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Enable or Disable layout.<extension> via regex.

How many times did you wished you could do something like this:

class App < Sinatra::Base
  register Sinatra::FuzzyLayout

  enable_layout_for "home", :admin
  disable_layout_for /.+_reports/

  get '/' do
    haml :index             # layout.haml is used

  get '/admin' do
    haml :admin             # layout.haml is used

  get '/home' do
    haml :home              # layout.haml is used

  get '/system_reports' do
    haml :system_reports    # layout.haml is not used.





Run this:

gem install 'sinatra-fuzzy_layout'

Or, if your use bundler like the pros, add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'sinatra-fuzzy_layout'

And then execute:

$ bundle


Once the gem is installed, add this in your app file:

require 'sinatra/fuzzy_layout'

Classic Style

Once you require the gem, you can define the enable_layout_for and/or disable_layout_for end-points

Modular Style

An additional step in case of Modular style apps is :

require "sinatra/fuzzy_layout" # just like in classic style

class App < Sinatra::Base

  register Sinatra::FuzzyLayout

  enable_layout_for :a_template


How it works

(Note: if you use a different templating engine like slim or erb, replace all instances of haml with that engine here on)

When the app encounters a haml :view in a route, it tries to render that view by reading the view.haml file and checking to see if a layout option is defined. This usually is set at a global level in the app set :haml, :layout => false or set on a per-route basis haml :view, :layout => false. If the layout is required, then the layout.haml is also parsed and the view.haml part is added to the layout.

This extension lets you define the layout options at a global level. It modifies the render method in Sinatra::Templates so that the templates are checked against the regexes defined and the layout option is set (or unset) based on the result.

A template is first validated against the enable_layouts_for options. If the enable_layouts_for directive is not defined in the app however, the check only happens against disable_layouts_for. If the first check returns true, i.e., if the layout is enabled for that template, the second check never happens. This means that if you define a template in both the enable_layouts_for and disable_layouts_for directives, the layout gets enabled since the first check returns true.

Typically, only one template is used in each route (duh!). This means that the regex checks happen only one in the best case and twice in the worst case and so should not affect performance by a large margin. However, if you are writing at webscale, you might want to skip this.

Even if you use this plugin, it won't interfere with the normal Sinatra layout directives (global and per-route) and so, you can mix-and-match if you're into it. If you're still uncertain whether or not to use it, but want to, I'd say go ahead.


Lulz. Really?


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Enable/Disable layouts using regex matching







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