/**************************************************************************************************************************** AutoConnect.ino For ESP8266 / ESP32 boards ESP_WiFiManager is a library for the ESP8266/ESP32 platform (https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino) to enable easy configuration and reconfiguration of WiFi credentials using a Captive Portal. Modified from Tzapu https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager and from Ken Taylor https://github.com/kentaylor Built by Khoi Hoang https://github.com/khoih-prog/ESP_WiFiManager Licensed under MIT license Version: 1.2.0 Version Modified By Date Comments ------- ----------- ---------- ----------- 1.0.0 K Hoang 07/10/2019 Initial coding 1.0.1 K Hoang 13/12/2019 Fix bug. Add features. Add support for ESP32 1.0.2 K Hoang 19/12/2019 Fix bug thatkeeps ConfigPortal in endless loop if Portal/Router SSID or Password is NULL. 1.0.3 K Hoang 05/01/2020 Option not displaying AvailablePages in Info page. Enhance README.md. Modify examples 1.0.4 K Hoang 07/01/2020 Add RFC952 setHostname feature. 1.0.5 K Hoang 15/01/2020 Add configurable DNS feature. Thanks to @Amorphous of https://community.blynk.cc 1.0.6 K Hoang 03/02/2020 Add support for ArduinoJson version 6.0.0+ ( tested with v6.14.1 ) 1.0.7 K Hoang 13/04/2020 Reduce start time, fix SPIFFS bug in examples, update README.md 1.0.8 K Hoang 10/06/2020 Fix STAstaticIP issue. Restructure code. Add LittleFS support for ESP8266 core 2.7.1+ 1.0.9 K Hoang 29/07/2020 Fix ESP32 STAstaticIP bug. Permit changing from DHCP <-> static IP using Config Portal. Add, enhance examples (fix MDNS for ESP32) 1.0.10 K Hoang 08/08/2020 Add more features to Config Portal. Use random WiFi AP channel to avoid conflict. 1.0.11 K Hoang 17/08/2020 Add CORS feature. Fix bug in softAP, autoConnect, resetSettings. 1.1.0 K Hoang 28/08/2020 Add MultiWiFi feature to autoconnect to best WiFi at runtime 1.1.1 K Hoang 30/08/2020 Add setCORSHeader function to allow flexible CORS. Fix typo and minor improvement. 1.1.2 K Hoang 17/08/2020 Fix bug. Add example. 1.2.0 K Hoang 09/10/2020 Restore cpp code besides Impl.h code to use if linker error. Fix bug. *****************************************************************************************************************************/ #if !( defined(ESP8266) || defined(ESP32) ) #error This code is intended to run on the ESP8266 or ESP32 platform! Please check your Tools->Board setting. #endif //------ start custom code const int readAnalogPin = 12; int t1 = 0; //------ end custom code // Use from 0 to 4. Higher number, more debugging messages and memory usage. #define _WIFIMGR_LOGLEVEL_ 3 //Ported to ESP32 #ifdef ESP32 #include #include #include // From v1.1.0 #include WiFiMulti wifiMulti; #define USE_SPIFFS true #if USE_SPIFFS #include FS* filesystem = &SPIFFS; #define FileFS SPIFFS #define FS_Name "SPIFFS" #else // Use FFat #include FS* filesystem = &FFat; #define FileFS FFat #define FS_Name "FFat" #endif ////// #define ESP_getChipId() ((uint32_t)ESP.getEfuseMac()) #define LED_ON HIGH #define LED_OFF LOW #else #include //https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino //needed for library #include #include // From v1.1.0 #include ESP8266WiFiMulti wifiMulti; #include #define USE_LITTLEFS true #if USE_LITTLEFS #include FS* filesystem = &LittleFS; #define FileFS LittleFS #define FS_Name "LittleFS" #else FS* filesystem = &SPIFFS; #define FileFS SPIFFS #define FS_Name "SPIFFS" #endif ////// #define ESP_getChipId() (ESP.getChipId()) #define LED_ON LOW #define LED_OFF HIGH #endif // You only need to format the filesystem once //#define FORMAT_FILESYSTEM true #define FORMAT_FILESYSTEM false // SSID and PW for your Router String Router_SSID; String Router_Pass; // From v1.1.0 #define MIN_AP_PASSWORD_SIZE 8 #define SSID_MAX_LEN 32 //From v1.0.10, WPA2 passwords can be up to 63 characters long. #define PASS_MAX_LEN 64 typedef struct { char wifi_ssid[SSID_MAX_LEN]; char wifi_pw [PASS_MAX_LEN]; } WiFi_Credentials; typedef struct { String wifi_ssid; String wifi_pw; } WiFi_Credentials_String; #define