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1181 lines (776 loc) · 43.1 KB

File metadata and controls

1181 lines (776 loc) · 43.1 KB


Breaking changes

  • Progress indicators can now either use the new notification API, using style="notification", or be displayed with the previous styling, using style="old". You can also call shinyOptions("old") in the server function to make all progress indicators use the old styling. (#1160, #1327, #1329)

  • Closed #1161: Deprecated the position argument to tabsetPanel() since Bootstrap 3 stopped supporting this feature.

  • The long-deprecated ability to pass a func argument to many of the render functions has been removed.

New features

  • Added the ability to bookmark and restore application state.

  • Added a new notification API. From R, there are new functions showNotification and hideNotification. From JavaScript, there is a new Shiny.notification object that controls notifications. (#1141)

  • Added the ability for the client browser to reconnect to a new session on the server, by setting session$allowReconnect(TRUE). This requires a version of Shiny Server that supports reconnections. (#1074)

  • Added modal dialogs. (#1157)

  • Added insertUI and removeUI functions to be able to add and remove chunks of UI, standalone, and all independent of one another.

  • Improved renderTable() function to make the tables look prettier and also provide the user with a lot more parameters to customize their tables with.

  • Added support for the pool package (use Shiny's timer/scheduler)

Minor new features and improvements

  • Added cancelOutput argument to req(). This causes the currently executing reactive to cancel its execution, and leave its previous state alone (as opposed to clearing the output).

  • Display: Showcase now displays the .js, .html and .css files in the www directory by default. In order to use showcase mode and not display these, include a new line in your Description file: IncludeWWW: False. (#1185)

  • Added an error sanitization option: options(shiny.sanitize.errors = TRUE). By default, this option is FALSE. When TRUE, normal errors will be sanitized, displaying only a generic error message. This changes the look of an app when errors are printed (but the console log remains the same). (#1123, #1156)

  • Added the option of passing arguments to an xxxOutput() function through the corresponding renderXXX() function via an outputArgs parameter to the latter. This is only valid for snippets of Shiny code in an interactive runtime: shiny Rmd document (never for full apps, even if embedded in an Rmd).

  • Added updateActionButton() function, so the user can change an actionButton's (or actionLink's) label and/or icon. It also checks that the icon argument (for both creation and updating of a button) is valid and throws a warning otherwise. (#1134)

  • Added code diagnostics: if there is an error parsing ui.R, server.R, app.R, or global.R, Shiny will search the code for missing commas, extra commas, and unmatched braces, parens, and brackets, and will print out messages pointing out those problems. (#1126)

  • Added support for horizontal dividers in navbarMenu. (#888)

  • navbarMenu now has dividers and dropdown headers (#888)

  • Added placeholder option to passwordInput. (#1152)

  • Added session$resetBrush(brushId) (R) and Shiny.resetBrush(brushId) (JS) to programatically clear brushes from imageOutput/plotOutput. (#1197)

  • Added textAreaInput. (Thanks to @nuno-agostinho. #1183, #1300)

  • Added session$sendBinaryMessage(type, message) method for sending custom binary data to the client. See ?session. (Thanks, @daef! #1316, #1320)

  • Almost all code examples now have a runnable example with shinyApp(), so that users can run the examples and see them in action. (#1137, #1158)

  • When resized, plots are drawn with replayPlot(), instead of re-executing all plotting code. This results in faster plot rendering. (#1112)

  • Exported the isTruthy() function.

  • Reactive log now shows elapsed time for reactives and observers.

  • Nodes in the reactlog visualization are now sticky if the user drags them.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed #1331: renderPlot() now correctly records and replays plots when execOnResize=FALSE. (#1337)

  • updateDateInput() and updateDateRangeInput() can now clear the date input fields. (#1299, #896, #1315)

  • Fixed #561: DataTables previously might pop up a warning when the data was updated extremely frequently.

  • Fixed #776: In some browsers, plots sometimes flickered when updated.

  • Fixed #543, #855: When navbarPage() had a navbarMenu() as the first item, it did not automatically select an item.

  • Fixed #970: navbarPage() previously did not have an option to set the selected tab.

  • Fixed #1253: Memory could leak when an observer was destroyed without first being invalidated. (#1254)

  • Fixed #931: Nested observers could leak memory. (#1256)

  • Fixed #1144: updateRadioButton() and updateCheckboxGroupInput() broke controls when used in modules (thanks, @sipemu!). (#1285)

  • Fixed #1093: updateRadioButtons() and updateCheckboxGroupInput() didn't work if choices was numeric vector.

  • Fixed #1122: downloadHandler() popped up empty browser window if the file wasn't present. It now gives a 404 error code.

