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CloudFormation template with CI to deploy Ec2 instances running Windows that is added and removed from AD automatically


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CircleCI License: MIT


  1. EC2 instances must be automatically added to Active Directory (AD) on provisioning and removed form AD on termination
  2. Each EC2 instance must have 3 private IP addresses (required for MS SQL Always-On) assigned by DHCP
  3. NLB must be used to expose MS SQL Always-On Listener because it's faster than changing CNAME value
  4. Dedicated ASG to keep each instance fault tolerant
  5. Dedicated data disks which are re-attached to new instance in ASG with the same disk letters



1. Adding instances to AD on provisioning

cfn-init is used to execute join-ad.ps1 script on instance during provisioning.

After instance is joined AD it's hostname will be changed from default to instance ID by rename-computer.ps1 script.

AWS-JoinDirectoryServiceDomain isn't used because it's limited to use with AWS Directory Service only.

2. Removing instances from AD on termination

When instance is terminated it should be disabled in Active Directory to keep it relevant.

AWS SSM doesn't have built-in functionality for such purposes but it can execute Remove-Computer command on instance.

When instance is terminated via ASG:

  1. ASG sends event to CloudWatch Events

  2. CloudWatch Events rule triggers Lambda

  3. Lambda triggers SSM

  4. SSM executes script on instance

  5. Lambda checks SSM execution result

3. cfn-init and UserData logs export to CloudWatch Logs

All PowerShell scripts located in bootstrap-scripts are set to put logs to default cfn-init log file: C:\cfn\log\cfn-init.log

Amazon SSM Agent is used to put those logs to CloudWatch logs; Amazon SSM Agent config is set during cfn-init execution; This is done to keep logs available after instance is terminated.

AMI can use outdated version of Amazon SSM Agent, so during cfn-init execution existing version is replaced with latest one.

4. Domain admin password

Domain admin password is stored in AWS Secret Manager, both InstanceRole and LambdaRole must have read access to that secret.

Known issues and workarounds

1. Windows disks attach, initialize and partition creation with specific letters flow

EBS disks are attached to EC2 instances with Add-EC2Volume command.

Attached disks initialized in Windows with Initialize-Disk command.

Add-EC2Volume doesn't provide any output that can be used as input for Initialize-Disk

As a workaround, EBS disks are mounted one by one and when one new disk is attached it's passed to Initialize-Disk not as output of Add-EC2Volume but as output of Get-Disk | Where-Object PartitionStyle -eq RAW

When disk is initialized new partition is created and specific drive letter is assigned: New-Partition -DriveLetter X

2. Disks re-attachment in case of instance replacement

Disks are not included to LaunchTemplate: they are created and deleted together with CloudFormation stack.

When instance in ASG fails it is replaced with new instance.

The same disks are connected to new instance in the same order. This is done by UserData scripts that reference existing Volume IDs.

When disks are re-attached they will have the same disk letters in Windows.

But if some new disks were added to Windows manually before UserData executed disk letters will be changed.

3. Windows hostname is shorter than AWS InstanceID

Windows hostname is limited to 15 characters but AWS Instance ID has 17 characters

4. First parse of UserData log by Amazon SSM Agent is not correct

Amazon SSM Agent has correct mask for UserData execution log: "TimestampFormat": "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss'Z':"

However first bunch of events will not be displayed correctly in CloudWatch Logs GUI (further events will be displayed correctly)

5. AWS SSM isn't stable enough for Windows

It should be replaced with Elastic Filebeat or something similar.

AWS SSM and CloudWatch are used for demo purposes only.

Production usage caution

This code is for demo purposes only and should never be used in production.


  1. Sample event to use for Lambda testing (replace EC2InstanceId value):
    "account": "709237651222",
    "region": "us-east-2",
    "detail": {
        "LifecycleHookName": "PreTerminationHook",
        "AutoScalingGroupName": "Instance2ASG",
        "LifecycleActionToken": "03788322-7023-4b3b-ada3-0cace632c432",
        "LifecycleTransition": "autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATING",
        "EC2InstanceId": "i-02d018557dc00fd78"
    "detail-type": "EC2 Instance-terminate Lifecycle Action",
    "source": "aws.autoscaling",
    "version": "0",
    "time": "2019-03-19T15:24:55Z",
    "id": "cc81f074-abe3-9d19-707b-d3dbbaf2bdc2",
    "resources": [
  1. This template can be used to add missing parts to quickstart-microsoft-sql


CloudFormation template with CI to deploy Ec2 instances running Windows that is added and removed from AD automatically








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