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jQuery Accordion Table

This plugin allows for a table in which the alternating rows are "collapsed" and are able to be "expanded", similar to the accordion jQuery plugin. The difference, however, is that the accordion plugin transforms an unordered HTML list into an accordion, whereas this plugin converts an HTML table into an accordion.


     'accordionOpenImg'      : 'minusImg',
     'accordionClosedImg'    : 'plusImg',
     'urlForAccordionRow'    : '/foo/bar',
     'spinnerId'             : 'spinnerId',
     'accordionRow'          : 'classForAccordionRowsInTable',
     'dataAttrs'             : function(e) {
       var foo_id = $("tr").attr("data-foo"),
           uid = $("table").attr("data-user")
       return { foo_id : foo_id, uid : uid }


The only method that needs to be called is $(selector).accordionTable({ options }); where $(selector) is the CSS selector for finding the table in the DOM, and .accordionTable({ options }) initializes the accordion table with options for properly rendering the accordion.

Options: ``` accordionOpenImg : This is the class for the image that will be displayed in the previous row of an expanded row in the accordion table to not only indicate that the row is expanded, but is also the image that is clicked to collapse the row again. A suggestion might be an image of a minus sign.

accordionClosedImg : This is the class for the image that will be displayed in the previous row of a collapsed row in the accordion table to not only indicate that the row is collapsed, but is also the image that is clicked to expand the row again. A suggestion might be an image of a plus sign.

urlForAccordionRow : This is the URL for fetching the data to be inserted into a table row that is being expanded.

spinnerId : This is the selector for the spinner image that will appear when a table row is being expanded to indicate to the user that the data is being fetched. Simply adding an ID (not class name) will be enough. The plugin will handle all hiding and showing of the spinner image.

accordionRow : This is the class name that should be applied to each table row that has the ability to be expanded or collapsed in the accordion. Although different configurations can be used, it is reccomended that this be every other table row in order to make the most sense for the user and the easiest logic to follow.

dataAttrs : This is potentially the most confusing of all of the options. This option is actually a function that is responsible for retreving the data to be passed to the urlForAccordionRow action in order to return the correct data for the expanded row. The only two requirements are that you return a JSON object and that you pass the 'e' parameter into the function (this is the click event that the plugin uses to action expanding of a table row when the accordionClosedImg image is clicked. In the above example, the function captures two data attributes from the previous (non-accordion) row so that each accordion row displays the correct data related to the previous (non-accordion) row.


Plugin to easily turn an HMTL table into a table with expandable rows






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