This is a small embedded controller designed for the purposes of controlling an operating railroad crossing signal with 2 signal lamps and a bell. It was designed to work with a PVC based railroad crossing signal mast approximately 6-feet tall for display, demonstrations and overall amusement. I have posted this design because I have been contacted by a few others who also saw my railroad crossing project and expressed a desire to build such a signal themselves. I hope this controller will be helpful to anyone who wishes to look at it.
This site contains all of the documentation, source code, schematic and PCB files necessary to build this controller (Rev.B). Please seek the Wiki for more details.
As a secondary goal, I also designed this board to be used as a PIC12 development board. The PCB silkscreen is well documented showing all the pin names and contains lots of holes for jumpers. The board can also be used directly with the PICKit3 programmer from Microchip via the ICSP header. It also has it's own 5V switching power supply on board. So basically all you need to do is provide power and your off and running.
In case your wondering about all the mention of "II" as in GCSC-II, this is a complete re-design of my earlier breadboard attempt found here on my site. Much has changed since then. This is a very easy to build and very low-cost implementation of that control circuit.
I hope people find this useful. Please feel free to email me or contribute in anyway.