BIDS-app for pre-processing DWI (denoise, unring, top-up, eddy, bedpost.. )
Analysis levels:
participant: Runs pre-processing including denoising, unringing, top-up, eddy, DWI-T1w registration, T1w-T1w template (MNI152_1mm and MNI152NLin2009cAsym) registration, and bedpost fitting. Writes intermediate output to
sub-folder, and BIDS derivatives output toprepdwi
sub-folder. -
group: Generates HTML reports with QC for brain-masking and registration steps (if linear registration fails, re-run with
flag to initialize with transform from another subject) -
participant2: Runs probtrackx network connectivity between all regions in a given atlas labels file. Uses either canned atlases with the
option, where predefined atlases are defined in thecfg
folder; or can specify a new atlas with the--atlas_* options
Usage: prepdwi bids_dir output_dir {participant,group,participant2} <optional arguments>
[--matching_dwi MATCHING_PATTERN]
[--matching_T1w MATCHING_STRING]
[--reg_init_participant PARTICIPANT_LABEL]
[--grad_coeff_file GRAD_COEFF_FILE]
[-w WORK_DIR] (scratch directory)
[--n_cpus NCPUS] (for bedpost, default: 8)
participant2 (probtrack connectivity) options:
[--nprobseeds] N (for probtrackx, default: 5000)
Choose built-in atlas:
[--atlas NAME (default: dosenbach)
Available built-in atlas labels/csv:
cort_striatum_midbrain dosenbach yeo17 yeo17_striatum yeo7 yeo7_striatum
Customize atlas labels:
{--atlas_space NAME (MNI152_1mm or MNI152NLin2009cAsym)
[--atlas_label_nii NIFTI
[--atlas_label_csv LABEL_INDEX_CSV