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Improved documentation generation: better HTML, check that symbols ar…
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…e exported, only create anchors once, improve argument display

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Gary King committed Aug 27, 2007
1 parent 8610042 commit b0b837a
Showing 1 changed file with 123 additions and 82 deletions.
205 changes: 123 additions & 82 deletions dev/docs.lisp
Expand Up @@ -9,96 +9,123 @@
(find-package (string-upcase property)))))
(setf (document-property :docs-package) package))))))

(defun check-exportedp (symbol)
(unless (eq (nth-value 1 (find-symbol (symbol-name symbol)
(symbol-package symbol)))
(markdown-warning "Symbol ~s is not exported" symbol)))

(defun ensure-symbol (thing &optional (package nil))
(etypecase thing
(symbol (if (and package (not (eq (symbol-package thing) package)))
(intern (symbol-name thing) package)
(string (intern thing package))))

(defun doc-warning (msg &rest args)
(let ((*print-readably* nil))
(fresh-line *debug-io*)
(apply #'format *debug-io* msg args)
(terpri *debug-io*)))

(defextension (docs :arguments ((name) (kind)))
(labels ((find-docs (thing)
(bind (((values kinds nil)
(aif (symbol-identities-with-docstring thing kind)
(values it t)
(values (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons x nil))
(symbol-identities thing)) nil))))
(values kinds thing))))
(bind ((*package* (or (docs-package) *package*))
((values kinds thing)
(or (find-docs (ensure-symbol name))
(find-docs (ensure-symbol name *package*))))
(kind (first kinds)))
(ecase phase
;;?? could memoize this (where is it stored? in add-docs-item?)
(when (> (length kinds) 1)
(doc-warning "Multiple interpretations found for ~s; specify type (using ~a)"
name (car (first kinds))))
(unless kinds
(doc-warning "No docstring found for ~s (package is ~s)"
name (docs-package)))
(add-docs-item thing (car kind)))
(let ((docs (and (cdr kind) (documentation thing (cdr kind))))
(identity (car kind)))
(format *output-stream*
"~&<a name=\"~a-~a\" id=\"~a-~a\"></a>"
name identity name identity)
(format *output-stream*
"~&<a name=\"~a\" id=\"~a\"></a>"
name name)
(format *output-stream*
"<div class=\"documentation ~(~a~)\">" identity)
(format *output-stream*
"<div class=\"documentation header\">")
(format *output-stream* "<span class=\"hidden\">X</span>")
(format *output-stream*
"~&<span class=\"documentation-name\">~a</span>" name)
(when (symbol-may-have-arguments-p thing)
(format *output-stream*
"~&<span class=\"documentation-arguments\">")
(display-arguments (mopu:function-arglist thing))
(bind (symbol)
(labels ((find-docs (thing)
(bind (((values kinds nil)
(aif (symbol-identities-with-docstring thing kind)
(values it t)
(values (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons x nil))
(symbol-identities thing)) nil))))
(setf symbol thing)
(bind ((*package* (or (docs-package) *package*))
(kinds (or (find-docs (ensure-symbol name))
(find-docs (ensure-symbol name *package*))))
(kind (first kinds)))
(ecase phase
(check-exportedp symbol)
;;?? could memoize this (where is it stored? in add-docs-item?)
(when (> (length kinds) 1)
(markdown-warning "Multiple interpretations found for ~s; specify type (using ~a)"
name (car (first kinds))))
(unless kinds
(markdown-warning "No docstring found for ~s (package is ~s)"
name (docs-package)))
(add-docs-item symbol (car kind)))
(let ((docs (and (cdr kind) (find-documentation symbol (cdr kind))))
(identity (car kind)))
(maybe-anchor-documentation name identity)
(format *output-stream*
"<div class=\"documentation ~(~a~)\">" identity)
(format *output-stream*
"<div class=\"documentation header\">")
(format *output-stream* "<div class=\"doc name-and-args\">")
(format *output-stream* "<span class=\"hidden\">X</span>")
(format *output-stream*
(format *output-stream*
"~&<span class=\"documentation-kind\">~a</span>" identity)
(format *output-stream* "~&</div>")
(format *output-stream*
"<div class=\"documentation contents\">")
(markdown docs
:stream *output-stream*
:format *current-format*))
(format *output-stream*
"<span class='no-docs'>No documentation found</span>")))
(format *output-stream* "~&</div>")
(format *output-stream* "~&</div>"))
"~&<span class=\"documentation-name\">~a</span>" name)
(when (symbol-may-have-arguments-p symbol)
(let ((arguments (mopu:function-arglist symbol)))
(when arguments
(format *output-stream*
"~&<span class=\"documentation-arguments\">")
(display-arguments arguments)
(format *output-stream* "</span>"))))
(format *output-stream* "~&</div>~%")
(format *output-stream*
"~&<span class=\"documentation-kind\">~a</span>" identity)
(format *output-stream* "~&</div>~%")
(format *output-stream*
"<div class=\"documentation contents\">")
(markdown docs
:stream *output-stream*
:format *current-format*
:properties '(("html" . nil)
(:omit-final-paragraph . t)
(:omit-initial-paragraph . t))))
(format *output-stream*
"<span class='no-docs'>No documentation found</span>")))
(format *output-stream* "~&</div>~%")
(format *output-stream* "~&</div>~%"))

