base # CG Individuals prefix CG: # Company Graph prefix CB: # CrunchBase prefix PDL: # People Data Labs prefix DBP: # DBpedia prefix GN: # Geonames prefix WD: # WikiData # CG Ontologies prefix cg: prefix wdcg: prefix adms: prefix apf: prefix bo: prefix dbo: prefix dc: prefix dcat: prefix dct: prefix ebg: prefix gn: prefix locn: prefix org: prefix owl: prefix person: prefix puml: prefix qb: prefix rdf: prefix rdfs: prefix res: prefix rov: prefix schema: prefix skos: prefix time: prefix void: prefix wgs: prefix xsd: # Wikidata prefix geo: prefix p: prefix pq: prefix pqn: prefix pqv: prefix pr: prefix prn: prefix prov: prefix prv: prefix ps: prefix psn: prefix psv: prefix ref: prefix s: prefix v: prefix wd: prefix wdno: prefix wdt: prefix wdtn: prefix wikibase: construct { ?item a rov:RegisteredOrganization; skos:notation ?WD; dct:modified ?modified; dct:source . ?item skos:prefLabel ?prefName. ?item dct:description ?descr. ?item ebg:isStateOwned ?isStateOwned. ?item ebg:isStartup ?isStartup. ?item ebg:isPubliclyTraded ?isPubliclyTraded. ?item cg:country ?geonameCountry. ?geonameCountry adms:identifier ?identCountry. ?identCountry a adms:Identifier; skos:notation ?idCountry; dct:source . ?item schema:dateFounded ?foundedDate. ?item schema:dateDissolved ?dissolvedDate. ?item adms:identifier ?identWD. ?identWD a adms:Identifier; skos:notation ?WD; cg:identRaw ?WD; dct:isPartOf ; dct:source . ?item adms:identifier ?identDBP. ?identDBP a adms:Identifier; skos:notation ?DBP; cg:identRaw ?DBP; dct:isPartOf ; dct:source . ?item adms:identifier ?identP154. ?identP154 a adms:Identifier; skos:notation ?idP154; cg:identRaw ?idP154; dct:isPartOf ; dct:source . ?item adms:identifier ?identP968. ?identP968 a adms:Identifier; skos:notation ?idP968; cg:identRaw ?idP968; dct:isPartOf ; dct:source . ?item adms:identifier ?identP1329. ?identP1329 a adms:Identifier; skos:notation ?idP1329; cg:identRaw ?idP1329; dct:isPartOf ; dct:source . ?item adms:identifier ?identP856. ?identP856 a adms:Identifier; skos:notation ?idP856; cg:identRaw ?idP856; dct:isPartOf ; dct:source . ?item adms:identifier ?identP1581. ?identP1581 a adms:Identifier; skos:notation ?idP1581; cg:identRaw ?idP1581; dct:isPartOf ; dct:source . ?item adms:identifier ?identP1019. ?identP1019 a adms:Identifier; skos:notation ?idP1019; cg:identRaw ?idP1019; dct:isPartOf ; dct:source . ?item adms:identifier ?identP2013. ?identP2013 a adms:Identifier; skos:notation ?idP2013; cg:identRaw ?idP2013; dct:isPartOf ; dct:source . ?item adms:identifier ?identP2002. ?identP2002 a adms:Identifier; skos:notation ?idP2002; cg:identRaw ?idP2002; dct:isPartOf ; dct:source . ?item adms:identifier ?identP4264. ?identP4264 a adms:Identifier; skos:notation ?idP4264; cg:identRaw ?idP4264; dct:isPartOf ; dct:source . ?item adms:identifier ?identP6634. ?identP6634 a adms:Identifier; skos:notation ?idP6634; cg:identRaw ?idP6634; dct:isPartOf ; dct:source . ?item adms:identifier ?identP2035. ?identP2035 a adms:Identifier; skos:notation ?idP2035; cg:identRaw ?idP2035; dct:isPartOf ; dct:source . ?item adms:identifier ?identP2088. ?identP2088 a adms:Identifier; skos:notation ?idP2088; cg:identRaw ?idP2088; dct:isPartOf ; dct:source . ?item adms:identifier ?identP2087. ?identP2087 a adms:Identifier; skos:notation ?idP2087; cg:identRaw ?idP2087; dct:isPartOf ; dct:source . ?item adms:identifier ?identP3347. ?identP3347 a adms:Identifier; skos:notation ?idP3347; cg:identRaw ?idP3347; dct:isPartOf ; dct:source . ?item adms:identifier ?identP1278. ?identP1278 a adms:Identifier; skos:notation ?idP1278; cg:identRaw ?idP1278; dct:isPartOf ; dct:source . ?item adms:identifier ?identP6366. ?identP6366 a adms:Identifier; skos:notation ?idP6366; cg:identRaw ?idP6366; dct:isPartOf ; dct:source . ?item adms:identifier ?identP2427. ?identP2427 a adms:Identifier; skos:notation ?idP2427; cg:identRaw ?idP2427; dct:isPartOf ; dct:source . ?item adms:identifier ?identP6782. ?identP6782 a adms:Identifier; skos:notation ?idP6782; cg:identRaw ?idP6782; dct:isPartOf ; dct:source . ?item adms:identifier ?identP213. ?identP213 a adms:Identifier; skos:notation ?idP213; cg:identRaw ?idP213; dct:isPartOf ; dct:source . ?item adms:identifier ?identP214. ?identP214 a adms:Identifier; skos:notation ?idP214; cg:identRaw ?idP214; dct:isPartOf ; dct:source . ?item adms:identifier ?identP646. ?identP646 a adms:Identifier; skos:notation ?idP646; cg:identRaw ?idP646; dct:isPartOf ; dct:source . ?item rov:legalName ?label. ?item skos:altLabel ?altLabel. ?item cg:orgType ?type. ?type a skos:Concept; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel ?typeLabel; skos:description ?typeDescr; dct:source . ?item rov:orgType ?legalForm. ?legalForm a skos:Concept; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel ?legalFormLabel; skos:description ?legalFormDescr; dct:source . ?item rov:orgActivity ?industry. ?industry a skos:Concept; skos:inScheme ; skos:prefLabel ?industryLabel; skos:description ?industryDescr; dct:source . ?obs a qb:Observation; qb:dataSet ?item; cg:observationType ?obsType; cg:valueInteger ?obsInteger; cg:valueDecimal ?obsDecimal; cg:currency ?currCode; cg:date ?obsDate; dct:source . ?item org:hasRegisteredSite ?address. ?address a locn:Address; cg:addressType
; wdcg:location ?location; locn:fullAddress ?fullAddress; locn:thoroughfare ?street, ?strLabel; locn:locatorDesignator ?number, ?building, ?floor; locn:postCode ?postCode; schema:geo ?geoCoord. ?location a wdcg:Location; gn:name ?locationLabel. ?geoCoord a schema:GeoCoordinates; schema:latitude ?latitude; schema:longitude ?longitude; cg:geoPrecision ?precision. ?exchange a cg:StockExchange; dct:source . ?exchListing a cg:ExchangeListing; cg:agent ?item; cg:exchange ?exchange; cg:stockSymbol ?stockSymbol; cg:date ?exchStartDate; cg:dateEnd ?exchEndDate; cg:transactionType ?exchListingType; cg:isCurrent ?isCurrent; dct:source . ?orgRel a cg:OrganizationRelation; cg:relationType ?relationType; cg:agentMajor ?agentMajor; cg:agentMinor ?agentMinor; cg:agent ?agent1, ?agent2; cg:proportion ?proportion; cg:date ?relStartDate; cg:dateEnd ?relEndDate; cg:isCurrent ?isCurrent; dct:source . } where {{[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; schema:dateModified ?modified] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) bind(strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)) as ?WD) bind(uri(concat(?