# Environment ######################################################################## variable "env_name" { type = string description = "The stage of the development lifecycle for the k8s cluster. Example: `prod`, `dev`, `qa`, `stage`, `test`" default = "test" } variable "location" { type = string description = "The city or region where the cluster is provisioned" default = null } variable "cluster_number" { type = string description = "The instance count for the k8s cluster, to differentiate it from other clusters. Example: `00`, `01`" default = "01" } variable "cluster_domain" { type = string description = "The cluster domain name" default = "" } locals { cluster_name = var.location != null ? "k8s-${var.env_name}-${var.location}-${var.cluster_number}" : "k8s-${var.env_name}-${var.cluster_number}" cluster_fqdn = "${local.cluster_name}.${var.cluster_domain}" } variable "use_legacy_naming_convention" { type = bool description = "A boolean value that indicates whether to use legacy naming convention for the VM and cluster name. If your cluster was provisioned using version <= 3.x, set it to `true`" default = false } # Proxmox VE ######################################################################## variable "pm_api_url" { type = string description = "The base URL for Proxmox VE API. See https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Proxmox_VE_API#API_URL" } variable "pm_api_token_id" { type = string description = "The token ID to access Proxmox VE API." } variable "pm_api_token_secret" { type = string description = "The UUID/secret of the token defined in the variable `pm_api_token_id`." sensitive = true } variable "pm_tls_insecure" { type = bool description = "Disable TLS verification while connecting to the Proxmox VE API server." } variable "pm_host" { type = string description = "The name of Proxmox node where the VM is placed." } variable "pm_parallel" { type = number description = "The number of simultaneous Proxmox processes. E.g: creating resources." default = 2 } variable "pm_timeout" { type = number description = "Timeout value (seconds) for proxmox API calls." default = 600 } # Common infrastructure ######################################################################## variable "internal_net_name" { type = string description = "Name of the internal network bridge" default = "vmbr1" } variable "internal_net_subnet_cidr" { type = string description = "CIDR of the internal network" default = "" } variable "ssh_private_key" { type = string description = "SSH private key in base64, will be used by Terraform client to connect to the VM after provisioning" } variable "ssh_public_keys" { type = string description = "SSH public keys in base64" } variable "vm_user" { type = string description = "The default user for all VMs" default = "ubuntu" } variable "vm_sockets" { type = number description = "Number of the CPU socket to allocate to the VMs" default = 1 } variable "vm_max_vcpus" { type = number description = "The maximum CPU cores available per CPU socket to allocate to the VM" default = 2 } variable "vm_cpu_type" { type = string description = "The type of CPU to emulate in the Guest" default = "host" } variable "vm_os_disk_storage" { type = string description = "Default storage pool where OS VM disk is placed" } variable "add_worker_node_data_disk" { type = bool description = "A boolean value that indicates whether to add a data disk to each worker node of the cluster" default = false } variable "worker_node_data_disk_storage" { type = string description = "The storage pool where the data disk is placed" default = "" } variable "worker_node_data_disk_size" { type = string description = "The size of worker node data disk in Gigabyte" default = 10 } variable "vm_ubuntu_tmpl_name" { type = string description = "Name of Cloud-init template Ubuntu VM" default = "ubuntu-2204" } variable "bastion_ssh_ip" { type = string description = "IP of the bastion host, could be either public IP or local network IP of the bastion host" default = "" } variable "bastion_ssh_user" { type = string description = "The user to authenticate to the bastion host" default = "ubuntu" } variable "bastion_ssh_port" { type = number description = "The SSH port number on the bastion host" default = 22 } # Kuberentes VM specifications for Kubernetes nodes ######################################################################## variable "vm_k8s_control_plane" { type = object({ node_count = number, vcpus = number, memory = number, disk_size = number }) description = "Control Plane VM specification" default = { node_count = 1, vcpus = 2, memory = 1536, disk_size = 20 } } variable "vm_k8s_worker" { type = object({ node_count = number, vcpus = number, memory = number, disk_size = number }) description = "Worker VM specification" default = { node_count = 2, vcpus = 2, memory = 2048, disk_size = 20 } } # Kubernetes settings ######################################################################## variable "create_kubespray_host" { type = bool default = true } variable "kubespray_image" { type = string default = "khanhphhub/kubespray:v2.22.0" } variable "kube_version" { type = string description = "Kubernetes version" default = "v1.24.6" } variable "kube_network_plugin" { type = string description = "The network plugin to be installed on your cluster. Example: `cilium`, `calico`, `kube-ovn`, `weave` or `flannel`" default = "calico" } variable "enable_nodelocaldns" { type = bool description = "A boolean value that indicates whether to enable nodelocal dns cache on your cluster" default = false } variable "podsecuritypolicy_enabled" { type = bool description = "A boolean value that indicates whether to enable pod security policy on your cluster (RBAC must be enabled either by having 'RBAC' in authorization_modes or kubeadm enabled)" default = false } variable "persistent_volumes_enabled" { type = bool description = "A boolean value that indicates whether to add Persistent Volumes Storage Class for corresponding cloud provider (supported: in-tree OpenStack, Cinder CSI, AWS EBS CSI, Azure Disk CSI, GCP Persistent Disk CSI)" default = false } variable "helm_enabled" { type = bool description = "A boolean value that indicates whether to enable Helm on your cluster" default = false } variable "ingress_nginx_enabled" { type = bool description = "A boolean value that indicates whether to enable Nginx ingress on your cluster" default = false } variable "argocd_enabled" { type = bool description = "A boolean value that indicates whether to enable ArgoCD on your cluster" default = false } variable "argocd_version" { type = string description = "The ArgoCD version to be installed" default = "v2.4.12" }