- MPDConnector is an implementation of the generic ConnectorProtocol interface specification to control a network based music player. The implementation uses libmpdclient to control mpd-based players of version 0.19 and up.
- These two frameworks are the foundation of the Rigelian MPD client, for more info see https://www.rigelian.net
- The implementation relies heavily on reactive constructs, using RxSwift.
- ConnectorProtocol consist of five sub-protocols, all of which are implemented in this framework: * PlayerProtocol defines a basic player, access status, control and browse implementation, plus functions to maintain player-specific settings. * PlayerBrowserProtocol is a generic protocol to detect players on the network. * StatusProtocol is a protocol through which the connection status of a player, as well as the music-playing status can be monitored. * ControlProtocol is a protocol through which commands can be sent to a player, like play, pause, add a song etc. * BrowseProtocol is a protocol through which you can browse through the music on a player. It defines various ViewModels for artists, albums, genres etc.
- The protocol is meant to be independent of the target platform (iOS, MacOS, tvOS). However testing is only done on iOS.
MPDConnector depends on libmpdclient-swift and ConnectorProtocol.
Build and usage via swift package manager is supported:
The easiest way to add the library is directly from within XCode (11). Alternatively you can create a Package.swift
// swift-tools-version:5.0
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "MyProject",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/katoemba/mpdconnector.git", from: "1.7.0")
targets: [
.target(name: "MyProject", dependencies: ["mpdconnector"])
- A set of unit tests is included, with limited coverage.
- In case of questions you can contact berrie at rigelian dot net