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The Contributor Council Cross-License [Development Draft]

Project Location: {{{URI}}}

This license gives contributors the ability to vote to relicense this software project to the public on different terms.

Each contributor to this project grants an irrevocable license for copyright in all their contributions, as well as an irrevocable license for any patent claims they can license that cover the project as of their latest contribution, to every other past and future contributor. Those licenses permit sublicensing to the public, or relicensing, any number of times, under the following rules.

Approval Needed

A contributor can relicense as follows with majority approval:

  1. Make the project available on a newer version of its original public license terms, published by the organizational steward of the original terms.

  2. Enable combination of the project with other work under incompatible public license terms.

  3. Fix legal defects of the original public license terms resulting from new statutory, regulatory, or judicial developments.

A contributor can relicense for any other purpose with supermajority approval.

Approval Process

In order to relicense, a contributor must meet all of the following requirements:

  1. Publish responses showing approval by all responding contributors.

  2. Publish responses showing approval by responding major contributors.

  3. Announce the result to all contributors.

For majority approval, a majority of all responding contributors and a majority of responding major contributors must approve.

For supermajority approval, two thirds of all responding contributors and two thirds of all responding major contributors must approve.

All responses published to show approval must be dated within a single period of thirty contiguous calendar days.

To solicit responses, send each contributor a message on the following template, to all the e-mail addresses they provided with their contributions, such as revision control commit messages or patches to files listing contributors, as well as any social media handles they used to contribute:

Subject: Contributor Council Proposal

This is a proposal to relicense a software project under the Contributor Council License.



New Public License Terms:

[Insert new public license terms.]

Effect of Relicensing:

[Describe the effect of relicensing, and which of the categories under the Effect section will be achieved.]

Approval Needed:

["Majority" or "Supermajority"]

If you approve, please respond to this e-mail as soon as possible with the following message:

I accept your proposal to relicense {{{URI}}}.

I give you permission to publish this message.

If you do not approve, please respond to this e-mail as soon as possible with the following message:

I reject your proposal to relicense {{{URI}}}.

I give you permission to publish this message.

To announce a result, send each contributor a message on the following template, again to all e-mail addresses and social media handles:

Subject: Contributor Council Announcement

This is an relicensing announcement for a software project under the Contributor Council License.



New Public License Terms:

[Insert new public license terms.]

Major Contributors Approving:

[List major contributors who approved, and on what dates.]

Major Contributors Rejecting:

[List major contributors who rejected, and on what dates.]

Major Contributors Not Responding:

[List major contributors who did not respond, and which e-mail addresses and social media accounts were attempted for them.]

Other Contributors Approving:

[List other contributors who approved, and on what dates.]

Other Contributors Rejecting:

[List other contributors who rejected, and on what dates.]

Other Contributors Not Responding:

[List other contributors who did not respond, and which e-mail addresses and social media accounts were attempted for them.]

Limit Liability

The new public license terms must disclaim all warranties for contributions and attempt to eliminate the contributor's liability for any legal claims related to the project.

Preserve Attribution

The new public license terms must require preservation of the contributor's copyright and other attribution notices.


A "contributor" is an individual or legal entity that has contributed work to the project and granted a license for it to the public.

A "major contributor" is a contributor meeting any of the following criteria:

  1. The contributor made the first contribution of source code to the project.
  2. The contributor has held the highest publicly acknowledged elected or appointed-successor leadership position for the project, if there is such a position.
  3. The contributor has made a contribution substantially amounting to a rewrite of the project.

The "project" is the software project published at the location listed above. The project does not include unpublished forks, or forks published elsewhere.