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TwigExpress packages the Twig templating engine, and a few other tools, in a single file.

Our goal is to make it easy to get started with Twig if you’re a designer or a front-end developer, without having to install a heavy PHP framework or CMS.

Main features:

  • Browse and serve files (⚠ only for development!)
  • Render Twig templates
  • Error pages with code excerpt, source view
  • And a few extra tools for prototyping (dummy text, Markdown to HTML…):

Table of contents

  1. Running TwigExpress
  2. Adding content
  3. Writing Twig templates
    Getting Started with Twig
    TwigExpress-specific features
  4. Configuration
    TwigExpress configuration reference
    Using TwigExpress with Apache
  5. Library and license info

Running TwigExpress


PHP 5.4+ available on the command line.

  • On macOS, you should have PHP installed already.
  • On Windows, one easy way to install PHP (and other tools) is XAMPP.

Download TwigExpress


Open your project folder in a Terminal or Command Prompt and run this command:

php --server localhost:8000 twigexpress.phar

Now load http://localhost:8000/ in a web browser to browse your files.

Any file ending in .twig will be interpreted as a Twig template. You can check out the example pages in the demo directory.

Adding content

After installing TwigExpress, you should have a folder whose content looks like this:


If you don’t care about the demo and read-me, you can keep these only:


You can add your own content anywhere. This content can be Twig templates (which must have the .twig extension), CSS, scripts, images, etc.

Example file path Corresponding URL
myproject/index.twig http://localhost:8000/
myproject/some/page.twig http://localhost:8000/some/page
myproject/css/styles.css http://localhost:8000/css/styles.css

Writing Twig templates

There are two sets of features available in templates:


Configuration goes in a twigexpress.json file at the root of your project. This file should follow the JSON format (here’s a good introduction).

More information:

Library and license info

TwigExpress is licensed under the MIT License.

We are using the following libraries: