@prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix xsd: . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "How the party want to interact with your enterprise e.g. have multiple billing accounts" . rdfs:label "Account" . _:b1_b1 . _:b1_b10 . _:b1_b11 . _:b1_b12 . _:b1_b13 . _:b1_b14 . _:b1_b15 . _:b1_b16 . _:b1_b17 . _:b1_b18 . _:b1_b19 . _:b1_b2 . _:b1_b20 . _:b1_b21 . _:b1_b22 . _:b1_b23 . _:b1_b24 . _:b1_b25 . _:b1_b26 . _:b1_b27 . _:b1_b28 . _:b1_b29 . _:b1_b3 . _:b1_b30 . _:b1_b31 . _:b1_b32 . _:b1_b33 . _:b1_b34 . _:b1_b35 . _:b1_b36 . _:b1_b37 . _:b1_b38 . _:b1_b39 . _:b1_b4 . _:b1_b5 . _:b1_b6 . _:b1_b7 . _:b1_b8 . _:b1_b9 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "An individual who has a role specific to an Account." . rdfs:label "Account Contact" . _:b1_b40 . _:b1_b41 . _:b1_b42 . _:b1_b43 . _:b1_b44 . _:b1_b45 . _:b1_b46 . _:b1_b47 . _:b1_b48 . _:b1_b49 . _:b1_b50 . _:b1_b51 . _:b1_b52 . _:b1_b53 . _:b1_b54 . _:b1_b55 . _:b1_b56 . _:b1_b57 . rdf:type . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "AccountContact Property Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "What role does a contact play on an account e.g. decision maker, influencer" . rdfs:label "Account Contact Role" . _:b1_b58 . _:b1_b59 . _:b1_b60 . _:b1_b61 . _:b1_b62 . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:comment "Example Entities included: Account, Account Contact, Bill Frequency" . rdfs:label "Account" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "State what partner (account) is related to/have access to another account" . rdfs:label "Account Partner" . _:b1_b63 . _:b1_b64 . _:b1_b65 . rdf:type . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Address Property Group" . rdf:type . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Asset Property Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Translated attributes for an attribute set" . rdfs:label "Attribute Set Translation" . _:b1_b840 . _:b1_b841 . _:b1_b842 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Translated attributes for an attribute" . rdfs:label "Attribute Translation" . _:b1_b843 . _:b1_b844 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A predefine set of values for a product attribute e.g. shoe lace length 10, 12, 14 centimeter" . rdfs:label "Attribute Value" . _:b1_b845 . _:b1_b846 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Translated attributes for an attribute value" . rdfs:label "Attribute Value Translation" . _:b1_b847 . _:b1_b848 . _:b1_b849 . _:b1_b850 . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Basic Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Behavior Property Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Describes a period of time used for recurring bills e.g. monthly or semi-monthly" . rdfs:label "Billing Frequency" . _:b1_b66 . _:b1_b67 . _:b1_b68 . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Billing Property Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "What is the brand of the product e.g. Snike shoes" . rdfs:label "Brand" . _:b1_b831 . _:b1_b832 . _:b1_b833 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Product groups e.g. mobile phone package include phone, call plan and charger" . rdfs:label "Bundle Product" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1166 . rdf:type . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "BusinessInfo Property Group" . rdf:type . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Business Interaction Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Buying Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "CRE Property Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "The transfer of money from the customer's account to the merchant's account." . rdfs:label "Capture Payment" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1168 . rdf:type . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Classification Property Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Information about a party playing role of competitor e.g. strength (in products), weaknesses (in offerings), opportunities (to overtake), threats (to our business)" . rdfs:label "Competitor" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1170 . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Contact Consent Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "ContactInfo Property Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "All contact points for a party e.g. phone 123-4567, email info@northerntrailoutfitters.com" . rdfs:label "Contact Point" . _:b1_b73 . _:b1_b74 . _:b1_b75 . _:b1_b76 . _:b1_b77 . _:b1_b78 . _:b1_b79 . _:b1_b80 . _:b1_b81 . _:b1_b82 . _:b1_b83 . _:b1_b84 . _:b1_b85 . _:b1_b86 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Mailing address for a party e.g. 123 Main St, Big City, CA12345, USA" . rdfs:label "Contact Point Address" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1172 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Software Application for a party and optionally on a specific device e.g. John Doe have Strava App on device iPhone123" . rdfs:label "Contact Point App" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1174 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Email address for a party e.g. email info@northerntrailoutfitters.com" . rdfs:label "Contact Point Email" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1176 . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:comment "Example Entities included: Contact Point, Contact Consent, Contact Channel" . rdfs:label "Contact Point" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Physical location for a party e.g. party Northern Trail Outfitters at Standford Shopping Mall" . rdfs:label "Contact Point Location" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1178 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Phone number for a party e.g. phone 123-4567" . rdfs:label "Contact Point Phone" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1180 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Social handle for a party e.g. trustednews at twitter" . rdfs:label "Contact Point Social" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1182 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Contain the fixed list of types a contact point can be of e.g. phone, email" . rdfs:label "Contact Point Type" . _:b1_b87 . _:b1_b88 . _:b1_b89 . rdf:type . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Conversion Property Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Payment in the form of a voucher entitling the holder to a discount for a particular product." . rdfs:label "Coupon" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1184 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Payment to the seller that results in an agreement to pay at a later date, usually via a credit account." . rdfs:label "Credit Tender" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1186 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Information about a party playing role of customer e.g. life time value, life cycle status" . rdfs:label "Customer" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1188 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "History of when customer changed frome one status to another" . rdfs:label "Customer Status History" . _:b1_b234 . _:b1_b235 . _:b1_b236 . _:b1_b237 . _:b1_b238 . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Define Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Defining Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Demographic Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Denormalized Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Deployment Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Descriptive Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Detailed Info Property Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A time-bound period when a person used a website or other service, also known as a Visit" . rdfs:label "Device User Session" . _:b1_b869 . _:b1_b870 . rdf:type . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Disposition Property Group" . rdf:type . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Employment Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Engagement Property Group" . rdf:type . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Finance Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Financial Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Fulfillment Property Group" . rdf:type . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Geographic Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Geography Property Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Products you can touch e.g. cart of milk, pallet of coffee, mobile phone x model 1" . rdfs:label "Goods Product" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1190 . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Health Property Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A combination of people, normally recorded in the system for marketing or service purposes" . rdfs:label "Household" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1192 . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Generic Primary Key" . rdfs:label "Identifier" . rdfs:range . rdf:type . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Id Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Identification Property Group" . rdf:type . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Identifier Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Identifying Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Incorporation Property Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Represent the person you are, or will be, dealing with using the system" . rdfs:label "Individual" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1194 . