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test that pgp decrypt works with a synced key (#11969)
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maxtaco committed May 22, 2018
1 parent 3672ff9 commit 061b182
Showing 1 changed file with 87 additions and 0 deletions.
87 changes: 87 additions & 0 deletions go/engine/pgp_decrypt_test.go
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import (

keybase1 ""

func decengctx(fu *FakeUser, tc libkb.TestContext) libkb.MetaContext {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -498,3 +499,89 @@ func (t *TestPgpUI) ShouldPushPrivate(context.Context, int) (bool, error) {
func (t *TestPgpUI) Finished(context.Context, int) error {
return nil

func TestPGPDecryptWithSyncedKey(t *testing.T) {
tc := SetupEngineTest(t, "pgpg")
u := createFakeUserWithPGPOnly(t, tc)
t.Log("Created fake user with PGP synced only")
defer tc.Cleanup()

// find recipient key
ur, err := libkb.LoadUser(libkb.NewLoadUserByNameArg(tc.G, u.Username))
require.NoError(t, err, "loaded the user")
rkeys := ur.GetActivePGPKeys(false)
require.True(t, len(rkeys) > 0, "recipient has no active pgp keys")

// encrypt and sign a message with keyA
mid := libkb.NewBufferCloser()
msg := "Is it time for lunch?"
recipients := []*libkb.PGPKeyBundle{rkeys[0]}
err = libkb.PGPEncrypt(strings.NewReader(msg), mid, nil, recipients)
require.NoError(t, err, "pgp decryption failed")
t.Logf("encrypted data: %x", mid.Bytes())


// redo SetupEngineTest to get a new home directory...should look like a new device.
tc = SetupEngineTest(t, "login")
defer tc.Cleanup()

uis := libkb.UIs{
ProvisionUI: newTestProvisionUIPassphrase(),
LoginUI: &libkb.TestLoginUI{Username: u.Username},
LogUI: tc.G.UI.GetLogUI(),
SecretUI: u.NewSecretUI(),
GPGUI: &gpgtestui{},
eng := NewLogin(tc.G, libkb.DeviceTypeDesktop, "", keybase1.ClientType_CLI)
m := NewMetaContextForTest(tc).WithUIs(uis)
err = RunEngine2(m, eng)
require.NoError(t, err, "no error when checking login")

// decrypt it
decryptIt := func() bool {
decoded := libkb.NewBufferCloser()
decarg := &PGPDecryptArg{
Source: bytes.NewReader(mid.Bytes()),
Sink: decoded,
AssertSigned: false,
idUI := &FakeIdentifyUI{}
pgpUI := &TestPgpUI{}
secretUI := u.NewSecretUI()
uis = libkb.UIs{
IdentifyUI: idUI,
SecretUI: secretUI,
LogUI: tc.G.UI.GetLogUI(),
PgpUI: pgpUI,
dec := NewPGPDecrypt(tc.G, decarg)
m = NewMetaContextForTest(tc).WithUIs(uis)
err = RunEngine2(m, dec)
require.NoError(t, err, "no error for PGP decrypt")

decryptedMsg := decoded.Bytes()
trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(string(decryptedMsg))
t.Logf("decrypted msg: %s", trimmed)
require.Equal(t, trimmed, msg, "msg equality failed")
return secretUI.CalledGetPassphrase

decryptCalledPassphrase := decryptIt()
// No need to get a passphrase, since we just logged in.
require.False(t, decryptCalledPassphrase, "passphrase get wasn't called")

// Simulate a service restart
m.G().LoginState().Account(func(a *libkb.Account) { a.ClearStreamCache() }, "clear")

decryptCalledPassphrase = decryptIt()
require.True(t, decryptCalledPassphrase, "passphrase get was called")

// See CORE-7929, we shouldn't really need a passphrase here, but for now,
// assert the buggy behavior.
decryptCalledPassphrase = decryptIt()
require.True(t, decryptCalledPassphrase, "passphrase get was called")


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