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kbr committed Jan 22, 2018
1 parent edd554a commit e9f4c61
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Showing 70 changed files with 20,939 additions and 0 deletions.
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions HISTORY
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
- added debug output on sd-card init error
- more tries for sd-card GO_IDLE_STATE, some cards needs this
- also more tries for sd-card MMC_SEND_IF_COND
- added scolling longfilename on headline
- added actual folder output on status line
- added support for ILI9329 and HX8347G displays
- read display id(if necessary)
- rotate 180° function
- fixed bug in scroll function of outbox
- added graphical output for eeprom_writer
- fixed wrong frequency base for delays
- added config page and store values in eeprom
- wait for button release, otherways config buttons are bouncing

- fixed read config from sdrive control
- made the command line interrupt driven for more stable communication
- added SIO debug mode
- some enhancements on the font
- fixed bug in file create, if next dir sector needed

- added drive deactivation function
- improved text output(scrolling, max. length)
- added page/file counter
- some bugfixes and optimizations

- ported to arduino UNO
- added TFT-Touchscreen support
- removed debugloader(can be done via Display now)
- removed bootloader(easy update via arduino USB and avrdude)
- removed write protection and card detect, not wired on arduino(shield)
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
dirs = atmega328* sdrive-ctrl

for dir in $(dirs); \
do $(MAKE) -C $$dir || exit 1; \

for dir in $(dirs); \
do $(MAKE) -C $$dir clean; \

60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions README
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@

SDrive-MAX is a new disk drive emulator for Atari 8bit computers based on
sdrive-ng ported to arduino and enhanced with a touchscreen display for
controlling. So it can work without sdrive software on the Atari, but could
be used anyway. Changing disk images during live operation is one of the
most important features, i think.

What do you need?

- an arduino UNO with atmega328p
- an Elegoo 2,8" TFT-Touchscreen Shield or similar with ILI9341 compatible
controller using 8bit parallel mode(i think, that one from the adafruit
project is the same). Touchlines must be wired as followed:

X+ <-> 8
X- <-> A2
Y+ <-> A3
Y- <-> 9

The other lines are always the same, as far as i could see
(TFT-Data 2-9, -Ctrl. A0-A4, SD 10-13). In doubt, ask!
- a diode 1N4148 or similar
- a micro SD-Card(SD or SDHC)
- some cable and connectors to Atari's SIO-Port
- avrdude Software for firmware programming

Wirering Arduino <-> Atari-SIO:

TXD <-> Pin 3 (Data-In, over the diode, cathode to arduino)
GND <-> Pin 4 (Ground)
RXD <-> Pin 5 (Data-Out)
A5 <-> Pin 7 (Command)
* +5V <-> Pin 10 (+5V/Ready)

*Optional, if you want power from Atari, but then you can't use Display
while Atari ist powered off!

Firmware programming:

First use the eeprom-writer.hex to set the correct values to the EEPROM!
Then programm the SDrive.hex into the flash.
That's it!

Display usage:

- press drive buttons in the middle to select the actual boot drive (D1:)
(on startup always the internal drive D0: with SDRIVE.ATR loaded is selected
for old sdrive(-ng) compatibility)
- press drive buttons on the left do deactivate the drive
- press dirve buttons on the right at the disk logo to insert an image
- D0: can only be selected as boot drive, not changed
- press on the New button will create a new image on the selected drive
during the next format command
- press on the output window at bottom will open SIO debug mode. To close
press anywhere on the screen
- file select window should be self descripting

(by KBr from
241 changes: 241 additions & 0 deletions SBOOT.A65
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
; bootloader pro SDrive
; Robert Petruzela & Radek Sterba
; Bob!k & Raster, C.P.U., 2008
;- 188 bytes
;- zoptimalizovano aby se vyuzival init i run adresa v bootsektoru
; (diky tomu nezustanou ve stacku viset 2 byty navratove adresy a navic je loader o 2 byty kratsi)
;- osekani zbytecnosti z "jednou_a_pak_next_block" casti
; (zkraceno o 10 bytu)
;- 176 bytes
;- pridana kontrola vysledku nacitacni sektoru, kdyz neni #1, nacita znovu
;- 178 bytes
;- optimalizace initu adresy 9 (uspora 2 bytes)
;- 176 bytes
;- 179 bytes
;- nahrada storeX ($47) za txa,pha a pla,tax
; (uspora jedne bunky v nulte strance (na ukor stacku))
buffer equ $700 ;dolni byte bufferu musi byt 0!