NUM_WIFI_CREDENTIALS 2 typedef struct { WiFi_Credentials WiFi_Creds [NUM_WIFI_CREDENTIALS]; } WM_Config; WM_Config WM_config; #define CONFIG_FILENAME F("/wifi_cred.dat") // Indicates whether ESP has WiFi credentials saved from previous session, or double reset detected bool initialConfig = false; ////// // Use false if you don't like to display Available Pages in Information Page of Config Portal // Comment out or use true to display Available Pages in Information Page of Config Portal // Must be placed before #include #define USE_AVAILABLE_PAGES false // From v1.0.10 to permit disable/enable StaticIP configuration in Config Portal from sketch. Valid only if DHCP is used. // You'll loose the feature of dynamically changing from DHCP to static IP, or vice versa // You have to explicitly specify false to disable the feature. //#define USE_STATIC_IP_CONFIG_IN_CP false // Use false to disable NTP config. Advisable when using Cellphone, Tablet to access Config Portal. // See Issue 23: On Android phone ConfigPortal is unresponsive (https://github.com/khoih-prog/ESP_WiFiManager/issues/23) #define USE_ESP_WIFIMANAGER_NTP false // Use true to enable CloudFlare NTP service. System can hang if you don't have Internet access while accessing CloudFlare // See Issue #21: CloudFlare link in the default portal (https://github.com/khoih-prog/ESP_WiFiManager/issues/21) #define USE_CLOUDFLARE_NTP false // New in v1.0.11 #define USING_CORS_FEATURE true ////// // Use USE_DHCP_IP == true for dynamic DHCP IP, false to use static IP which you have to change accordingly to your network #if (defined(USE_STATIC_IP_CONFIG_IN_CP) && !USE_STATIC_IP_CONFIG_IN_CP) // Force DHCP to be true #if defined(USE_DHCP_IP) #undef USE_DHCP_IP #endif #define USE_DHCP_IP true #else // You can select DHCP or Static IP here //#define USE_DHCP_IP true #define USE_DHCP_IP false #endif #if ( USE_DHCP_IP || ( defined(USE_STATIC_IP_CONFIG_IN_CP) && !USE_STATIC_IP_CONFIG_IN_CP ) ) // Use DHCP #warning Using DHCP IP IPAddress stationIP = IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0); IPAddress gatewayIP = IPAddress(192, 168, 2, 1); IPAddress netMask = IPAddress(255, 255, 255, 0); #else // Use static IP #warning Using static IP #ifdef ESP32 IPAddress stationIP = IPAddress(192, 168, 2, 232); #else IPAddress stationIP = IPAddress(192, 168, 2, 186); #endif IPAddress gatewayIP = IPAddress(192, 168, 2, 1); IPAddress netMask = IPAddress(255, 255, 255, 0); #endif #define USE_CONFIGURABLE_DNS true IPAddress dns1IP = gatewayIP; IPAddress dns2IP = IPAddress(8, 8, 8, 8); #include //https://github.com/khoih-prog/ESP_WiFiManager // Function Prototypes uint8_t connectMultiWiFi(void); void heartBeatPrint(void) { static int num = 1; if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) Serial.print("H"); // H means connected to WiFi else Serial.print("F"); // F means not connected to WiFi if (num == 80) { Serial.println(); num = 1; } else if (num++ % 10 == 0) { Serial.print(" "); } } void check_WiFi(void) { if ( (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) ) { Serial.println("\nWiFi lost. Call connectMultiWiFi in loop"); connectMultiWiFi(); } } void check_status(void) { static ulong checkstatus_timeout = 0; static ulong checkwifi_timeout = 0; static ulong current_millis; #define WIFICHECK_INTERVAL 1000L #define HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL 10000L current_millis = millis(); // Check WiFi every WIFICHECK_INTERVAL (1) seconds. if ((current_millis > checkwifi_timeout) || (checkwifi_timeout == 0)) { check_WiFi(); checkwifi_timeout = current_millis + WIFICHECK_INTERVAL; } // Print hearbeat every HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL (10) seconds. if ((current_millis > checkstatus_timeout) || (checkstatus_timeout == 0)) { heartBeatPrint(); checkstatus_timeout = current_millis + HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL; } } void loadConfigData(void) { File file = FileFS.open(CONFIG_FILENAME, "r"); LOGERROR(F("LoadWiFiCfgFile ")); if (file) { file.readBytes((char *) &WM_config, sizeof(WM_config)); file.close(); LOGERROR(F("OK")); } else { LOGERROR(F("failed")); } } void saveConfigData(void) { File file = FileFS.open(CONFIG_FILENAME, "w"); LOGERROR(F("SaveWiFiCfgFile ")); if (file) { file.write((uint8_t*) &WM_config, sizeof(WM_config)); file.close(); LOGERROR(F("OK")); } else { LOGERROR(F("failed")); } } uint8_t connectMultiWiFi(void) { #if ESP32 // For ESP32, this better be 0 to shorten the connect time #define WIFI_MULTI_1ST_CONNECT_WAITING_MS 0 #else // For ESP8266, this better be 2200 to enable connect the 1st time #define WIFI_MULTI_1ST_CONNECT_WAITING_MS 2200L #endif #define WIFI_MULTI_CONNECT_WAITING_MS 100L uint8_t status; LOGERROR(F("ConnectMultiWiFi with :")); if ( (Router_SSID != "") && (Router_Pass != "") ) { LOGERROR3(F("* Flash-stored Router_SSID = "), Router_SSID, F(", Router_Pass = "), Router_Pass ); } for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_WIFI_CREDENTIALS; i++) { // Don't permit NULL SSID and password len < MIN_AP_PASSWORD_SIZE (8) if ( (String(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid) != "") && (strlen(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw) >= MIN_AP_PASSWORD_SIZE) ) { LOGERROR3(F("* Additional SSID = "), WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid, F(", PW = "), WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw ); } } LOGERROR(F("Connecting MultiWifi...")); WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); #if !USE_DHCP_IP #if USE_CONFIGURABLE_DNS // Set static IP, Gateway, Subnetmask, DNS1 and DNS2. New in v1.0.5 WiFi.config(stationIP, gatewayIP, netMask, dns1IP, dns2IP); #else // Set static IP, Gateway, Subnetmask, Use auto DNS1 and DNS2. WiFi.config(stationIP, gatewayIP, netMask); #endif #endif int i = 0; status = wifiMulti.run(); delay(WIFI_MULTI_1ST_CONNECT_WAITING_MS); while ( ( i++ < 10 ) && ( status != WL_CONNECTED ) ) { status = wifiMulti.run(); if ( status == WL_CONNECTED ) break; else delay(WIFI_MULTI_CONNECT_WAITING_MS); } if ( status == WL_CONNECTED ) { LOGERROR1(F("WiFi connected after time: "), i); LOGERROR3(F("SSID:"), WiFi.SSID(), F(",RSSI="), WiFi.RSSI()); LOGERROR3(F("Channel:"), WiFi.channel(), F(",IP address:"), WiFi.localIP() ); } else LOGERROR(F("WiFi not connected")); return status; } void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(115200); while (!Serial); Serial.print("\nStarting AutoConnectAP using " + String(FS_Name)); Serial.println(" on " + String(ARDUINO_BOARD)); if (FORMAT_FILESYSTEM) FileFS.format(); // Format FileFS if not yet #ifdef ESP32 if (!FileFS.begin(true)) #else if (!FileFS.begin()) #endif { Serial.print(FS_Name); Serial.println(F(" failed! AutoFormatting.")); #ifdef ESP8266 FileFS.format(); #endif } unsigned long startedAt = millis(); // Use this to default DHCP hostname to ESP8266-XXXXXX or ESP32-XXXXXX //ESP_WiFiManager ESP_wifiManager; // Use this to personalize DHCP hostname (RFC952 conformed) ESP_WiFiManager ESP_wifiManager("AutoConnectAP"); ESP_wifiManager.setDebugOutput(true); //reset settings - for testing //ESP_wifiManager.resetSettings(); //set custom ip for portal ESP_wifiManager.setAPStaticIPConfig(IPAddress(192, 168, 100, 1), IPAddress(192, 168, 100, 1), IPAddress(255, 255, 255, 0)); ESP_wifiManager.setMinimumSignalQuality(-1); // From v1.0.10 only // Set config portal channel, default = 1. Use 0 => random channel from 1-13 ESP_wifiManager.setConfigPortalChannel(0); ////// #if !USE_DHCP_IP #if USE_CONFIGURABLE_DNS // Set static IP, Gateway, Subnetmask, DNS1 and DNS2. New in v1.0.5 ESP_wifiManager.setSTAStaticIPConfig(stationIP, gatewayIP, netMask, dns1IP, dns2IP); #else // Set static IP, Gateway, Subnetmask, Use auto DNS1 and DNS2. ESP_wifiManager.setSTAStaticIPConfig(stationIP, gatewayIP, netMask); #endif #endif // New from v1.1.1 #if USING_CORS_FEATURE ESP_wifiManager.setCORSHeader("Your Access-Control-Allow-Origin"); #endif // We can't use WiFi.SSID() in ESP32 as it's only valid after connected. // SSID and Password stored in ESP32 wifi_ap_record_t and wifi_config_t are also cleared in reboot // Have to create a new function to store in EEPROM/SPIFFS for this purpose Router_SSID = ESP_wifiManager.WiFi_SSID(); Router_Pass = ESP_wifiManager.WiFi_Pass(); //Remove this line if you do not want to see WiFi password printed Serial.println("Stored: SSID = " + Router_SSID + ", Pass = " + Router_Pass); if (Router_SSID != "") { ESP_wifiManager.setConfigPortalTimeout(120); //If no access point name has been previously entered disable timeout. Serial.println("Got stored Credentials. Timeout 120s"); } else { Serial.println("No stored Credentials. No timeout"); } String chipID = String(ESP_getChipId(), HEX); chipID.toUpperCase(); // SSID and PW for Config Portal String AP_SSID = "ESP_" + chipID + "_AutoConnectAP"; String AP_PASS = "MyESP_" + chipID; // From v1.1.0, Don't permit NULL password if ( (Router_SSID == "") || (Router_Pass == "") ) { Serial.println("We haven't got any access point credentials, so get them now"); initialConfig = true; // Starts an access point //if (!ESP_wifiManager.startConfigPortal((const char *) ssid.c_str(), password)) if ( !ESP_wifiManager.startConfigPortal(AP_SSID.c_str(), AP_PASS.c_str()) ) Serial.println("Not connected to WiFi but continuing anyway."); else Serial.println("WiFi connected...yeey :)"); // Stored for later usage, from v1.1.0, but clear first memset(&WM_config, 0, sizeof(WM_config)); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_WIFI_CREDENTIALS; i++) { String tempSSID = ESP_wifiManager.getSSID(i); String tempPW = ESP_wifiManager.getPW(i); if (strlen(tempSSID.c_str()) < sizeof(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid) - 1) strcpy(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid, tempSSID.c_str()); else strncpy(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid, tempSSID.c_str(), sizeof(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid) - 1); if (strlen(tempPW.c_str()) < sizeof(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw) - 1) strcpy(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw, tempPW.c_str()); else strncpy(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw, tempPW.c_str(), sizeof(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw) - 1); // Don't permit NULL SSID and password len < MIN_AP_PASSWORD_SIZE (8) if ( (String(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid) != "") && (strlen(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw) >= MIN_AP_PASSWORD_SIZE) ) { LOGERROR3(F("* Add SSID = "), WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid, F(", PW = "), WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw ); wifiMulti.addAP(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid, WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw); } } saveConfigData(); } else { wifiMulti.addAP(Router_SSID.c_str(), Router_Pass.c_str()); } startedAt = millis(); if (!initialConfig) { // Load stored data, the addAP ready for MultiWiFi reconnection loadConfigData(); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_WIFI_CREDENTIALS; i++) { // Don't permit NULL SSID and password len < MIN_AP_PASSWORD_SIZE (8) if ( (String(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid) != "") && (strlen(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw) >= MIN_AP_PASSWORD_SIZE) ) { LOGERROR3(F("* Add SSID = "), WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid, F(", PW = "), WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw ); wifiMulti.addAP(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid, WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw); } } if ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED ) { Serial.println("ConnectMultiWiFi in setup"); connectMultiWiFi(); } } Serial.print("After waiting "); Serial.print((float) (millis() - startedAt) / 1000L); Serial.print(" secs more in setup(), connection result is "); if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) { Serial.print("connected. Local IP: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); } else Serial.println(ESP_wifiManager.getStatus(WiFi.status())); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly check_status(); //----- start custom code t1 = analogRead(readAnalogPin); Serial.println(t1); delay(500); //---- end custom code }