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karino2 committed Feb 18, 2022
1 parent e69cbe3 commit c1a6520
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Showing 4 changed files with 151 additions and 144 deletions.
156 changes: 151 additions & 5 deletions scripts/
@@ -1,7 +1,153 @@
#!/usr/bin/env oil

const DEST="../_config.yml"

cat template/config_head.yml > $DEST
ls ../wiki_src | xargs -L 1 ./ >> $DEST
cat template/config_tail.yml >> $DEST
const HEAD="""
remote_theme: Drassil/git-wiki-theme@master
# (string) Title of your wiki
title: "サブWiki公開用Wiki"
description: TeFWikiのサブWikiを公開するためのサイトです。
# (boolean) Enable/disable wiki page list in sidebar
show_wiki_pages: true
# (integer) Maximum number of wiki page to shown in sidebar
show_wiki_pages_limit: 10
# (boolean) Enable/disable blog feature
blog_feature: false
# (boolean) Enable/disable wiki posts list in sidebar (needs blog_feature enabled)
show_wiki_posts: true
# (integer) Maximum number of wiki posts to shown in sidebar
show_wiki_posts_limit: 10
# from jekyll (read jekyll doc)
# (boolean) Enable/disable download buttons in sidebar
show_downloads: false
# (string) Specify branch rendered by gitpages allowing wiki tool buttons to work
git_branch: "master"
# (string) Url of logo image, it can be full, absolute or relative.
# (string) The UA-XXXXX-Y code from google analytic to enable GA on your wiki
# (string) folder where wiki pages are stored, it's needed for tool buttons
wiki_folder: "wiki"
# (boolean) if you're using github wiki as submodule then this config
# must be enabled to allow tool buttons to work properly
use_github_wiki: false
# (boolean) Enable "Edit with" button in tools, it's a 3rd party
# service to edit github markdown pages easily
use_prose_io: true
# Select search_engine component from:
# - js: it uses a built in javascript component that uses generated js object
# - js_rss: it uses a built in javascript component that uses generated sitemap_full.xml to search inside your wiki with lunr library (slow and experimental)
# - github : it uses internal github repository search
# - google : it uses cse search bar, you need to configure google_cse_token
search_engine : "js"
# Setting google custom search engine for google
# cse search bar (
# (string) path of site root. Normally it's must be empty because _config.yml resides in the root of your repository.
# If you have _config.yml and your site in a subfolder, then change this config accordly
# Jekyll configurations
# You can customize it changing default layout for all pages
# More info:
# git-wiki includes some internal themes that you can choose
# check _layouts folder
markdown: kramdown
highlighter: rouge
input: GFM
syntax_highlighter: rouge
path: "wiki"
permalink: /:basename"""

const TAIL="""
path: "" # an empty string here means all files in the project
layout: "git-wiki-default"
style: compressed
- jekyll-avatar
- jekyll-coffeescript
- jekyll-default-layout
- jekyll-feed
- jekyll-gist
- jekyll-paginate
- jekyll-mentions
- jekyll-optional-front-matter
- jekyll-readme-index
- jekyll-redirect-from
- jekyll-remote-theme
- jekyll-relative-links
- jekyll-seo-tag
- jekyll-sitemap
- jekyll-titles-from-headings
- jemoji
- jekyll-gitlab-metadata
- wiki_src
- scripts
# They are optional, change them only if you need
# Check wiki documentation to learn how they work
inc_before_toc :
inc_after_toc :
inc_before_content :
inc_after_content :
inc_before_footer :
inc_after_footer :
inc_before_head :
inc_after_head :
inc_before_meta :
inc_after_meta :
inc_before_scripts :
inc_after_scripts :
inc_before_styles :
inc_after_styles :
inc_before_header :
inc_after_header :
inc_before_tail :
inc_after_tail :
inc_before_tools :
inc_after_tools :
inc_before_page_list :
inc_after_page_list : sidebar.html
inc_before_post_list :
inc_after_post_list :"""

proc gen_one(file) {
echo """
path: "wiki/$file"
permalink: /$file/:basename"""

echo $HEAD > $DEST
for file in @(ls ../wiki_src) {
gen_one $file >> $DEST
echo $TAIL >> $DEST
9 changes: 0 additions & 9 deletions scripts/

This file was deleted.

68 changes: 0 additions & 68 deletions scripts/template/config_head.yml

This file was deleted.

62 changes: 0 additions & 62 deletions scripts/template/config_tail.yml

This file was deleted.

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