# Eureka! Control File for Stage 3: Data Reduction # Stage 3 Documentation: https://eurekadocs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ecf.html#stage-3 ncpu 14 # Number of CPUs nfiles 1000 # The max number of data files to analyze simultaneously max_memory 0.5 # The maximum fraction of memory you want utilized by read-in frames (this will reduce nfiles if need be) suffix ima # Data file suffix # Calibration files hst_cal /Volumes/OtherData/WFC3/WFC3_Calibration/ # The path to the reference files horizonsfile horizons/horizons_results_KELT11b.vec # Generate your horizonsfile at https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/app.html#/ leapdir leapdir/ # Folder where leapsecond calibration files will be read/saved flatfile flats/WFC3.IR.G102.flat.2.fits # The calibration file to use for flat-fielding # flatfile flats/WFC3.IR.G141.flat.2.fits # flatfile flats/sedFFcube-both.fits # Subarray region of interest ywindow [50,500] # Vertical axis as seen in DS9 xwindow [150,360] # Horizontal axis as seen in DS9 src_pos_type hst # Determine source position when not given in header (Options: gaussian, weighted, max, or hst) # Subarray region for direct images used for wavelength calibration centroidtrim 5 centroidguess [244,216] # Flatfield parameters flatoffset [[374, 374]] #[[379, 379]] flatsigma 50 # Sigma theshold for bad pixel identification in the differential non-destructive reads (NDRs) diffthresh 10 # Background parameters bg_hw 100 # Half-width of exclusion region for BG subtraction (relative to source position) bg_thresh [5,5] # Double-iteration X-sigma threshold for outlier rejection along time axis bg_deg 0 # Polynomial order for column-by-column background subtraction, -1 for median of entire frame p3thresh 5 # X-sigma threshold for outlier rejection during background subtraction # Spectral extraction parameters spec_hw 100 # Half-width of aperture region for spectral extraction (relative to source position) fittype smooth # Method for constructing spatial profile (Options: smooth, meddata, poly, gauss, wavelet, or wavelet2D) window_len 31 # Smoothing window length, when fittype = smooth prof_deg 3 # Polynomial degree, when fittype = poly p5thresh 10 # X-sigma threshold for outlier rejection while constructing spatial profile p7thresh 10 # X-sigma threshold for outlier rejection during optimal spectral extraction # 2D drift correction parameters iref [2, 3] # The file indices to use as reference frames for each scan direction # Diagnostics isplots_S3 1 # Generate few (1), some (3), or many (5) figures (Options: 1 - 5) testing_S3 False # Boolean, set True to only use last file and generate select figures hide_plots True # If True, plots will automatically be closed rather than popping up save_output True # Save outputs for use in S4 verbose True # If True, more details will be printed about steps # Project directory topdir /Volumes/OtherData/WFC3/KELT-11b_WFC3_G102/ # Directories relative to project dir inputdir Raw # The folder containing the data files from HST outputdir Stage3