_item,"/WD")) as ?identWD) optional{?it rdfs:label ?prefName_en. filter(lang(?prefName_en)="en")} optional{?it rdfs:label ?prefName_de. filter(lang(?prefName_de)="de")} optional{?it rdfs:label ?prefName_fr. filter(lang(?prefName_fr)="fr")} optional{?it rdfs:label ?prefName_es. filter(lang(?prefName_es)="es")} optional{?it rdfs:label ?prefName_it. filter(lang(?prefName_it)="it")} optional{?it rdfs:label ?prefName_zh. filter(lang(?prefName_zh)="zh")} bind(coalesce(?prefName_en,?prefName_de,?prefName_fr,?prefName_es,?prefName_it,?prefName_zh) as ?prefName) optional{?it schema:description ?descr_en. filter(lang(?descr_en)="en")} optional{?it schema:description ?descr_de. filter(lang(?descr_de)="de")} optional{?it schema:description ?descr_fr. filter(lang(?descr_fr)="fr")} optional{?it schema:description ?descr_es. filter(lang(?descr_es)="es")} optional{?it schema:description ?descr_it. filter(lang(?descr_it)="it")} optional{?it schema:description ?descr_zh. filter(lang(?descr_zh)="zh")} bind(coalesce(?descr_en,?descr_de,?descr_fr,?descr_es,?descr_it,?descr_zh) as ?descr) bind(exists{?it wdt:P31 ?type. filter(?type in (wd:Q10402097,wd:Q11424358,wd:Q11424434,wd:Q1148315,wd:Q12782082,wd:Q1430364,wd:Q1519138,wd:Q15811601,wd:Q16917889,wd:Q16968466,wd:Q1780371,wd:Q17990971,wd:Q1802186,wd:Q19390308,wd:Q19753703,wd:Q2324556,wd:Q2324813,wd:Q2324835,wd:Q2326317,wd:Q251927,wd:Q270791,wd:Q273615,wd:Q286228,wd:Q2946028,wd:Q2990262,wd:Q30590861,wd:Q3356161,wd:Q3591583,wd:Q485016,wd:Q48814874,wd:Q48815411,wd:Q48815413,wd:Q48851989,wd:Q48851992,wd:Q5189488,wd:Q5589413,wd:Q5834296,wd:Q59603261,wd:Q59603354,wd:Q61819734,wd:Q652812,wd:Q6579042,wd:Q66344,wd:Q6972269,wd:Q7248445,wd:Q7257721,wd:Q7374547,wd:Q7603018,wd:Q1021586,wd:Q10402097,wd:Q10547399,wd:Q10855383,wd:Q11361056,wd:Q11424358,wd:Q1148315,wd:Q11549282,wd:Q11900271,wd:Q12782082,wd:Q1303046,wd:Q1389604,wd:Q1443829,wd:Q15750017,wd:Q15811601,wd:Q16917889,wd:Q16931297,wd:Q16968466,wd:Q1780371,wd:Q17990971,wd:Q1802186,wd:Q19391573,wd:Q2324556,wd:Q2324797,wd:Q2324813,wd:Q2324835,wd:Q2326317,wd:Q24936905,wd:Q2531989,wd:Q270791,wd:Q273615,wd:Q2946028,wd:Q30590861,wd:Q3356161,wd:Q3591583,wd:Q40890107,wd:Q4571771,wd:Q48814874,wd:Q48815411,wd:Q48815413,wd:Q48851989,wd:Q48851992,wd:Q5189477,wd:Q5189488,wd:Q54804183,wd:Q5589413,wd:Q5834296,wd:Q59603261,wd:Q59603354,wd:Q61056688,wd:Q61819734,wd:Q6428421,wd:Q66344,wd:Q6972269,wd:Q7603018,wd:Q835400))} as ?isStateOwned) bind(exists{?it wdt:P31 ?type. filter(?type in (wd:Q129238,wd:Q20983877))} as ?isStartup) bind(exists{?it wdt:P414 []} || exists{?it wdt:P31 ?type. filter(?type in (wd:Q891723,wd:Q5225895,wd:Q498289,wd:Q166280,wd:Q13641190,wd:Q20746571))} as ?isPubliclyTraded) optional { values (?country ?gnCountry) { (wd:Q29999 "2750405") # Kingdom of the Netherlands (wd:Q55 "2750405") # Netherlands: constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (nobody cares about such distinction) (wd:Q30 "6252001") # United States of America (wd:Q148 "1814991") # People's Republic of China (wd:Q145 "2635167") # United Kingdom (wd:Q183 "2921044") # Germany (wd:Q668 "1269750") # India (wd:Q142 "3017382") # France (wd:Q159 "2017370") # Russia (wd:Q20 "3144096") # Norway (wd:Q16 "6251999") # Canada (wd:Q96 "3996063") # Mexico (wd:Q34 "2661886") # Sweden (wd:Q38 "3175395") # Italy (wd:Q29 "2510769") # Spain (wd:Q252 "1643084") # Indonesia (wd:Q213 "3077311") # Czech Republic (wd:Q36 "798544") # Poland (wd:Q408 "2077456") # Australia (wd:Q794 "130758") # Iran (wd:Q17 "1861060") # Japan (wd:Q155 "3469034") # Brazil (wd:Q33 "660013") # Finland (wd:Q212 "690791") # Ukraine (wd:Q40 "2782113") # Austria (wd:Q1028 "2542007") # Morocco (wd:Q843 "1168579") # Pakistan (wd:Q35 "2623032") # Denmark (wd:Q31 "2802361") # Belgium (wd:Q218 "798549") # Romania (wd:Q43 "298795") # Turkey (wd:Q39 "2658434") # Switzerland (wd:Q184 "630336") # Belarus (wd:Q805 "69543") # Yemen (wd:Q664 "2186224") # New Zealand (wd:Q419 "3932488") # Peru (wd:Q41 "390903") # Greece (wd:Q414 "3865483") # Argentina (wd:Q884 "1835841") # South Korea (wd:Q258 "953987") # South Africa (wd:Q869 "1605651") # Thailand (wd:Q739 "3686110") # Colombia (wd:Q881 "1562822") # Vietnam (wd:Q298 "3895114") # Chile (wd:Q928 "1694008") # Philippines (wd:Q45 "2264397") # Portugal (wd:Q889 "1149361") # Afghanistan (wd:Q865 "1668284") # Taiwan (wd:Q262 "2589581") # Algeria (wd:Q37 "597427") # Lithuania (wd:Q833 "1733045") # Malaysia (wd:Q717 "3625428") # Venezuela (wd:Q27 "2963597") # Ireland (wd:Q28 "719819") # Hungary (wd:Q232 "1522867") # Kazakhstan (wd:Q225 "3277605") # Bosnia and Herzegovina (wd:Q836 "1327865") # Myanmar (wd:Q211 "458258") # Latvia (wd:Q1036 "226074") # Uganda (wd:Q191 "453733") # Estonia (wd:Q974 "203312") # Democratic Republic of the Congo (wd:Q399 "174982") # Armenia (wd:Q916 "3351879") # Angola (wd:Q215 "3190538") # Slovenia (wd:Q219 "732800") # Bulgaria (wd:Q224 "3202326") # Croatia (wd:Q79 "357994") # Egypt (wd:Q801 "294640") # Israel (wd:Q403 "6290252") # Serbia (wd:Q221 "718075") # North Macedonia (wd:Q214 "3057568") # Slovakia (wd:Q851 "102358") # Saudi Arabia (wd:Q241 "3562981") # Cuba (wd:Q230 "614540") # Georgia (wd:Q822 "272103") # Lebanon (wd:Q858 "163843") # Syria (wd:Q1009 "2233387") # Cameroon (wd:Q750 "3923057") # Bolivia (wd:Q902 "1210997") # Bangladesh (wd:Q854 "1227603") # Sri Lanka (wd:Q796 "99237") # Iraq (wd:Q948 "2464461") # Tunisia (wd:Q1033 "2328926") # Nigeria (wd:Q114 "192950") # Kenya (wd:Q1049 "366755") # Sudan (wd:Q189 "2629691") # Iceland (wd:Q786 "3508796") # Dominican Republic (wd:Q222 "783754") # Albania (wd:Q712 "2205218") # Fiji (wd:Q813 "1527747") # Kyrgyzstan (wd:Q227 "587116") # Azerbaijan (wd:Q77 "3439705") # Uruguay (wd:Q924 "149590") # Tanzania (wd:Q929 "239880") # Central African Republic (wd:Q1016 "2215636") # Libya (wd:Q15180 "8354411") # Soviet Union (wd:Q837 "1282988") # Nepal (wd:Q736 "3658394") # Ecuador (wd:Q1029 "1036973") # Mozambique (wd:Q804 "3703430") # Panama (wd:Q953 "895949") # Zambia (wd:Q115 "337996") # Ethiopia (wd:Q236 "3194884") # Montenegro (wd:Q423 "1873107") # North Korea (wd:Q783 "3608932") # Honduras (wd:Q1008 "2287781") # Ivory Coast (wd:Q954 "878675") # Zimbabwe (wd:Q223 "3425505") # Greenland (wd:Q691 "2088628") # Papua New Guinea (wd:Q1045 "51537") # Somalia (wd:Q1032 "2440476") # Niger (wd:Q912 "2453866") # Mali (wd:Q774 "3595528") # Guatemala (wd:Q965 "2361809") # Burkina Faso (wd:Q842 "286963") # Oman (wd:Q334 "1880251") # Singapore (wd:Q229 "146669") # Republic of Cyprus (wd:Q810 "248816") # Jordan (wd:Q958 "7909807") # South Sudan (wd:Q233 "2562770") # Malta (wd:Q1019 "1062947") # Madagascar (wd:Q117 "2300660") # Ghana (wd:Q1246 "831053") # Kosovo (wd:Q863 "1220409") # Tajikistan (wd:Q32 "2960313") # Luxembourg (wd:Q657 "2434508") # Chad (wd:Q800 "3624060") # Costa Rica (wd:Q1037 "49518") # Rwanda (wd:Q1025 "2378080") # Mauritania (wd:Q1006 "2420477") # Guinea (wd:Q790 "3723988") # Haiti (wd:Q971 "2260494") # Republic of the Congo (wd:Q217 "617790") # Moldova (wd:Q792 "3585968") # El Salvador (wd:Q977 "223816") # Djibouti (wd:Q16957 "8354410") # German Democratic Republic (wd:Q878 "290557") # United Arab Emirates (wd:Q734 "3378535") # Guyana (wd:Q986 "338010") # Eritrea (wd:Q265 "1512440") # Uzbekistan (wd:Q819 "1655842") # Laos (wd:Q711 "2029969") # Mongolia (wd:Q963 "933860") # Botswana (wd:Q811 "3617476") # Nicaragua (wd:Q1020 "927384") # Malawi (wd:Q967 "433561") # Burundi (wd:Q1000 "2400553") # Gabon (wd:Q574 "1966436") # East Timor (wd:Q424 "1831722") # Cambodia (wd:Q846 "289688") # Qatar (wd:Q1041 "2245662") # Senegal (wd:Q1030 "3355338") # Namibia (wd:Q685 "2103350") # Solomon Islands (wd:Q730 "3382998") # Suriname (wd:Q962 "2395170") # Benin (wd:Q1044 "2403846") # Sierra Leone (wd:Q1014 "2275384") # Liberia (wd:Q766 "3489940") # Jamaica (wd:Q228 "3041565") # Andorra (wd:Q733 "3437598") # Paraguay (wd:Q33946 "8505031") # Czechoslovakia (wd:Q219060 "6254930") # State of Palestine (wd:Q778 "3572887") # Bahamas (wd:Q1007 "2372248") # Guinea-Bissau (wd:Q874 "1218197") # Turkmenistan (wd:Q983 "2309096") # Equatorial Guinea (wd:Q826 "1282028") # Maldives (wd:Q686 "2134431") # Vanuatu (wd:Q945 "2363686") # Togo (wd:Q4628 "2622320") # Faroe Islands (wd:Q242 "3582678") # Belize (wd:Q921 "1820814") # Brunei (wd:Q702 "2081918") # Federated States of Micronesia (wd:Q1011 "3374766") # Cape Verde (wd:Q6250 "2461445") # Western Sahara (wd:Q1027 "934292") # Mauritius (wd:Q817 "285570") # Kuwait (wd:Q754 "3573591") # Trinidad and Tobago (wd:Q1005 "2413451") # Gambia (wd:Q709 "2080185") # Marshall Islands (wd:Q398 "290291") # Bahrain (wd:Q970 "921929") # Comoros (wd:Q917 "1252634") # Bhutan (wd:Q1013 "932692") # Lesotho (wd:Q1039 "2410758") # São Tomé and Príncipe (wd:Q347 "3042058") # Liechtenstein (wd:Q238 "3168068") # San Marino (wd:Q781 "3576396") # Antigua and Barbuda (wd:Q683 "4034894") # Samoa (wd:Q710 "4030945") # Kiribati (wd:Q678 "4032283") # Tonga (wd:Q695 "1559582") # Palau (wd:Q235 "2993457") # Monaco (wd:Q244 "3374084") # Barbados (wd:Q769 "3580239") # Grenada (wd:Q36704 "8505035") # Yugoslavia (wd:Q25230 "3042362") # Guernsey (wd:Q1050 "934841") # Eswatini (wd:Q757 "3577815") # Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (wd:Q1042 "241170") # Seychelles (wd:Q784 "3575830") # Dominica (wd:Q760 "3576468") # Saint Lucia (wd:Q407199 "6254930") # Palestinian territories (wd:Q672 "2110297") # Tuvalu (wd:Q785 "3042142") # Jersey (wd:Q1410 "2411586") # Gibraltar (wd:Q237 "3164670") # Vatican City (wd:Q763 "3575174") # Saint Kitts and Nevis (wd:Q2277 "8354456") # Roman Empire (wd:Q25 "2634895") # Wales (wd:Q9648 "3474414") # Falkland Islands (wd:Q9676 "3042225") # Isle of Man (wd:Q21203 "3577279") # Aruba (wd:Q133356 "690791") # Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (wd:Q26 "2641364") # Northern Ireland (wd:Q25279 "7626836") # Curaçao (wd:Q713750 "11612754") # West Germany (wd:Q26988 "1899402") # Cook Islands (wd:Q844930 "9962195") # Classical Athens (wd:Q192184 "3370751") # Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha (wd:Q697 "2110425") # Nauru (wd:Q5785 "3580718") # Cayman Islands (wd:Q23635 "3573345") # Bermuda (wd:Q18221 "3576916") # Turks and Caicos Islands (wd:Q8646 "1819730") # Hong Kong (wd:Q1183 "4566966") # Puerto Rico (wd:Q25228 "3573511") # Anguilla (wd:Q34020 "4036232") # Niue (wd:Q25305 "3577718") # British Virgin Islands (wd:Q26273 "7609695") # Sint Maarten (wd:Q23334 "6643410") # Abkhazia (wd:Q180573 "11608491") # South Vietnam (wd:Q36678 "285153") # West Bank (wd:Q37024 "8505033") # Serbia and Montenegro (wd:Q1202 "2842566") # Saxony (wd:Q11703 "4796775") # United States Virgin Islands (wd:Q33788 "2139685") # New Caledonia (wd:Q13353 "3578097") # Montserrat (wd:Q25227 "8505032") # Netherlands Antilles (wd:Q35086 "3474415") # South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (wd:Q17054 "3570311") # Martinique (wd:Q16641 "5880801") # American Samoa (wd:Q43448 "1282588") # British Indian Ocean Territory (wd:Q17012 "3579143") # Guadeloupe (wd:Q99 "5332921") # California (wd:Q82112 "3523272") # México (wd:Q35672 "4030699") # Pitcairn Islands (wd:Q36823 "4031074") # Tokelau (wd:Q11196 "3230000") # Republika Srpska (wd:Q22890 "2646052") # Ireland (wd:Q5710 "578853") # Republic of Bashkortostan (wd:Q771 "6254926") # Massachusetts (wd:Q985 "2953481") # Baden-Württemberg (wd:Q129003 "1546748") # French Southern and Antarctic Lands (wd:Q5690 "253394") # Sparta (wd:Q26253 "2593105") # Madeira (wd:Q1781 "3054643") # Budapest (wd:Q5481 "484048") # Republic of Tatarstan (wd:Q1774 "148729") # Zanzibar (wd:Q1428 "4197000") # Georgia (wd:Q3769 "3381670") # French Guiana (wd:Q1384 "5128638") # New York (wd:Q1490 "1850144") # Tokyo (wd:Q176 "6115047") # Quebec (wd:Q17070 "935317") # Réunion (wd:Q185944 "1733044") # Kelantan (wd:Q199841 "8505034") # South Yemen (wd:Q1055 "2911298") # Hamburg (wd:Q1194 "2838632") # Schleswig-Holstein (wd:Q46 "6255148") # Europe (wd:Q188096 "1733047") # Penang (wd:Q28208 "6778360") # Goryeo (wd:Q1208 "2945356") # Brandenburg (wd:Q1261 "5417618") # Colorado (wd:Q27561 "7626844") # Caribbean Netherlands (wd:Q23666 "2648147") # Great Britain (wd:Q6809 "2050915") # Republic of Buryatia (wd:Q1186 "1267254") # Kerala (wd:Q1408 "5101760") # New Jersey (wd:Q1454 "4482348") # North Carolina (wd:Q782 "5855797") # Hawaii (wd:Q812 "4155751") # Florida (wd:Q980 "2951839") # Bavaria (wd:Q179029 "1733039") # Sabah (wd:Q31057 "2155115") # Norfolk Island (wd:Q25277 "3504558") # Hispaniola (wd:Q1952 "6091530") # Nova Scotia (wd:Q3224 "2155400") # New South Wales (wd:Q5187 "569665") # Chechen Republic (wd:Q1199 "2905330") # Hesse (wd:Q1204 "4896861") # Illinois (wd:Q759 "5090174") # New Hampshire (wd:Q170462 "1733038") # Sarawak (wd:Q36074 "2152274") # Queensland (wd:Q39473 "664661") # Transylvania (wd:Q39760 "281132") # Gaza Strip (wd:Q3680 "542415") # Krasnodar Krai (wd:Q3734 "584222") # Republic of Adygea (wd:Q5207 "487839") # Stavropol Krai (wd:Q5267 "554667") # Kabardino-Balkar Republic (wd:Q5328 "552927") # Karachay-Cherkess Republic (wd:Q1439 "4736286") # Texas (wd:Q1456 "4597040") # South Carolina (wd:Q3041595 "99237") # Republic of Iraq (1958–68) (wd:Q1509 "4662168") # Tennessee (wd:Q126125 "3578421") # Saint Martin (wd:Q12738 "2659495") # Canton of Neuchâtel (wd:Q3573 "501165") # Rostov Oblast (wd:Q5466 "567395") # Chuvash Republic (wd:Q1166 "5001836") # Michigan (wd:Q1205 "2822542") # Thuringia (wd:Q1397 "5165418") # Ohio (wd:Q21 "6269131") # England (wd:Q189701 "1733036") # Terengganu (wd:Q17252 "8449601") # Tibet (wd:Q1951 "5883102") # Alberta (wd:Q3953 "553972") # Republic of Kalmykia (wd:Q1191 "1264418") # Maharashtra (wd:Q1196 "2872567") # Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (wd:Q1197 "2862926") # Lower Saxony (wd:Q1221 "5596512") # Idaho (wd:Q1370 "6254928") # Virginia (wd:Q1387 "5224323") # Rhode Island (wd:Q779 "4831725") # Connecticut (wd:Q816 "5551752") # Arizona (wd:Q960 "1488873") # Tuva Republic (wd:Q213467 "1733040") # Perlis (wd:Q185103 "8378485") # Roman Britain (wd:Q189710 "1733037") # Selangor (wd:Q172640 "11608492") # North Vietnam (wd:Q93366 "3104469") # Biscay (wd:Q107299 "2641234") # Kingdom of Northumbria (wd:Q42314 "3042400") # Channel Islands (wd:Q43266 "3070359") # Moravia (wd:Q60176 "3514211") # Yucatán (wd:Q26180 "7610359") # Sint Eustatius (wd:Q34110 "3522509") # Oaxaca (wd:Q36687 "2145234") # Victoria (wd:Q38272 "2654669") # British Isles (wd:Q41079 "2035607") # Inner Mongolia (wd:Q14773 "1821275") # Macau (wd:Q15282 "3522542") # Nuevo León (wd:Q985531 "281577") # Tulkarm (wd:Q1904 "6093943") # Ontario (wd:Q2634 "3172395") # Naples (wd:Q6320 "1503773") # Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (wd:Q6407 "1486462") # Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (wd:Q6838 "7779061") # Zabaykalsky Krai (wd:Q1061 "1270770") # Gujarat (wd:Q1180 "1269320") # Jammu and Kashmir (wd:Q1185 "1267701") # Karnataka (wd:Q1207 "5690763") # North Dakota (wd:Q1415 "4921868") # Indiana (wd:Q1527 "5037779") # Minnesota (wd:Q824 "5744337") # Oregon (wd:Q613 "292224") # Dubai (wd:Q185221 "1733035") # Melaka (wd:Q191369 "165369") # Ugarit (wd:Q202311 "8378475") # Egypt (wd:Q164819 "858895") # Gagauzia (wd:Q42497 "2770542") # Lower Austria (wd:Q42880 "2763586") # Tyrol (wd:Q53079 "4013674") # Coahuila (wd:Q79920 "3995012") # Nayarit (wd:Q80245 "3520887") # Quintana Roo (wd:Q80252 "3983035") # Sinaloa (wd:Q80269 "3979840") # Zacatecas (wd:Q25596 "3578422") # Saint Martin (wd:Q30971 "4030656") # French Polynesia (wd:Q33935 "293397") # Tel Aviv (wd:Q34366 "2147291") # Tasmania (wd:Q35715 "2061327") # South Australia (wd:Q41470 "126585") # Kurdistan (wd:Q11972 "2661876") # Aargau (wd:Q12585 "7730009") # Latin America (wd:Q12602 "3106654") # Val d'Aran (wd:Q13373 "6542121") # Lucca (wd:Q16551 "5242283") # Vermont (wd:Q16635 "4043988") # Guam (wd:Q16959 "1529102") # Ürümqi (wd:Q21195 "2614165") # Scandinavia (wd:Q22048 "1261029") # Odisha (wd:Q22424 "1259223") # Punjab (wd:Q528042 "3202210") # Dalmatia (wd:Q1558 "4273857") # Kansas (wd:Q1588 "4331987") # Louisiana (wd:Q1612 "4099753") # Arkansas (wd:Q1649 "4544379") # Oklahoma (wd:Q1965 "6087430") # New Brunswick (wd:Q2843 "2875601") # Lübeck (wd:Q3206 "2058645") # Western Australia (wd:Q5118 "567293") # Republic of Dagestan (wd:Q5237 "519969") # Republic of North Ossetia-Alania (wd:Q5446 "529352") # Mari El Republic (wd:Q5689 "661882") # Åland Islands (wd:Q6605 "2013162") # Sakha Republic (wd:Q1159 "1278629") # Andhra Pradesh (wd:Q1165 "1275715") # Bihar (wd:Q1198 "2861876") # North Rhine-Westphalia (wd:Q1206 "2842565") # Saxony-Anhalt (wd:Q1209 "2944387") # Bremen (wd:Q1212 "5667009") # Montana (wd:Q1214 "5843591") # Wyoming (wd:Q1223 "5815135") # Washington (wd:Q1371 "4826850") # West Virginia (wd:Q1391 "4361885") # Maryland (wd:Q1400 "6254927") # Pennsylvania (wd:Q1437 "1258899") # Rajasthan (wd:Q1445 "1255053") # Tamil Nadu (wd:Q1498 "1253626") # Uttar Pradesh (wd:Q3125978 "1650535") # Bali (wd:Q1522 "5481136") # New Mexico (wd:Q1537 "5279468") # Wisconsin (wd:Q797 "5879092") # Alaska (wd:Q60 "5128581") # New York City (wd:Q173 "4829764") # Alabama (wd:Q656 "498817") # Saint Petersburg (wd:Q15 "6255146") # Africa (wd:Q18 "6255150") # South America (wd:Q220982 "3370682") # Tristan da Cunha (wd:Q309272 "8378518") # Mauretania (wd:Q180103 "143083") # Ardabil (wd:Q181578 "119505") # Qazvin (wd:Q183032 "1733049") # Johor (wd:Q183416 "3578263") # Windward Islands (wd:Q185111 "3573606") # Tobago (wd:Q187346 "2501152") # Constantine (wd:Q187712 "292969") # Abu Dhabi Emirate (wd:Q188650 "8378511") # Lusitania (wd:Q188810 "292673") # Sharjah Emirate (wd:Q188947 "1733048") # Kedah (wd:Q188953 "1733041") # Perak (wd:Q189901 "264670") # Argos (wd:Q200309 "865543") # Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti (wd:Q202195 "298846") # Tunceli (wd:Q202422 "254143") # Salamis Island (wd:Q204381 "216281") # Goma (wd:Q160236 "5126698") # Metropolitan Museum of Art (wd:Q165368 "6290300") # Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof (wd:Q165582 "3632306") # Mérida (wd:Q166919 "6697809") # Thessaly (wd:Q171334 "687699") # Zaporizhzhya Oblast (wd:Q171393 "662112") # Wallachia (wd:Q171852 "698738") # Odessa Oblast (wd:Q173532 "273203") # Byblos (wd:Q176081 "142549") # East Azerbaijan Province (wd:Q95010 "3120935") # Gipuzkoa (wd:Q125384 "1704846") # Luzon (wd:Q126148 "2530333") # Tangier (wd:Q128323 "3573592") # Trinidad (wd:Q131083 "147435") # Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (wd:Q131198 "1547314") # Heard Island and McDonald Islands (wd:Q131434 "8133605") # Noricum (wd:Q132931 "570479") # Buynaksk (wd:Q134386 "126584") # Kurdistan Province (wd:Q134411 "142550") # West Azarbaijan Province (wd:Q145507 "551847") # Kaspiysk (wd:Q145799 "547849") # Kizilyurt (wd:Q145810 "547840") # Kizlyar (wd:Q146699 "111453") # Zanjan (wd:Q147553 "584604") # Zaqatala District (wd:Q147756 "550478") # Khasavyurt (wd:Q41967 "2769848") # Upper Austria (wd:Q42000 "4033649") # Tahiti (wd:Q43325 "2766823") # Salzburg (wd:Q43937 "2460837") # Azawad (wd:Q45693 "615929") # Adjara (wd:Q45833 "1280239") # Qinghai (wd:Q46422 "3982846") # Sonora (wd:Q46475 "4005267") # Guanajuato (wd:Q51103 "3687926") # Cali (wd:Q51614 "323835") # Anatolia (wd:Q56036 "11612751") # West Berlin (wd:Q57052 "1806222") # Jiangxi (wd:Q60140 "6269134") # Indian subcontinent (wd:Q60158 "3527213") # Guerrero (wd:Q79754 "3520914") # Querétaro (wd:Q79861 "3995955") # Michoacán (wd:Q79918 "4011741") # Durango (wd:Q79952 "4019231") # Aguascalientes (wd:Q80007 "3516391") # Tamaulipas (wd:Q80903 "3527115") # Hidalgo (wd:Q80914 "3516458") # Tabasco (wd:Q25362 "3578476") # Saint Barthélemy (wd:Q25396 "7609816") # Bonaire (wd:Q25409 "724443") # Košice (wd:Q27433 "7729886") # Central Africa (wd:Q27449 "9408658") # Southern Europe (wd:Q28227 "2219875") # Maghreb (wd:Q28587 "132144") # Hamadan (wd:Q29971 "3513538") # Leeward Islands (wd:Q31063 "2078138") # Christmas Island (wd:Q34374 "6697802") # Crete (wd:Q34497 "6930057") # Saint Helena (wd:Q34617 "3424932") # Saint Pierre and Miquelon (wd:Q35600 "1488441") # Ural Mountains (wd:Q36004 "1547376") # Cocos (Keeling) Islands (wd:Q37985 "2774686") # Carinthia (wd:Q40040 "3665361") # Amazonas (wd:Q40285 "2082514") # New Guinea (wd:Q40326 "530936") # Malokarachayevsky District (wd:Q41183 "170063") # Aleppo (wd:Q41621 "294801") # Haifa (wd:Q41705 "1811017") # Fujian (wd:Q8684 "1835848") # Seoul (wd:Q8818 "2509954") # Valencia (wd:Q8828 "2514239") # Majorca (wd:Q11708 "7729896") # Southeast Asia (wd:Q11925 "2660522") # Graubünden (wd:Q11943 "2657895") # canton of Zürich (wd:Q12172 "2661602") # Basel-Stadt (wd:Q12225 "6355234") # Murcia (wd:Q12433 "2658664") # Schwyz (wd:Q12724 "2658370") # Ticino (wd:Q13148 "2515812") # La Línea de la Concepción (wd:Q13895 "1679435") # Zambales (wd:Q15088 "3108288") # Tarragona (wd:Q15124 "3181912") # South Tyrol (wd:Q16162 "2524906") # Province of Cosenza (wd:Q17269 "1279685") # Tibet (wd:Q21208 "1808773") # Hebei (wd:Q22508 "6540935") # Momo (wd:Q22647 "298885") # Troy (wd:Q23064 "2653234") # Cheshire (wd:Q25231 "7521757") # Svalbard (wd:Q504125 "2618424") # Copenhagen Municipality (wd:Q505610 "2649298") # Flintshire (wd:Q590866 "110791") # Tehran Province (wd:Q664609 "7729891") # Caribbean (wd:Q669037 "3571219") # West Indies (wd:Q844295 "148783") # Yamataikoku (wd:Q851694 "570478") # Buynaksky District (wd:Q861548 "4155745") # Florida State University (wd:Q865884 "617264") # Taraclia District (wd:Q877875 "8378566") # Palmyrene Empire (wd:Q920396 "3574922") # British West Indies (wd:Q941045 "4277147") # Peru (wd:Q1004578 "298088") # Varto (wd:Q1012828 "305089") # Lice (wd:Q1015011 "3070678") # Milevsko (wd:Q1052867 "1574717") # Mekong Delta (wd:Q1394899 "549104") # Khunzakhsky District (wd:Q1438410 "482588") # Tlyaratinsky District (wd:Q1438424 "551375") # Kazbekovsky District (wd:Q1438467 "583776") # Akhvakhsky District (wd:Q1438511 "490031") # Shamilsky District (wd:Q1438521 "557977") # Gunibsky District (wd:Q1438529 "480801") # Tsuntinsky District (wd:Q1438662 "550476") # Khasavyurtovsky District (wd:Q1438994 "535538") # Levashinsky District (wd:Q1439001 "571887") # Botlikhsky District (wd:Q1439010 "569892") # Charodinsky District (wd:Q1439024 "558024") # Gumbetovsky District (wd:Q1468689 "3620341") # Coco River (wd:Q1789499 "613582") # Qvareli Municipality (wd:Q677037 "1254788") # Telangana (wd:Q812986 "3006978") # La Réorthe (wd:Q25304 "3876256") # Pichilemu (wd:Q1581 "4398678") # Missouri (wd:Q1603 "6254925") # Kentucky (wd:Q1741 "2761369") # Vienna (wd:Q1764 "3413829") # Reykjavík (wd:Q1842 "2960316") # Luxembourg (wd:Q1914 "552548") # Karelia (wd:Q2044 "3176959") # Florence (wd:Q2656 "6542127") # Palermo (wd:Q2706 "2944368") # Bremerhaven (wd:Q3001 "3383330") # Paramaribo (wd:Q3235 "2064513") # Northern Territory (wd:Q3306 "3703443") # Panama City (wd:Q3410 "2647043") # Hertfordshire (wd:Q3503 "2241717") # La concha de tu mamá (wd:Q3757 "1642673") # Java (wd:Q3819 "472755") # Volgograd Oblast (wd:Q3941 "580491") # Astrakhan Oblast (wd:Q5168 "532096") # Makhachkala (wd:Q5326 "569154") # Cherkessk (wd:Q5334 "498671") # Saratov Oblast (wd:Q5338 "515001") # Orenburg Oblast (wd:Q5340 "525369") # Republic of Mordovia (wd:Q5387 "548389") # Kirov Oblast (wd:Q5684 "98228") # Babylon (wd:Q5780 "370131") # Meroë (wd:Q6487 "323777") # Antalya (wd:Q6543 "1503834") # Republic of Khakassia (wd:Q6585 "2023468") # Irkutsk Oblast (wd:Q7788 "2022888") # Khabarovsk Krai (wd:Q7809 "6457262") # UNESCO (wd:Q1165546 "3617572") # Mosquito Coast (wd:Q2128882 "618164") # Cahul District (wd:Q2426300 "547846") # Kizilyurtovsky District (wd:Q2651288 "3983630") # Tangamandapiu (wd:Q7948 "2125072") # Kamchatka Krai (wd:Q7984 "2126099") # Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (wd:Q1164 "1278253") # Assam (wd:Q1171 "1271157") # Goa (wd:Q1177 "1270101") # Himachal Pradesh (wd:Q1200 "2847618") # Rhineland-Palatinate (wd:Q1201 "2842635") # Saarland (wd:Q1210 "3174618") # Lombardy (wd:Q1211 "5769223") # South Dakota (wd:Q1256 "3174725") # Liguria (wd:Q1280 "3165048") # Umbria (wd:Q1286 "2661786") # Alps (wd:Q1356 "1252881") # West Bengal (wd:Q1449 "6542282") # Genoa (wd:Q1462 "2523228") # Sardinia (wd:Q1489 "3527646") # Mexico City (wd:Q3931110 "3180542") # Royal Palace of Carditello (wd:Q4148644 "3422723") # Greenland (wd:Q1519 "292968") # Abu Dhabi (wd:Q1524 "264371") # Athens (wd:Q1546 "4862182") # Iowa (wd:Q1553 "5073708") # Nebraska (wd:Q724 "4971068") # Maine (wd:Q788 "2960860") # Arctic Ocean (wd:Q828 "10861432") # Americas (wd:Q834 "2658205") # Canton of Valais (wd:Q891 "520555") # Nizhny Novgorod (wd:Q987 "1261481") # New Delhi (wd:Q48 "6255147") # Asia (wd:Q84 "2643743") # London (wd:Q100 "4930956") # Boston (wd:Q220 "3169071") # Rome (wd:Q239 "2800866") # Brussels (wd:Q437 "3196359") # Ljubljana (wd:Q459 "728193") # Plovdiv (wd:Q643 "3170550") # Po (wd:Q22 "2638360") # Scotland (wd:Q211377 "1706802") # Leyte (wd:Q212938 "7303419") # East Jerusalem (wd:Q215081 "3624182") # Coco Island (wd:Q216791 "8378513") # Hispania Tarraconensis (wd:Q217265 "322954") # Cappadocia (wd:Q222267 "1268008") # Kanyakumari (wd:Q238752 "3576390") # Barbuda (wd:Q18677983 "11071622") # Grand Est (wd:Q24017189 "6361970") # Cullera (wd:Q280984 "3562895") # Cueto (wd:Q304810 "2759836") # Amer (wd:Q309276 "7422379") # Northeast Greenland National Park (wd:Q316390 "3576395") # Antigua (wd:Q322155 "1185128") # Rajshahi (wd:Q330850 "587010") # Balakan District (wd:Q368628 "253878") # Sicyon (wd:Q374794 "2711509") # Gotland Municipality (wd:Q428980 "5063172") # Mi pito landia (wd:Q41876 "2984114") # Reims } ?it wdt:P17 ?country. bind(uri(concat(str(GN:),?gnCountry,"/")) as ?geonameCountry) bind(uri(concat(str(GN:),?gnCountry,"/WD")) as ?identCountry) bind(strafter(str(?country),str(wd:)) as ?idCountry)} optional {?it wdt:P571 ?foundedDateTime bind(strdt(strbefore(str(?foundedDateTime),"T"),xsd:date) as ?foundedDate)} optional {?it wdt:P576 ?dissolvedDateTime bind(strdt(strbefore(str(?dissolvedDateTime),"T"),xsd:date) as ?dissolvedDate)} } union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) ?enwp a schema:Article; schema:about ?it; schema:isPartOf . bind(strafter(str(?enwp), "") as ?DBP) bind(uri(concat(?_item,"/DBP")) as ?identDBP)} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) ?it p:P154/ps:P154 ?P154. bind(str(?P154) as ?idP154) bind(uri(concat(?_item,"/P154")) as ?identP154)} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) ?it wdt:P968 ?P968. bind(str(?P968) as ?idP968) bind(uri(concat(?_item,"/P968")) as ?identP968)} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) ?it wdt:P1329 ?P1329. bind(str(?P1329) as ?idP1329) bind(uri(concat(?_item,"/P1329")) as ?identP1329)} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) ?it wdt:P856 ?P856. bind(str(?P856) as ?idP856) bind(uri(concat(?_item,"/P856")) as ?identP856)} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) ?it wdt:P1581 ?P1581. bind(str(?P1581) as ?idP1581) bind(uri(concat(?_item,"/P1581")) as ?identP1581)} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) ?it wdt:P1019 ?P1019. bind(str(?P1019) as ?idP1019) bind(uri(concat(?_item,"/P1019")) as ?identP1019)} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) ?it wdt:P2013 ?P2013. bind(concat("",?P2013) as ?idP2013) bind(uri(concat(?_item,"/P2013")) as ?identP2013)} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) ?it wdt:P2002 ?P2002. bind(concat("",?P2002) as ?idP2002) bind(uri(concat(?_item,"/P2002")) as ?identP2002)} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) ?it wdt:P4264 ?P4264. bind(concat("",?P4264) as ?idP4264) bind(uri(concat(?_item,"/P4264")) as ?identP4264)} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) ?it wdt:P6634 ?P6634. bind(concat("",?P6634) as ?idP6634) bind(uri(concat(?_item,"/P6634")) as ?identP6634)} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) ?it wdt:P2035 ?P2035. bind(str(?P2035) as ?idP2035) bind(uri(concat(?_item,"/P2035")) as ?identP2035)} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) ?it wdt:P2088 ?P2088. bind(concat("",?P2088) as ?idP2088) bind(uri(concat(?_item,"/P2088")) as ?identP2088)} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) ?it wdt:P2087 ?P2087. bind(concat("",?P2087) as ?idP2087) bind(uri(concat(?_item,"/P2087")) as ?identP2087)} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) ?it wdt:P3347 ?P3347. bind(str(?P3347) as ?idP3347) bind(uri(concat(?_item,"/P3347")) as ?identP3347)} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) ?it wdt:P1278 ?P1278. bind(str(?P1278) as ?idP1278) bind(uri(concat(?_item,"/P1278")) as ?identP1278)} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) ?it wdt:P6366 ?P6366. bind(str(?P6366) as ?idP6366) bind(uri(concat(?_item,"/P6366")) as ?identP6366)} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) ?it wdt:P2427 ?P2427. bind(str(?P2427) as ?idP2427) bind(uri(concat(?_item,"/P2427")) as ?identP2427)} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) ?it wdt:P6782 ?P6782. bind(str(?P6782) as ?idP6782) bind(uri(concat(?_item,"/P6782")) as ?identP6782)} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) ?it wdt:P213 ?P213. bind(str(?P213) as ?idP213) bind(uri(concat(?_item,"/P213")) as ?identP213)} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) ?it wdt:P214 ?P214. bind(str(?P214) as ?idP214) bind(uri(concat(?_item,"/P214")) as ?identP214)} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) ?it wdt:P646 ?P646. bind(str(?P646) as ?idP646) bind(uri(concat(?_item,"/P646")) as ?identP646)} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) optional{?it rdfs:label ?label. filter(lang(?label) in ("en","de","fr","es","it","zh"))}} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) optional{?it skos:altLabel ?altLabel. filter(lang(?altLabel) in ("en","de","fr","es","it","zh"))}} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) ?it wdt:P31 ?typ. bind(uri(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?typ),str(wd:)))) as ?type) optional{?typ rdfs:label ?typeLabel_en. filter(lang(?typeLabel_en)="en")} optional{?typ rdfs:label ?typeLabel_de. filter(lang(?typeLabel_de)="de")} optional{?typ rdfs:label ?typeLabel_fr. filter(lang(?typeLabel_fr)="fr")} optional{?typ rdfs:label ?typeLabel_es. filter(lang(?typeLabel_es)="es")} optional{?typ rdfs:label ?typeLabel_it. filter(lang(?typeLabel_it)="it")} optional{?typ rdfs:label ?typeLabel_zh. filter(lang(?typeLabel_zh)="zh")} bind(coalesce(?typeLabel_en,?typeLabel_de,?typeLabel_fr,?typeLabel_es,?typeLabel_it,?typeLabel_zh) as ?typeLabel) optional{?typ schema:description ?typeDescr_en. filter(lang(?typeDescr_en)="en")} optional{?typ schema:description ?typeDescr_de. filter(lang(?typeDescr_de)="de")} optional{?typ schema:description ?typeDescr_fr. filter(lang(?typeDescr_fr)="fr")} optional{?typ schema:description ?typeDescr_es. filter(lang(?typeDescr_es)="es")} optional{?typ schema:description ?typeDescr_it. filter(lang(?typeDescr_it)="it")} optional{?typ schema:description ?typeDescr_zh. filter(lang(?typeDescr_zh)="zh")} bind(coalesce(?typeDescr_en,?typeDescr_de,?typeDescr_fr,?typeDescr_es,?typeDescr_it,?typeDescr_zh) as ?typeDescr)} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) ?it wdt:P1454 ?legal. bind(uri(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?legal),str(wd:)))) as ?legalForm) optional{?legal rdfs:label ?legalFormLabel_en. filter(lang(?legalFormLabel_en)="en")} optional{?legal rdfs:label ?legalFormLabel_de. filter(lang(?legalFormLabel_de)="de")} optional{?legal rdfs:label ?legalFormLabel_fr. filter(lang(?legalFormLabel_fr)="fr")} optional{?legal rdfs:label ?legalFormLabel_es. filter(lang(?legalFormLabel_es)="es")} optional{?legal rdfs:label ?legalFormLabel_it. filter(lang(?legalFormLabel_it)="it")} optional{?legal rdfs:label ?legalFormLabel_zh. filter(lang(?legalFormLabel_zh)="zh")} bind(coalesce(?legalFormLabel_en,?legalFormLabel_de,?legalFormLabel_fr,?legalFormLabel_es,?legalFormLabel_it,?legalFormLabel_zh) as ?legalFormLabel) optional{?legal schema:description ?legalFormDescr_en. filter(lang(?legalFormDescr_en)="en")} optional{?legal schema:description ?legalFormDescr_de. filter(lang(?legalFormDescr_de)="de")} optional{?legal schema:description ?legalFormDescr_fr. filter(lang(?legalFormDescr_fr)="fr")} optional{?legal schema:description ?legalFormDescr_es. filter(lang(?legalFormDescr_es)="es")} optional{?legal schema:description ?legalFormDescr_it. filter(lang(?legalFormDescr_it)="it")} optional{?legal schema:description ?legalFormDescr_zh. filter(lang(?legalFormDescr_zh)="zh")} bind(coalesce(?legalFormDescr_en,?legalFormDescr_de,?legalFormDescr_fr,?legalFormDescr_es,?legalFormDescr_it,?legalFormDescr_zh) as ?legalFormDescr)} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) ?it wdt:P452 ?ind. bind(uri(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?ind),str(wd:)))) as ?industry) optional{?ind rdfs:label ?industryLabel_en. filter(lang(?industryLabel_en)="en")} optional{?ind rdfs:label ?industryLabel_de. filter(lang(?industryLabel_de)="de")} optional{?ind rdfs:label ?industryLabel_fr. filter(lang(?industryLabel_fr)="fr")} optional{?ind rdfs:label ?industryLabel_es. filter(lang(?industryLabel_es)="es")} optional{?ind rdfs:label ?industryLabel_it. filter(lang(?industryLabel_it)="it")} optional{?ind rdfs:label ?industryLabel_zh. filter(lang(?industryLabel_zh)="zh")} bind(coalesce(?industryLabel_en,?industryLabel_de,?industryLabel_fr,?industryLabel_es,?industryLabel_it,?industryLabel_zh) as ?industryLabel) optional{?ind schema:description ?industryDescr_en. filter(lang(?industryDescr_en)="en")} optional{?ind schema:description ?industryDescr_de. filter(lang(?industryDescr_de)="de")} optional{?ind schema:description ?industryDescr_fr. filter(lang(?industryDescr_fr)="fr")} optional{?ind schema:description ?industryDescr_es. filter(lang(?industryDescr_es)="es")} optional{?ind schema:description ?industryDescr_it. filter(lang(?industryDescr_it)="it")} optional{?ind schema:description ?industryDescr_zh. filter(lang(?industryDescr_zh)="zh")} bind(coalesce(?industryDescr_en,?industryDescr_de,?industryDescr_fr,?industryDescr_es,?industryDescr_it,?industryDescr_zh) as ?industryDescr)} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) values (?obsProp ?obsProp1 ?obsProp2 ?obsType) { ("P1128" p:P1128 psv:P1128 )} ?it ?obsProp1 ?statement. optional {?statement pq:P585 ?obsDateTime bind(strdt(strbefore(str(?obsDateTime),"T"),xsd:date) as ?obsDate)} bind(uri(concat( ?_item, "/observation/", ?obsProp, if(bound(?obsDate),concat("/",str(?obsDate)),""))) as ?obs) ?statement ?obsProp2 [wikibase:quantityAmount ?amt]. bind(xsd:integer(?amt) as ?obsInteger) } union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) values (?obsProp ?obsProp1 ?obsProp2 ?obsType) { ("P2403" p:P2403 psv:P2403 ) ("P2218" p:P2218 psv:P2218 ) ("P2137" p:P2137 psv:P2137 ) ("P2226" p:P2226 psv:P2226 ) ("P2284" p:P2284 psv:P2284 ) # price ("P2139" p:P2139 psv:P2139 ) ("P3362" p:P3362 psv:P3362 ) ("P2295" p:P2295 psv:P2295 )} ?it ?obsProp1 ?statement. optional {?statement pq:P585 ?obsDateTime bind(strdt(strbefore(str(?obsDateTime),"T"),xsd:date) as ?obsDate)} bind(uri(concat( ?_item, "/observation/", ?obsProp, if(bound(?obsDate),concat("/",str(?obsDate)),""))) as ?obs) ?statement ?obsProp2 [wikibase:quantityAmount ?amt]. bind(?amt/1000000.0 as ?obsDecimal) ?statement ?obsProp2 [wikibase:quantityUnit ?curr]. values (?curr ?currCode) { (wd:Q200294 "AED") # United Arab Emirates dirham (wd:Q130498 "AMD") # Armenian dram (wd:Q522701 "ANG") # Netherlands Antillean guilder (wd:Q199578 "ARS") # Argentine peso (wd:Q259502 "AUD") # Australian dollar (wd:Q783373 "AUP") # Australian pound (wd:Q194453 "BDT") # Bangladeshi taka (wd:Q172540 "BGN") # Bulgarian lev (wd:Q10261896 "BRE") # cruzeiro (wd:Q173117 "BRL") # Brazilian real (wd:Q201799 "BTN") # Bhutanese ngultrum (wd:Q160680 "BYN") # Belarusian ruble (wd:Q275112 "BZD") # Belize dollar (wd:Q1104069 "CAD") # Canadian dollar (wd:Q4734 "CDF") # Congolese franc (wd:Q25344 "CHF") # Swiss franc (wd:Q39099 "CNY") # renminbi (wd:Q622599 "CSK") # Czechoslovak koruna (wd:Q201505 "CUP") # Cuban peso (wd:Q131016 "CZK") # Czech koruna (wd:Q16068 "DEM") # Deutsche Mark (wd:Q25417 "DKK") # Danish krone (wd:Q189097 "ESP") # peseta (wd:Q206243 "ETB") # Ethiopian birr (wd:Q4916 "EUR") # euro (wd:Q203354 "FIM") # Finnish markka (wd:Q4592 "FJD") # Fijian dollar (wd:Q184172 "FRF") # French franc (wd:Q25224 "GBP") # pound sterling (wd:Q4608 "GEL") # Georgian lari (wd:Q1508175 "GHP") # Ghanaian pound (wd:Q1475316 "GMP") # Gambian pound (wd:Q213311 "GNF") # Guinean franc (wd:Q255726 "GQP") # Equatorial Guinean peseta (wd:Q31015 "HKD") # Hong Kong dollar (wd:Q26360 "HRK") # Croatian kuna (wd:Q47190 "HUF") # Hungarian forint (wd:Q41588 "IDR") # Indonesian Rupiah (wd:Q1674712 "ILP") # Israeli lira (wd:Q131309 "ILS") # Israeli new shekel (wd:Q80524 "INR") # Indian rupee (wd:Q204992 "ITL") # Italian lira (wd:Q8146 "JPY") # Japanese yen (wd:Q202040 "KRW") # South Korean won (wd:Q201880 "LBP") # Lebanese pound (wd:Q25627 "LTL") # Lithuanian litas (wd:Q2086443 "MAF") # Moroccan franc (wd:Q177875 "MKD") # Macedonian denar (wd:Q211694 "MWK") # Malawian kwacha (wd:Q4730 "MXN") # Mexican peso (wd:Q163712 "MYR") # Malaysian ringgit (wd:Q200753 "MZN") # Mozambican metical (wd:Q203567 "NGN") # Nigerian naira (wd:Q207312 "NIO") # Nicaraguan córdoba (wd:Q788472 "NLG") # Dutch guilder (wd:Q132643 "NOK") # Norwegian krone (wd:Q202895 "NPR") # Nepalese rupee (wd:Q1472704 "NZD") # New Zealand dollar (wd:Q17193 "PHP") # Philippine peso (wd:Q123213 "PLN") # złoty (wd:Q468474 "PTE") # Portuguese escudo (wd:Q206386 "QAR") # Qatari riyal (wd:Q41044 "RUB") # Russian ruble (wd:Q199857 "SAR") # Saudi riyal (wd:Q122922 "SEK") # Swedish krona (wd:Q190951 "SGD") # Singapore dollar (wd:Q4587 "SLL") # Sierra Leonean leone (wd:Q193712 "STD") # São Tomé and Príncipe dobra (wd:Q193712 "STN") # São Tomé and Príncipe dobra (wd:Q615640 "SUR") # Soviet ruble (wd:Q177882 "THB") # Thai baht (wd:Q199886 "TJS") # Tajikistani somoni (wd:Q4602 "TND") # Tunisian dinar (wd:Q4613 "TOP") # Tongan paʻanga (wd:Q1367371 "TPE") # Portuguese Timorese escudo (wd:Q208526 "TWD") # New Taiwan dollar (wd:Q81893 "UAH") # hryvnia (wd:Q4917 "USD") # United States dollar (wd:Q209272 "UYU") # Uruguayan peso (wd:Q203757 "VEB") # Venezuelan bolívar (wd:Q203757 "VEF") # Venezuelan bolívar (wd:Q207523 "VUV") # Vanuatu vatus (wd:Q4588 "WST") # Samoan tālā (wd:Q847739 "XAF") # Central African CFA franc (wd:Q191511 "XAF") # CFA franc (wd:Q131723 "XBT") # Bitcoin (wd:Q221828 "XEU") # European Currency Unit (wd:Q861690 "XOF") # West African CFA franc (wd:Q240512 "YER") # Yemeni rial (wd:Q181907 "ZAR") # South African rand } } union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) ?it p:P159 ?locStmt. ?locStmt a wikibase:BestRank. bind(uri(concat(?_item,"/address")) as ?address) optional {?locStmt ps:P159 ?location optional{?location skos:prefLabel ?locationLabel_en. filter(lang(?locationLabel_en)="en")} optional{?location skos:prefLabel ?locationLabel_de. filter(lang(?locationLabel_de)="de")} optional{?location skos:prefLabel ?locationLabel_fr. filter(lang(?locationLabel_fr)="fr")} optional{?location skos:prefLabel ?locationLabel_es. filter(lang(?locationLabel_es)="es")} optional{?location skos:prefLabel ?locationLabel_it. filter(lang(?locationLabel_it)="it")} optional{?location skos:prefLabel ?locationLabel_zh. filter(lang(?locationLabel_zh)="zh")} bind(coalesce(?locationLabel_en,?locationLabel_de,?locationLabel_fr,?locationLabel_es,?locationLabel_it,?locationLabel_zh) as ?locationLabel)} optional {?locStmt pq:P6375 ?fullAddress} optional {?locStmt pq:P969 ?street} optional {?locStmt pq:P669 ?str optional{?str skos:prefLabel ?strLabel_en. filter(lang(?strLabel_en)="en")} optional{?str skos:prefLabel ?strLabel_de. filter(lang(?strLabel_de)="de")} optional{?str skos:prefLabel ?strLabel_fr. filter(lang(?strLabel_fr)="fr")} optional{?str skos:prefLabel ?strLabel_es. filter(lang(?strLabel_es)="es")} optional{?str skos:prefLabel ?strLabel_it. filter(lang(?strLabel_it)="it")} optional{?str skos:prefLabel ?strLabel_zh. filter(lang(?strLabel_zh)="zh")} bind(coalesce(?strLabel_en,?strLabel_de,?strLabel_fr,?strLabel_es,?strLabel_it,?strLabel_zh) as ?strLabel)} optional {?locStmt pq:P670 ?number} optional {?locStmt pq:P4856 ?bldg bind(concat("Bldg.",?bldg) as ?building)} optional {?locStmt pq:P5423 ?floor} optional {?locStmt pq:P281 ?postCode} optional {?locStmt pqv:P625 ?geo. bind(uri(concat(?_item,"/address/geo")) as ?geoCoord) ?geo wikibase:geoLatitude ?lat; wikibase:geoLongitude ?long. bind(xsd:decimal(?lat) as ?latitude) bind(xsd:decimal(?long) as ?longitude) optional {?geo wikibase:geoPrecision ?prec bind(xsd:decimal(?prec*111000.0) as ?precision)}}} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) {?it p:P793 ?exchStmt. ?exchStmt ps:P793 wd:Q185142 bind( as ?exchListingType)} union {?it p:P414 ?exchStmt. bind( as ?exchListingType)} optional {?exchStmt (ps:P414|pq:P414) ?exch. bind(strafter(str(?exch),str(wd:)) as ?exchId) bind(uri(concat(str(WD:),?exchId)) as ?exchange)} bind(if(exists{?it wdt:P414 ?exch},true,?NULL) as ?isCurrent) optional {?exchStmt pq:P249 ?stockSymbol} optional {?exchStmt (pq:P580|pq:P585|pq:P571) ?exchStartDateTime bind(strdt(strbefore(str(?exchStartDateTime),"T"),xsd:date) as ?exchStartDate)} optional {?exchStmt (pq:P582|pq:P576) ?exchEndDateTime bind(strdt(strbefore(str(?exchEndDateTime),"T"),xsd:date) as ?exchEndDate)} bind(uri(concat(?_item,"/exchangeListing", if(bound(?exchId),concat("/",?exchId),""), if(bound(?exchStartDate),concat("/",str(?exchStartDate)),""))) as ?exchListing)} union {[a schema:Dataset; schema:about ?it; ] bind(concat(str(WD:),strafter(str(?it),str(wd:)))as?_item) bind(uri(?_item)as?item) values (?relProp ?relType ?relKind) { ("P112" "founder" "forward" ) ("P127" "owner" "forward" ) ("P1365" "replaces" "forward" ) ("P155" "follows" "forward" ) ("P1951" "investor" "forward" ) ("P749" "parent" "forward" ) ("P807" "forkedFrom" "forward" ) ("P1366" "replaces" "inverse" ) ("P156" "follows" "inverse" ) ("P1830" "owner" "inverse" ) ("P199" "divisionOf" "inverse" ) ("P355" "parent" "inverse" ) ("P2652" "partner" "symmetric") ("P1889" "different" "symmetric") } bind(uri(concat(str(wdt:), ?relProp)) as ?wdtRelProp) bind(uri(concat(str(p:), ?relProp)) as ?pRelProp ) bind(uri(concat(str(ps:), ?relProp)) as ?psRelProp ) ?it ?pRelProp ?stmt. ?stmt ?psRelProp ?other. bind(if(exists{?it ?wdtRelProp ?other},true,?NULL) as ?isCurrent) optional {?stmt (pq:P580|pq:P585|pq:P571) ?relStartDateTime bind(strdt(strbefore(str(?relStartDateTime),"T"),xsd:date) as ?relStartDate)} optional {?stmt (pq:P582|pq:P576) ?relEndDateTime bind(strdt(strbefore(str(?relEndDateTime),"T"),xsd:date) as ?relEndDate)} optional {?stmt pq:P1107 ?proportion} bind(strafter(str(?it), str(wd:)) as ?itId) bind(strafter(str(?other),str(wd:)) as ?otherId) bind(if(?relKind="forward",?itId, if(?relKind="inverse",?otherId,if(?itId < ?otherId,?itId,?otherId))) as ?ag1) bind(if(?relKind="forward",?otherId,if(?relKind="inverse",?itId, if(?itId < ?otherId,?otherId,?itId))) as ?ag2) bind(uri(concat(str(WD:),?ag1,"/",?relType,"/",?ag2)) as ?orgRel) bind(uri(concat("relation/",?relType)) as ?relationType) bind(if(?relKind!="symmetric",uri(concat(str(WD:),?ag1)),?NULL) as ?agentMinor) bind(if(?relKind!="symmetric",uri(concat(str(WD:),?ag2)),?NULL) as ?agentMajor) bind(if(?relKind ="symmetric",uri(concat(str(WD:),?ag1)),?NULL) as ?agent1) bind(if(?relKind ="symmetric",uri(concat(str(WD:),?ag2)),?NULL) as ?agent2) } }