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module load from db (#482)
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* Code-complete, tests TODO, bench TODO

* get bench working

* Almost done, unevaluated const in PactContinuationSpec

* fixed by correcting ConstVal JSON parser order

* make modules pre-loadable and add benchmarks

* add SQLite benchmarks
  • Loading branch information
Stuart Popejoy committed Apr 29, 2019
1 parent 0cf36de commit 8ad2a86
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Showing 26 changed files with 387 additions and 321 deletions.
38 changes: 23 additions & 15 deletions
Expand Up @@ -42,16 +42,29 @@ Once Homebrew is installed, run the following command to install `pact`:
brew install kadena-io/pact/pact

However, see note [below](#z3) about z3 compatibility.

Installing Pact with Binary Distributions
Pact can also be installed by following the instructions below:
- Install [z3](
- Install [z3]( See note [below](#z3) about z3 compatibility.
- Download the [prebuilt binaries]( for your distribution. Or see [Building](#Building) for instructions on how to build Pact from the source code.
- Once you've downloaded the binary, make sure that it is marked as executable by running `chmod +x <executable-file>`.
- Put the binary somewhere in your PATH.

For installing `pact` on Linux distributions in the Arch family, refer to [this package on the AUR](

z3 Compatibility

Pact users generally can use the production versions of Z3. However, with the current version at time of writing, 4.8.4, use of the function `str-to-int` can cause problems, and for those building from source or hacking Pact Haskell code, a unit test will fail/hang indefinitely because of this.

The fix is to use the older version 4.8.3:
- For Mac homebrew users, 4.8.3 can be installed via `brew install`.
- Z3 binaries are available [on github]( for manual installation (Pact uses the z3 in your `$PATH`).
- Nix builds install the correct version.

Verifying Install

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,19 +123,18 @@ verbose - [True|False] Provide extra logging information
When running pact-serve with persistence enabled, the server automatically replays from the database
`commands.sqlite` in the persist dir. To prevent replay, simply delete this file before starting the server.

Building Pact

Building Pact used to require a working [Haskell Stack install]( . After which, building is as simple as 'stack build'.
### Building with Stack

To install for use with Atom and the command line, issue 'stack install' and then either add `$HOME/.local/bin` to your path, or symlink `$HOME/.local/bin/pact` somewhere in your PATH.
[Install stack](

NOTE: We are currently transitioning to Nix build infrastructure. Stack builds
still work right now, but you should start transitioning to Nix using the
instructions below.
Issue `stack build` on the command line.

Building with Nix / NixOS
Use `stack install` to install on the command line and for Atom, ensuring that `$HOME/.local/bin` is on your PATH.

### Building with Nix / NixOS

1. Go to, click "Get Nix", follow the instructions to install the Nix package manager.
2. Edit `$NIX_CONF_DIR/nix.conf`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,7 +168,7 @@ sudo systemctl restart nix-daemon.service

5. Run `nix-build` from the project root.

### Incremental Builds
#### Incremental Builds

Building with `nix-build` does a full rebuild every time, which is usually not
what you want when developing. To do incremental builds, you need to enter a nix
Expand All @@ -172,7 +184,7 @@ You can also build with stack inside this shell as follows:
$ stack --stack-yaml stack-nix.yaml build

### Hoogle Documentation
#### Hoogle Documentation

Nix has out-of-the-box Hoogle integration. It allows you to run a local
Hoogle server with docs for all of the project dependencies. This is really
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,10 +216,6 @@ replace `[p.pact]` with a list of all the locally defined projects to include.
For example: `[p.backend p.common p.frontend]` for a project that has those
three separate local packages.

### z3 Troubleshooting

Note for users of property and invariant verification: z3 version 4.8.4 hangs when checking `str-to-int` calls (this causes one test to fail). The fix is to use the older version 4.8.3, or a newer version in the future (4.8.4 is the latest release at time of writing). Our Nix install uses a working version. For non-Nix Mac users, `brew install` defaults to 4.8.4, but 4.8.3 can be installed via `brew install`. For non-brew users, binaries are available [on github]( for manual installation (Pact uses the z3 in your `$PATH`).


