✅
org.apache.ftpserver ftpserver-parent 3 3 ⚠️
org.apache.nifi nifi 11 11 ⚠️
nifi-nar-maven-plugin 7 7 ✅
org.apache.paimon paimon-shade 1 1 ⚠️
org.apache.plc4x plc4x-parent 3 3 ⚠️
org.apache.plc4x.plugins plc4x-code-generation 2 2 ✅
plc4x-code-generaton 1 1 ✅
plc4x-site-skin 1 1 ✅
org.apache.qpid qpid-jms-parent 15 14 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
proton-j-parent 2 2 ✅
protonj2-parent 14 13 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
org.apache.royale.compiler compiler 2 2 ⚠️
org.apache.santuario xmlsec 9 2 ✅ / 7 ⚠️
org.apache.servicemix.tooling depends-maven-plugin 1 1 ✅ feature-launcher-maven-plugin 2 2 ✅
htl-maven-plugin 1 1 ✅
jspc-maven-plugin 2 2 ✅
maven-enforcer-rules 3 3 ✅
*.adapter 1 1 ✅
*.api 10 10 ✅
*.auth.core 5 5 ✅
*.bundleresource.impl 1 1 ✅
*.caconfig.api 1 1 ✅
*.caconfig.impl 1 1 ✅
*.caconfig.spi 1 1 ✅
*.cms 3 3 ⚠️
*.commons.content.analyzing 1 1 ✅
*.commons.content.processing 1 1 ✅
*.commons.crypto 1 1 ⚠️
*.commons.johnzon 7 5 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
*.commons.log 4 1 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
*.commons.messaging 1 1 ✅
*.commons.messaging.mail 1 1 ⚠️
*.commons.metrics 3 3 ⚠️
*.distribution.journal 5 5 ✅
*.distribution.journal.kafka 1 1 ✅
*.distribution.journal.messages 4 4 ✅
*.engine 19 19 ✅
*.event 10 1 ✅ / 9 ⚠️
*.event.api 1 1 ✅
*.feature 3 2 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
*.feature.analyser 15 7 ✅ / 8 ⚠️
*.feature.cpconverter 12 12 ⚠️
*.feature.diff 1 1 ✅
*.feature.extension.apiregions 9 9 ✅
*.feature.extension.unpack 2 2 ⚠️
*.feature.launcher 5 2 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
*.fsresource 1 1 ✅
* 2 2 ⚠️
*.i18n 4 1 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
*.installer.console 3 2 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
*.installer.core 5 1 ✅ / 4 ⚠️
*.installer.factory.configuration 7 3 ✅ / 4 ⚠️
*.installer.factory.packages 2 2 ⚠️
*.installer.hc 1 1 ✅
*.installer.provider.file 3 2 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
*.installer.provider.jcr 2 1 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
*.javax.activation 2 1 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
*.jcr.contentloader 4 4 ⚠️
*.jcr.jackrabbit.accessmanager 4 2 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
*.jcr.jackrabbit.usermanager 9 2 ✅ / 7 ⚠️
*.jcr.maintenance 2 2 ✅
*.jcr.oak.server 3 2 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
*.jcr.packageinit 1 1 ✅
*.jcr.resource 6 6 ✅
*.jcr.resourcesecurity 1 1 ✅
*.launchpad.test-services 1 1 ✅
*.models.api 5 5 ✅
*.models.caconfig 2 2 ✅
*.models.impl 8 5 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
*.models.jacksonexporter 3 3 ✅
*.models.validation-impl 2 2 ✅
*.pipes 5 5 ⚠️
*.providertype.bnd-plugin 1 1 ✅
*.query 1 1 ✅
*.repoinit.parser 7 6 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
*.resource.observation.annotations 1 1 ✅
*.resourceaccesssecurity 1 1 ✅
*.resourcemerger 3 3 ✅
*.resourceresolver 12 12 ✅
*.rewriter 8 8 ⚠️
*.scripting.core 5 5 ⚠️
*.scripting.sightly 7 7 ✅
*.scripting.sightly.repl 1 1 ✅
*.scripting.sightly.testing 3 3 ⚠️
*.scripting.sightly.testing-content 3 3 ✅
*.scripting.spi 1 1 ✅
*.security 3 3 ✅
*.servlets.annotations 1 1 ✅
* 3 1 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
