--------- beginning of main 07-14 18:34:01.556 2090 2345 I chromium: [2090:2345:INFO:mdns_app_filter.cc(2136)] MdnsAppFilter: responses sent in 98 seconds: 1 07-14 18:34:02.226 2090 17674 I chromium: [2090:17674:INFO:ssdp_device.c(101)] SSDP packets sent for 120 seconds = 4 07-14 18:34:02.817 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: line1: : -1 07-14 18:34:02.817 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: SSE EVENT DATA: : -1 07-14 18:34:12.816 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: line1: : -1 07-14 18:34:12.817 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: SSE EVENT DATA: : -1 07-14 18:34:22.816 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: line1: : -1 07-14 18:34:22.816 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: SSE EVENT DATA: : -1 07-14 18:34:32.734 2090 2349 I chromium: [2090:2349:INFO:wifi_proximity.cc(175)] Request scan. 07-14 18:34:32.815 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: line1: : -1 07-14 18:34:32.815 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: SSE EVENT DATA: : -1 07-14 18:34:38.964 2090 2233 I chromium: [2090:2233:INFO:metrics_recorder.cc(83)] Metrics stat: total=4 07-14 18:34:38.964 2090 2233 I chromium: Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Request.In=1 07-14 18:34:38.964 2090 2233 I chromium: Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Response.Out=1 07-14 18:34:38.964 2090 2233 I chromium: CastV2.Transport.Ping.In=12 07-14 18:34:38.964 2090 2233 I chromium: CastV2.Transport.Pong.Out=12 07-14 18:34:42.815 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: line1: : -1 07-14 18:34:42.816 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: SSE EVENT DATA: : -1 07-14 18:34:46.989 681 719 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. --------- beginning of system 07-14 18:34:47.291 681 695 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.leanbacklauncher/.MainActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0 07-14 18:34:47.292 752 763 D RSMouse : mFeatureEnabled=true mPackageEnabled=false 07-14 18:34:47.516 904 904 E NetworkFragment ###OMP: onStop 07-14 18:34:47.517 939 939 I wpa_supplicant: NvWifiAppProp: set_app_property settings.uipage other other 07-14 18:34:47.518 904 904 E ConnectivityListener: ###OMP stop mWifiTracker.stopTracking() 07-14 18:34:47.519 904 27823 E ConnectivityManager.CallbackHandler: callback not found for RELEASED message 07-14 18:34:49.947 681 11291 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.tv/.TvActivity} from uid 10013 on display 0 07-14 18:34:49.952 752 765 D RSMouse : mFeatureEnabled=true mPackageEnabled=false 07-14 18:34:49.971 681 1307 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=com.google.android.tv/.MainActivity (has extras)} from uid 10021 on display 0 07-14 18:34:50.002 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.tvinput.TvInputService: Creating new TvInputService LiveSession for input ID: ie.macinnes.tvheadend/.tvinput.TvInputService. 07-14 18:34:50.002 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.tvinput.LiveSession: LiveSession created (9) 07-14 18:34:50.003 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.TvheadendRenderersFactory: Adding ShieldVideoRenderer 07-14 18:34:50.005 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.TvheadendRenderersFactory: Adding MediaCodecAudioRenderer 07-14 18:34:50.005 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.TvheadendRenderersFactory: Adding FfmpegAudioRenderer 07-14 18:34:50.005 3323 3323 I ExoPlayerImpl: Init ExoPlayerLib/2.4.0 [foster, SHIELD Android TV, NVIDIA, 24] 07-14 18:34:50.025 770 1140 V Avrcp : Active sessions changed, 0 sessions 07-14 18:34:50.041 681 1437 I MediaFocusControl: AudioFocus requestAudioFocus() from uid/pid 10021/2425 clientId=android.media.AudioManager@d1db90bcom.google.android.tv.MainActivity@4318a93 req=1 flags=0x0 07-14 18:34:50.055 770 1140 V Avrcp : Active sessions changed, 1 sessions 07-14 18:34:50.055 770 1140 V Avrcp : Updating media controller to android.media.session.MediaController@4c7fbe8 07-14 18:34:50.059 770 1140 V Avrcp : MediaAttributes Changed to [MediaAttributes: none] 07-14 18:34:50.059 770 1140 V Avrcp : Active sessions changed, 1 sessions 07-14 18:34:50.060 770 1140 V Avrcp : Updating media controller to android.media.session.MediaController@5572201 07-14 18:34:50.061 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.tvinput.LiveSession: Session onSetStreamVolume: 0.0 (9) 07-14 18:34:50.062 770 1140 V Avrcp : Updated [MediaAttributes: none] but no change! 07-14 18:34:50.062 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.tvinput.LiveSession: Session onTune (9): content://android.media.tv/channel/2087 07-14 18:34:50.067 2425 27985 I HdHomeRunInterface: Found 1 devices 07-14 18:34:50.074 3323 3323 I ie.macinnes.tvheadend.tvinput.LiveSession: Start playback of channel 07-14 18:34:50.074 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.tvinput.LiveSession: Session onPlayerStateChanged: 1 (9) 07-14 18:34:50.075 3323 27981 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.HtspChannelDataSource: New HtspChannelDataSource instantiated (85) 07-14 18:34:50.075 3323 27981 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.HtspExtractor: New HtspExtractor instantiated 07-14 18:34:50.076 3323 27988 I ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.HtspChannelDataSource: Opening HtspChannelDataSource (85) 07-14 18:34:50.076 3323 27988 I Subscriber: Requesting subscription to channel 0 07-14 18:34:50.076 3323 27988 V HtspMessageDispatcher: Queueing synchronous message for sending 07-14 18:34:50.076 3323 27988 V HtspMessageDispatcher: Putting 402 into mSequenceLocks 07-14 18:34:50.076 3323 27988 V HtspMessageDispatcher: Queueing message for sending 07-14 18:34:50.076 3323 19823 V HtspMessageDispatcher: Dequeueing message for sending 07-14 18:34:50.080 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: state [0.07, true, I] 07-14 18:34:50.080 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.tvinput.LiveSession: Session onCreateOverlayView (9) 07-14 18:34:50.081 752 765 D RSMouse : mFeatureEnabled=true mPackageEnabled=false 07-14 18:34:50.087 2425 27985 I HdHomeRunControlSocket: Connected to socket: Socket[address=/,port=65001,localPort=44479] 07-14 18:34:50.093 681 1348 D PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockAcquired: flags=536870922, tag="WindowManager", packageName=android, ownerUid=1000, ownerPid=681, workSource=WorkSource{10021} 07-14 18:34:50.108 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.tvinput.LiveSession: Session onPlayerStateChanged: 2 (9) 07-14 18:34:50.108 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: state [0.10, true, B] 07-14 18:34:50.108 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: sourceInfo [periodCount=1, windowCount=1 07-14 18:34:50.108 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: period [?] 07-14 18:34:50.108 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: window [?, false, false] 07-14 18:34:50.108 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: ] 07-14 18:34:50.108 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: loading [true] 07-14 18:34:50.117 3323 19823 V HtspMessageDispatcher: Found 402 in mSequenceLocks, synchronous response 07-14 18:34:50.117 3323 27988 I Subscriber: Available timeshift period in seconds: 0 07-14 18:34:50.117 3323 27988 I ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.HtspExtractor: Initializing HTSP Extractor 07-14 18:34:50.118 3323 27988 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.HtspExtractor: Seeking HTSP Extractor to position:0 and timeUs:0 07-14 18:34:50.118 3323 27988 W ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.HtspExtractor: Caught IOException, returning RESULT_CONTINUE 07-14 18:34:50.119 770 1140 V Avrcp : MediaController metadata changed 07-14 18:34:50.119 770 1140 V Avrcp : MediaAttributes Changed to [MediaAttributes: CBS Evening News * - by (0/0) ] 07-14 18:34:50.121 770 1140 V Avrcp : MediaController metadata changed 07-14 18:34:50.121 770 1140 V Avrcp : Updated [MediaAttributes: CBS Evening News * - by (0/0) ] but no change! 