menu: - quick-start - learn - install - build - test - deploy - maintain - tutorials - reference - community quick-start: title: Quick start url: /quick-start/ pages: - title: Substrate at a glance url: /quick-start/substrate-at-a-glance/ - title: Start a node url: /quick-start/start-a-node/ - title: Explore the code url: /quick-start/explore-the-code/ - title: Modify the runtime url: /quick-start/modify-the-runtime/ learn: title: Learn url: /learn/ pages: - title: Welcome to Substrate url: /learn/welcome-to-substrate/ - title: Blockchain basics url: /learn/blockchain-basics/ - title: Architecture and Rust libraries url: /learn/architecture/ - title: Networks and nodes url: /learn/networks-and-nodes/ - title: What can you build url: /learn/what-can-you-build/ - title: Runtime development url: /learn/runtime-development/ - title: Transactions and block basics url: /learn/transaction-types/ - title: Transaction lifecycle url: /learn/transaction-lifecycle/ # - title: Block import pipeline # url: /learn/block-import/ # - title: Extrinsics # url: /learn/extrinsics/ # - title: Execution # url: /learn/execution/ # - title: Runtimes and clients # url: /learn/runtimes-and-clients/ - title: State transitions and storage url: /learn/state-transitions-and-storage/ - title: Accounts, addresses, and keys url: /learn/accounts-addresses-keys/ - title: Rust for Substrate url: /learn/rust-basics/ - title: Offchain operations url: /learn/offchain-operations/ - title: Light clients in Substrate Connect url: /learn/light-clients-in-substrate-connect/ - title: Cryptography url: /learn/cryptography/ - title: Consensus url: /learn/consensus/ - title: Cross-consensus messaging url: /learn/xcm-communication/ install: title: Install url: /install/ pages: - title: Rust toolchain url: /install/rust-toolchain/ - title: Linux url: /install/linux/ - title: macOS url: /install/macos/ - title: Windows url: /install/windows/ - title: Developer tools url: /install/developer-tools/ - title: Troubleshoot Rust issues url: /install/troubleshoot-rust-issues/ #design: # title: Design # url: /design/ # pages: #- title: Substrate empowers builders # url: /design/substrate-empowers-builders/ #- title: Decide what to build # url: /design/decide-what-to-build/ #- title: Execution #url: /design/execution/ #- title: Runtimes and clients #url: /design/runtimes-and-clients/ #- title: Pallet design #url: /design/pallet-design/ #- title: Smart contract pallets #url: /design/smart-contract-pallets/ #- title: Storage design decisions #url: /design/storage-design/ #- title: Economic models #url: /design/economic-models/ build: title: Build url: /build/ pages: - title: Smart contracts url: /build/smart-contracts-strategy/ - title: Custom pallets url: /build/custom-pallets/ - title: Runtime storage url: /build/runtime-storage/ - title: Transactions, weights, and fees url: /build/tx-weights-fees/ - title: Pallet coupling url: /build/pallet-coupling/ - title: Events and errors url: /build/events-and-errors/ - title: Randomness url: /build/randomness/ - title: Privileged calls and origins url: /build/origins/ - title: Remote procedure calls url: /build/remote-procedure-calls/ - title: Application development url: /build/application-development/ - title: Chain specification url: /build/chain-spec/ - title: Genesis configuration url: /build/genesis-configuration/ - title: Build process url: /build/build-process/ - title: Build a deterministic runtime url: /build/build-a-deterministic-runtime/ - title: Troubleshoot your code url: /build/troubleshoot-your-code/ #- title: Executor #url: /build/executor/ test: title: Test url: /test/ pages: - title: Unit test url: /test/unit-testing/ - title: Debug url: /test/debug/ - title: Benchmark url: /test/benchmark/ - title: Simulate parachains url: /test/simulate-parachains/ - title: Check runtime url: /test/check-runtime/ deploy: title: Deploy url: /deploy/ pages: - title: Prepare to deploy url: /deploy/prepare-to-deploy/ - title: Deployment options url: /deploy/deployment-options/ - title: Keys and network operations url: /deploy/keys-and-network-operations/ # - title: Deploy on a test network # url: /deploy/deploy-a-test-network/ # - title: Deploy a parathread # url: /deploy/deploy-a-parathread/ # - title: Launch a parachain # url: /deploy/launch-a-parachain/ maintain: title: Maintain url: /maintain/ pages: - title: Monitor url: /maintain/monitor/ - title: Runtime upgrades url: /maintain/runtime-upgrades/ # - title: Operate # url: /maintain/operate/ # - title: Client upgrades # url: /maintain/client-upgrades/ # - title: Network upgrades # url: /maintain/network-upgrades/ # - title: Data migration # url: /maintain/data-migration/ tutorials: title: Tutorials url: /tutorials/ pages: - title: Build a blockchain url: /tutorials/build-a-blockchain/ pages: - title: Build a local blockchain url: /tutorials/build-a-blockchain/build-local-blockchain/ - title: Simulate a network url: /tutorials/build-a-blockchain/simulate-network/ - title: Add trusted nodes url: /tutorials/build-a-blockchain/add-trusted-nodes/ - title: Authorize specific nodes url: /tutorials/build-a-blockchain/authorize-specific-nodes/ - title: Monitor node metrics url: /tutorials/build-a-blockchain/monitor-node-metrics/ - title: Upgrade a running network url: /tutorials/build-a-blockchain/upgrade-a-running-network/ - title: Build application logic url: /tutorials/build-application-logic/ pages: - title: Add a pallet to the runtime url: /tutorials/build-application-logic/add-a-pallet/ #- title: Configure the contracts pallet #url: /tutorials/build-application-logic/contracts-pallet/ - title: Specify the origin for a call url: /tutorials/build-application-logic/specify-the-origin-for-a-call/ - title: Use macros in a custom pallet url: /tutorials/build-application-logic/use-macros-in-a-custom-pallet/ - title: Add offchain workers url: /tutorials/build-application-logic/add-offchain-workers/ - title: Publish custom pallets url: /tutorials/build-application-logic/publish-custom-pallets/ - title: Collectibles workshop url: /tutorials/collectibles-workshop/ pages: - title: Pallet builder basics url: /tutorials/collectibles-workshop/runtime-and-pallets/ - title: Prepare a working environment url: /tutorials/collectibles-workshop/01-prepare/ - title: Get oriented url: /tutorials/collectibles-workshop/02-orientation/ - title: Create a new pallet url: /tutorials/collectibles-workshop/03-create-pallet/ - title: Shared and custom types url: /tutorials/collectibles-workshop/04-import-traits/ - title: Add custom storage items url: /tutorials/collectibles-workshop/05-add-storage-items/ - title: Create basic functions url: /tutorials/collectibles-workshop/06-first-functions/ - title: More functions url: /tutorials/collectibles-workshop/07-more-functions/ - title: Add collectibles to the runtime url: /tutorials/collectibles-workshop/08-add-collectibles-to-runtime/ # - title: Develop smart contracts # url: /tutorials/smart-contracts/ # pages: # - title: Prepare your first contract # url: /tutorials/smart-contracts/prepare-your-first-contract/ # - title: Develop a smart contract # url: /tutorials/smart-contracts/develop-a-smart-contract/ # - title: Use maps for storing values # url: /tutorials/smart-contracts/use-maps-for-storing-values/ # - title: Build a token contract # url: /tutorials/smart-contracts/build-a-token-contract/ # - title: Troubleshoot smart contracts # url: /tutorials/smart-contracts/troubleshoot-smart-contracts/ - title: Build a parachain url: /tutorials/build-a-parachain/ pages: - title: Prepare a local relay chain url: /tutorials/build-a-parachain/prepare-a-local-relay-chain/ - title: Connect a local parachain url: /tutorials/build-a-parachain/connect-a-local-parachain/ - title: Acquire a testnet slot url: /tutorials/build-a-parachain/acquire-a-testnet-slot/ - title: Open message passing channels url: /tutorials/build-a-parachain/open-message-passing-channels/ - title: Transfer assets with XCM url: /tutorials/build-a-parachain/transfer-assets-with-xcm/ # - title: Integrate with tools # url: /tutorials/integrate-with-tools/ # pages: # - title: Integrate a light client node # url: /tutorials/integrate-with-tools/integrate-a-light-client-node/ # - title: Explore sidecar endpoints # url: /tutorials/integrate-with-tools/explore-sidecar-endpoints/ # - title: Access EVM accounts # url: /tutorials/integrate-with-tools/access-evm-accounts/ reference: title: Reference url: /reference/ pages: - title: Rust API url: /reference/rust-api/ - title: Glossary url: /reference/glossary/ - title: Command-line tools url: /reference/command-line-tools/ pages: - title: archive url: /reference/command-line-tools/archive/ - title: memory-profiler url: /reference/command-line-tools/memory-profiler/ - title: node-template url: /reference/command-line-tools/node-template/ # DEPRICATION NOTICE: TODO # - title: polkadot-launch # url: /reference/command-line-tools/polkadot-launch/ - title: polkadot-apps url: /reference/command-line-tools/polkadot-apps/ - title: sidecar url: /reference/command-line-tools/sidecar/ - title: srtool url: /reference/command-line-tools/srtool/ - title: subkey url: /reference/command-line-tools/subkey/ - title: subxt url: /reference/command-line-tools/subxt/ - title: try-runtime url: /reference/command-line-tools/try-runtime/ - title: tx-wrapper url: /reference/command-line-tools/tx-wrapper/ - title: Runtime APIs url: /reference/runtime-apis/ - title: FRAME pallets url: /reference/frame-pallets/ - title: FRAME macros url: /reference/frame-macros/ - title: Account data structures url: /reference/account-data-structures/ - title: Type encoding (SCALE) url: /reference/scale-codec/ - title: Address formats url: /reference/address-formats/ - title: Transaction formats url: /reference/transaction-format/ - title: XCM reference url: /reference/xcm-reference/ - title: How-to reference guides url: /reference/how-to-guides/ community: title: Community url: /community/ pages: - title: Content style guide url: /community/content-style-guide/ - title: Contributor guidelines url: /community/contributor-guidelines/ - title: Template - How-to guide url: /community/template-how-to-guide/ #- title: Article bounties #url: /community/article-bounty #- title: Contributor dropbox #url: /community/contributor-dropbox/