Just a simple example of using ActiveRecord migrations without Rails
tasks you can do:
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rake db:drop
- Note that even with Rails 5, you'll need to
rake db:migrate
rather thanrails db:migrate
- When you create a migration, it should inherit from
The Rakefile expects you to have your migrations in db/migrat4
, but if you want in a different location, edit it:
#... snip
You can run the thing to show that it'll connect
ruby ar-no-rails
Count of Pages: 0
Lastly, you can IRB it to do stuff:
$ irb
>> require "./ar-no-rails"
=> true
>> Page.new
=> #<Page id: nil, content: nil, published: false>
>> Page.create content: "the-content"
=> #<Page id: 1, content: "the-content", published: false>
None. Really.