07-14 18:34:50.156 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.tvinput.LiveSession: Session onSetSurface (9) 07-14 18:34:50.159 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.tvinput.LiveSession: Session onSetCaptionEnabled: true (9) 07-14 18:34:50.169 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.tvinput.LiveSession: Session onSetCaptionEnabled: true (9) 07-14 18:34:50.174 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.tvinput.LiveSession: Session onSetCaptionEnabled: true (9) 07-14 18:34:50.174 2425 2425 D TunerInputController: enableTunerTvInputService: true 07-14 18:34:50.187 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:34:50.192 681 701 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.google.android.tv/.MainActivity: +214ms (total +232ms) 07-14 18:34:50.205 27830 27916 W CursorWindow: Window is full: requested allocation 240 bytes, free space 207 bytes, window size 2097152 bytes 07-14 18:34:50.228 770 1140 V Avrcp : MediaController metadata changed 07-14 18:34:50.228 770 1140 V Avrcp : Updated [MediaAttributes: CBS Evening News * - by (0/0) ] but no change! 07-14 18:34:50.236 770 1140 V Avrcp : MediaController metadata changed 07-14 18:34:50.236 770 1140 V Avrcp : Updated [MediaAttributes: CBS Evening News * - by (0/0) ] but no change! 07-14 18:34:50.247 2425 27982 I HdHomeRunInterface: Found 1 devices 07-14 18:34:50.254 2425 2425 E TimeShiftManager: The start time is too earlier than the time of availability: {startTime: 0, availability: 1500071690171 07-14 18:34:50.414 681 701 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=Starting com.google.android.tv) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2016 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:881 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurface:2087 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:391 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.finishExit:565 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.stepAnimationLocked:491 com.android.server.wm.WindowAnimator.updateWindowsLocked:303 com.android.server.wm.WindowAnimator.animateLocked:704 07-14 18:34:50.481 681 3766 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=com.google.android.leanbacklauncher/com.google.android.leanbacklauncher.MainActivity) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2016 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:881 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurface:2087 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.tryStartExitingAnimation:3058 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.relayoutWindow:2938 com.android.server.wm.Session.relayout:216 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:286 com.android.server.wm.Session.onTransact:137 07-14 18:34:50.549 1490 1490 W NotificationCardView: Invalid Content URI provided for recommendation background: null 07-14 18:34:51.188 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:34:51.654 1238 1266 I ShieldBluetoothScanPolicy: Scans disallowed due to PACKAGE POLL 07-14 18:34:51.655 1238 1266 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON 07-14 18:34:51.655 770 781 D BtGatt.GattService: stopScan() - queue size =1 07-14 18:34:51.656 770 925 D BtGatt.ScanManager: stop scan 07-14 18:34:51.656 770 922 D BtGatt.GattService: unregisterClient() - clientIf=5 07-14 18:34:51.660 770 873 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: Discoverable Timeout:-1 07-14 18:34:51.661 770 873 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: Scan Mode:21 07-14 18:34:51.661 770 873 D BtGatt.GattService: onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=16 07-14 18:34:51.661 770 873 D BtGatt.ScanManager: callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0 07-14 18:34:51.661 770 925 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - queue=0 07-14 18:34:51.661 770 925 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - ScanSetting Scan mode=-2147483648 mLastConfiguredScanSetting=0 07-14 18:34:51.661 770 925 D BtGatt.ScanManager: configureRegularScanParams() - queue emtpy, scan stopped 07-14 18:34:51.693 3323 19823 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.HtspChannelDataSource: Received subscriptionStart (85) 07-14 18:34:51.871 3323 27988 I ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.HtspExtractor: Handling Subscription Start 07-14 18:34:51.871 3323 27988 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.HtspExtractor: Creating StreamReader for MPEG2VIDEO stream at index 1 07-14 18:34:51.871 3323 27988 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.HtspExtractor: Creating StreamReader for AC3 stream at index 2 07-14 18:34:51.871 3323 27988 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.HtspExtractor: Creating StreamReader for AC3 stream at index 3 07-14 18:34:51.871 3323 27988 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.HtspExtractor: All streams have now been handled 07-14 18:34:51.871 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: sourceInfo [periodCount=1, windowCount=1 07-14 18:34:51.871 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: period [?] 07-14 18:34:51.871 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: window [?, false, false] 07-14 18:34:51.871 3323 27981 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.TvheadendTrackSelector: TrackSelector selectVideoTrack 07-14 18:34:51.871 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: ] 07-14 18:34:51.871 3323 27981 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.TvheadendTrackSelector: TrackSelector selectAudioTrack 07-14 18:34:51.871 3323 27981 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.TvheadendTrackSelector: TrackSelector selectAudioTrack 07-14 18:34:51.871 3323 27981 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.TvheadendTrackSelector: TrackSelector selectTextTrack 07-14 18:34:51.872 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.ExoPlayerUtils: Processing track: 1920x1080, id:1 07-14 18:34:51.872 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.ExoPlayerUtils: Processing track: eng, 6ch, 48000Hz, id:2 07-14 18:34:51.872 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.ExoPlayerUtils: Processing track: spa, 1ch, 48000Hz, id:3 07-14 18:34:51.872 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.tvinput.LiveSession: Session : 3 (9) 07-14 18:34:51.872 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: Tracks [ 07-14 18:34:51.872 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: Renderer:0 [ 07-14 18:34:51.872 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: Group:0, adaptive_supported=N/A [ 07-14 18:34:51.872 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: [X] Track:0, id=1, mimeType=video/mpeg2, containerMimeType=null, res=1920x1080, fps=29.970629, supported=YES 07-14 18:34:51.872 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: ] 07-14 18:34:51.872 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: ] 07-14 18:34:51.872 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: Renderer:1 [ 07-14 18:34:51.872 