WMS Geo Services A compliant implementation of WMS plus most of the SLD extension (dynamic styling). WMS D Ram GEOSPACE Chief Geographer Work
HYDERABAD Odisha 500001 India test@gmail.com NONE NONE text/xml image/png application/json;type=utfgrid image/jpeg image/png; mode=8bit image/vnd.jpeg-png image/vnd.jpeg-png8 text/html; subtype=openlayers text/html; subtype=openlayers2 text/html; subtype=openlayers3 text/plain application/vnd.ogc.gml text/xml application/vnd.ogc.gml/3.1.1 text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1 text/html application/json dsm_cog dsm_cog Layer-Group type layer: dsm_cog dsm_d_cog WCS GeoTIFF EPSG:4326 CRS:84 85.72587838395638 85.9094574953808 20.20515349768633 20.37644703892337