  • Fixed #1284: Reactive system was being flushed too often (usually this just means a more-expensive no-op than necessary).

  • Fixed #1179: updateDateInput() sometimes didn't work with malformed dates.

  • Fixed #1257: updateSelectInput() didn't work correctly in IE 11 and Edge. (#1277)

  • Fixed #803: Malformed date input values crashed app. (#1298)

  • Fixed #971: runApp() would give confusing error if port was not numeric.

  • Shiny now avoids using ports that Chrome deems unsafe. (#1222)

  • Added workaround for quartz graphics device resolution bug, where resolution is hard-coded to 72 ppi.

Library updates

  • Updated to ion.RangeSlider 2.1.2.

  • Updated to Font Awesome 4.6.3.

  • Updated to Bootstrap 3.3.7.

  • Updated to jQuery 1.12.4.

shiny 0.13.2

  • Updated documentation for htmlTemplate.

shiny 0.13.1

  • flexCol did not work on RStudio for Windows or Linux.

  • Fixed RStudio debugger integration.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: The long-deprecated ability to pass functions (rather than expressions) to reactive() and observe() has finally been removed.

shiny 0.13.0

  • Fixed #962: plot interactions did not work with the development version of ggplot2 (after ggplot2 1.0.1).

  • Fixed #902: the drag_drop plugin of the selectize input did not work.

  • Fixed #933: updateSliderInput() does not work when only the label is updated.

  • Multiple imageOutput/plotOutput calls can now share the same brush id. Shiny will ensure that performing a brush operation will clear any other brush with the same id.

  • Added placeholder option to textInput.

  • Improved support for Unicode characters on Windows (#968).

  • Fixed bug in selectInput and selectizeInput where values with double quotes were not properly escaped.

  • runApp() can now take a path to any .R file that yields a shinyApp object; previously, the path had to be a directory that contained an app.R file (or server.R if using separately defined server and UI). Similarly, introduced shinyAppFile() function which creates a shinyApp object for an .R file path, just as shinyAppDir() does for a directory path.

  • Introduced Shiny Modules, which are designed to 1) simplify the reuse of Shiny UI/server logic and 2) make authoring and maintaining complex Shiny apps much easier. See the article linked from ?callModule.

  • invalidateLater and reactiveTimer no longer require an explicit session argument; the default value uses the current session.

  • Added session$reload() method, the equivalent of hitting the browser's Reload button.

  • Added shiny.autoreload option, which will automatically cause browsers to reload whenever Shiny app files change on disk. This is intended to shorten the feedback cycle when tweaking UI code.

  • Errors are now printed with stack traces! This should make it tremendously easier to track down the causes of errors in Shiny. Try it by calling stop("message") from within an output, reactive, or observer. Shiny itself adds a lot of noise to the call stack, so by default, it attempts to hide all but the relevant levels of the call stack. You can turn off this behavior by setting options(shiny.fullstacktrace=TRUE) before or during app startup.

  • Fixed #1018: the selected value of a selectize input is guaranteed to be selected in server-side mode.

  • Added req function, which provides a simple way to prevent a reactive, observer, or output from executing until all required inputs and values are available. (Similar functionality has been available for a while using validate/need, but req provides a much simpler and more direct interface.)

  • Improve stability with Shiny Server when many subapps are used, by deferring the loading of subapp iframes until a connection has first been established with the server.

  • Upgrade to Font Awesome 4.5.0.

  • Upgraded to Bootstrap 3.3.5.

  • Upgraded to jQuery 1.12.4

  • Switched to an almost-complete build of jQuery UI with the exception of the datepicker extension, which conflicts with Shiny's date picker.

  • Added fillPage function, an alternative to fluidPage, fixedPage, etc. that is designed for apps that fill the entire available page width/height.

  • Added fillRow and fillCol functions, for laying out proportional grids in fillPage. For modern browsers only.

  • Added runGadget, paneViewer, dialogViewer, and browserViewer functions to support Shiny Gadgets. More detailed docs about gadgets coming soon.

  • Added support for the new htmltools 0.3 feature htmlTemplate. It's now possible to use regular HTML markup to design your UI, but still use R expressions to define inputs, outputs, and HTML widgets.

shiny 0.12.2

  • GitHub changed URLs for gists from .tar.gz to .zip, so runGist was updated to work with the new URLs.

  • Callbacks from the session object are now guaranteed to execute in the order in which registration occurred.

  • Minor bugs in sliderInput's animation behavior have been fixed. (#852)

  • Updated to ion.rangeSlider to 2.0.12.