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: Group:0, adaptive_supported=N/A [ 07-14 18:34:51.872 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: [X] Track:0, id=2, mimeType=audio/ac3, containerMimeType=null, channels=6, sample_rate=48000, language=eng, supported=YES 07-14 18:34:51.872 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: ] 07-14 18:34:51.872 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: Group:1, adaptive_supported=N/A [ 07-14 18:34:51.872 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: [ ] Track:0, id=3, mimeType=audio/ac3, containerMimeType=null, channels=1, sample_rate=48000, language=spa, supported=YES 07-14 18:34:51.872 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: ] 07-14 18:34:51.872 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: ] 07-14 18:34:51.872 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: ] 07-14 18:34:51.872 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: videoEnabled [1.87] 07-14 18:34:51.872 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: audioEnabled [1.87] 07-14 18:34:51.878 289 289 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX 07-14 18:34:51.878 3323 27995 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor 07-14 18:34:51.879 286 1085 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.Nvidia.mpeg2v.decode) in mediacodec process 07-14 18:34:51.883 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.tvinput.LiveSession: Session onSetCaptionEnabled: true (9) 07-14 18:34:51.886 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.tvinput.LiveSession: Session onSetCaptionEnabled: true (9) 07-14 18:34:51.889 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.tvinput.LiveSession: Session onSetCaptionEnabled: true (9) 07-14 18:34:51.892 3323 27994 I MediaCodec: [OMX.Nvidia.mpeg2v.decode] setting surface generation to 3402797 07-14 18:34:51.895 286 983 E OMXNodeInstance: setConfig(11e00a9:Nvidia.mpeg2v.decode, ??(0x7fc0001f)) ERROR: UnsupportedIndex(0x8000101a) 07-14 18:34:51.895 3323 27995 W ACodec : [OMX.Nvidia.mpeg2v.decode] setting color aspects failed even though codec advertises support 07-14 18:34:51.895 286 22114 E OMXNodeInstance: setConfig(11e00a9:Nvidia.mpeg2v.decode, ??(0x7fc00020)) ERROR: UnsupportedIndex(0x8000101a) 07-14 18:34:51.895 3323 27995 W ACodec : [OMX.Nvidia.mpeg2v.decode] setting HDRStaticInfo failed even though codec advertises support 07-14 18:34:51.895 3323 27995 I ACodec : Enable timestamp filtering for Video Decoder 07-14 18:34:51.896 286 379 E OMXNodeInstance: getConfig(11e00a9:Nvidia.mpeg2v.decode, ConfigCommonOutputCrop(0x700000f)) ERROR: BadParameter(0x80001005) 07-14 18:34:51.897 3323 27995 I ACodec : Get OMX_IndexConfigScale: 0x10000/0x10000 07-14 18:34:51.897 3323 27995 I ACodec : Scaled Width is 1920, height is 1080 07-14 18:34:51.897 286 1085 E OMXNodeInstance: setConfig(11e00a9:Nvidia.mpeg2v.decode, ??(0x7fc0001f)) ERROR: UnsupportedIndex(0x8000101a) 07-14 18:34:51.897 3323 27995 W ACodec : [OMX.Nvidia.mpeg2v.decode] setting color aspects failed even though codec advertises support 07-14 18:34:51.897 286 983 E OMXNodeInstance: getConfig(11e00a9:Nvidia.mpeg2v.decode, ??(0x7fc00020)) ERROR: UnsupportedIndex(0x8000101a) 07-14 18:34:51.897 3323 27995 W ACodec : [OMX.Nvidia.mpeg2v.decode] getting HDRStaticInfo failed even though codec advertises support 07-14 18:34:51.901 3323 27995 D SurfaceUtils: set up nativeWindow 0x205ed5c810 for 1920x1080, color 0x106, rotation 0, usage 0x2b00 07-14 18:34:51.903 286 27996 D NvOsDebugPrintf: NvMMLiteOpen : Block : BlockType = 267 07-14 18:34:51.903 286 27996 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: NvMMLiteTVMRDecBlockOpen: 7817: NvMMLiteBlockOpen 07-14 18:34:51.903 286 27996 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: RefreshRate = 30.000000 07-14 18:34:51.904 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: videoDecoderInitialized [1.90, OMX.Nvidia.mpeg2v.decode] 07-14 18:34:51.904 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: videoFormatChanged [1.90, id=1, mimeType=video/mpeg2, containerMimeType=null, res=1920x1080, fps=29.970629] 07-14 18:34:51.907 289 944 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX 07-14 18:34:51.907 3323 28001 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor 07-14 18:34:51.908 286 22114 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.raw.decoder) in mediacodec process 07-14 18:34:51.912 286 27996 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: RefreshRate = 30.000000 07-14 18:34:51.912 286 27996 D NvOsDebugPrintf: NvMMLiteBlockCreate : Block : BlockType = 267 07-14 18:34:51.912 286 27996 D NvOsDebugPrintf: Allocating Coloraspect/HDRStatic struct 07-14 18:34:51.920 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: audioDecoderInitialized [1.91, OMX.google.raw.decoder] 07-14 18:34:51.920 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: audioFormatChanged [1.91, id=2, mimeType=audio/ac3, containerMimeType=null, channels=6, sample_rate=48000, language=eng] 07-14 18:34:51.923 286 983 D NvOsDebugPrintf: 68BlockMpeg2Dec: NvxNvMMLiteTransformFillThisBuffer[5061] calling CleanANBLite 07-14 18:34:51.924 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: RefreshRate = 30.000000 07-14 18:34:51.924 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1184: BeginSequence 1920x1088, bVPR = 0, fFrameRate = 29.970030 07-14 18:34:51.924 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: LowCorner Frequency = 0 07-14 18:34:51.924 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1575: DecodeBuffers = 3, pnvsi->eCodec = 1, codec = 5 07-14 18:34:51.924 286 22114 D NvOsDebugPrintf: 68BlockMpeg2Dec: NvxNvMMLiteTransformFillThisBuffer[5061] calling CleanANBLite 07-14 18:34:51.925 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1643: Display Resolution : (1920x1080) 07-14 18:34:51.925 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1644: Display Aspect Ratio : (1920x1080) 07-14 18:34:51.925 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1712: ColorFormat : 5 07-14 18:34:51.925 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: cbBeginSequence:1726 ColorSpace = NvColorSpace_YCbCr601 07-14 18:34:51.926 281 466 I NvAudioPolicyManager: getOutputForAttr() device 0x400, samplingRate 48000, format 9000000, channelMask 3f, flags 1 strategy 0x0 07-14 18:34:51.926 281 466 I AudioFlinger: openOutput(), module 10 Device 400, SamplingRate 48000, Format 0x9000000, Channels 3f, flags 1 07-14 18:34:51.926 281 466 I AudioHwDevice: openOutputStream(), HAL returned sampleRate 48000, Format 0x9000000, channelMask 0x3f, status 22 07-14 18:34:51.926 281 466 I AudioSPDIF: SPDIFEncoder: mBurstBufferSizeBytes = 24576, littleEndian = 1 07-14 18:34:51.926 281 466 I AudioFlinger: SpdifStreamOut::open() AudioFlinger requested sampleRate 48000, format 0x9000000, channelMask 0x3f 07-14 18:34:51.926 281 466 I AudioFlinger: SpdifStreamOut::open() HAL configured for sampleRate 48000, format 0x1, channelMask 0x3 07-14 18:34:51.927 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1826: Layout 3: Interlaced Output Resolution : (1920x1088) 07-14 18:34:51.927 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: InterlaceBufferAlloc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 07-14 18:34:51.927 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: TVMRInit: 100: frameWidth = 1920, frameHeight = 1080 07-14 18:34:51.927 281 466 I AudioFlinger: SpdifStreamOut::open() status = 0 07-14 18:34:51.927 281 466 I AudioFlinger: HAL output buffer size 2048 frames, normal sink buffer size 2048 frames 07-14 18:34:51.927 281 28006 I AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0x45189000 ready to run 07-14 18:34:51.930 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: audioSessionId [545] 07-14 18:34:51.930 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: TVMRInit: 114: deinterlaceType = 2 07-14 18:34:51.931 286 28007 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: DeinterlaceThread: 827: DeinterlaceThread is created 07-14 18:34:51.932 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1956: NumOfSurfaces = 4, InteraceStream = 1, InterlaceEnabled = 1, bSecure = 0, MVC = 0 Semiplanar = 1, bReinit = 1, BitDepthForSurface = 8 LumaBitDepth = 8, ChromaBitDepth = 8, ChromaFormat = 5 07-14 18:34:51.932 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: cbBeginSequence: 1958: BeginSequence ColorPrimaries = 0, TransferCharacteristics = 0, MatrixCoefficients = 0 07-14 18:34:51.932 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: Allocating new output: 1920x1088 (x 6), ThumbnailMode = 0 07-14 18:34:51.932 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: OMX_BOOL UpdateColorAspectParams(NvU32, NvU8, NvU8, NvU8, SNvxNvMMLiteTransformData*)[990] 07-14 18:34:51.932 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: Colorspace from decoder is (NvColorSpace) : 10 and R: 2(Limited) 07-14 18:34:51.932 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: WARNING Bad TransferCharacterstics in stream! 07-14 18:34:51.932 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: Colorprimaries from decoder is (NvMMLiteColorPrimaries) : 10 and P: 1(BT709_5) 07-14 18:34:51.932 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: WARNING Bad TransferCharacterstics in stream! 07-14 18:34:51.932 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: Transfer Characterstics from decoder is (NvMMLiteTransferCharacteristics) : 10 and T: 3(SMPTE170M) 07-14 18:34:51.932 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: WARNING Bad MatrixCoefficient in stream! 07-14 18:34:51.932 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: Matrix Coefficients from decoder is (NvMMLiteMatrixCoefficients) : 10 and M: 1(BT709_5) 07-14 18:34:51.933 3323 27995 I ACodec : Get OMX_IndexConfigScale: 0x10000/0x10000 07-14 18:34:51.933 3323 27995 I ACodec : Scaled Width is 1920, height is 1080 07-14 18:34:51.934 286 1089 E OMXNodeInstance: setConfig(11e00a9:Nvidia.mpeg2v.decode, ??(0x7fc0001f)) ERROR: UnsupportedIndex(0x8000101a) 07-14 18:34:51.934 3323 27995 W ACodec : [OMX.Nvidia.mpeg2v.decode] setting color aspects failed even though codec advertises support 07-14 18:34:51.934 286 379 E OMXNodeInstance: getConfig(11e00a9:Nvidia.mpeg2v.decode, ??(0x7fc00020)) ERROR: UnsupportedIndex(0x8000101a) 07-14 18:34:51.934 3323 27995 W ACodec : [OMX.Nvidia.mpeg2v.decode] getting HDRStaticInfo failed even though codec advertises support 07-14 18:34:51.937 3323 27995 D SurfaceUtils: set up nativeWindow 0x205ed5c810 for 1920x1088, color 0x106, rotation 0, usage 0x2b00 07-14 18:34:51.938 286 1087 E OMXNodeInstance: setParameter(11e00a9:Nvidia.mpeg2v.decode, ParamPortDefinition(0x2000001)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019) 07-14 18:34:51.938 3323 27995 W ACodec : [OMX.Nvidia.mpeg2v.decode] setting nBufferCountActual to 10 failed: -1010 07-14 18:34:51.938 286 379 E OMXNodeInstance: setParameter(11e00a9:Nvidia.mpeg2v.decode, ParamPortDefinition(0x2000001)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019) 07-14 18:34:51.938 3323 27995 W ACodec : [OMX.Nvidia.mpeg2v.decode] setting nBufferCountActual to 9 failed: -1010 07-14 18:34:51.944 3323 27995 I ACodec : Get OMX_IndexConfigScale: 0x10000/0x10000 07-14 18:34:51.944 3323 27995 I ACodec : Scaled Width is 1920, height is 1080 07-14 18:34:51.944 286 1087 E OMXNodeInstance: setConfig(11e00a9:Nvidia.mpeg2v.decode, ??(0x7fc0001f)) ERROR: UnsupportedIndex(0x8000101a) 07-14 18:34:51.944 3323 27995 W ACodec : [OMX.Nvidia.mpeg2v.decode] setting color aspects failed even though codec advertises support 07-14 18:34:51.944 286 379 E OMXNodeInstance: getConfig(11e00a9:Nvidia.mpeg2v.decode, ??(0x7fc00020)) ERROR: UnsupportedIndex(0x8000101a) 07-14 18:34:51.944 3323 27995 W ACodec : [OMX.Nvidia.mpeg2v.decode] getting HDRStaticInfo failed even though codec advertises support 07-14 18:34:51.947 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: videoSizeChanged [1.94, 1920, 1080, 0, 1.0] 07-14 18:34:51.955 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.tvinput.LiveSession: Session onPlayerStateChanged: 3 (9) 07-14 18:34:51.956 281 742 I hash_map_utils: key: 'nv_param_disable_usb_hra' value: '' 07-14 18:34:51.956 281 742 I hash_map_utils: key: 'nv_param_disable_usb_hra' value: '' 07-14 18:34:51.956 281 742 I hash_map_utils: key: 'nv_param_disable_usb_hra' value: '' 07-14 18:34:51.956 281 742 I hash_map_utils: key: 'nv_param_disable_usb_hra' value: '' 07-14 18:34:51.956 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.EventLogger: state [1.95, true, R] 07-14 18:34:51.956 281 742 I hash_map_utils: key: 'nv_param_disable_usb_hra' value: '' 07-14 18:34:51.956 281 742 I hash_map_utils: key: 'nv_param_disable_usb_hra' value: '' 07-14 18:34:51.956 281 742 I hash_map_utils: key: 'nv_param_disable_usb_hra' value: '' 07-14 18:34:51.956 281 742 I hash_map_utils: key: 'nv_param_disable_usb_hra' value: '' 07-14 18:34:51.956 281 742 I hash_map_utils: key: 'nv_param_disable_usb_hra' value: '' 07-14 18:34:51.957 281 742 I hash_map_utils: key: 'nv_param_disable_usb_hra' value: '' 07-14 18:34:51.957 281 742 I hash_map_utils: key: 'nv_param_disable_usb_hra' value: '' 07-14 18:34:51.957 281 742 I hash_map_utils: key: 'nv_param_disable_usb_hra' value: '' 07-14 18:34:51.957 281 742 I hash_map_utils: key: 'nv_param_disable_usb_hra' value: '' 07-14 18:34:51.957 281 742 I hash_map_utils: key: 'nv_param_disable_usb_hra' value: '' 07-14 18:34:51.957 281 742 I hash_map_utils: key: 'nv_param_disable_usb_hra' value: '' 07-14 18:34:51.957 281 742 I hash_map_utils: key: 'nv_param_disable_usb_hra' value: '' 07-14 18:34:51.957 281 742 I hash_map_utils: key: 'nv_param_disable_usb_hra' value: '' 07-14 18:34:51.957 281 742 I hash_map_utils: key: 'nv_param_disable_usb_hra' value: '' 07-14 18:34:51.957 281 742 I hash_map_utils: key: 'nv_param_disable_usb_hra' value: '' 07-14 18:34:51.957 281 28006 I AudioSPDIF: AC3 frame rate = 48000 * 1, size = 1536, audioBlocksPerSyncFrame = 6 07-14 18:34:51.984 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.tvinput.LiveSession: Session onSetStreamVolume: 1.0 (9) 07-14 18:34:51.985 3323 3323 D ie.macinnes.tvheadend.tvinput.LiveSession: Session onSetCaptionEnabled: true (9) 07-14 18:34:52.022 1490 1490 D ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: changeCanvasOpacity: opaque=false 07-14 18:34:52.022 1490 1490 D ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]: changeCanvasOpacity: opaque=false 07-14 18:34:52.188 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:34:52.715 681 701 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=Toast) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2016 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:881 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurface:2087 com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacementInner:429 com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacementLoop:232 com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacement:180 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService$H.handleMessage:8134 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:102 07-14 18:34:52.815 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: line1: : -1 07-14 18:34:52.816 