*.servlets.resolver 14 14 ⚠️
*.settings 1 1 ✅
*.sitemap 2 2 ✅
*.starter 1 1 ⚠️
*.starter.content 3 3 ✅
*.tenant 2 2 ✅
*.testing.caconfig-mock-plugin 7 7 ✅
*.testing.clients 10 10 ✅
*.testing.jcr-mock 9 9 ✅
*.testing.osgi-mock 9 9 ✅
*.testing.resourceresolver-mock 11 9 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
* 14 14 ✅
* 8 8 ✅
* 1 1 ✅
* 1 1 ✅
*.xss 8 6 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
scriptingbundle-maven-plugin 3 3 ⚠️
slingfeature-maven-plugin 15 11 ✅ / 4 ⚠️
org.apache.tomee jakartaee-api 6 4 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
org.apache.turbine turbine-webapp-6.0 1 1 ⚠️ axiom 1 1 ⚠️ xmlschema 1 1 ✅
org.chabala.brick brick-control-lab 1 1 ✅
org.codehaus.modello modello 7 6 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
org.codehaus.mojo animal-sniffer-parent 5 5 ✅
aspectj-maven-plugin 2 2 ✅
build-helper-maven-plugin 3 3 ✅
buildnumber-maven-plugin 3 3 ✅
buildplan-maven-plugin 4 4 ✅
cassandra-maven-plugin 3 3 ✅
exec-maven-plugin 7 7 ✅
extra-enforcer-rules 9 9 ✅
flatten-maven-plugin 6 3 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
jaxb2-maven-plugin 2 1 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
l10n-maven-plugin 2 2 ✅
license-maven-plugin 5 4 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
mojo-parent 27 27 ✅
mrm 4 4 ✅
native-maven-plugin 1 1 ✅
properties-maven-plugin 3 3 ✅
taglist-maven-plugin 4 4 ✅
tidy-maven-plugin 2 2 ✅
versions-maven-plugin 15 15 ✅
wagon-maven-plugin 2 1 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
xml-maven-plugin 1 1 ⚠️
org.codehaus.plexus plexus-archiver 20 19 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
plexus-cipher 3 3 ✅
plexus-classworlds 2 2 ✅
plexus-cli 1 1 ✅
plexus-compiler 14 12 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
plexus-components 9 7 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
plexus-digest 1 1 ✅
plexus-interactivity 3 3 ✅
plexus-interpolation 1 1 ✅
plexus-io 7 7 ✅
plexus-languages 8 3 ✅ / 5 ⚠️
plexus 18 16 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
plexus-resources 1 1 ✅
plexus-sec-dispatcher 2 2 ✅
plexus-testing 4 4 ✅
plexus-utils 8 5 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
plexus-velocity 4 4 ✅
plexus-xml 7 7 ✅
org.complate complate-core 3 3 ✅
complate-spring-mvc 2 2 ✅
org.cyclonedx cyclonedx-core-java 39 39 ✅
cyclonedx-maven-plugin 27 27 ✅
org.eclipse.jkube jkube 24 24 ✅
org.eclipse.transformer *.parent 4 3 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
org.eclipse.daanse *.pom.parent 1 1 ✅
org.eclipse.jetty jetty-project 14 8 ✅ / 6 ⚠️
org.finos.legend.engine legend-engine 10 10 ⚠️
org.fusesource.jansi jansi 9 5 ✅ / 4 ⚠️
org.glassfish.hk2 hk2-parent 8 5 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
org.glassfish.main glassfish-parent 17 17 ⚠️ glassfishbuild-maven-plugin 2 2 ✅ hibernate-search-bom 5 3 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
org.hibernate.validator hibernate-validator 2 2 ✅
org.infinispan.protostream parent 2 2 ⚠️
org.itsallcode junit5-system-extensions 1 1 ✅
org.itsallcode.openfasttrace openfasttrace 2 2 ⚠️
org.itsallcode openfasttrace-maven-plugin 1 1 ✅
org.jpmml jpmml-evaluator 2 2 ✅
jpmml-h2o 3 1 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
jpmml-lightgbm 1 1 ✅
jpmml-model 2 2 ⚠️