edst equ $43 ;2
dst equ $45 ;2
;storeX equ $47 ;1

sc_nsector equ $30a

opt h-
firstpartlen equ adr780-bootsector

org buffer+$80-firstpartlen
;Tahle prvni cast je v oblasti pod $0780, takze po prvnim
;nacteni sektoru do bufferu $700-$77f bude preplacnuta
bootsector ;$72='r' (identifikace SD'r'ive)
dta $72,$02,a(bootsector),a(jednou_a_pak_next_block)
reloc_00 equ bootsector+3
reloc_01 equ bootsector+5
; jmp *
lda #<buffer
sta $304 ;can't be replaced by sty $304 because no init at the begining
ert [<buffer]!=0 ;dolni byte bufferu neni 0 !
sta 580 ;rusi boot po resetu (nektere programy vyuzivaji skok pres reset vektor (Joust))
lda #>buffer
reloc_02 equ *-1
sta $305
lda #$70 ;tady je cislo sektoru $170
sta $30a ;protoze to hned na zacatku o 1 inkrementuje
lda #$01 ;a zacne od $171
sta $30b
; lda #1
sta $9 ;some games need it (RASTER's invention from Xin1)
; lda #125 ;jako by mel nacteno uz 125 bajtu
; sta index
dta 125 ;jako by v tom sektoru bylo 125 bajtu, aby nacetl dalsi sektor
; stx storeX
pha ;uschova X
jsr $e453
dey ;je vysledek operace 1 (ok) ? dey dekrementuje na Y=0
bne rea1 ;je Y=0 ? neni => znovu
; ldx storeX
tax ;obnoveni X
;Y=0 ;Y-reg is zero ( used for next sta (ns),y ), not necessary -> replaced by (ns,x)
sty index
reloc_03 equ *-1
readbyte ;reading one byte from buffer and incrementing index pointer
index equ *+1
lda buffer+125 ;. ;overwritting LB, index=$7d
reloc_04 equ *-1
; ldy index
; lda buffer,y
inc index
reloc_05 equ *-1
rts ;used two times, one is for return from get_next_byte
;second one is for jmp ($02e2)
lda #<lrts ;init address point to rts
sta $02e2
lda #>lrts
reloc_06 equ *-1
sta $02e3
ldx #2
jsr get_next_byte ;read destination adress
reloc_07 equ *-1
sta edst,x ;edst+2 => dst and in second round edst
jsr get_next_byte
reloc_08 equ *-1
sta edst+1,x ;edst+1+2 => dst+1 and in second round edst+1
and edst,x ;we are lucky, end address could not be $FFFF
cmp #$ff
beq nb10

bpl nb10 ;should be X==0;
bmi nb20 ;need to skip one incrementation of dst because block length is edst-dst-1

inc dst ;incrementing destination address
bne nb20
inc dst+1

jsr get_next_byte ;copy next byte from buffer to destination address
reloc_09 equ *-1
ldx #1
sta (dst-1,x) ;Ughh, I know ;-)
lda dst,x
cmp edst,x
bne nb15
bpl eofb

jsr nb40 ;everytime jmp on init address, normaly is there pointer on RTS else original init
;has to be JSR here!!!
reloc_10 equ *-1

jmp next_block ;go for next binary-block
reloc_11 equ *-1


lda #3
sta $d20f
jmp ($02e2) ;jmp on init address


get_next_byte ;return next byte in A-reg

lda index ;last byte in sector?
reloc_12 equ *-1
cmp buffer+127
reloc_13 equ *-1
bne readbyte ;no - get next byte
inc $30a ;pocita s tim ze sektory souboru
bne nxv1 ;nasleduji od $171 porad pekne
inc $30b ;sekvencne porad dal za sebou bez mezer ani niceho
lda buffer+125
reloc_14 equ *-1
ora buffer+126
reloc_15 equ *-1
bne read_next_sector ;jde na dalsi sektor
;ukazatel na dalsi sektor je nulovy
;takze koncime
jsr nb40 ;kvuli initu zvuku (I believe $02e2 still point to RTS)
reloc_16 equ *-1
jmp ($02e0) ;jump on run address
;nasledujici cast presahuje pres $800 a po provedeni
;muze byt klidne prepsana daty (pokud se nejaky blok bude zavadet od $800...)
jsr get_next_byte ;nacte prvni sektor a preplacne 0700-077f
reloc_17 equ *-1
sta $02e0
jsr get_next_byte
reloc_18 equ *-1
sta $02e1
and $02e0
cmp #$ff ;oba jsou FF?
beq jad1 ;ano => tak zkusi dalsi dva
lda #0
sta index
reloc_19 equ *-1
beq next_block ;!
; relokacni tabulka 20 bytu
ift 0
dta reloc_00-bootsector
dta reloc_01-bootsector
dta reloc_02-bootsector
dta reloc_03-bootsector
dta reloc_04-bootsector
dta reloc_05-bootsector
dta reloc_06-bootsector
dta reloc_07-bootsector
dta reloc_08-bootsector
dta reloc_09-bootsector
dta reloc_10-bootsector
dta reloc_11-bootsector
dta reloc_12-bootsector
dta reloc_13-bootsector
dta reloc_14-bootsector
dta reloc_15-bootsector
dta reloc_16-bootsector
dta reloc_17-bootsector
dta reloc_18-bootsector
dta reloc_19-bootsector

; dta $31,$02,$52,$40,a(buffer),$07,$00
; dta $80,$00
;sc_nsector * ;,a($ffff)

; org $4000
;test jmp *

; run init
; run test

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