  • Added shiny.minified option, which controls whether the minified version of shiny.js is used. Setting it to FALSe can be useful for debugging. (#826, #850)

  • Fixed an issue for outputting plots from ggplot objects which also have an additional class whose print method takes precedence over print.ggplot. (#840, 841)

  • Added width option to Shiny's input functions. (#589, #834)

  • Added two alias functions of updateTabsetPanel() to update the selected tab: updateNavbarPage() and updateNavlistPanel(). (#881)

  • All non-base functions are now explicitly namespaced, to pass checks in R-devel.

  • Shiny now correctly handles HTTP HEAD requests. (#876)

shiny 0.12.1

  • Fixed an issue where unbindAll() causes subsequent bindAll() to be ignored for previously bound outputs. (#856)

  • Undeprecate dataTableOutput and renderDataTable, which had been deprecated in favor of the new DT package. The DT package is a bit too new and has a slightly different API, we were too hasty in deprecating the existing Shiny functions.

shiny 0.12.0

  • Switched from RJSONIO to jsonlite. This improves consistency and speed when converting between R data structures and JSON. One notable change is that POSIXt objects are now serialized to JSON in UTC8601 format (like "2015-03-20T20:00:00Z"), instead of as seconds from the epoch).

  • In addition to the existing support for clicking and hovering on plots created by base graphics, added support for double-clicking and brushing. (#769)

  • Added support for clicking, hovering, double-clicking, and brushing for plots created by ggplot2, including support for facets. (#802)

  • Added nearPoints and brushedPoints functions for easily selecting rows of data that are clicked/hovered, or brushed. (#802)

  • Added shiny.port option. If this is option is set, runApp() will listen on this port by default. (#756)

  • runUrl, runGist, and runGitHub now can save downloaded applications, with the destdir argument. (#688)

  • Restored ability to set labels for selectInput. (#741)

  • Travis continuous integration now uses Travis's native R support.

  • Fixed encoding issue when the server receives data from the client browser. (#742)

  • The session object now has class ShinySession, making it easier to test whether an object is indeed a session object. (#720, #746)

  • Fix JavaScript error when an output appears in nested uiOutputs. (Thanks, Gregory Zhang. #749)

  • Eliminate delay on receiving new value when updateSliderInput(value=...) is called.

  • Updated to DataTables (Javascript library) 1.10.5.

  • Fixed downloading of files that have no filename extension. (#575, #753)

  • Fixed bug where nested UI outputs broke outputs. (#749, #750)

  • Removed unneeded HTML ID attributes for checkboxGroupInputs and radioButtons. (#684)

  • Fixed bug where checkboxes were still active even after Shiny.unbindAll() was called. (#206)

  • The server side selectize input will load the first 1000 options by default before users start to type and search in the box. (#823)

  • renderDataTable() and dataTableOutput() have been deprecated in shiny and will be removed in future versions of shiny. Please use the DT package instead: (#807)

shiny 0.11.1

  • Major client-side performance improvements for pages that have many conditionalPanels, tabPanels, and plotOutputs. (#693, #717, #723)

  • tabPanels now use the title for value by default. This fixes a bug in which an icon in the title caused problems with a conditionalPanel's test condition. (#725, #728)

  • selectInput now has a size argument to control the height of the input box. (#729)

  • navbarPage no longer includes a first row of extra whitespace when header=NULL. (#722)

  • selectInputs now use Bootstrap styling when selectize=FALSE. (#724)

  • Better vertical spacing of label for checkbox groups and radio buttons.

  • selectInput correctly uses width for both selectize and non-selectize inputs. (#702)

  • The wrapper tag generated by htmlOutput and uiOutput can now be any type of HTML tag, instead of just span and div. Also, custom classes are now allowed on the tag. (#704)

  • Slider problems in IE 11 and Chrome on touchscreen-equipped Windows computers have been fixed. (#700)

  • Sliders now work correctly with draggable panels. (#711)

  • Fixed arguments in fixedPanel. (#709)

  • downloadHandler content callback functions are now invoked with a temp file name that has the same extension as the final filename that will be used by the download. This is to deal with the fact that some file writing functions in R will auto-append the extension for their file type (pdf, zip).

shiny 0.11

  • Changed sliders from jquery-slider to ion.rangeSlider. These sliders have an improved appearance, support updating more properties from the server, and can be controlled with keyboard input.

  • Switched from Bootstrap 2 to Bootstrap 3. For most users, this will work seamlessly, but some users may need to use the shinybootstrap2 package for backward compatibility.

  • The UI of a Shiny app can now have a body tag. This is useful for CSS templates that use classes on the body tag.

  • actionButton and actionLink now pass their ... arguments to the underlying tag function. (#607)

  • Added observeEvent and eventReactive functions for clearer, more concise handling of actionButton, plot clicks, and other naturally-imperative inputs.

