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Keboola Provisioning Client

Get Credentials from Provisioning API.


Getting Credentials

If you have already an instance of Storage API client in $storageApi, then you can get credentials to transformation database with the following call:

$provisioning = new \Keboola\Provisioning\Client('snowflake', $storageApi->getTokenString(), $storageApi->getRunId());
$credentials = $provisioning->getCredentials('transformations');

First argument to Client constructor is database backend, which may be either snowflake, mysql or redshift-workspace. The $credentials variable above will contain the following structure:

array (
    'id' => 'foo',
    'hostname' => 'ACMEdatabseServerAddress',
    'db' => 'ACMEDatabse',
    'password' => 'ACMEPassword',
    'user' => 'Wile.E.Coyote',
    'schema' => 'ACMESchema',

Resetting Credentials

Resetting credentials is useful when you want to clean up the working schema. Resetting credentials will drop the entire schema and create a new empty one. Resetting credentials does not delete the credentials themselves - i.e. password and user name may remain the same. If you have already an instance of Storage API client in $storageApi, then you can get credentials to transformation database with the following call:

// get current credentials
$provisioning = new \Keboola\Provisioning\Client('snowflake', $storageApi->getTokenString(), $storageApi->getRunId());
$credentials = $provisioning->getCredentials('transformations');


// get new credentials
$credentials = $provisioning->getCredentials('transformations');


Library is available as composer package. To start using composer in your project follow these steps:

Install composer

curl -s | php
mv ./composer.phar ~/bin/composer # or /usr/local/bin/composer

Create composer.json file in your project root folder:

    "require": {
        "php" : ">=5.3.2",
        "keboola/provisioning-client": "0.3.*"

Install package:

composer install

Add autoloader in your bootstrap script:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

Read more in Composer documentation



  • Create .env file and fill the missing info
  • Build Docker image
docker-compose build

Tests Execution

Run tests with following command.

docker-compose run --rm tests /code/vendor/bin/phpunit

Please note, for running Docker (RStudio / Jupyter) tests, you need to have async job queue processing running or run the provisioning:devel:poll-jobs command of the provisioning-bundle.


MIT licensed, see LICENSE file.