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: SSE EVENT DATA: : -1 07-14 18:34:53.189 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:34:53.517 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29 07-14 18:34:54.190 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:34:54.851 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:54.851 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:54.907 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:54.907 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:54.967 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:54.967 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:55.027 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:55.027 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:55.087 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:55.088 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:55.155 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:55.155 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:55.192 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:34:55.354 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:55.354 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:55.413 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:55.413 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:55.472 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:55.472 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:55.532 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:55.532 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:55.592 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:55.592 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:55.753 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:55.753 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:55.817 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:55.818 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:55.873 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:55.873 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:55.932 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:55.932 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:55.993 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:55.993 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:56.141 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:56.141 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:56.193 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:34:56.200 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:56.200 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:56.259 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:56.260 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:56.320 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:56.320 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:56.379 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:56.384 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:56.527 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:56.527 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:56.586 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:56.586 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:56.646 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:56.646 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:56.707 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:56.707 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:56.766 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:56.766 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:56.928 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:56.929 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:56.987 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:56.987 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:57.050 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:57.050 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:57.086 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:34:57.108 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:57.108 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:57.167 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:57.167 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:57.194 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:34:57.227 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:57.227 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:57.350 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:57.352 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:57.403 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:57.403 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:57.465 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:57.465 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:57.523 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:57.523 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:57.585 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:57.585 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:57.646 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:57.646 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:57.805 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:57.805 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:57.865 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:57.865 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:57.940 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:57.940 681 720 W TelecomManager: Telecom Service not found. 07-14 18:34:58.195 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:34:58.544 681 693 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage stats to disk 07-14 18:34:59.196 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:00.117 3323 27990 I Subscriber: Queue Status: S: 85 P: 1 B: 23880 E: 0 D: 0 bD: 0 pD: 0 iD: 0 07-14 18:35:00.197 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:00.894 3323 27981 E AudioTrack: Discontinuity detected [expected 69184000, got 69728000] 07-14 18:35:00.950 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:35:01.198 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:02.200 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:02.815 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: line1: : -1 07-14 18:35:02.816 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: SSE EVENT DATA: : -1 07-14 18:35:03.201 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:04.202 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:04.648 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.239082 07-14 18:35:05.204 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:06.205 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:07.206 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:07.971 770 1135 D bt_btm_pm: Sniff Interval For Device MAC 00:04:4b:4c:48:0a is 100.000000 msec. 07-14 18:35:08.207 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:08.648 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:35:09.208 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:10.117 3323 27990 I Subscriber: Queue Status: S: 85 P: 1 B: 1536 E: 3 D: 0 bD: 0 pD: 0 iD: 0 07-14 18:35:10.210 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:11.211 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:12.212 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:12.649 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:35:12.814 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: line1: : -1 07-14 18:35:12.815 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: SSE EVENT DATA: : -1 07-14 18:35:13.213 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:14.214 