  • Errors that happen in reactives no longer prevent any remaining pending observers from executing. It is also now possible for users to control how errors are handled, with the '' global option. (#603, #604)

  • Added an escape argument to renderDataTable() to escape the HTML entities in the data table for security reasons. This might break tables from previous versions of shiny that use raw HTML in the table content, and the old behavior can be brought back by escape = FALSE if you are aware of the security implications. (#627)

  • Changed the URI encoding/decoding functions internally to use encodeURI(), encodeURIComponent(), and decodeURIComponent() from the httpuv package instead of utils::URLencode() and utils::URLdecode(). (#630)

  • Shiny's web assets are now minified.

  • The default reactive domain is now available in event handler functions. (#669)

  • Password input fields can now be used, with passwordInput(). (#672)


  • Remove use of rstudio::viewer in a code example, for R CMD check.


  • Changed some examples to use \donttest instead of \dontrun.

shiny 0.10.2

  • The minimal version of R required for the shiny package is 3.0.0 now.

  • Shiny apps can now consist of a single file, app.R, instead of ui.R and server.R.

  • Upgraded DataTables from 1.9.4 to 1.10.2. This might be a breaking change if you have customized the DataTables options in your apps. (More info: rstudio#558)

  • File uploading via fileInput() works for Internet Explorer 8 and 9 now. Note IE8/9 do not support multiple files from a single file input. If you need to upload multiple files, you have to use one file input for each file.

  • Switched away from reference classes to R6.

  • Reactive log performance has been greatly improved.

  • Added Progress and withProgress, to display the progress of computation on the client browser.

  • Fixed #557: updateSelectizeInput(choices, server = TRUE) did not work when choices is a character vector.

  • Searching in DataTables is case-insensitive and the search strings are not treated as regular expressions by default now. If you want case-sensitive searching or regular expressions, you can use the configuration options search$caseInsensitive and search$regex, e.g. renderDataTable(..., options = list(search = list(caseInsensitve = FALSE, regex = TRUE))).

  • Added support for htmltools::htmlDependency's new attachment parameter to renderUI/uiOutput.

  • Exported createWebDependency. It takes an htmltools::htmlDependency object and makes it available over Shiny's built-in web server.

  • Custom output bindings can now render htmltools::htmlDependency objects at runtime using Shiny.renderDependencies().

  • Fixes to rounding behavior of sliderInput. (#301, #502)

  • Updated selectize.js to version 0.11.2. (#596)

  • Added position parameter to navbarPage.

shiny 0.10.1

  • Added Unicode support for Windows. Shiny apps running on Windows must use the UTF-8 encoding for ui.R and server.R (also the optional global.R) if they contain non-ASCII characters. See this article for details and examples: (#516)

  • runGitHub() also allows the 'username/repo' syntax now, which is equivalent to runGitHub('repo', 'username'). (#427)

  • navbarPage() now accepts a windowTitle parameter to set the web browser page title to something other than the title displayed in the navbar.

  • Added an inline argument to textOutput(), imageOutput(), plotOutput(), and htmlOutput(). When inline = TRUE, these outputs will be put in span() instead of the default div(). This occurs automatically when these outputs are created via the inline expressions (e.g. r renderText(expr)) in R Markdown documents. See an R Markdown example at (#512)

  • Added support for option groups in the select/selectize inputs. When the choices argument for selectInput()/selectizeInput() is a list of sub-lists and any sub-list is of length greater than 1, the HTML tag <optgroup> will be used. See an example at (#542)

shiny 0.10.0

  • BREAKING CHANGE: By default, observers now terminate themselves if they were created during a session and that session ends. See ?domains for more details.

  • Shiny can now be used in R Markdown v2 documents, to create "Shiny Docs": reports and presentations that combine narrative, statically computed output, and fully dynamic inputs and outputs. For more info, including examples, see

  • The session object that can be passed into a server function (e.g. shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {...})) is now documented: see ?session.

  • Most inputs can now accept NULL label values to omit the label altogether.

  • New actionLink input control; like actionButton, but with the appearance of a normal link.

  • renderPlot now calls print on its result if it's visible (i.e. no more explicit print() required for ggplot2).

  • Introduced Shiny app objects (see ?shinyApp). These essentially replace the little-advertised ability for runApp to take a list(ui=..., server=...) as the first argument instead of a directory (though that ability remains for backward compatibility). Unlike those lists, Shiny app objects are tagged with class shiny.appobj so they can be run simply by printing them.

  • Added maskReactiveContext function. It blocks the current reactive context, to evaluate expressions that shouldn't use reactive sources directly. (This should not be commonly needed.)

