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This package provides a SignificantFormat class which formats a double value in significant figure in roundup or truncate mode. If locale is provided in input, the number will be formatted with thousands separator (, or .) according to the locale provided.

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Usage example

import 'package:significant_format/significant_format.dart'

void main() {
// format 0.000012345 with 4 significant figure using truncate
// formatted = 0.00001234 
String formatted = SignificantFormat().truncate(0.000012345, 4);

// format 12345 with 4 significant figure using roundup
// formatted = 12350
String formatted = SignificantFormat().roundup(12345, 4);

// pass optional locale will format the value as amount which containing thousands separator
// amount = 12,350
String amount = SignificantFormat().roundup(12345, 4, locale: "en");