jpmml-python 4 3 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
jpmml-r 5 5 ✅
jpmml-sklearn 9 8 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
jpmml-statsmodels 3 3 ⚠️
jpmml-transpiler 3 3 ✅
jpmml-xgboost 4 1 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
org.jrivard.xmlchai xmlchai 2 2 ⚠️
org.junit junit-bom 23 6 ✅ / 17 ⚠️
org.kocakosm jblake2 2 2 ✅
org.kordamp.jarviz jarviz-core 1 1 ⚠️
org.kordamp.maven pomchecker 4 4 ✅
org.liquibase.ext liquibase-percona 40 39 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
org.mockito mockito-core 30 27 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
org.moditect.layrry layrry-aggregator 1 1 ✅
org.moditect moditect 5 5 ✅
org.mybatis base-bundle-descriptor 3 3 ✅
mybatis-cdi 7 6 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
org.mybatis.dynamic-sql mybatis-dynamic-sql 5 2 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
org.mybatis.generator mybatis-generator 1 1 ⚠️
org.mybatis mybatis-guice 3 3 ✅
mybatis-migrations 1 1 ✅
mybatis 6 2 ✅ / 4 ⚠️
mybatis-2-spring 2 1 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
mybatis-spring 8 3 ✅ / 5 ⚠️
mybatis-typehandlers-threeten-extra 1 1 ✅
mybatis2 2 2 ✅
mybatis-parent 12 12 ✅
org.mybatis.scala mybatis-scala-parent_2.13 1 1 ✅
org.mybatis.caches mybatis-caffeine 3 3 ✅
mybatis-ehcache 2 2 ✅
mybatis-hazelcast 4 4 ✅
mybatis-ignite 1 1 ✅
mybatis-memcached 1 1 ✅
org.mybatis.maven migrations-maven-plugin 1 1 ✅
org.mybatis.scripting mybatis-freemarker 2 2 ✅
mybatis-thymeleaf 2 2 ✅
mybatis-velocity 3 3 ✅
org.mybatis.spring.boot mybatis-spring-boot 3 3 ⚠️
mybatis-spring-boot 1 1 ✅
org.nlpub watset 14 11 ✅ / 3 ⚠️
org.openapitools.openapidiff openapi-diff-parent 12 12 ✅
org.osgi *.test.parent 7 6 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
org.owasp.antisamy antisamy 17 16 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
org.owasp dependency-check-parent 56 37 ✅ / 19 ⚠️
org.sentrysoftware http 2 2 ✅
ipmi 3 3 ✅
jawk 10 9 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
jflat 2 2 ✅
printf4j 3 3 ✅
snmp 2 2 ✅
ssh 3 3 ✅
tablejoin 2 2 ✅
vcenter 2 2 ✅
wbem 2 2 ✅
winrm 2 2 ✅
wmi 3 3 ✅
xflat 2 2 ✅
org.sentrysoftware.maven maven-skin-tools 4 4 ✅
sentry-maven-skin 9 9 ✅
org.simplify4u pgp-keys-map 21 21 ✅
slf4j-mock 4 4 ✅
org.simplify4u.plugins pgpverify-maven-plugin 11 11 ✅
sign-maven-plugin 8 6 ✅ / 2 ⚠️ nexus-format-archetype 8 8 ✅
org.spdx java-spdx-library 6 6 ✅
spdx-maven-plugin 6 4 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
org.tomitribe.transformer org.eclipse.transformer.parent 2 2 ✅
org.webjars angularjs 1 1 ✅
bootstrap 8 8 ✅
flexmonster 69 65 ✅ / 4 ⚠️
font-awesome 7 7 ✅
highcharts 3 3 ✅
jszip 1 1 ✅
openlayers 1 1 ✅
redoc 3 3 ✅
swagger-ui 44 42 ✅ / 2 ⚠️
uswds 1 1 ✅
webjars-locator 7 7 ✅
webjars-locator-core 8 8 ✅
webjars-locator-lite 8 8 ✅ auto-record 3 2 ✅ / 1 ⚠️ auto-record 6 2 ✅ / 4 ⚠️
tech.picnic.error-prone-support error-prone-support 19 18 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
tel.schich javacan 2 2 ⚠️ okapibarcode 4 4 ✅
us.abstracta.jmeter jmeter-java-dsl-parent 41 40 ✅ / 1 ⚠️
world.convex convex 18 1 ✅ / 17 ⚠️
Count: 717 5194 38821312 ⚠️

Nightly Results Update: CircleCI

Tool x JDK statistics

Number of rebuild recipes (.buildspec) per build tool (as configured) and JDK target release:

     30 gradle     11