  • Added flowLayout, splitLayout, and inputPanel functions for putting UI elements side by side. flowLayout lays out its children in a left-to-right, top-to-bottom arrangement. splitLayout evenly divides its horizontal space among its children (or unevenly divides if cellWidths argument is provided). inputPanel is like flowPanel, but with a light grey background, and is intended to be used to encapsulate small input controls wherever vertical space is at a premium.

  • Added serverInfo to obtain info about the Shiny Server if the app is served through it.

  • Added an inline argument (TRUE/FALSE) in checkboxGroupInput() and radioButtons() to allow the horizontal layout (inline = TRUE) of checkboxes or radio buttons. (Thanks, @saurfang, #481)

  • sliderInput and selectizeInput/selectInput now use a standard horizontal size instead of filling up all available horizontal space. Pass width="100%" explicitly for the old behavior.

  • Added the updateSelectizeInput() function to make it possible to process searching on the server side (i.e. using R), which can be much faster than the client side processing (i.e. using HTML and JavaScript). See the article at for a detailed introduction.

  • Fixed a bug of renderDataTable() when the data object only has 1 row and 1 column. (Thanks, ZJ Dai, #429)

  • renderPrint gained a new argument 'width' to control the width of the text output, e.g. renderPrint({mtcars}, width = 40).

  • Fixed #220: the zip file for a directory created by some programs may not have the directory name as its first entry, in which case runUrl() can fail. (#220)

  • runGitHub() can also take a value of the form "username/repo" in its first argument, e.g. both runGitHub("shiny_example", "rstudio") and runGitHub("rstudio/shiny_example") are valid ways to run the GitHub repo.

shiny 0.9.1

  • Fixed warning 'Error in Context$new : could not find function "loadMethod"' that was happening to dependent packages on "R CMD check".

shiny 0.9.0

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Added a host parameter to runApp() and runExample(), which defaults to the option if it is non-NULL, or "" otherwise. This means that by default, Shiny applications can only be accessed on the same machine from which they are served. To allow other clients to connect, as in previous versions of Shiny, use "" (or the IP address of one of your network interfaces, if you care to be explicit about it).

  • Added a new function selectizeInput() to use the JavaScript library selectize.js (, which extends the basic select input in many aspects.

  • The selectInput() function also gained a new argument selectize = TRUE to makes use of selectize.js by default. If you want to revert back to the original select input, you have to call selectInput(..., selectize = FALSE).

  • Added Showcase mode, which displays the R code for an app right in the app itself. You can invoke Showcase mode by passing display.mode="showcase" to the runApp() function. Or, if an app is designed to run in Showcase mode by default, add a DESCRIPTION file in the app dir with Title, Author, and License fields; with "Type: Shiny"; and with "DisplayMode: Showcase".

  • Upgraded to Bootstrap 2.3.2 and jQuery 1.11.0.

  • Make tags$head() and singleton() behave correctly when used with renderUI() and uiOutput(). Previously, "hoisting content to the head" and "only rendering items a single time" were features that worked only when the page was initially loading, not in dynamic rendering.

  • Files are now sourced with the keep.source option, to help with debugging and profiling.

  • Support user-defined input parsers for data coming in from JavaScript using the parseShinyInput method.

  • Fixed the bug #299: renderDataTable() can deal with 0-row data frames now. (reported by Harlan Harris)

  • Added navbarPage() and navbarMenu() functions to create applications with multiple top level panels.

  • Added navlistPanel() function to create layouts with a a bootstrap navlist on the left and tabPanels on the right

  • Added type parameter to tabsetPanel() to enable the use of pill style tabs in addition to the standard ones.

  • Added position paramter to tabsetPanel() to enable positioning of tabs above, below, left, or right of tab content.

  • Added fluidPage() and fixedPage() functions as well as related row and column layout functions for creating arbitrary bootstrap grid layouts.

  • Added hr() builder function for creating horizontal rules.

  • Automatically concatenate duplicate attributes in tag definitions

  • Added responsive parameter to page building functions for opting-out of bootstrap responsive css.

  • Added theme parameter to page building functions for specifying alternate bootstrap css styles.

  • Added icon() function for embedding icons from the font awesome icon library

  • Added makeReactiveBinding function to turn a "regular" variable into a reactive one (i.e. reading the variable makes the current reactive context dependent on it, and setting the variable is a source of reactivity).

  • Added a function withMathJax() to include the MathJax library in an app.