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90 changes: 59 additions & 31 deletions src-ghc/Pact/Bench.hs
Expand Up @@ -4,16 +4,20 @@
module Pact.Bench where

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Criterion.Main
import Data.Aeson
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict)
import Data.Default
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import System.CPUTime
import System.Directory
import Unsafe.Coerce

import Pact.Compile
Expand All @@ -30,6 +34,9 @@ import Pact.Types.Logger
import Pact.Types.PactValue
import Pact.Types.RPC
import Pact.Types.Runtime
import Pact.Native.Internal
import Pact.Persist.SQLite
import Pact.PersistPactDb hiding (db)

longStr :: Int -> Text
longStr n = pack $ "\"" ++ take n (cycle "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") ++ "\""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,7 +74,7 @@ eitherDie = either (throwIO . userError) (return $!)
entity :: Maybe EntityName
entity = Just $ EntityName "entity"

loadBenchModule :: PactDbEnv e -> IO RefStore
loadBenchModule :: PactDbEnv e -> IO (ModuleData Ref,PersistModuleData)
loadBenchModule db = do
m <- pack <$> readFile "tests/bench/bench.pact"
pc <- parseCode m
Expand All @@ -77,39 +84,45 @@ loadBenchModule db = do
let e = setupEvalEnv db entity (Transactional 1) md initRefStore
freeGasEnv permissiveNamespacePolicy noSPVSupport def
_erRefStore <$> evalExec e pc
void $ evalExec e pc
(benchMod,_) <- runEval def e $ getModule (def :: Info) (ModuleName "bench" Nothing)
p <- either (throwIO . userError . show) (return $!) $ traverse (traverse toPersistDirect) benchMod
return (benchMod,p)

parseCode :: Text -> IO ParsedCode
parseCode m = ParsedCode m <$> eitherDie (parseExprs m)

benchNFIO :: NFData a => String -> IO a -> Benchmark
benchNFIO bname = bench bname . nfIO

runPactExec :: PactDbEnv e -> RefStore -> ParsedCode -> IO Value
runPactExec dbEnv refStore pc = do
runPactExec :: Maybe (ModuleData Ref) -> PactDbEnv e -> ParsedCode -> IO Value
runPactExec benchMod dbEnv pc = do
t <- Transactional . fromIntegral <$> getCPUTime
let e = setupEvalEnv dbEnv entity t (initMsgData pactInitialHash)
refStore freeGasEnv permissiveNamespacePolicy noSPVSupport def
toJSON . _erOutput <$> evalExec e pc
initRefStore freeGasEnv permissiveNamespacePolicy noSPVSupport def
s = maybe def (initStateModules . HM.singleton (ModuleName "bench" Nothing)) benchMod
toJSON . _erOutput <$> evalExecState s e pc

benchKeySet :: KeySet
benchKeySet = KeySet [PublicKey "benchadmin"] (Name ">" def)

acctRow :: ObjectMap PactValue
acctRow = ObjectMap $ M.fromList [("balance",PLiteral (LDecimal 100.0))]

benchRead :: Domain k v -> k -> Method () (Maybe v)
benchRead KeySets _ = rc (Just benchKeySet)
benchRead UserTables {} _ = rc (Just acctRow)
benchRead _ _ = rc Nothing
benchRead :: PersistModuleData -> Domain k v -> k -> Method () (Maybe v)
benchRead _ KeySets _ = rc (Just benchKeySet)
benchRead _ UserTables {} _ = rc (Just acctRow)
benchRead benchMod Modules _ = rc (Just benchMod)
benchRead _ _ _ = rc Nothing

benchReadValue :: Table k -> k -> Persist () (Maybe v)
benchReadValue (DataTable t) _k
benchReadValue :: PersistModuleData -> Table k -> k -> Persist () (Maybe v)
benchReadValue benchMod (DataTable t) _k
| t == "SYS_keysets" = rcp $ Just (unsafeCoerce benchKeySet)
| t == "USER_bench_bench-accounts" = rcp $ Just (unsafeCoerce acctRow)
| t == "SYS_modules" = rcp Nothing
| t == "SYS_modules" = rcp $ Just (unsafeCoerce benchMod)
| otherwise = error (show t)
benchReadValue (TxTable _t) _k = rcp Nothing
benchReadValue _ (TxTable _t) _k = rcp Nothing

