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Focal is a tool to create sexy burndowns from one ore more Pivotal Tracker projects.

Note: at this time Focal is still in early development and probably not usable for anything else than adding more features and fixing bugs.

See the github wiki for more details.


With focal it's easy to get insight into your current and past iterations. With all the data that focal gathers on a daily basis it's also possible to create more detailed and interesting graphs and charts.


Simple clone and push to Heroku. A PostgreSQL database will be created for you.

Migrate the database

heroku run bundle exec rake db:migrate

Login and change password


Default ActiveAdmin credentials apply: with password. Change these directly!

Configure a burndown

Create a new burndown. Fill in the entire form.

Import manually

Import data manually to see if everything's working okay:

heroku run bundle exec rake focal:import

You should now be able to see a burndown at /burndowns/:id.

Schedule imports

Add the Heroku scheduler add-on and schedule a daily job, preferably about an hour or so before your stand-up with this command:

bundle exec rake focal:import

That's all there is to it. Feel free to create more burndowns if you like.


Focal is tested against ruby 1.9.3 and ruby-2.0.0. Setting Focal up for local development is pretty straight forward:

bundle install
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed    # To generate a sample burndown

A rake task exists if you want to pull real data from Pivotal Tracker (note that this does not work with the seed burndown):

rake focal:import


Focal is a Kabisa initiative.


Focal is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt for details.


Get insight in your Pivotal Tracker project.







No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4