     81 gradle     17
     31 gradle     21
     33 mvn         7
   1371 mvn         8
      1 mvn         9
   1286 mvn        11
      2 mvn        11.0.19
      1 mvn        11.0.21
      1 mvn        11.0.6
      1 mvn        13
      5 mvn        14
     10 mvn        15
     12 mvn        16
    437 mvn        17
      1 mvn        17.0.10
      2 mvn        17.0.11
      1 mvn        17.0.12
      2 mvn        17.0.7
      2 mvn        17.0.8
      1 mvn
      1 mvn        17.0.9
     15 mvn        18
     33 mvn        19
     16 mvn        20
    223 mvn        21
     12 mvn        22
      1 mvn        23
      2 mvn-3.5.4   8
      5 mvn-3.6.2   8
      1 mvn-3.8.3  11
      1 mvn-3.8.5   8
     13 mvn-3.8.5  11
     28 mvn-3.8.5  17
      1 mvn-3.8.5  17.0.3
      1 mvn-3.8.5  21
     45 mvn-3.8.6   8
      3 mvn-3.8.6  11
     37 mvn-3.8.6  17
      2 mvn-3.8.6  18
      3 mvn-3.8.6  18
      6 mvn-3.8.6  19
      2 mvn-3.8.6  19
      4 mvn-3.8.6  20
      1 mvn-3.8.6  20
      6 mvn-3.8.6  21
      2 mvn-3.8.6  22
     17 mvn-3.8.7  17
      6 mvn-3.8.7  21
      1 mvn-3.9.0   8
      4 mvn-3.9.0  11
     12 mvn-3.9.0  17
      2 mvn-3.9.0  22
     13 mvn-3.9.1   8
      2 mvn-3.9.1  11
     52 mvn-3.9.1  17
      1 mvn-3.9.1  19
      7 mvn-3.9.1  20
     55 mvn-3.9.1  21
     27 mvn-3.9.2   8
     19 mvn-3.9.2  17
      4 mvn-3.9.2  21
    143 mvn-3.9.3   8
     74 mvn-3.9.3  11
      1 mvn-3.9.3  11.0.18
      3 mvn-3.9.3  11.0.2
      4 mvn-3.9.3  11.0.5
      5 mvn-3.9.3  11.0.6
      7 mvn-3.9.3  14
     12 mvn-3.9.3  14.0.2
      1 mvn-3.9.3  15.0.2
     89 mvn-3.9.3  17
      6 mvn-3.9.3  17.0.1
      4 mvn-3.9.3  17.0.2
     51 mvn-3.9.3  17.0.3
      3 mvn-3.9.3  17.0.4
     18 mvn-3.9.3
     13 mvn-3.9.3  17.0.5
     20 mvn-3.9.3  17.0.6
     59 mvn-3.9.3  17.0.7
      9 mvn-3.9.3  17.0.8
      1 mvn-3.9.3
      1 mvn-3.9.3  17.0.9
      7 mvn-3.9.3  19
    143 mvn-3.9.3  21
      1 mvn-3.9.3  21.ea
      8 mvn-3.9.3  22
      7 mvn-3.9.4   8
      8 mvn-3.9.4  11
      2 mvn-3.9.4  17
      2 mvn-3.9.4  17.0.7
      2 mvn-3.9.4  20
      4 mvn-3.9.4  21
      1 mvn-3.9.4  22
      3 mvn-3.9.5  11
     24 mvn-3.9.5  17
      2 mvn-3.9.5  17.0.7
      1 mvn-3.9.5  17.0.9
     39 mvn-3.9.5  21
     10 mvn-3.9.5  22
     43 mvn-3.9.6   8
      7 mvn-3.9.6  11
     43 mvn-3.9.6  17
      2 mvn-3.9.6  17.0.7
     61 mvn-3.9.6  21
     20 mvn-3.9.6  22
      1 mvn-3.9.7  11
      4 mvn-3.9.7  17
      1 mvn-3.9.7  21
      2 mvn-3.9.7  22
      3 mvn-3.9.8   8
      5 mvn-3.9.8  11
      5 mvn-3.9.8  16
     67 mvn-3.9.8  17
      1 mvn-3.9.8  17.0.12
     40 mvn-3.9.8  21
     44 mvn-3.9.8  22
      5 mvn-3.9.8  23
      3 mvn-3.9.9  11
      2 mvn-3.9.9  17
     15 mvn-3.9.9  21
      4 mvn-3.9.9  22
      2 mvn-4.0.0-alpha-12  21
      2 mvn-4.0.0-alpha-12  22
      1 mvn-4.0.0-alpha-13  21
      1 mvn-4.0.0-alpha-7  17
      1 mvn-4.0.0-alpha-8  21
      1 mvn-4.0.0-beta-3  17
     13 mvn-4.0.0-beta-3  21
      1 mvn-4.0.0-beta-3  22
      1 mvn-4.0.0-beta-4  17
      2 mvn-4.0.0-beta-4  21
      2 mvn-4.0.0-beta-4  22
      2 mvn-4.0.0-beta-4  23
      2 sbt         8


Reproducible Central: rebuild instructions for artifacts published to (Maven) Central Repository


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