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Merged changes from latest opscode cookbook with crowbar-specific cha…
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khudgins committed Jan 3, 2012
1 parent 8df5501 commit 5dfe5cf
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Showing 7 changed files with 79 additions and 60 deletions.
49 changes: 26 additions & 23 deletions chef/cookbooks/zenoss/
Expand Up @@ -6,29 +6,28 @@ covers history and planned features

Written with Chef 0.10.0.rc.0 and uses fairly recent search capabilities of roles.
Written with Chef 0.10 and uses recent search capabilities of roles.

The example roles in the `zenoss/roles` directory should be loaded for use, refer to the Roles subsection.

Tested on Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10 and tested with Chef 0.9.12.
Tested on CentOS 5.6 and Scientific Linux 5.5 and tested with Chef 0.10.0.rc.0.
Tested on Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10 and CentOS 5.7 and tested with Chef 0.10.

Attributes under the `zenoss` namespace.

* `["zenoss"]["device"]["device_class"]` - Device Class for the device, "/Discovered" is the default and may be overwritten at the Role or Node.
* `["zenoss"]["device"]["location"]` - Location for the device, may be set at the Role or Node.
* `["zenoss"]["device"]["modeler_plugins"]` - Modeler Plugins used by the device, may be set at the Role or Node.
* `["zenoss"]["device"]["properties"]` - Configuration Properties used by the device, may be set at the Role or Node.
* `["zenoss"]["device"]["templates"]` - Monitoring Templates used by the device, may be set at the Role or Node.
* `["zenoss"]["server"]["admin_password"]` - Password for the `admin` account, default is `chefzenoss`
* `["zenoss"]["server"]["installed_zenpacks"]` - Hash of ZenPacks and their versions, defaults are `"ZenPacks.zenoss.LinuxMonitor" => "1.1.5", "" => "0.4"`
* `["zenoss"]["server"]["zenhome"]` - Directory of the Zenoss server installation, default is `/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss` for Debian/Ubuntu and `/opt/zenoss` for CentOS/RHEL/Scientific Linux.
* `["zenoss"]["server"]["zenoss_pubkey"]` - Public key for the `zenoss` user used for monitoring. Set on the server automatically if it does not exist.
* `["zenoss"]["server"]["zenpatches"]` - Hash of patches and the tickets providing the patches, defaults are `"23716" => "", "23833" => ""`
* `['zenoss']['device']['device_class']` - Device Class for the device, "/Discovered" is the default and may be overwritten at the Role or Node.
* `['zenoss']['device']['location']` - Location for the device, may be set at the Role or Node.
* `['zenoss']['device']['modeler_plugins']` - Modeler Plugins used by the device, may be set at the Role or Node.
* `['zenoss']['device']['properties']` - Configuration Properties used by the device, may be set at the Role or Node.
* `['zenoss']['device']['templates']` - Monitoring Templates used by the device, may be set at the Role or Node.
* `['zenoss']['server']['admin_password']` - Password for the `admin` account, default is `chefzenoss`
* `['zenoss']['server']['installed_zenpacks']` - Hash of ZenPacks and their versions, defaults are `"ZenPacks.zenoss.LinuxMonitor" => "1.1.5", "" => "0.4"`
* `['zenoss']['server']['zenhome']` - Directory of the Zenoss server installation, default is `/usr/local/zenoss/zenoss` for Debian/Ubuntu and `/opt/zenoss` for CentOS/RHEL/Scientific Linux.
* `['zenoss']['server']['zenoss_pubkey']` - Public key for the `zenoss` user used for monitoring. Set on the server automatically if it does not exist.
* `['zenoss']['server']['zenpatches']` - Hash of patches and the tickets providing the patches, defaults are `"23716" => "", "23833" => ""`

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,22 +59,23 @@ The client includes the `openssh` recipe and adds the device to the Zenoss serve

The server includes the `openssh` and `apt` recipes. The server recipe installs Zenoss from the .deb stack installer via the `apt` cookbook, handling and configuring all the dependencies.
The server includes the `openssh` recipe. The server recipe installs Zenoss from either the .deb stack installer or the .rpm, handling and configuring all the dependencies. The crowbar distribution of this recipe differs slightly from the Opscode community cookbookto better support the crowbar environment.