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:15.215 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:16.216 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:16.321 3323 27988 W ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.HtspExtractor: Caught IOException, returning RESULT_CONTINUE 07-14 18:35:16.325 3323 27988 W ie.macinnes.tvheadend.player.HtspExtractor: Caught IOException, returning RESULT_CONTINUE 07-14 18:35:16.651 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:35:17.218 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:18.219 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:19.220 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:19.222 770 1135 D bt_btm_pm: Sniff Interval For Device MAC 00:04:4b:4c:48:0a is 100.000000 msec. 07-14 18:35:20.118 3323 27990 I Subscriber: Queue Status: S: 85 P: 1 B: 1536 E: 3 D: 0 bD: 0 pD: 0 iD: 0 07-14 18:35:20.221 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:20.851 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 28.542886 07-14 18:35:21.222 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:22.223 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:22.815 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: line1: : -1 07-14 18:35:22.815 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: SSE EVENT DATA: : -1 07-14 18:35:23.224 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:24.225 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:24.850 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:35:25.226 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:26.227 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:27.228 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:28.229 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:28.853 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:35:29.230 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:30.117 3323 27990 I Subscriber: Queue Status: S: 85 P: 1 B: 1536 E: 3 D: 0 bD: 0 pD: 0 iD: 0 07-14 18:35:30.231 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:31.232 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:32.234 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:32.815 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: line1: : -1 07-14 18:35:32.815 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: SSE EVENT DATA: : -1 07-14 18:35:32.851 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:35:33.235 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:34.236 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:35.237 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:36.239 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:36.881 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:35:37.239 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:37.384 2090 2141 I cr_CastCrashUploader: Checking for crash dumps 07-14 18:35:38.240 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:39.024 2090 2233 I chromium: [2090:2233:INFO:metrics_recorder.cc(83)] Metrics stat: total=2 07-14 18:35:39.024 2090 2233 I chromium: CastV2.Transport.Ping.In=12 07-14 18:35:39.024 2090 2233 I chromium: CastV2.Transport.Pong.Out=12 07-14 18:35:39.241 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:40.117 3323 27990 I Subscriber: Queue Status: S: 85 P: 1 B: 99024 E: 3 D: 0 bD: 0 pD: 0 iD: 0 07-14 18:35:40.242 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:40.882 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:35:41.076 2090 2345 I chromium: [2090:2345:INFO:mdns_app_filter.cc(2136)] MdnsAppFilter: responses sent in 99 seconds: 1 07-14 18:35:41.243 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:42.244 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:42.817 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: line1: : -1 07-14 18:35:42.819 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: SSE EVENT DATA: : -1 07-14 18:35:43.245 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:44.246 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:44.882 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:35:45.247 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:46.249 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:47.250 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:48.251 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:48.881 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:35:49.253 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:50.118 3323 27990 I Subscriber: Queue Status: S: 85 P: 1 B: 8744 E: 3 D: 0 bD: 0 pD: 0 iD: 0 07-14 18:35:50.254 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:51.255 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:52.256 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:52.819 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: line1: : -1 07-14 18:35:52.819 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: SSE EVENT DATA: : -1 07-14 18:35:52.882 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:35:53.257 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:54.259 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:55.260 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:56.261 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:56.884 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:35:57.262 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:58.263 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:35:59.264 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:00.117 3323 27990 I Subscriber: Queue Status: S: 85 P: 1 B: 23880 E: 3 D: 0 bD: 0 pD: 0 iD: 0 07-14 18:36:00.265 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:00.884 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:36:01.267 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:02.227 2090 17674 I chromium: [2090:17674:INFO:ssdp_device.c(101)] SSDP packets sent for 120 seconds = 4 07-14 18:36:02.268 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:02.814 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: line1: : -1 07-14 18:36:02.814 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: SSE EVENT DATA: : -1 07-14 18:36:03.269 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:04.270 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:04.918 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:36:05.271 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:06.272 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:07.274 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:08.275 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:08.916 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:36:09.276 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:10.117 3323 27990 I Subscriber: Queue Status: S: 85 P: 1 B: 512 E: 3 D: 0 bD: 0 pD: 0 iD: 0 07-14 18:36:10.277 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:11.279 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:12.280 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:12.814 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: line1: : -1 07-14 18:36:12.815 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: SSE EVENT DATA: : -1 07-14 18:36:12.948 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:36:13.281 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:14.282 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:15.283 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:16.284 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:16.947 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:36:17.285 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:18.286 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:19.287 