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Releases: jylauril/jquery-runner

Small improvements release

06 Aug 18:24
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  • Made the non-vendor specific requestAnimationFrame the primary one to suppress deprecation error messages.

Bug fix release

28 May 21:16
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  • Another jQuery noConflict related fix. Hopefully the last.

Bug fix release

25 May 00:06
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  • Fixed a bug when running jQuery in noConflict mode.

v2.3.0 - Improvements and fixes

13 Jul 22:43
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  • Runner now utilizes requestAnimationFrame if applicable and falls back to setTimeout
  • Fixed a small bug with dependency checks
  • Removed ability to tweak the runner interval due to requestAnimationFrame change

v2.2.0 - Feature improvements and fixes

10 Jul 15:59
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  • Fixed a couple of small underlying bugs
  • The first lap-time value now takes under consideration if the startAt time was something else than 0
  • Lap-time now returns negative value if we are counting down

v2.1.3 - Yet another bug fix release

10 Jul 15:58
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  • I make a lot of bugs apparently
  • Runner lap wasn't returning the correct lap time, it's fixed now, I swear!

v2.1.2 - Bug fix release

10 Jul 15:58
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  • Fixed another woopsie.

v2.1.1 - Bug fix release

10 Jul 15:57
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  • Fixed a couple of woopsies.

v2.1.0 - Changes to the API and bug fixes

10 Jul 15:56
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  • The custom format function no longer gets the inbuilt formatter as a second parameter. You can access the runner's inbuilt formatter through $().runner.format.
  • The custom format function now gets the settings object as second parameter, which has the milliseconds -property that was given as 3rd parameter in the old version.
  • Added a way to stop the runner when calling reset method with a boolean true parameter.
  • Runner now fires a runnerFinish event after it reaches the stopAt value.
  • We now also fire a runnerReset event after the reset method is called.
  • Streamlined the other events to be more consistent.
    • runnerStarted is now runnerStart.
    • runnerStopped is now runnerStop.