The recipe does the following:

1. Installs Zenoss per the Zenoss Installation Guide.
2. Applies post-3.1.0 patches from closed tickets.
3. Starts server.
1. Installs Zenoss per the Zenoss Installation Guide from the zenpack package built within the barclamp.
2. Applies any patches that you have specified with the `['zenoss']['server']['zenpatches']` attribute.
3. Starts server (skipping the setup wizard).
4. Sets the `admin` password.
5. Adds any other users to the proper Zenoss roles.
5. Searches for members of the `sysadmins` group by searching through `users` data bag and adds them to the server.
6. Creates a `zenoss` user for running Zenoss and monitoring clients via SSH.
7. Installs ZenPacks required for monitoring.
8. Creates Device Classes, Groups and Locations based on Chef roles containing custom settings.
9. Adds Systems to the server based on which recipes are used within Chef.
10. Adds itself to be monitored.
11. Searches for members of the `sysadmins` group by searching through `users` data bag and adds them to the server.
12. Finds all nodes implementing `zenoss::client` and adds them for monitoring and places them in the proper Device Classes, Groups, Systems and Locations and any node-specific settings as well.
8. Adds itself to be monitored.
9. Creates Device Classes, Groups and Locations based on Chef roles containing custom settings.
10. Adds Systems to the server based on which recipes are used within Chef.
11. Finds all nodes implementing `zenoss::client` and adds them for monitoring and places them in the proper Device Classes, Groups, Systems and Locations and any node-specific settings as well via `zenbatchload`.

Data Bags
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,9 +142,12 @@ Zenoss has the concept of Devices, which belong to a single Device Class and Loc

If you are monitoring devices running on Amazon's EC2 with Zenoss, you will need to allow ICMP ping from your Zenoss server.

Because of limitations in zenbatchload, changing settings after initial configuration may not persist. This will be revisited with the upcoming Zenoss 4.x release (COO-895).

License and Author
Author:: Matt Ray <>
Author:: Keith Hudgins <>

Copyright:: 2010, Zenoss, Inc
Copyright:: 2010, 2011 Opscode, Inc
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion chef/cookbooks/zenoss/metadata.rb
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
maintainer_email ""
license "Apache 2.0"
description "Installs and configures Zenoss and registers nodes as devices"
version "0.7.2"
version "0.7.5"
depends "openssh"
depends "openssl"
recipe "zenoss", "Defaults to the client recipe."
Expand Down
38 changes: 21 additions & 17 deletions chef/cookbooks/zenoss/providers/zenbatchload.rb
Expand Up @@ -25,11 +25,28 @@
batch += ", setAddress=\"#{locations[location]['address']}\"\n"

#sort the hash and construct the batchload file
#load the devices by device class
devices.keys.sort!.each do |dclass|
Chef::Log.debug "zenbatchload deviceclass:#{dclass}"
batch += "\"/Devices#{dclass}\"\n"
#write out any settings for the device class as well?
batch += "\"/Devices#{dclass}\""
#write out any settings for the device class
#individual node settings aren't supported
if devices[dclass]['modeler_plugins']
batch += " zCollectorPlugins=("
devices[dclass]['modeler_plugins'].each {|k| batch += "\"#{k}\"," }
batch += "),"
if devices[dclass]['templates']
batch += " zDeviceTemplates=["
devices[dclass]['templates'].each {|k| batch += "\"#{k}\"," }
batch += "],"
if devices[dclass]['properties']
devices[dclass]['properties'].each {|k, v| batch += " #{k}=\"#{v}\"," }
batch += "\n"

