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kapytein committed Aug 24, 2019
0 parents commit ff338b8
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16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions
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# jsonp

jsonp is a Burp Extension which tries to discover JSONP functionality behind JSON endpoints. It does so by appending parameters and/or changing the extension of the requested URL. The payloads are taken from payloads.txt.

The extension acts as a passive scanner (while it actually is not, since it creates requests based on the original request). For every request responding with `application/json`, the plugin will send `4` altered requests, using the payloads from `payloads.txt`. Only the request path and method will be altered. All requests made by the plugin are using the request method `GET`.

JSONP functionalities (if not restricted) could be used to bypass content security policies. Besides that, in case there's authenticated data, you could attempt a cross-site script inclusion attack if no CSRF token or equivalent is used to migitate the exploitability.

It's common that JSONP functionalities are hidden behind JSON endpoints, as learned on [Liberapay]( The template rendered using `jsonp_dump`, which would return valid JSON with content type `application/json` when no `callback` parameter is supplied.

## Installation

The extension is currently not in the BApp Store. You have to install it manually via "Extender > Add".

## Common false-positivies for exploitability
The extension uses the cookies and (possibly additional) authentication headers from the original request. This means that the extension does not detect whether the JSONP functionality on the endpoint is exploitable or not.
182 changes: 182 additions & 0 deletions
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from burp import IBurpExtender
from burp import IScannerCheck
from burp import IScanIssue
from burp import IExtensionHelpers
from import URL
from array import array
from urlparse import urlparse
import sys
import os

class BurpExtender(IBurpExtender, IScannerCheck):

def registerExtenderCallbacks(self, callbacks):
# keep a reference to our callbacks object
self._callbacks = callbacks

# obtain an extension helpers object
self._helpers = callbacks.getHelpers()

# set our extension name

# register ourselves as a custom scanner check

sys.stdout = callbacks.getStdout()
sys.stderr = callbacks.getStderr()

def load_payloads(self):
lines = []
with open('payloads.txt') as f:
lines =

return lines

def replace_last(self, source_string, replace_what, replace_with):
head, _sep, tail = source_string.rpartition(replace_what)
return head + replace_with + tail

def remove_parameters(self, url):
u = urlparse(url)
query = "?" + u.query
return url.replace(query, '')

The function attempts to place the payload within the requested URL. A payload consists of an extension and query parameters only.
URL's end often (without query parameters / fragment) with a slash (/) or without a slash. Both scenarios are currently covered by this function.
def construct_url(self, url, payload):
has_slash = False
org_url = urlparse(url)

url = self.remove_parameters(url)

if url.endswith("/"):
has_slash = True
url = self.replace_last(url, '/', '')

u = urlparse(url)
url_ext = os.path.splitext(u.path)[1]
payload_ext = urlparse(payload)

# we have an ext in the payload
if payload_ext.path != "":
if url_ext != "":
url = self.replace_last(url, url_ext, payload_ext.path)
payload = payload.replace(payload_ext.path, '')

elif has_slash == True and url_ext == "":
# place payload ext before the /
url = url + payload_ext.path
payload = payload.replace(payload_ext.path, '')

if has_slash == True:
url = url + "/"

if org_url.query != "":
if payload_ext.query != "":
payload = payload + "&" + org_url.query
payload = payload + "?" + org_url.query

return url + payload

def replace_header(self, headers, value):
# the request method will always be the first value in the list
headers[0] = value
return headers

def doPassiveScan(self, baseRequestResponse):
response = baseRequestResponse.getResponse()

res_type = self._helpers.analyzeResponse(response).getStatedMimeType()
if res_type == "JSON":
payloads = self.load_payloads()

for i in payloads:
request_url = self._helpers.analyzeRequest(baseRequestResponse).getUrl()
payload_url = urlparse(self.construct_url(str(request_url), i))

if payload_url.query != "":
payload_format = '{uri.path}?{uri.query}'.format(uri=payload_url)
payload_format = '{uri.path}'.format(uri=payload_url)

request_headers = self.replace_header(self._helpers.analyzeRequest(baseRequestResponse).getHeaders(), "GET " + payload_format + " HTTP/1.1")

request = self._helpers.buildHttpMessage(request_headers, None)
print("Edited URL, and creating request to the following URL: " + payload_format)

response = self._callbacks.makeHttpRequest(request_url.getHost(), request_url.getPort(), False if request_url.getProtocol() == "http" else True, request)
response_type = self._helpers.analyzeResponse(response).getStatedMimeType()

if response_type == "script":

return [CustomScanIssue(
"Hidden JSONP endpoint found",
# @TODO A class which implements IHttpRequestResponse needs to be created for a byte > ihttprequestresponse conversion. There's no helper for this
"Callback request path: " + payload_format + ". A JSON endpoint was found with a (possibly hidden) JSONP functionality. This allows you to retrieve the returned data cross-origin (in case there are no additional checks / CSRF tokens in place). This may also help to bypass content security policies.",

def consolidateDuplicateIssues(self, existingIssue, newIssue):
# This method is called when multiple issues are reported for the same URL
# path by the same extension-provided check. The value we return from this
# method determines how/whether Burp consolidates the multiple issues
# to prevent duplication
# Since the issue name is sufficient to identify our issues as different,
# if both issues have the same name, only report the existing issue
# otherwise report both issues
if existingIssue.getIssueName() == newIssue.getIssueName():
return -1

return 0

class CustomScanIssue(IScanIssue):
def __init__(self, httpService, url, httpMessages, name, detail, severity):
self._httpService = httpService
self._url = url
self._httpMessages = httpMessages
self._name = name
self._detail = detail
self._severity = severity

def getUrl(self):
return self._url

def getIssueName(self):
return self._name

def getIssueType(self):
return 0

def getSeverity(self):
return self._severity

def getConfidence(self):
return "Certain"

def getIssueBackground(self):

def getRemediationBackground(self):

def getIssueDetail(self):
return self._detail

def getRemediationDetail(self):

def getHttpMessages(self):
return self._httpMessages

def getHttpService(self):
return self._httpService
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions payloads.txt
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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions test/test.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@

unit tests SOON ™

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