(defun maybe-anchor-documentation (name identity)
(unless (documentation-anchored-p name identity)
(setf (documentation-anchored-p name identity) t)
(output-anchor (format nil "~a.~a" name identity))
(output-anchor name)))

(defun documentation-anchors-table ()
(or (document-property :documentation-anchors)
(setf (document-property :documentation-anchors)
(make-container 'simple-associative-container :test 'equal))))

(defun documentation-anchored-p (name identity)
(item-at-1 (documentation-anchors-table)
(cons name identity)))

(defun (setf documentation-anchored-p) (value name identity)
(setf (item-at-1 (documentation-anchors-table)
(cons name identity))

(defun output-documentation-link (item kind text)
(let ((name (html-safe-name (format nil "~a.~a" item kind))))
(format *output-stream*
"~&<li><a href=\"#~a\">\~a</a></li>"
name text)))

(defextension (docs-index :arguments ((kind :required)))
(when (eq phase :render)
(bind ((items (%items-to-index kind)))
(cond ((empty-p items)
(doc-warning "There are no items of kind ~a documented." kind))
"There are no items of kind ~a documented." kind))
(format *output-stream*
"~&<a href=\"index-~a\"></a>" kind)
(output-anchor kind)
(format *output-stream*
"~&<div class=\"index ~(~a~)\">" kind)
(format *output-stream* "~&<ul>")
(loop for (item . real-kind) in items do
(format *output-stream*
"~&<li><a href=\"#~a-~a\">\~a</a></li>"
item real-kind item))
(output-documentation-link item real-kind item))
(format *output-stream* "~&</ul></div>"))))))

(defun canonize-index-kind (kind)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,10 +171,11 @@
(defun add-docs-link (thing kind)
(let ((kind (canonize-index-kind kind)))
(flet ((add-link (name title)
(setf (item-at (link-info *current-document*) name)
(make-instance 'link-info
:id name :url (format nil "#~a" name)
:title title))))
(let ((anchor (html-safe-name (ensure-string name))))
(setf (item-at (link-info *current-document*) name)
(make-instance 'link-info
:id name :url (format nil "#~a" anchor)
:title title)))))
(bind ((kinds (symbol-identities thing)))
(cond ((length-1-list-p kinds)
(add-link (format nil "~a" thing)
Expand All @@ -167,14 +195,26 @@

(defun display-arguments (arguments)
(dolist (argument arguments)
;; bail on &aux
(when (and (symbolp argument)
(string-equal (symbol-name argument) "&aux"))
(cond ((consp argument)
;; probably part of a macro
(format *output-stream* "~( ~a~)" argument))
((string-equal (symbol-name argument) "&"
:start1 0 :start2 0 :end1 1 :end2 1)
(format *output-stream* "~( ~a~)" argument))
(cond ((eq (car argument) 'quote)
(format *output-stream* "'~(~a~)" (rest argument)))
;; probably part of a macro
(format *output-stream* "(")
(display-arguments argument)
(format *output-stream* ")&ensp;"))))
((and (symbolp argument)
(string-equal (symbol-name argument) "&"
:start1 0 :start2 0 :end1 1 :end2 1))
(format *output-stream*
"<span class=\"marker\">&amp;~(~a~)&ensp;</span>"
(subseq (symbol-name argument) 1)))
(format *output-stream* "~( ~a~)" argument)))))
(format *output-stream* "~(~a~)&ensp;" argument)))))

(defgeneric find-documentation (thing strategy)
(:documentation "Return the documentation for thing using strategy. The default is to call the Common Lisp documentation method with strategy being used as the type."))
Expand All @@ -191,7 +231,8 @@
(symbol-function thing))
when (documentation m 'function) append
(list (documentation m 'function)))))
(format nil "~a~@[~%~%~{~a~^~%~%~}~]" docstring strings)))
(format nil "~@[~a~]~:[~;~%~%~]~@[~{~a~^~%~%~}~]"
docstring (and docstring strings) strings)))

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