  • The argument selected in checkboxGroupInput(), selectInput(), and radioButtons() refers to the value(s) instead of the name(s) of the argument choices now. For example, the value of the selected argument in selectInput(..., choices = c('Label 1' = 'x1', 'Label 2' = 'x2'), selected = 'Label 2') must be updated to 'x2', although names/labels will be automatically converted to values internally for backward compatibility. The same change applies to updateCheckboxGroupInput(), updateSelectInput(), and updateRadioButtons() as well. (#340)

  • Now it is possible to only update the value of a checkbox group, select input, or radio buttons using the selected argument without providing the choices argument in updateCheckboxGroupInput(), updateSelectInput(), and updateRadioButtons(), respectively. (#340)

  • Added absolutePanel and fixedPanel functions for creating absolute- and fixed-position panels. They can be easily made user-draggable by specifying draggable = TRUE.

  • For the options argument of the function renderDataTable(), we can pass literal JavaScript code to the DataTables library via I(). This makes it possible to use any JavaScript object in the options, e.g. a JavaScript function (which is not supported in JSON). See ?renderDataTable for details and examples.

  • DataTables also works under IE8 now.

  • Fixed a bug in DataTables pagination when searching is turned on, which caused failures for matrices as well as empty rows when displaying data frames using renderDataTable().

  • The options argument in renderDataTable() can also take a function that returns a list. This makes it possible to use reactive values in the options. (#392)

  • renderDataTable() respects more DataTables options now: (1) either bPaginate = FALSE or iDisplayLength = -1 will disable pagination (i.e. all rows are returned from the data); besides, this means we can also use -1 in the length menu, e.g. aLengthMenu = list(c(10, 30, -1), list(10, 30, 'All')); (2) we can disable searching for individual columns through the bSearchable option, e.g. aoColumns = list(list(bSearchable = FALSE), list(bSearchable = TRUE),...) (the search box for the first column is hidden); (3) we can turn off searching entirely (for both global searching and individual columns) using the option bFilter = FALSE.

  • Added an argument callback in renderDataTable() so that a custom JavaScript function can be applied to the DataTable object. This makes it much easier to use DataTables plug-ins.

  • For numeric columns in a DataTable, the search boxes support lower and upper bounds now: a search query of the form "lower,upper" (without quotes) indicates the limits [lower, upper]. For a column X, this means the rows corresponding to X >= lower & X <= upper are returned. If we omit either the lower limit or the upper limit, only the other limit will be used, e.g. ",upper" means X <= upper.

  • updateNumericInput(value) tries to preserve numeric precision by avoiding scientific notation when possible, e.g. 102145 is no longer rounded to 1.0214e+05 = 102140. (Thanks, Martin Loos. #401)

  • sliderInput() no longer treats a label wrapped in HTML() as plain text, e.g. the label in sliderInput(..., label = HTML('A Label')) will not be escaped any more. (#119)

  • Fixed #306: the trailing slash in a path could fail addResourcePath() under Windows. (Thanks, ZJ Dai)

  • Dots are now legal characters for inputId/outputId. (Thanks, Kevin Lindquist. #358)

shiny 0.8.0

  • Debug hooks are registered on all user-provided functions and (reactive) expressions (e.g., in renderPlot()), which makes it possible to set breakpoints in these functions using the latest version of the RStudio IDE, and the RStudio visual debugging tools can be used to debug Shiny apps. Internally, the registration is done via installExprFunction(), which is a new function introduced in this version to replace exprToFunction() so that the registration can be automatically done.

  • Added a new function renderDataTable() to display tables using the JavaScript library DataTables. It includes basic features like pagination, searching (global search or search by individual columns), sorting (by single or multiple columns). All these features are implemented on the R side; for example, we can use R regular expressions for searching. Besides, it also uses the Bootstrap CSS style. See the full documentation and examples in the tutorial:

  • Added a new option shiny.error which can take a function as an error handler. It is called when an error occurs in an app (in user-provided code), e.g., after we set options(shiny.error = recover), we can enter a specified environment in the call stack to debug our code after an error occurs.

  • The argument launch.browser in runApp() can also be a function, which takes the URL of the shiny app as its input value.

  • runApp() uses a random port between 3000 and 8000 instead of 8100 now. It will try up to 20 ports in case certain ports are not available.

  • Fixed a bug for conditional panels: the value in the condition was not correctly retrieved when the input widget had a type, such as numericInput(). (reported by Jason Bryer)

  • Fixed two bugs in plotOutput(); clickId and hoverId did not give correct coordinates in Firefox, or when the axis limits of the plot were changed. (reported by Chris Warth and Greg D)

  • The minimal required version for the httpuv package was increased to 1.2 (on CRAN now).

shiny 0.7.0

  • Stopped sending websocket subprotocol. This fixes a compatibility issue with Google Chrome 30.