mkBenchCmd :: [SomeKeyPair] -> (String, Text) -> IO (String, Command ByteString)
Expand All @@ -127,24 +140,39 @@ main = do
!parsedExps <- force <$> mapM (mapM (eitherDie . parseExprs)) exps
!pureDb <- mkPureEnv neverLog
initSchema pureDb
!refStore <- loadBenchModule pureDb
(benchMod',benchMod) <- loadBenchModule pureDb
!benchCmd <- parseCode "(bench.bench)"
print =<< runPactExec pureDb refStore benchCmd
!mockDb <- mkMockEnv def { mockRead = MockRead benchRead }
!mdbRS <- loadBenchModule mockDb
print =<< runPactExec mockDb mdbRS benchCmd
!mockPersistDb <- mkMockPersistEnv neverLog def { mockReadValue = MockReadValue benchReadValue }
!mpdbRS <- loadBenchModule mockPersistDb
print =<< runPactExec mockPersistDb mpdbRS benchCmd
print =<< runPactExec Nothing pureDb benchCmd
!mockDb <- mkMockEnv def { mockRead = MockRead (benchRead benchMod) }
void $ loadBenchModule mockDb
print =<< runPactExec Nothing mockDb benchCmd
!mockPersistDb <- mkMockPersistEnv neverLog def { mockReadValue = MockReadValue (benchReadValue benchMod) }
void $ loadBenchModule mockPersistDb
print =<< runPactExec Nothing mockPersistDb benchCmd
cmds_ <- traverse (mkBenchCmd [keyPair]) exps
!cmds <- return $!! cmds_

defaultMain [
benchCompile parsedExps,
benchVerify cmds,
benchNFIO "puredb" (runPactExec pureDb refStore benchCmd),
benchNFIO "mockdb" (runPactExec mockDb mdbRS benchCmd),
benchNFIO "mockpersist" (runPactExec mockPersistDb mpdbRS benchCmd)
let sqliteFile = "log/bench.sqlite"
sqliteDb <- mkSQLiteEnv (newLogger neverLog "") True (SQLiteConfig sqliteFile []) neverLog
initSchema sqliteDb
void $ loadBenchModule sqliteDb
print =<< runPactExec Nothing sqliteDb benchCmd

let cleanupSqlite = do
c <- readMVar $ pdPactDbVar sqliteDb
void $ closeSQLite $ _db c
removeFile sqliteFile
sqlEnv b = envWithCleanup (return ()) (const cleanupSqlite) (const b)

[ benchParse
, benchCompile parsedExps
, benchVerify cmds
, benchNFIO "puredb" (runPactExec Nothing pureDb benchCmd)
, benchNFIO "mockdb" (runPactExec Nothing mockDb benchCmd)
, benchNFIO "mockpersist" (runPactExec Nothing mockPersistDb benchCmd)
, benchNFIO "sqlite" (runPactExec Nothing sqliteDb benchCmd)
, benchNFIO "puredb-withmod" (runPactExec (Just benchMod') pureDb benchCmd)
, benchNFIO "mockdb-withmod" (runPactExec (Just benchMod') mockDb benchCmd)
, benchNFIO "mockpersist-withmod" (runPactExec (Just benchMod') mockPersistDb benchCmd)
, sqlEnv $ benchNFIO "sqlite-withmod" (runPactExec (Just benchMod') sqliteDb benchCmd)
19 changes: 11 additions & 8 deletions src-ghc/Pact/Interpreter.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- | "Production" interpreter for Pact, as opposed to the REPL.
Expand All @@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ module Pact.Interpreter
, MsgData(..)
, EvalResult(..)
, initMsgData
, initStateModules
, evalExec
, evalExecState
, evalContinuation
Expand All @@ -33,10 +35,10 @@ module Pact.Interpreter
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Lens
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Default
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.Maybe
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import System.Directory

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,9 +74,9 @@ data EvalResult = EvalResult
{ _erInput :: !(Either PactContinuation [Term Name])
, _erOutput :: ![PactValue]
, _erLogs :: ![TxLog Value]
, _erRefStore :: !RefStore
, _erExec :: !(Maybe PactExec)
, _erGas :: Gas
, _erLoadedModules :: HashMap ModuleName (ModuleData Ref,Bool)
} deriving (Eq,Show)

Expand All @@ -86,6 +88,9 @@ evalExecState initState evalEnv ParsedCode {..} = do
terms <- throwEither $ compileExps (mkTextInfo _pcCode) _pcExps
interpret initState evalEnv (Right terms)

-- | For pre-installing modules into state.
initStateModules :: HashMap ModuleName (ModuleData Ref) -> EvalState
initStateModules modules = set (evalRefs . rsLoadedModules) (fmap (,False) modules) def

evalContinuation :: EvalEnv e -> PactContinuation -> IO EvalResult
evalContinuation ee pact = evalContinuationState def ee pact
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,7 +130,7 @@ setupEvalEnv dbEnv ent mode msgData refStore gasEnv np spv pd =
modeToTx Local = Nothing

initRefStore :: RefStore
initRefStore = RefStore nativeDefs HM.empty
initRefStore = RefStore nativeDefs

mkSQLiteEnv :: Logger -> Bool -> PSL.SQLiteConfig -> Loggers -> IO (PactDbEnv (DbEnv PSL.SQLite))
mkSQLiteEnv initLog deleteOldFile c loggers = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,12 +158,10 @@ interpret initState evalEnv terms = do
((rs,logs),state) <-
runEval initState evalEnv $ evalTerms tx terms
let gas = _evalGas state
refStore = newRefs . _eeRefStore $ evalEnv
pactExec = _evalPactExec state
newRefs oldStore | isNothing tx = oldStore
| otherwise = updateRefStore (_evalRefs state) oldStore
modules = _rsLoadedModules $ _evalRefs state
-- output uses lenient conversion
return $! EvalResult terms (map toPactValueLenient rs) logs refStore pactExec gas
return $! EvalResult terms (map toPactValueLenient rs) logs pactExec gas modules

evalTerms :: Maybe TxId -> Either PactContinuation [Term Name] -> Eval e ([Term Name],[TxLog Value])
evalTerms tx terms = do
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src-ghc/Pact/MockDb.hs
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ newtype MockRead =
instance Default MockRead where def = MockRead (\_t _k -> rc Nothing)

newtype MockKeys =
MockKeys (TableName -> Method () [RowKey])
MockKeys (forall k v . (IsString k,AsString k) => Domain k v -> Method () [k])
instance Default MockKeys where def = MockKeys (\_t -> rc [])

newtype MockTxIds =
Expand Down
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions src-ghc/Pact/PersistPactDb/Regression.hs
Expand Up @@ -33,11 +33,12 @@ loadModule = do
let mn = ModuleName "simple" Nothing
case r of
Left a -> throwFail $ "module load failed: " ++ show a
Right _ -> case preview (rEvalState . evalRefs . rsNewModules . ix mn) s of
Just md -> case traverse (traverse toPersistDirect) md of
Right _ -> case preview (rEvalState . evalRefs . rsLoadedModules . ix mn) s of
Just (md,_) -> case traverse (traverse toPersistDirect) md of
Right md' -> return (mn,md,md')
Left e -> throwFail $ "toPersistDirect failed: " ++ show e
Nothing -> throwFail $ "Failed to find module 'simple': " ++ show (view (rEvalState . evalRefs . rsNewModules) s)
Nothing -> throwFail $ "Failed to find module 'simple': " ++
show (view (rEvalState . evalRefs . rsLoadedModules) s)

nativeLookup :: NativeDefName -> Maybe (Term Name)
nativeLookup (NativeDefName n) = case HM.lookup (Name n def) nativeDefs of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -106,10 +107,10 @@ runRegression p = do
_getTxLog pactdb usert (head tids) v
_writeRow pactdb Insert usert "key2" row v
assertEquals' "user insert key2 pre-rollback" (Just row) (_readRow pactdb usert "key2" v)
assertEquals' "keys pre-rollback" ["key1","key2"] $ _keys pactdb user1 v
assertEquals' "keys pre-rollback" ["key1","key2"] $ _keys pactdb (UserTables user1) v
_rollbackTx pactdb v
assertEquals' "rollback erases key2" Nothing $ _readRow pactdb usert "key2" v
assertEquals' "keys" ["key1"] $ _keys pactdb user1 v
assertEquals' "keys" ["key1"] $ _keys pactdb (UserTables user1) v
return v

toTerm' :: ToTerm a => a -> Term Name
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src-ghc/Pact/ReplTools.hs
Expand Up @@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ import Pact.Repl.Types
interactiveRepl :: IO (Either () (Term Name))
interactiveRepl = generalRepl Interactive

-- Note(emily): revisit whether we want all _module_ names, or all interface names as well.
-- | Complete function names for _loaded_ modules
completeFn :: (MonadIO m, MonadState ReplState m) => CompletionFunc m
completeFn = completeQuotedWord (Just '\\') "\"" listFiles $
completeWord (Just '\\') ("\"\'" ++ filenameWordBreakChars) $ \str -> do
modules <- use (rEnv . eeRefStore . rsModules)
let namesInModules = toListOf (traverse . mdRefMap . to HM.keys . each) modules
modules <- use (rEvalState . evalRefs . rsLoadedModules)
let namesInModules = toListOf (traverse . _1 . mdRefMap . to HM.keys . each) modules
allNames = concat
[ namesInModules
, nameOfModule <$> HM.keys modules
Expand Down

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