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Version 0.8

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@jwstegemann jwstegemann released this 03 Dec 18:27
· 5 commits to release/0.8 since this release

breaking changes

This release contains changes that break code written with earlier versions. Hopefully these are the last major api-changes prior to fritz2 1.0:

Setting attributes per function

In fritz2 0.8 we decided to use functions to set attribute values instead of vars with delegation.
That way you do not have to wrap constant values in a Flow anymore. This yields better performance and the const()-function could be removed. For convenience reasons we also added a new function asString for Flows to
convert a Flow to a Flow<String> by calling the toString() method internally.

input {
    type("text") // native
    value( // flow
    name( // is not a Flow of String

RenderContext replaces HtmlElements

We renamed the HtmlElements interface to RenderContext, because we think this name better fits the Kotlin DSL approach.
The idea behind it is that every render function creates a new RenderContext in which
new Tags can be created. This also means that you must replace the receiver type in your custom component-functions accordingly:

val errorStore = storeOf("some text")

// own component
fun RenderContext.errorText(text: String): P {
    return p("error") {
} { //this: RenderContext

Adding Text and Comments

We clarified the creation of TextNodes in Tags. Now you use unary +-operator for constant Strings
to append text at this position to your Tag. If you have a Flow, call asText() instead.
To create a CommentNode, you can use the !-operator and asComment() analogous. This intentionally follows a different approach in contrast to the attribute functions so it can be distinguished more easily.

p {
    +"Hello "

    !"this is a comment"

Evolution of render() and renderEach()

Using former fritz2-versions you mapped a Flow of data to a Flow of Tags and created a MountPoint explicitly by calling bind() at some place in your rendering. This was error prone. Since nobody would do anything with a Flow<Tag> other than binding it, all render functions now implicitly create the mount point and therefore no bind() is necessary anymore. It has been removed completely.

val myStore = storeOf(listOf("a","b","c"))

render {
    ul { {
    		li { +it }
    	} // no .bind() here anymore

For performance reasons the render-functions prior to version 0.8 did not allow more than one root-element. In version 0.8 the standard render allows you to add as many root elements to your context as you want or even none:

val myStore = storeOf(42)

// renders multiple root-elements {
	repeat(it) {
		div { +"one more" }

// does only render something if value is large enough {
	if (it > 100) {
		div { +"number" }

If you you do not need this feature (because you know you will always have exactly one root-element) use renderElement() instead to get (slightly) improved performance.

render() and renderElement() now reserve their place in the DOM until the content is rendered by using a temporary placeholder. Since this costs some performance you can disable it when you are sure that there are no sibling-elements on the same level in your DOM-tree by setting renderElement(preserveOrder = false). Use this when you have to render lots of elements (in huge lists, tables, etc.).

Instead of someListFlow.each().render {...}.bind() you now simply write someListFlow.renderEach {...}. This is analog for all flavors of renderEach on Stores and Flows with and without an idProvider.
Please note that renderEach() still allows only one root-element (like renderElement)!

Tracker offers Flow<Boolean>

Tracker now implements Flow<Boolean> instead of Flow<String?>so it adopts better to most use-cases. Find an example here.

new features


  • update all dependencies to latest version PR#166
  • extend Router functionality PR#197
  • upgraded Dokka-version and moved to html for api-docs PR#194
  • annotation processor visibility option PR#178
  • use local test server PR#165

fixed bugs

  • fix memory leaks and performance issues PR#180 PR#185
  • no trailing slash in remote PR#167
  • fix boolean attribute delegates PR#172