  • The input and output objects are now also accessible via session$input and session$output.

  • Added click and hover events for static plots; see ?plotOutput for details.

  • Added optional logging of the execution states of a reactive program, and tools for visualizing the log data. To use, start a new R session and call options(shiny.reactlog=TRUE). Then launch a Shiny app and interact with it. Press Ctrl+F3 (or for Mac, Cmd+F3) in the browser to launch an interactive visualization of the reactivity that has occurred. See ?showReactLog for more information.

  • Added includeScript() and includeCSS() functions.

  • Reactive expressions now have class="reactive" attribute. Also added is.reactive() and is.reactivevalues() functions.

  • New stopApp() function, which stops an app and returns a value to the caller of runApp().

  • Added the shiny.usecairo option, which can be used to tell Shiny not to use Cairo for PNG output even when it is installed. (Defaults to TRUE.)

  • Speed increases for selectInput() and radioButtons(), and their corresponding updater functions, for when they have many options.

  • Added tagSetChildren() and tagAppendChildren() functions.

  • The HTTP request object that created the websocket is now accessible from the session object, as session$request. This is a Rook-like request environment that can be used to access HTTP headers, among other things. (Note: When running in a Shiny Server environment, the request will reflect the proxy HTTP request that was made from the Shiny Server process to the R process, not the request that was made from the web browser to Shiny Server.)

  • Fix getComputedStyle issue, for IE8 browser compatibility (#196). Note: Shiny Server is still required for IE8/9 compatibility.

  • Add shiny.sharedSecret option, to require the HTTP header Shiny-Shared-Secret to be set to the given value.

shiny 0.6.0

  • tabsetPanel() can be directed to start with a specific tab selected.

  • Fix bug where multiple file uploads with 3 or more files result in incorrect data.

  • Add withTags() function.

  • Add dateInput and dateRangeInput.

  • shinyServer() now takes an optional session argument, which is used for communication with the session object.

  • Add functions to update values of existing inputs on a page, instead of replacing them entirely.

  • Allow listening on domain sockets.

  • Added actionButton() to Shiny.

  • The server can now send custom JSON messages to the client. On the client side, functions can be registered to handle these messages.

  • Callbacks can be registered to be called at the end of a client session.

  • Add ability to set priority of observers and outputs. Each priority level gets its own queue.

  • Fix bug where the presence of a submit button would prevent sending of metadata until the button was clicked.

  • reactiveTimer() and invalidateLater() by default no longer invalidate reactive objects after the client session has closed.

  • Shiny apps can be run without a server.r and ui.r file.

shiny 0.5.0

  • Switch from websockets package for handling websocket connections to httpuv.

  • New method for detecting hidden output objects. Instead of checking that height and width are 0, it checks that the object or any ancestor in the DOM has style display:none.

  • Add clientData reactive values object, which carries information about the client. This includes the hidden status of output objects, height/width plot output objects, and the URL of the browser.

  • Add parseQueryString() function.

  • Add renderImage() function for sending arbitrary image files to the client, and its counterpart, imageOutput().

  • Add support for high-resolution (Retina) displays.

  • Fix bug #55, where renderTable() would throw error with an empty data frame.

shiny 0.4.1

  • Fix bug where width and height weren't passed along properly from reactivePlot to renderPlot.

  • Fix bug where infinite recursion would happen when reactivePlot was passed a function for width or height.

shiny 0.4.0

  • Added suspend/resume capability to observers.

  • Output objects are automatically suspended when they are hidden on the user's web browser.

  • runGist() accepts GitHub's new URL format, which includes the username.

  • reactive() and observe() now take expressions instead of functions.

  • reactiveText(), reactivePlot(), and so on, have been renamed to renderText(), renderPlot(), etc. They also now take expressions instead of functions.

  • Fixed a bug where empty values in a numericInput were sent to the R process as 0. They are now sent as NA.

shiny 0.3.1

  • Fix issue #91: bug where downloading files did not work.

  • Add [[<- operator for shinyoutput object, making it possible to assign values with output[['plot1']] <- ....

  • Reactive functions now preserve the visible/invisible state of their returned values.

shiny 0.3.0

  • Reactive functions are now evaluated lazily.

  • Add reactiveValues().

  • Using as.list() to convert a reactivevalues object (like input) to a list is deprecated. The new function reactiveValuesToList() should be used instead.

  • Add isolate(). This function is used for accessing reactive functions, without them invalidating their parent contexts.

  • Fix issue #58: bug where reactive functions are not re-run when all items in a checkboxGroup are unchecked.

  • Fix issue #71, where reactiveTable() would return blank if the first element of a data frame was NA.

  • In plotOutput, better validation for CSS units when specifying width and height.