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Interaction Property Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Defining a part of your own internal organization. May be anything from a holding company, a line of business, a country division, a department and for which you may want to track e.g. if it is a legal entity, default GL Code, profit-and-loss etc against." . rdfs:label "Internal Business Unit" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1196 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A person or company that showed interest in the company's products" . rdfs:label "Lead" . _:b1_b239 . _:b1_b240 . _:b1_b241 . _:b1_b242 . _:b1_b243 . _:b1_b244 . _:b1_b245 . _:b1_b246 . _:b1_b247 . _:b1_b248 . _:b1_b249 . _:b1_b250 . _:b1_b251 . _:b1_b252 . _:b1_b253 . _:b1_b254 . _:b1_b255 . _:b1_b256 . _:b1_b257 . _:b1_b258 . _:b1_b259 . _:b1_b260 . _:b1_b261 . _:b1_b262 . _:b1_b263 . _:b1_b264 . _:b1_b265 . _:b1_b266 . _:b1_b267 . _:b1_b268 . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:comment "Example Entities included: Lead, Lead Status, Lead Source" . rdfs:label "Lead" . rdf:type . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Legal Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Life Cycle Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Marketing Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Naming Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Operational Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Opportunity Property Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Standardized methods for transferring purchased products or services to the destination of fulfillment. Delivery methods are characterized by the means of transportation used, and by the delivering organization or group." . rdfs:label "Order Delivery Method" . _:b1_b1093 . _:b1_b1094 . _:b1_b1095 . _:b1_b1096 . rdf:type . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Origin Property Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A unified, in system, definition of who you are dealing with e.g. John Doe, Northern Trail Outfitters and can be of different types e.g. individual, business, affiliation group." . rdfs:label "Party" . _:b1_b269 . _:b1_b270 . _:b1_b271 . _:b1_b272 . _:b1_b273 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Under what name is a person also known as( AKA), under what alternate name is a business doing business as (DBA)" . rdfs:label "Party Additional Name" . _:b1_b373 . _:b1_b374 . _:b1_b375 . _:b1_b376 . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:comment "Example Entities included: Organization, Individual, Affiliate Group, Uncategorized" . rdfs:label "Party" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Set of ways to identify a party e.g. driving license, birth certificate" . rdfs:label "Party Identification" . _:b1_b391 . _:b1_b392 . _:b1_b393 . _:b1_b394 . _:b1_b395 . _:b1_b396 . _:b1_b397 . _:b1_b398 . _:b1_b399 . _:b1_b400 . _:b1_b401 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Relates any two parties together e.g. Jane and John Doe part of The Doe Household" . rdfs:label "Party Related Party" . _:b1_b381 . _:b1_b382 . _:b1_b383 . _:b1_b384 . _:b1_b385 . _:b1_b386 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Define name of a relationship and how to read the relationship both ways e.g. household for / household member of" . rdfs:label "Party Relationship Type" . _:b1_b387 . _:b1_b388 . _:b1_b389 . _:b1_b390 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Trading roles a party may play at the same time i.e. Customer, Supplier, Seller, Competitor, Worker" . rdfs:label "Party Role" . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:comment "Example Entities included: Party Role, Buyer Role, Actor Role, Customer Role" . rdfs:label "Party Role" . rdf:type . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:comment "This defines who you have trading relationships with and how. For example: customer & supplier along with their phone number and email." . rdfs:label "Party" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "What is the Web URL for the Party" . rdfs:label "Party Web Address" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1198 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "An amount of currency paid." . rdfs:label "Payment" . _:b1_b429 . _:b1_b430 . _:b1_b431 . _:b1_b432 . _:b1_b433 . _:b1_b434 . _:b1_b435 . _:b1_b436 . _:b1_b437 . _:b1_b438 . _:b1_b439 . _:b1_b440 . _:b1_b441 . _:b1_b442 . _:b1_b443 . _:b1_b444 . _:b1_b445 . _:b1_b446 . _:b1_b447 . _:b1_b448 . _:b1_b449 . _:b1_b450 . _:b1_b451 . _:b1_b452 . _:b1_b453 . _:b1_b454 . _:b1_b455 . _:b1_b456 . _:b1_b457 . _:b1_b458 . _:b1_b459 . _:b1_b460 