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Tony Lagnada edited this page Dec 27, 2022 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Saved Dungeons & Raids wiki!

Getting Started

After installing the addon, {{SavedDNR}}: Initialized. Type /sdnr on the console for available commands.

Addon Command Line

Typing /sdnr on the console without any commands should display the following text.

{{SavedDNR}}: usage: /sdnr [options] 
{{SavedDNR}}: options: 
{{SavedDNR}}:   - list    :: Prints the saved dungeons and raids on the console 
{{SavedDNR}}:   - info    :: Prints additional addon info 
{{SavedDNR}}:   - help    :: Shows this hel

Listing Saved Dungeon & Raid information

There are two ways that the saved dungeon and raid information

  1. By opening the Look-For-Group UI by pressing the letter "I" (as in Iceland). The saved information will be outputted on the console.

  2. By issuing the "list" option on the addon command console /sdnr list

Console Output

{{SavedDNR}}: ::: Saved Dungeons :::
{{SavedDNR}}: Dungeons
{{SavedDNR}}:   - No saved instances found.
{{SavedDNR}}: Raids
{{SavedDNR}}: - No saved raids found

Additional Information

Issuing the "info" option on the addon command console /sdnr info will print additional information on the console

{{SavedDNR}}: Addon Info:
Last-Update: 12/27/22 10:01:04
Interface-Version: 30400