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Yandex Cup 2021

Yandex Cup 2021

ML Challenge: Computer Vision Zero-Shot

Problem description

2nd place out of 47 with accuracy score 87.13 (top 1 91.49)

See the presentation for more details.


This is a baseline solution for CV task in Yandex ML Cup 2021 competition.


To run training, you have to setup prdinary PyTorch environment with some extra libraries which can be installed by pip or conda in a virual environment. For full list of required libraries see baseline/requirements.txt.

To train the baseline model, you need to have at least single GPU.

Baseline training can be run by set of commands similar to

cd baseline
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install torch==1.8.2+cu111 torchvision==0.9.2+cu111 -f
pip install -r requirements.txt
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1,2 python +name=baseline train.trainer_params.gpus=2 _data.paths.images_directory='/home/${oc.env:USER}/path/to/images/dir/' _data.paths.metadata_file='/home/${oc.env:USER}/path/to/metadata.json'

Pretrained checkpoint

For convienience, pretrained model checkpoint can be downloaded by running bash

Making predictions on sample data

A small subset of Caltech datasets is avaialble at contest/data directory. contest/data/datasets/ directory contains two datasets, with classes labels and source images in each of them.

To run zero-shot classes prediction on these datasets, run

cd baseline
python --ckpt_path /path/to/checkpoint --data_directory ../contest/data/datasets/ --predicts_file ../contest/predictions.json

You may add --device cuda argument to speed up prediction locally. To approximate evaluation speed on the Yandex Contest server, add --device cpu --num_threads 1 arguments to imitate single available CPU.

Evaluating predictions on sample data

File contest/data/gt.json contains GT labels. You can use them to calculate accuracy by running

python ../contest/ --gt_file ../contest/data/gt.json --predicts_file ../contest/predictions.json --average 1 --strict 1

It will print an accuracy like 78.57894736842104. You can also use --average 0 instead, to get per-class accuracies:

{"caltech101": 74.21052631578947, "caltech256": 82.94736842105263}

Prepare checkpoint for inference

In order to send the model for online evaluation in Yandex.Contest system, you need to make it compact and runnable without network connection. In order to do this you may use script which disables loading pretrained embeddings and weights from network and optionally converts checkpoint into FP16 mode (which roughly halves the checkpoint size), while also deleting optimizer states from it.

Making a submission to Yandex Contest and are the two files used by Yandex.Contest system to run your submission. should install come extra required libraries missing in Y.Contest environment and is run with two arguments: first is path to source data (like contest/data/eval/public_subset) and the second is the .json file where prediction should be put.

To make a submission, simply archive whole baseline directory and send it to Y.Contest system for online evaulation:

cd baseline
zip -r ../ ./*

Package versions

List of all packages have been installed in Yandex Contest and it's version you can find in packages-versions.txt