#add the individual nodes
devices[dclass]['nodes'].sort_by {|n| n.ipaddress}.each do |device|
#set for hybrid clouds
if device['cloud'] and device['cloud']['public_ips']
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,20 +81,7 @@
dsystems.each {|sys| devsystems += "\"/#{sys}\","}
devsystems += "], "
batch += devsystems
#only use device['zenoss']['device'].current_normal for node-specific templates, modeler_plugins and properties
if node['zenoss'] and node['zenoss']['device'] and node['zenoss']['device'].current_normal
if node['zenoss']['device'].current_normal['modeler_plugins']
plugins = node['zenoss']['device'].current_normal['modeler_plugins']
batch += "zCollectorPlugins=#{plugins}, "
if node['zenoss']['device'].current_normal['templates']
templates = node['zenoss']['device'].current_normal['templates']
batch += "zDeviceTemplates=#{templates}, "
if node['zenoss']['device'].current_normal['properties']
node['zenoss']['device'].current_normal['properties'].each {|k, v| batch += "#{k}='#{v}', " }

batch += "\n"
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions chef/cookbooks/zenoss/providers/zenpatch.rb
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
patch = new_resource.svnpatch
#check if the patch is already applied
unless ::File.exists?("#{node[:zenoss][:server][:zenhome]}/Products/r#{patch}.patch")
package("patch") { action :nothing }.run_action(:install)
package("wget") { action :nothing }.run_action(:install) "Applying patch #{patch} from ticket #{new_resource.ticket}."
#apply the patch
execute "#{node[:zenoss][:server][:zenhome]}/bin/zenpatch #{patch}" do
Expand Down
30 changes: 13 additions & 17 deletions chef/cookbooks/zenoss/recipes/server.rb
Expand Up @@ -19,11 +19,9 @@
# limitations under the License.

include_recipe "zenoss::client"

case node[:platform]
when "centos","redhat","scientific"
include_recipe "yum"
package "libgcj" #moved here to make CentOS 5.6 happy (COOK-908)

yum_key "RPM-GPG-KEY-zenoss" do
url ""
Expand All @@ -38,9 +36,9 @@
action :add

packages = %w{mysql-server net-snmp net-snmp-utils gmp libgomp libgcj liberation-fonts}
packages = %w{mysql-server net-snmp net-snmp-utils gmp libgomp liberation-fonts}
packages.each do |pkg|
yum_package pkg do
package pkg do
action :install
Expand All @@ -65,14 +63,6 @@

#end redhat/centos/scientific block
when "debian","ubuntu"
#include_recipe "apt"

#apt_repository "zenoss" do
# uri ""
# distribution "main"
# components ["stable"]
# action :add

packages = %w{ttf-liberation ttf-linux-libertine}
packages.each do |pkg|
Expand All @@ -82,6 +72,8 @@

#Zenoss hasn't signed their repository
#This package must be imported into the crowbar server to work. Use the official
#tarball if you're not building the barclamp yourself. --Keith
apt_package "zenoss-stack" do
version node["zenoss"]["server"]["version"]
options "--allow-unauthenticated"
Expand All @@ -92,10 +84,12 @@

#apply post 3.2.0 patches from marked 'closed'
node["zenoss"]["server"]["zenpatches"].each do |patch, url|
zenoss_zenpatch patch do
ticket url
action :install
if node['zenoss'] and node['zenoss']['server'] and node['zenoss']['server']['zenpatches']
node['zenoss']['server']['zenpatches'].each do |patch, url|
zenoss_zenpatch patch do
ticket url
action :install

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,6 +127,8 @@
action :users

include_recipe "zenoss::client"

#put public key in an attribute
ruby_block "zenoss public key" do
block do
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion chef/data_bags/crowbar/bc-template-zenoss.json
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,9 @@
"description": "Installation for Zenoss",
"attributes": {
"zenoss": {
"foo": "bar"
"server": {
"password": "password"
"deployment": {
Expand Down
14 changes: 13 additions & 1 deletion chef/data_bags/crowbar/bc-template-zenoss.schema
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,19 @@
"type": "map",
"required": true,
"mapping": {
"foo": { "type": "str", "required": true }
"server": {
"type": "map",
"required": true,
"mapping": {
= : {
"type": "map",
"required": true,
"mapping": {
"password": { "type": "str", "required": true },
Expand Down

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