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:20.117 3323 27990 I Subscriber: Queue Status: S: 85 P: 1 B: 118360 E: 3 D: 0 bD: 0 pD: 0 iD: 0 07-14 18:36:20.289 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:20.948 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:36:21.290 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:22.291 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:22.815 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: line1: : -1 07-14 18:36:22.815 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: SSE EVENT DATA: : -1 07-14 18:36:23.292 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:24.293 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:24.949 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:36:25.294 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:26.295 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:27.296 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:28.297 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:28.954 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:36:29.298 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:30.118 3323 27990 I Subscriber: Queue Status: S: 85 P: 1 B: 512 E: 3 D: 0 bD: 0 pD: 0 iD: 0 07-14 18:36:30.299 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:31.301 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:32.302 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:32.814 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: line1: : -1 07-14 18:36:32.815 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: SSE EVENT DATA: : -1 07-14 18:36:32.834 2090 2349 I chromium: [2090:2349:INFO:wifi_proximity.cc(175)] Request scan. 07-14 18:36:32.947 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:36:33.303 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:34.304 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:35.305 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:36.306 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:36.950 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:36:37.307 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:38.309 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:39.084 2090 2233 I chromium: [2090:2233:INFO:metrics_recorder.cc(83)] Metrics stat: total=6 07-14 18:36:39.084 2090 2233 I chromium: Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Request.In=1 07-14 18:36:39.084 2090 2233 I chromium: Cast.Discovery.Mdns.ResponderPing=1 07-14 18:36:39.084 2090 2233 I chromium: Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Response.Out=1 07-14 18:36:39.084 2090 2233 I chromium: Cast.Discovery.Mdns.SocketPing=1 07-14 18:36:39.084 2090 2233 I chromium: CastV2.Transport.Ping.In=12 07-14 18:36:39.084 2090 2233 I chromium: CastV2.Transport.Pong.Out=12 07-14 18:36:39.310 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:40.117 3323 27990 I Subscriber: Queue Status: S: 85 P: 1 B: 56672 E: 3 D: 0 bD: 0 pD: 0 iD: 0 07-14 18:36:40.311 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:40.950 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:36:41.312 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:42.313 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:42.815 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: line1: : -1 07-14 18:36:42.815 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: SSE EVENT DATA: : -1 07-14 18:36:43.314 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:44.315 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:44.947 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:36:45.316 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:46.215 2090 2233 E chromium: [2090:2233:ERROR:wifi_frame_histogram_capturer.cc(401)] No histogram or IOCTL data 07-14 18:36:46.215 2090 2233 I chromium: [2090:2233:INFO:wifi_util.cc(111)] Current wifi TDLS peers: 07-14 18:36:46.215 2090 2233 I chromium: [2090:2233:INFO:wifi_util.cc(113)] No peers: 07-14 18:36:46.318 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:46.394 2090 2090 I chromium: [2090:2090:INFO:metrics_recorder.cc(186)] Record action: Cast.CecHdmiInputState.Active 07-14 18:36:46.394 2090 2090 I chromium: [2090:2090:INFO:metrics_recorder.cc(186)] Record action: Cast.CecStandby.On 07-14 18:36:47.319 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:48.320 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:48.949 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:36:49.321 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:50.118 3323 27990 I Subscriber: Queue Status: S: 85 P: 1 B: 68256 E: 3 D: 0 bD: 0 pD: 0 iD: 0 07-14 18:36:50.322 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:51.324 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:52.324 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:52.815 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: line1: : -1 07-14 18:36:52.815 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: SSE EVENT DATA: : -1 07-14 18:36:52.950 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:36:53.325 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:54.326 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:55.327 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:56.328 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:56.949 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:36:57.330 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:58.331 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:36:59.281 681 730 I WifiConnectivityManager: start a single scan from watchdogHandler 07-14 18:36:59.281 681 730 I WifiConnectivityManager: scheduleWatchdogTimer 07-14 18:36:59.332 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:00.117 3323 27990 I Subscriber: Queue Status: S: 85 P: 1 B: 1536 E: 3 D: 0 bD: 0 pD: 0 iD: 0 07-14 18:37:00.333 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:00.951 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:37:01.334 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:02.335 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:02.813 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: line1: : -1 07-14 18:37:02.814 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: SSE EVENT DATA: : -1 07-14 18:37:03.336 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:04.337 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:04.951 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:37:05.339 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:06.340 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:07.340 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:08.341 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:08.948 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:37:09.343 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:10.117 3323 27990 I Subscriber: Queue Status: S: 85 P: 1 B: 252176 E: 3 D: 0 bD: 0 pD: 0 iD: 0 07-14 18:37:10.344 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:11.345 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:12.346 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:12.814 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: line1: : -1 07-14 18:37:12.815 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: SSE EVENT DATA: : -1 07-14 18:37:12.953 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:37:13.347 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:14.348 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:15.349 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:16.351 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:16.983 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:37:17.352 