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small refactoring to extractor
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ikuraj committed Nov 7, 2012
1 parent b2e2c23 commit 01f8851
Showing 1 changed file with 43 additions and 42 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ object Extractor extends ((Node, Int) => List[(Node, Double)]) {


* recursive function for transforming a tree into a list of trees with corresponding weights
* @param tree input tree parameter
Expand All @@ -64,87 +64,88 @@ object Extractor extends ((Node, Int) => List[(Node, Double)]) {
def transform(tree: Node): List[NodeWithWeight] = {
// logging
if (Config.isLogging) {
logger.entering(getClass.toString, "transform"/*, FormatableIntermediate(tree)*/)
logger.entering(getClass.toString, "transform" /*, FormatableIntermediate(tree)*/ )

// check if the result is cached, return immediately if it is
if (cache contains tree) {
//logger.warning("cache contains tree: " + FormatableIntermediate(tree))
// logging
if (Config.isLogging)
logger.fine("cache contains tree: " + FormatableIntermediate(tree, 1))
return cache(tree)
} else {
// logging
logger.fine("cache did not contain tree")
// logging
if (Config.isLogging)
logger.fine("cache did not contain tree")

// if (visited.size > 10) {
// logger.warning("visited.size > 10: " + visited.size)
// }

val result = tree match {

val result = tree match {
// variable (declared previously as an argument)
case _:Variable =>
case _: Variable =>
// single pair with weight for leaves
List( (tree, weightForLeaves) )
List((tree, weightForLeaves))
// identifier defined in Scala program
case id:Identifier =>
case id: Identifier =>
// single pair with weight from declaration
List( (tree, id.decl.getWeight) )
case NullLeaf =>
List( (tree, 0d) )
List((tree, id.decl.getWeight))
case NullLeaf =>
List((tree, 0d))
// apply parameters in the tail of params according to the head of params
case Application(tpe, params) => {
// logging
// if (Config.isLogging && getSingleElementsParamsList(params).size < 1) {
// logger.warning("getSingleElementsParamsList(params).size < 1")
// }
// logging
// if (Config.isLogging && getSingleElementsParamsList(params).size < 1) {
// logger.warning("getSingleElementsParamsList(params).size < 1")
// }

/** for a parameters list (in terms of list of sets of nodes), return multiple parameters
* lists in terms of parameter list (but with single node for each parameter) and the sum
* weight of such list of parameters */
* for a parameters list (in terms of list of sets of nodes), return multiple parameters
* lists in terms of parameter list (but with single node for each parameter) and the sum
* weight of such list of parameters
def getSingleElementsParamsList(params: List[Set[Node]]): List[(List[Node], Double)] = {
//logger.entering(getClass.toString, "getSingleElementsParamsList"/*, FormatableIntermediate(tree)*/)
//logger.entering(getClass.toString, "getSingleElementsParamsList"/*, FormatableIntermediate(tree)*/)
params match {
// return empty list if no parameters are found
case List() => Nil
// a single parameter (set)
case List(set) =>
// recursively transform a single parameter set and map each result into a single-parameter
// list and its weight
// recursively transform a single parameter set and map each result into a single-parameter
// list and its weight
set flatMap { transform(_) map { pair => (List(pair._1), pair._2) } } toList
// separate a single set from the rest of the parameter list
case set :: list =>
// calculate the recursive result (no need to do that in the for loop)
// calculate the recursive result (no need to do that in the for loop)
val resultForRest = getSingleElementsParamsList(list);
for (
// for a set of parameter get all possible single-snippet trees
(firstParamNode, firstParamWeight) <- set flatMap { transform(_) } toList;
// for all single-snippet trees for rest of the list recursively
(restParams, restOfWeight) <- resultForRest
// yield all possible combinations of concatenations of the two lists
// yield all possible combinations of concatenations of the two lists
) yield ((firstParamNode +: restParams, firstParamWeight + restOfWeight))

// for all single-snippet trees representing parameters list
for (paramsList <- getSingleElementsParamsList(params))
// yield an appropriate application node
yield ( (Application(tpe, paramsList._1 map { Set(_) }), paramsList._2) )
yield ((Application(tpe, paramsList._1 map { Set(_) }), paramsList._2))
// abstraction first creates all of its arguments
case Abstraction(tpe, vars, subtrees) => {
for ( (subtree, weight) <- subtrees flatMap { transform(_) } toList )
yield ( (Abstraction(tpe, vars, Set(subtree)), weight) )
for ((subtree, weight) <- subtrees flatMap { transform(_) } toList)
yield ((Abstraction(tpe, vars, Set(subtree)), weight))

// cache the result
cache += tree -> result
// logging
if (Config.isLogging) {
logger.exiting(getClass.toString, "transform"/*, FormatableIntermediate(tree)*/)

// cache the result
cache += tree -> result
// logging
if (Config.isLogging) {
logger.exiting(getClass.toString, "transform" /*, FormatableIntermediate(tree)*/ )



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