  • reactivePrint() no longer displays invisible output.

  • reactiveText() no longer displays printed output, only the return value from a function.

  • The runGitHub() and runUrl() functions have been added, for running Shiny apps from GitHub repositories and zip/tar files at remote URLs.

  • Fix issue #64, where pressing Enter in a textbox would cause a form to submit.

shiny 0.2.4

  • runGist has been updated to use the new download URLs from

  • Shiny now uses CairoPNG() for output, when the Cairo package is available. This provides better-looking output on Linux and Windows.

shiny 0.2.3

  • Ignore request variables for routing purposes

shiny 0.2.2

  • Fix CRAN warning (assigning to global environment)

shiny 0.2.1

  • [BREAKING] Modify API of downloadHandler: The content function now takes a file path, not writable connection, as an argument. This makes it much easier to work with APIs that only write to file paths, not connections.

shiny 0.2.0

  • Fix subtle name resolution bug--the usual symptom being S4 methods not being invoked correctly when called from inside of ui.R or server.R

shiny 0.1.14

  • Fix slider animator, which broke in 0.1.10

shiny 0.1.13

  • Fix temp file leak in reactivePlot

shiny 0.1.12

  • Fix problems with runGist on Windows

  • Add feature for on-the-fly file downloads (e.g. CSV data, PDFs)

  • Add CSS hooks for app-wide busy indicators

shiny 0.1.11

  • Fix input binding with IE8 on Shiny Server

  • Fix issue #41: reactiveTable should allow print options too

  • Allow dynamic sizing of reactivePlot (i.e. using a function instead of a fixed value)

shiny 0.1.10

  • Support more MIME types when serving out of www

  • Fix issue #35: Allow modification of untar args

  • headerPanel can take an explicit window title parameter

  • checkboxInput uses correct attribute checked instead of selected

  • Fix plot rendering with IE8 on Shiny Server

shiny 0.1.9

  • Much less flicker when updating plots

  • More customizable error display

  • Add includeText, includeHTML, and includeMarkdown functions for putting text, HTML, and Markdown content from external files in the application's UI.

shiny 0.1.8

  • Add runGist function for conveniently running a Shiny app that is published on

  • Fix issue #27: Warnings cause reactive functions to stop executing.

  • The server.R and ui.R filenames are now case insensitive.

  • Add wellPanel function for creating inset areas on the page.

  • Add bootstrapPage function for creating new Bootstrap based layouts from scratch.

shiny 0.1.7

  • Fix issue #26: Shiny.OutputBindings not correctly exported.

  • Add repeatable function for making easily repeatable versions of random number generating functions.

  • Transcode JSON into UTF-8 (prevents non-ASCII reactivePrint values from causing errors on Windows).

shiny 0.1.6

  • Import package dependencies, instead of attaching them (with the exception of websockets, which doesn't currently work unless attached).

  • conditionalPanel was animated, now it is not.

  • bindAll was not correctly sending initial values to the server; fixed.

shiny 0.1.5

  • BREAKING CHANGE: JS APIs Shiny.bindInput and Shiny.bindOutput removed and replaced with Shiny.bindAll; Shiny.unbindInput and Shiny.unbindOutput removed and replaced with Shiny.unbindAll.

  • Add file upload support (currently only works with Chrome and Firefox). Use a normal HTML file input, or call the fileInput UI function.

  • Shiny.unbindOutputs did not work, now it does.

  • Generally improved robustness of dynamic input/output bindings.

  • Add conditionalPanel UI function to allow showing/hiding UI based on a JS expression; for example, whether an input is a particular value. Also works in raw HTML (add the data-display-if attribute to the element that should be shown/hidden).

  • htmlOutput (CSS class shiny-html-output) can contain inputs and outputs.

shiny 0.1.4

  • Allow Bootstrap tabsets to act as reactive inputs; their value indicates which tab is active

  • Upgrade to Bootstrap 2.1

  • Add checkboxGroupInput control, which presents a list of checkboxes and returns a vector of the selected values

  • Add addResourcePath, intended for reusable component authors to access CSS, JavaScript, image files, etc. from their package directories

  • Add Shiny.bindInputs(scope), .unbindInputs(scope), .bindOutputs(scope), and .unbindOutputs(scope) JS API calls to allow dynamic binding/unbinding of HTML elements

shiny 0.1.3

  • Introduce Shiny.inputBindings.register JS API and InputBinding class, for creating custom input controls

  • Add step parameter to numericInput

  • Read names of input using names(input)

  • Access snapshot of input as a list using as.list(input)

  • Fix issue #10: Plots in tabsets not rendered

shiny 0.1.2

  • Initial private beta release!