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Customizable and lightweight text content looper based on CSS animations.


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  • A very customizable and lightweight (1.35kB gzipped) text content looper based on CSS animations.
  • This script uses @keyframe animations. That said, I highly recommend using Animate.css.

How to use

Using html attributes

To loop an element's text, just set a data-textlooper attribute on the desired element and call the method somewhere on your code.


  • data-textlooper (mandatory)

    • Use data-textlooper with a single interval to specify a delay between all elements
    • Use data-textlooper with intervals separated by '|' to specify each delay
  • data-textlooper-separator (optional)

    • Changes the default separator ,
  • data-textlooper-in (optional)

    • Use data-textlooper-in with a single animation name to specify the 'in'/'intro' animation to all elements
    • Use data-textlooper-in with animation names separated by '|' to specify each element's 'in'/'intro' animation
    • Defaults to fadeIn if defined without values
  • data-textlooper-out (optional)

    • Use data-textlooper-out with a single animation name to specify the 'out'/'outro' animation to all elements
    • Use data-textlooper-out with animation names separated by '|' to specify each element's 'out'/'outro' animation
    • Defaults to fadeOut if defined without values
  • data-textlooper-comeback (optional)

    • Set the data-textlooper-comeback attribute if it's desired to also run the inverted animations before changing to the next phrase.
    • Will be ignore if defined together with data-textlooper-out

Using javascript

It is possible to start looping a text node just by passing it as a parameter to a new instance of a TextLooper object.


new TextLooper(node, {
  phrases: ['Array','of','phrases','to','loop']
  ins: ['slideInUp'],
  outs: ['slideOut'],
  delays: [1000,1000,2000,3000,3000],
  comebackAsOut: false
Attribute Name Description
phrases Array: phrases to loop through
ins String: a single in-animation for all iterations.
Array: customizable in-animations for each iteration.
outs String: a single out-animation for all iterations.
Array: customizable out-animations for each iteration.
delays Integer: a single delay interval for all iterations.
Array: customizable delay intervals for each iteration.
comebackAsOut A boolean defining if the out-animation should be the respective reversed in-animation.



LoopText sets 'visibility: visible' when it starts looping. This way you can hide your phrases before the script runs with a 'visibility: hidden' statement.

Delay interval behaviour

For text-lopping WITHOUT comeback/out animations the delay interval starts counting AFTER the current animation has ended.

For text-looping WITH comeback/out animations the delay interval starts AFTER the first iteration of an animation but not after its comeback/out animations.

Missing list items

Each missing animation/delay item will be replaced with the first one of its list.


<span data-textlooper="700|1000|500" data-textlooper-in="pulse|fadeIn|swing">
  Multiple, animations, on, this, one

There are 5 different text elements and only three in-animations/delay items. The two missing items will be replaced by, respectively, '700' and 'pulse'.


<!-- Default animation (fadeIn), default delay (1500), default separator  -->
<span data-textlooper>
	Default, Phrase 1, Phrase 2, Phrase 3

<!-- Same animation as above but with its comeback animations -->
<span data-textlooper data-textlooper-comeback>
	Default, Phrase 1, Phrase 2, Phrase 3

<!-- Same animation as above but with default out animation (fadeOut -->
<span data-textlooper data-textlooper-out>
	Default, Phrase 1, Phrase 2, Phrase 3

<!-- Default animation (fadeIn), default delay (1500), default separator  -->
<span data-textlooper>
	Default, Phrase 1, Phrase 2, Phrase 3

<!-- Default animation (fadeIn), default delay (1500), custom separator  -->
<span data-textlooper data-textlooper-separator="|">
	Let's, Change | The, Separator | He he

<!-- Default animation (fadeIn), one delay (1000), custom separator  -->
<span data-textlooper="1000" data-textlooper-separator="|">
	This | will | wait | one | second

<!-- Default animation (fadeIn), multiple delays -->
<span data-textlooper="500|500|500|500|1000">
	Multiple, delays, one, default, animation

<!-- Default delay (1500), one animation (bounceIn -->
<span data-textlooper data-textlooper-in="bounceIn">
	Default, delay, one, custom, animation

<!-- Default delay (1500), multiple animations -->
<span data-textlooper data-textlooper-in="pulse|fadeIn|swing|fadeOut|bounceIn">
	Multiple, animations, one, default, delay

<!-- One delay (1000), multiple animations -->
<span data-textlooper="1000" data-textlooper-in="pulse|fadeIn|swing|slideInLeft">
	Multiple, animations, one, delay

<!-- Multiple animations, multiple delays -->
<span data-textlooper="500|500|500|500|1000" data-textlooper-in="pulse|fadeIn|swing|slideInUp">
	Multiple, animations, on, this, one

<!-- Multiple animations, multiple delays with comebacks -->
<span data-textlooper="500|500|500|500|1000" data-textlooper-in="pulse|fadeIn|swing|slideInUp" data-textlooper-comeback>
	Multiple, animations, on, this, one


var node = document.createElement('span'), tl;

// Creates a new instance and parses the node's attributes
tl = new TextLooper(node);

// Creates a new instance and skips the parsing step
tl = new TextLooper(node, {
  phrases: ['Phrase 1','Phrase 2'],
  ins: 'fadeIn',
  comebackAsOut: true

// Starts looping

// Gets an instance attributes (phrases, animations, delays and separator)
// Look for (new) textLoopable elements;

// Overrides default values
  delay: 1500,
  in: 'fadeIn',
  out: 'fadeOut',
  selector: 'data-textlooper',
  separator: ','

// Gets TextLooper default values


IE 10, Webkit 4.0, Firefox 16, Opera 15

Bonus credits

  • Vitor Paladini for naming the data-textlooper-comeback attribute. (It was really hard to come up with a name for it and he mockingly requested for credits, so here we are).


Customizable and lightweight text content looper based on CSS animations.








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