Special Course at GaTech (CSE-8903-C18)
We have regular classes on BlueJeans on Wednesday and Fridays from 3:15 pm to 4:15 pm EST.
If you are interested to participate in the class or you are looking for a collaborative project email us at abouzar.kaboudian@physics.gatech.edu, flavio.fenton@physics.gatech.edu, or echerry30@gatech.edu.
The files and video recordings of the lectures will be regularly posted here.
If you need a refresher on HTML and JavaScript visit w3schools.com that can also serve as a wonderful reference manual for JavaScript and HTML.
Step by step tutorials on our first sessions can be found at tutorials section of abubujs.org. While the documentation of the library is still lacking, the tutorial section is a great starting point.
A quick reference guide for the GLSL language can be found here.
- Basic familiarity with computer coding preferably HTML, JavaScript and C programming
- Having access to a text editor suitable for modifying computer code (Atom, Sublime, Notepad++, WinEdit, Bracket, VIM, EMACS)
- Having access to a modern browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox, or similar (not Internet Explorer or Safari!)
^^ Watch the video lecture from the link above! ^^
- Using functions with multiple output for RK4 implementation
- Using functions with single output for RK4 implementation
You can download the necessary files for October 09 session from here
^^ Watch the video lecture from the link above! ^^
- Introduction to Volume Ray Casting (VRC) algorithm
- Implementing a VRC in WebGL using Abubu.js library
You can download the necessary files for October 02 session from here
^^ Watch the video lecture from the link above! ^^
- Performing serial reduction operation on textured data
- Using texelFetch
- Performing parallel reduction operations on texture data using multi-step reduction.
- Understanding the difference in performance of parallel vs. serial reductions.
You can download the necessary files for September 25 session from here
^^ Watch the video lecture from the link above! ^^
- Adding signal plots
- Adding further interactivity to the codes
- Terminating spiral waves using ATP with an interactive code
- Doing your own projects...
You can download the necessary files for September 23 session from here
^^ Watch the video lecture from the link above! ^^
- Preparing tabulated data on CPU
- Using tabulated data in shaders
- Solving a reaction-diffusion model with more than 4 state variables
- A preview on how to setup a WebGL program using multiple source files with a server side solution (PHP)
You can download the necessary files for September 16 session from here
The Beeler-Reuter model can be found from this link.
^^ Watch the video lecture from the link above! ^^
- Initializing a texture from the CPU/JavaScript side
- Accessing the values of the texture on the CPU/JavaScript side
- Writing the texture data to disk
- Reading the texture data from disk
You can download the necessary files for September 11 session from here
^^ Watch the video lecture from the link above! ^^
- Get familiar with implementing 3D data using 2D textures
- Get familiar with using the 3D data in the shader
- Get familiar with visualizing 3D data
You can download the necessary files for September 9 session from here
^^ Watch the video lecture from the link above! ^^
- Use a time variable as one of the color channels of a texture inside a shader.
- A better way defining the set of uniforms for the even and odd time steps of a numerical simulations.
- A reminder that variables changed in the GUI need to be send to all solvers that utilize them.
- Handling mouse events (drag) and integration with an ongoing simulation
You can download the necessary files for September 4 session from here
^^ Watch the video lecture from the link above! ^^
- Initialize a domain using a solver
- Visualize the solution
- Implement a simple time marching algorithm
- Understand even and odd time steps and why they are treated individually
- Understand how to use a single shader to implement both even and odd time steps
- Create the time marching loop
- Interactive with a live simulation via GUI
You can download the necessary files for September 2 session from here
^^ Watch the video lecture from the link above! ^^
- Writing rendering results onto textures
- Visualizing a particular channel of a texture
- Sending information to the GPU via uniforms
- Interacting with a WebGL code and designing a graphical interface
You can download the files for August 28 - Session from here.
^^ Watch the video lecture from the link above! ^^
- Writing loops in GLSL
- Implementing macros and functions
You can download the necessary files for August 21 Session from here.
^^ Watch the video lecture from the link above! ^^
- Grasp a basic understanding of the graphics pipeline
- Being able to utilize the Abubu.js library to draw basic shapes
- Understand the basic roles of the vertex shaders
- Understand the basics of coloring in fragment shaders
- Understand the default geometries and the default geometry in Abubu.js
You can download the files for August 19 - Session from here.