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k3b edited this page Apr 24, 2021 · 38 revisions

The Gallery-View of the android app "A Photo Manager" shows several miniatur images of the current photos. From here you can view an image or enter Multiselction mode to process one or more images (copy, delete, send, set-Geo, ...)

The Gallery-View show photos in a scrollable view:

You can reach the Gallery-View via

Note: Gallery-View is started with the last used filter-settings if it was started without intent-extra-de.k3b.extra.FILTER parameter and without de.k3b.extra.SQL string string.

Note: While Extended App Pinning is active potentially harmfull operations (copy/move/delete/edit/change Basefilter/...) are not available

The Gallery-View has these elements:

  • pressing the symbol opens the searchbar.
  • via the current Folder symbol (or menu item "Folder Filter") you can open a Folder-Picker to pick the current Folder.
  • via the current Geo Area symbol (or menu item "Map Area Filter") you can open a Geographic-Map to pick the current Geo Area.
  • via the current Date range symbol (or menu item "Date Filter") you can open a Date-Picker to pick the current Date range.
  • via the current Tags symbol (or menu item "Tag Filter") you can open a Tag picker to pick included/excluded tags.
  • via the menu item "Filter" you can open the Filter-View to define the Base-Search-Fiter.
  • via the menu item "Sort xxx" you see the current sort order.
    • Example "Sort: Name ^" means "sort by name ascending". "^" means ascending; "v" means descending.
    • If you click on the "Sort xxx" menuitem you get a submenu with the different sort criteria.
    • If you select the same sort criteria again you toggle between ascending and descending.
      • Example: if current sort is "Sort: Name ^" and you select "Name" again the sort will become "Sort: Name v".
    • Note: Sort by Date is the date when the photo was taken. This date should never change.
    • Note: Sort by Last Modified: This Date changes every time you modify the image (i.e. if you modify exif).
  • the Menu Load Virtual Album/Bookmark from opens a file chooser to load a previously saved filter or bookmark file.
  • the Menu Mediadatabase.../Mediafile scanner is used to scan the filesystem for new or modified photo properties (exif).
    • You have to choose a directory where the scan should start.
    • Checkbox Full Scan if checked:
      • all photos in current selected path are (re-)scanned
    • Checkbox Rescan Required:
      • Every photo-entry in database that match current selected path is scanned if it was never scanned before by A Photo Manager's internal scanner.
    • Checkbox Scan for deleted if checked:
      • Every photo-entry in database that match current selected path is checked if it exists. If not the photo-entry in database is deleted
  • (Android-10 and later only: )
    • the Menu Mediadatabase.../(Re)Load Mediadatabase deletes the local mediadatabase and reloads it from android-system-media-database.
    • Menu Mediadatabase.../Update Mediadatabase : fast transfer new android-system-media-database photos to local mediadatabase and trigger slow incremental scan new photos for missing geo- and tag infos.
    • Menu Mediadatabase.../Backup lat/lon/tags... in MediaDB : Save the photo properties that are not supported by AO10+ any more to a seperate Database Table. If something wents wrong the local Mediadatabase can be recreated from it.
  • the Menu Settings opens the Settings View.
  • the Menu More ... show more menu options because some menuoptions do not fit into current menu.
    • "Selection: Add all visible": add items to selection
    • the Menu Details show infos about the current gallery selection.
    • the Menu App protected/pinned) will disable potentially harmfull operations (copy/move/delete/edit/change Basefilter/...)* the Menu About opens the where you can

###Example Usecase

  • The device contains 15000 photos.
  • You search is "photos taken in 2007" (that photo date is between 2007-01-01 and 2008-01-01").
  • If you open the Current folder picker you will see only those folders that contain images taken in 2007.
    • The resultset contains 79 folders with 1166 photos.
  • If you open the Current geo area picker the map will show markers of photos taken in 2007.
    • The resultset contains 584 photos that contain geo-data.
  • If you pick the current Folder "Job" the gallery will show only photos from folder "Job" or subfolders of "Job" from 2007.
    • Photos from other years are not visible - they are filtered out.
  • If you long-tap on a photo the app enters multi selection mode: with different menu items and symbols in the actionbar:
  • Taping on any photo toggles selection of that photo. A Selected photo contains a [X] symbol.
  • Long-tap on a photo it will open it in the Image-View.
  • If you open the Geographic-Map in multi selection mode selected photos will be shown as blue markers.
  • Additional symbols in the Actionbar (or overflow menu):
    • taping on the cancel symbol exits the multi selection mode.
    • taping on the selected only symbol will show only the seleceted photos. The symbol changes to
    • taping on the selected only symbol again will show all photots. The symbol changes to .
    • taping on the Selection: add all visible will select all Current Visible Photos.
    • taping on the Selection: remove all visible will unselect all Current Visible Photos.
    • taping on the delete symbol or the "Delete" menu will delete the selected photo(s).
    • the move/copy menu will move/copy the selected photo(s) to a different folder.
      • Move is blocked while Media Scanner is active to avoid conflicts/inconsistent data.
      • Pressing the "..." button or long pressing a folder in the foder picker allows you to create a new folder.
    • the Show in map menu show the selected images in the Geographic-Map with blue markers
      • Note: Green Markers are hidden in this mode.
    • the set geo menu allows you to change the photos geo location (latitude/longitude).
      • The previous geo-picks for "Set Geo" are shown as blue markers if you select the geo from a map.
      • Note: You can change size and filename of the previous-geo-picks-history through Set Geo History XXX in the Settings View.
    • you can send/share the selected photos via the share symbol .
      • if you have installed k3b's ToGoZip : Add the photo to a zip file
      • other options are: send photo(s) via bluetooth or mail
    • the Start Media Scanner asks for folder where the the "Media-Scanner" should (re-)scan *.jpg and *.jpeg files
      • if there is a ".nomedia" file in the scan-start-directory this file is removed so that the android media scanner can find this directory.
      • The internal scanner is blocked while android system Media Scanner is active to avoid conflicts/inconsistent data.

Note: If you have checked Clear Multi-Selection in the Settings View the multi selection mode is cancled after a command from Actionbar or Menu.

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