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:18.353 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:19.354 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:20.118 3323 27990 I Subscriber: Queue Status: S: 85 P: 1 B: 107104 E: 3 D: 0 bD: 0 pD: 0 iD: 0 07-14 18:37:20.355 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:21.015 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:37:21.356 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:21.708 2090 2345 I chromium: [2090:2345:INFO:mdns_app_filter.cc(2136)] MdnsAppFilter: responses sent in 100 seconds: 1 07-14 18:37:22.357 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:22.816 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: line1: : -1 07-14 18:37:22.816 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: SSE EVENT DATA: : -1 07-14 18:37:23.358 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:24.360 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:25.015 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:37:25.361 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:26.362 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:27.363 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:28.364 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:29.013 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:37:29.365 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:30.117 3323 27990 I Subscriber: Queue Status: S: 85 P: 1 B: 55600 E: 3 D: 0 bD: 0 pD: 0 iD: 0 07-14 18:37:30.366 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:31.367 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:32.369 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:32.814 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: line1: : -1 07-14 18:37:32.815 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: SSE EVENT DATA: : -1 07-14 18:37:33.013 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:37:33.370 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:34.371 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:35.372 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:36.374 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:37.013 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:37:37.375 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:38.376 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:39.134 2090 2233 I chromium: [2090:2233:INFO:metrics_recorder.cc(83)] Metrics stat: total=7 07-14 18:37:39.134 2090 2233 I chromium: AppRunning=1 07-14 18:37:39.134 2090 2233 I chromium: Cast.CecHdmiInputState.Active=1 07-14 18:37:39.134 2090 2233 I chromium: Cast.CecStandby.On=1 07-14 18:37:39.134 2090 2233 I chromium: Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Request.In=1 07-14 18:37:39.134 2090 2233 I chromium: Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Response.Out=1 07-14 18:37:39.134 2090 2233 I chromium: CastV2.Transport.Ping.In=12 07-14 18:37:39.134 2090 2233 I chromium: CastV2.Transport.Pong.Out=12 07-14 18:37:39.377 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:40.117 3323 27990 I Subscriber: Queue Status: S: 85 P: 1 B: 1536 E: 3 D: 0 bD: 0 pD: 0 iD: 0 07-14 18:37:40.379 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:41.015 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:37:41.380 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:42.381 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:42.813 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: line1: : -1 07-14 18:37:42.814 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: SSE EVENT DATA: : -1 07-14 18:37:43.382 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:44.383 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:45.014 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:37:45.384 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:46.385 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:47.386 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:48.387 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:49.014 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:37:49.389 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:50.118 3323 27990 I Subscriber: Queue Status: S: 85 P: 1 B: 7864 E: 3 D: 0 bD: 0 pD: 0 iD: 0 07-14 18:37:50.390 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:51.391 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:52.392 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:52.816 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: line1: : -1 07-14 18:37:52.817 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: SSE EVENT DATA: : -1 07-14 18:37:53.015 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:37:53.393 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:54.394 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:55.395 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:56.396 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:57.015 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:37:57.397 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:58.398 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:37:59.399 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:38:00.117 3323 27990 I Subscriber: Queue Status: S: 85 P: 1 B: 17288 E: 3 D: 0 bD: 0 pD: 0 iD: 0 07-14 18:38:00.401 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:38:01.014 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:38:01.402 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:38:02.228 2090 17674 I chromium: [2090:17674:INFO:ssdp_device.c(101)] SSDP packets sent for 120 seconds = 4 07-14 18:38:02.403 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:38:02.812 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: line1: : -1 07-14 18:38:02.816 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: SSE EVENT DATA: : -1 07-14 18:38:03.404 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:38:04.404 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:38:05.017 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:38:05.405 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:38:06.406 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:38:07.407 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:38:08.409 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:38:09.015 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:38:09.410 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:38:10.117 3323 27990 I Subscriber: Queue Status: S: 85 P: 1 B: 512 E: 3 D: 0 bD: 0 pD: 0 iD: 0 07-14 18:38:10.411 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:38:11.413 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:38:12.414 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:38:12.813 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: line1: : -1 07-14 18:38:12.814 11080 11130 D b.a.a.a.a.a: SSE EVENT DATA: : -1 07-14 18:38:13.014 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:38:13.415 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:38:14.416 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:38:15.416 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:38:16.417 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:38:17.014 286 27998 D NvOsDebugPrintf: TVMR: FrameRate = 29.970090 07-14 18:38:17.419 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:38:18.420 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position. 07-14 18:38:19.205 770 1135 D bt_btm_pm: Sniff Interval For Device MAC 00:04:4b:4c:48:0a is 100.000000 msec. 07-14 18:38:19.421 3323 3323 W TvInputService: Current position (-9223372036854775808) cannot be earlier than start position (0). Reset to the start position.