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Added the ability to collect symbolic conditions
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kfl committed Jul 16, 2010
1 parent c297e6b commit ad64794
Showing 1 changed file with 25 additions and 7 deletions.
32 changes: 25 additions & 7 deletions miniprolog.hs
Expand Up @@ -180,20 +180,38 @@ evalIs prog (Comp "is" [Var x, t]) = [(x, Val $! eval prog t)]

evalCond :: Program -> Term -> Bool
evalCond prog (Comp "lt" [t1, t2]) = eval prog t1 < eval prog t2
evalCond prog (Comp n args) = if n `elem` conditionComps then error $ "Wrong number of arguments for " ++ n
else error $ "Unknown operator " ++ n

conditionComps = ["lt"]
isCond t@(Comp n _) = n `elem` conditionComps
isCond _ = False

symbolicCond t | isCond t = not $ null $ variables [t]
symbolicCond _ = False

nonSymbolicCond t = isCond t && (not $ symbolicCond t)

normalizeGoal :: Program -> Goal -> Maybe Goal
normalizeGoal prog (t1@(Comp "is" _) : rest) = Just$ map (subs $ evalIs prog t1) rest
normalizeGoal prog (t1@(Comp "lt" _) : rest) = if evalCond prog t1 then Just rest else Just []
normalizeGoal prog (t1 : rest) | nonSymbolicCond t1 = if evalCond prog t1 then Just rest
else Just []
normalizeGoal prog g@(t1 : _) | symbolicCond t1 = Just $ n : symb ++ non
(n : non, symb) = symbolicPrefix g
symbolicPrefix (t : rest) | symbolicCond t = let (non, symb) = symbolicPrefix rest
in (non, t : symb)
symbolicPrefix nonsymb = (nonsymb, [])
normalizeGoal _ _ = Nothing

data SearchTree = Solution [(Variable, Term)]
type Solution = ([(Variable, Term)], Terms)
data SearchTree = Solution Solution
| Node Goal [SearchTree]
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

-- Uses the List monad for backtracking
solve :: Program -> Goal -> [SearchTree]
solve _ [r] | isReportGoal r = return $ Solution $ getSolution r
solve _ g@(r : conds) | isReportGoal r = return $ Solution $ getSolution g
solve prog@(clauses,_) g@(t1 : ts) = return $ Node g trees
where trees =
case normalizeGoal prog g of
Expand All @@ -215,7 +233,7 @@ makeReportGoal goal = [Comp "_report" reportVars]
isReportGoal (Comp "_report" _) = True
isReportGoal _ = False

getSolution (Comp "_report" args) = sol
getSolution ((Comp "_report" args) : conds) = (sol, conds)
where sol = map (\ (Comp "=" [Comp v [], t]) -> (v, t)) args

-- Use the trick of inserting an extra reporting goal
Expand All @@ -227,12 +245,12 @@ makeReportTree prog goal = Node goal $ solve prog (goal ++ makeReportGoal goal)

-- Depth first
dfs :: SearchTree -> [[(Variable, Term)]]
dfs :: SearchTree -> [Solution]
dfs (Solution sols) = [sols]
dfs (Node g st) = [ s | t <- st, s <- dfs t]

-- Breath first
bfs :: SearchTree -> [[(Variable, Term)]]
bfs :: SearchTree -> [Solution]
bfs t = trav [t]
where trav [] = []
trav ((Solution x) : q) = x : trav q
Expand Down

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