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A Payment Application may be further broken down, to allocate payment funds to one or more line items within an Invoice or Credit Memo" . rdfs:label "Payment Allocation" . _:b1_b580 . _:b1_b581 . _:b1_b582 . _:b1_b583 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "The designation of part or all of a Payment to satisfy a claim on the payment funds." . rdfs:label "Payment Application" . _:b1_b563 . _:b1_b564 . _:b1_b565 . _:b1_b566 . _:b1_b567 . _:b1_b568 . _:b1_b569 . _:b1_b570 . _:b1_b571 . _:b1_b572 . _:b1_b573 . _:b1_b574 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "An approval from the issuer of a payment instrument (usually a card), that the customer has sufficient funds to cover the cost of the transaction." . rdfs:label "Payment Authorization" . _:b1_b496 . _:b1_b497 . _:b1_b498 . _:b1_b499 . _:b1_b500 . _:b1_b501 . _:b1_b502 . _:b1_b503 . _:b1_b504 . _:b1_b505 . _:b1_b506 . _:b1_b507 . _:b1_b508 . _:b1_b509 . _:b1_b510 . _:b1_b511 . _:b1_b512 . _:b1_b513 . _:b1_b514 . _:b1_b515 . _:b1_b516 . _:b1_b517 . _:b1_b518 . _:b1_b519 . _:b1_b520 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "An authorization reversal is a message that alerts the issuer that part or all of a sale has been cancelled and the authorization hold should be rescinded." . rdfs:label "Payment Authorization Reversal" . _:b1_b617 . _:b1_b618 . _:b1_b619 . _:b1_b620 . _:b1_b621 . _:b1_b622 . _:b1_b623 . _:b1_b624 . _:b1_b625 . _:b1_b626 . _:b1_b627 . _:b1_b628 . _:b1_b629 . _:b1_b630 . _:b1_b631 . _:b1_b632 . _:b1_b633 . _:b1_b634 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A payment system issued by a financial institution to a customer that allows its owner (the cardholder) to access funds in designated bank accounts" . rdfs:label "Payment Card" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1200 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Facilitates applying a Payment Application to the line items of a Credit Memo." . rdfs:label "Payment Credit Memo Allocation" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1202 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Facilitates applying/unapplying payment balance to a credit memo." . rdfs:label "Payment Credit Memo Application" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1204 . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:comment "Example Entities included: Payment, Payment Group, Payment Authorization, Payment Gateway" . rdfs:label "Payment" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Holds the payment gateway merchant details which are used to interact external payment systems." . rdfs:label "Payment Gateway" . _:b1_b536 . _:b1_b537 . _:b1_b538 . _:b1_b539 . _:b1_b540 . _:b1_b541 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A log record of all requests made to financial institutions, made via the payment gateway, to cancel payment authorizations." . rdfs:label "Payment Gateway Authorization Reversal Log" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1206 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A log record of all requests made to financial institutions, made via the payment gateway, to authorize payments." . rdfs:label "Payment Gateway Authorization Log" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1208 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A log record of all messages exchanged with merchants made via the payment gateway, for authorizations and payments." . rdfs:label "Payment Gateway Interaction Log" . _:b1_b548 . _:b1_b549 . _:b1_b550 . _:b1_b551 . _:b1_b552 . _:b1_b553 . _:b1_b554 . _:b1_b555 . _:b1_b556 . _:b1_b557 . _:b1_b558 . _:b1_b559 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Reasons for accessing the Payment Gateway, including authorization, Sale and Void." . rdfs:label "Payment Gateway Interaction Type" . _:b1_b533 . _:b1_b534 . _:b1_b535 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A log record of all messages originating with financial institutions that previously provided payment authorizations, that payments have been deducted from customers' accounts." . rdfs:label "Payment Gateway Payment Log" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1210 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Stores class details needed for maintaining Apex adapter." . rdfs:label "Payment Gateway Provider" . _:b1_b542 . _:b1_b543 . _:b1_b544 . _:b1_b545 . _:b1_b546 . _:b1_b547 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "The response from the Payment Gateway." . rdfs:label "Payment Gateway Result Code" . _:b1_b560 . _:b1_b561 . _:b1_b562 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Payment Group provides a way to associate payments and payment gateway events, where the payment is not associated with a Sales Order." . rdfs:label "Payment Group" . _:b1_b480 . _:b1_b481 . _:b1_b482 . _:b1_b483 . _:b1_b484 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Facilitates applying a Payment Application to the line items of an Invoice." . rdfs:label "Payment Invoice Allocation" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1212 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Facilitates applying/unapplying payment balance to an Invoice." . rdfs:label "Payment Invoice Application" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1214 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A means by which a buyer compensates a seller for a purchased good or service." . rdfs:label "Payment Method" . _:b1_b635 . _:b1_b636 . _:b1_b637 . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:comment "Example Entities included: Payment Method Type, Payment Card Tender, Digital Wallet Tender" . rdfs:label "Payment Method" . rdf:type . . "0.1" . rdfs:comment "A method of paying for a product or service, like a credit card or check." . rdfs:label "Payment Method" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "The category of payment method, such as payment card, check or digital wallet." . rdfs:label "Payment Method Type" . _:b1_b638 . _:b1_b639 . _:b1_b640 . _:b1_b641 . _:b1_b642 . _:b1_b643 . _:b1_b644 . _:b1_b645 . _:b1_b646 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "This entity stores policy information for an org or an account which can be used to automate the process of payment application to invoice based on business needs." . rdfs:label "Payment Policy" . _:b1_b472 . _:b1_b473 . _:b1_b474 . _:b1_b475 . _:b1_b476 . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Payment Property Group" . rdf:type . . "0.1" . rdfs:comment "A submitted payment. Includes information about whether a submitted payment was successfully processed or not." . rdfs:label "Payment" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "This entity has the information which controls the way in which payment can be applied based on a legal entity or workflow. A policy has multiple treatments associated." . rdfs:label "Payment Treatment" . _:b1_b489 . _:b1_b490 . _:b1_b491 . _:b1_b492 . _:b1_b493 . _:b1_b494 . _:b1_b495 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Represents a specific algorithm or method to apply. For example - pay for taxes first, pay for charges first, pay for oldest due invoice first etc. It can also point to a rule based on which application can be done. Treatment has a method." . rdfs:label "Payment Treatment Method" . _:b1_b485 . _:b1_b486 . _:b1_b487 . _:b1_b488 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Education a person has e.g. Phd, High School" . rdfs:label "Person Education" . _:b1_b423 . _:b1_b424 . _:b1_b425 . _:b1_b426 . _:b1_b427 . _:b1_b428 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Information about an employee" . rdfs:label "Person Employment" . _:b1_b402 . _:b1_b403 . _:b1_b404 . _:b1_b405 . _:b1_b406 . _:b1_b407 . _:b1_b408 . _:b1_b409 . _:b1_b410 . _:b1_b411 . _:b1_b412 . _:b1_b413 . _:b1_b414 . _:b1_b415 . _:b1_b416 . _:b1_b417 . _:b1_b418 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Languages a person can comprehend and level of comprehension" . rdfs:label "Person Language" . _:b1_b377 . _:b1_b378 . _:b1_b379 . _:b1_b380 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Major events a person had in their lives e.g. graudation date, marriage date" . rdfs:label "Person Life Event" . _:b1_b419 . _:b1_b420 . _:b1_b421 . _:b1_b422 . rdf:type . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Point Of Sales Property Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Supertype of: Sales Order Price Adjustment, Sales Order Product Price Adjustment, and FulfillmentOrderProductPriceAdjustment" . rdfs:label "Price Adjustment Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A list of products and their prices." . rdfs:label "Price Book Entry" . _:b1_b860 . _:b1_b861 . _:b1_b862 . _:b1_b863 . _:b1_b864 . _:b1_b865 . _:b1_b866 . _:b1_b867 . _:b1_b868 . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Pricing Property Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "What is intended to be sold e.g. goods, services, bundles, made to order products." . rdfs:label "Product" . _:b1_b684 . _:b1_b685 . _:b1_b686 . _:b1_b687 . _:b1_b688 . _:b1_b689 . _:b1_b690 . _:b1_b691 . _:b1_b692 . _:b1_b693 . _:b1_b694 . _:b1_b695 . _:b1_b696 . _:b1_b697 . _:b1_b698 . _:b1_b699 . _:b1_b700 . _:b1_b701 . _:b1_b702 . _:b1_b703 . _:b1_b704 . _:b1_b705 . _:b1_b706 . _:b1_b707 . _:b1_b708 . _:b1_b709 . _:b1_b710 . _:b1_b711 . _:b1_b712 . _:b1_b713 . _:b1_b714 . _:b1_b715 . _:b1_b716 . _:b1_b717 . _:b1_b718 . _:b1_b719 . _:b1_b720 . _:b1_b721 . _:b1_b722 . _:b1_b723 . _:b1_b724 . _:b1_b725 . _:b1_b726 . _:b1_b727 . _:b1_b728 . _:b1_b729 . _:b1_b730 . _:b1_b731 . _:b1_b732 . _:b1_b733 . _:b1_b734 . _:b1_b735 . _:b1_b736 . _:b1_b737 . _:b1_b738 . _:b1_b739 . _:b1_b740 . _:b1_b741 . _:b1_b742 . _:b1_b743 . _:b1_b744 . _:b1_b745 . _:b1_b746 . _:b1_b747 . _:b1_b748 . _:b1_b749 . _:b1_b750 . _:b1_b751 . _:b1_b752 . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:comment "Example Entities included: Attribute Set, Attribute Set Attribute" . rdfs:label "Product Attribute" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A set of attributes e.g. shoe attributes that are assigned to a particular instance of Product" . rdfs:label "Product Attribute Set" . _:b1_b857 . _:b1_b858 . _:b1_b859 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Assignment of an attribute value to a product e.g. shoe lace" . rdfs:label "Product Attribute Value" . _:b1_b851 . _:b1_b852 . _:b1_b853 . _:b1_b854 . _:b1_b855 . _:b1_b856 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A catalog used for a certain business process e.g. inventory, merchandizing" . rdfs:label "Product Catalog" . _:b1_b871 . _:b1_b872 . _:b1_b873 . _:b1_b874 . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:comment "Example Entities included: Product Catalog, Product Catalog Category, Product Catalog Assignment" . rdfs:label "Product Catalog" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Translated attributes for a product catalog" . rdfs:label "Product Catalog Translation" . _:b1_b875 . _:b1_b876 . _:b1_b877 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A product may consist of many categories e.g. shoes, tshirts" . rdfs:label "Product Category" . _:b1_b878 . _:b1_b879 . _:b1_b880 . _:b1_b881 . _:b1_b882 . _:b1_b883 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Assignment of an Attribute Set to a Product Category e.g. the Shoe attribute set assigned to the Shoes category" . rdfs:label "Product Category Attribute Set" . _:b1_b892 . _:b1_b893 . _:b1_b894 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Assignment of product to categories e.g. the Nikedas shoe assigned to shoe and running categories" . rdfs:label "Product Category Product" . _:b1_b887 . _:b1_b888 . _:b1_b889 . _:b1_b890 . _:b1_b891 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Translated attributes for a product category" . rdfs:label "Product Category Translation" . _:b1_b884 . _:b1_b885 . _:b1_b886 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Collateral for a product e.g. link to brochure one" . rdfs:label "Product Collateral" . _:b1_b837 . _:b1_b838 . _:b1_b839 . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:comment "Example Entities included: Product Type, Product Item, Product Attribute, Product Relation" . rdfs:label "Product" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Images of a product" . rdfs:label "Product Image" . _:b1_b824 . _:b1_b825 . _:b1_b826 . _:b1_b827 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Translated attributes for a product image" . rdfs:label "Product Image Translation" . _:b1_b828 . _:b1_b829 . _:b1_b830 . rdf:type . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Product Property Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A grouping of products such as a product bundle" . rdfs:label "Product Related Product" . _:b1_b811 . _:b1_b812 . _:b1_b813 . _:b1_b814 . _:b1_b815 . _:b1_b816 . _:b1_b817 . _:b1_b818 . _:b1_b819 . _:b1_b820 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Reasons why products are related such as bundle, option or covering" . rdfs:comment "What are the types of relationships available e.g. bundled with/bundled in, substitute for/substitute of" . rdfs:label "Product Relationship Type" . rdfs:label "Sales Order Product Relationship Type" . _:b1_b1097 . _:b1_b1098 . _:b1_b1099 . _:b1_b821 . _:b1_b822 . _:b1_b823 . rdf:type . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:comment "Anything you plan to sell or any part of a product that needs to be tracked for service purposes. For example, you are selling a green tractor." . rdfs:label "Product" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Translated attributes for a product" . rdfs:label "Product Translation" . _:b1_b806 . _:b1_b807 . _:b1_b808 . _:b1_b809 . _:b1_b810 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Standard units of measure for time, for example minute, second, hour and day" . rdfs:label "Product Validity Time Period UOM" . _:b1_b834 . _:b1_b835 . _:b1_b836 . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Progress Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Psychographic Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Rating - Competitive Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Rating - Contract Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Rating - Satisfaction Property Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Facilitates applying/unapplying a capture payment, or a credit memo to a Refund Payment." . rdfs:label "Refund Allocation" . _:b1_b605 . _:b1_b606 . _:b1_b607 . _:b1_b608 . _:b1_b609 . _:b1_b610 . _:b1_b611 . _:b1_b612 . _:b1_b613 . _:b1_b614 . _:b1_b615 . _:b1_b616 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Facilitates applying/unapplying refund balance to a credit memo." . rdfs:label "Refund Credit Memo Allocation" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1216 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Represents a repayment made, typically to a customer who isn’t satisfied with the goods or services purchased. Refunds are typically made after a payment has already been received from customers" . rdfs:label "Refund Payment" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1218 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Facilitates applying/unapplying refund balance to a payment." . rdfs:label "Refund Payment Allocation" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1220 . rdf:type . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Result Property Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Which channel is used to sell goods e.g. Web Store, Retail Store, Street Faire" . rdfs:label "Sales Channel" . _:b1_b895 . _:b1_b896 . _:b1_b897 . _:b1_b898 . _:b1_b899 . _:b1_b900 . rdf:type . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "SalesDiscount Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "SalesDisplay Property Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "An internal document generated by the seller, indicating that the customer is now ready to purchase products and services" . rdfs:label "Sales Order" . _:b1_b901 . _:b1_b902 . _:b1_b903 . _:b1_b904 . _:b1_b905 . _:b1_b906 . _:b1_b907 . _:b1_b908 . _:b1_b909 . _:b1_b910 . _:b1_b911 . _:b1_b912 . _:b1_b913 . _:b1_b914 . _:b1_b915 . _:b1_b916 . _:b1_b917 . _:b1_b918 . _:b1_b919 . _:b1_b920 . _:b1_b921 . _:b1_b922 . _:b1_b923 . _:b1_b924 . _:b1_b925 . _:b1_b926 . _:b1_b927 . _:b1_b928 . _:b1_b929 . _:b1_b930 . _:b1_b931 . _:b1_b932 . _:b1_b933 . _:b1_b934 . _:b1_b935 . _:b1_b936 . _:b1_b937 . _:b1_b938 . _:b1_b939 . _:b1_b940 . _:b1_b941 . _:b1_b942 . _:b1_b943 . _:b1_b944 . _:b1_b945 . _:b1_b946 . _:b1_b947 . _:b1_b948 . _:b1_b949 . _:b1_b950 . _:b1_b951 . _:b1_b952 . _:b1_b953 . _:b1_b954 . _:b1_b955 . _:b1_b956 . _:b1_b957 . _:b1_b958 . _:b1_b959 . _:b1_b960 . _:b1_b961 . _:b1_b962 . _:b1_b963 . _:b1_b964 . _:b1_b965 . _:b1_b966 . _:b1_b967 . _:b1_b968 . _:b1_b969 . _:b1_b970 . _:b1_b971 . _:b1_b972 . _:b1_b973 . _:b1_b974 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Change log for sales order" . rdfs:label "Sales Order Change Log" . _:b1_b1118 . _:b1_b1119 . _:b1_b1120 . _:b1_b1121 . _:b1_b1122 . _:b1_b1123 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "One or more Sales Order Products that share a common Sales Order Delivery Method, and Shipping Address" . rdfs:label "Sales Order Delivery Group" . _:b1_b1068 . _:b1_b1069 . _:b1_b1070 . _:b1_b1071 . _:b1_b1072 . _:b1_b1073 . _:b1_b1074 . _:b1_b1075 . _:b1_b1076 . _:b1_b1077 . _:b1_b1078 . _:b1_b1079 . _:b1_b1080 . _:b1_b1081 . _:b1_b1082 . _:b1_b1083 . _:b1_b1084 . _:b1_b1085 . _:b1_b1086 . _:b1_b1087 . _:b1_b1088 . _:b1_b1089 . _:b1_b1090 . _:b1_b1091 . _:b1_b1092 . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:comment "Example Entities included: Sales Order, Opportunity, Payment Method" . rdfs:label "Sales Order" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "One or more Payments having the same Payment Method, that have been applied to a single Sales Order." . rdfs:label "Sales Order Payment Summary" . _:b1_b1107 . _:b1_b1108 . _:b1_b1109 . _:b1_b1110 . _:b1_b1111 . _:b1_b1112 . _:b1_b1113 . _:b1_b1114 . _:b1_b1115 . _:b1_b1116 . _:b1_b1117 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A change to the price of a Sales Order that is made before order fulfillment. A Sales Order Price Adjustment may be comprised of Sales Order Product Price Adjustments that allocate the overall adjustment amount to one or more of the products and services" . rdfs:label "Sales Order Price Adjustment" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1222 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A component of a Sales Order that identifies a product or service that will be sold to the customer" . rdfs:label "Sales Order Product" . _:b1_b1000 . _:b1_b1001 . _:b1_b1002 . _:b1_b1003 . _:b1_b1004 . _:b1_b1005 . _:b1_b1006 . _:b1_b1007 . _:b1_b1008 . _:b1_b1009 . _:b1_b1010 . _:b1_b1011 . _:b1_b1012 . _:b1_b1013 . _:b1_b1014 . _:b1_b1015 . _:b1_b1016 . _:b1_b1017 . _:b1_b1018 . _:b1_b1019 . _:b1_b1020 . _:b1_b1021 . _:b1_b1022 . _:b1_b1023 . _:b1_b1024 . _:b1_b1025 . _:b1_b1026 . _:b1_b1027 . _:b1_b1028 . _:b1_b1029 . _:b1_b1030 . _:b1_b1031 . _:b1_b1032 . _:b1_b1033 . _:b1_b1034 . _:b1_b1035 . _:b1_b1036 . _:b1_b1037 . _:b1_b1038 . _:b1_b1039 . _:b1_b1040 . _:b1_b1041 . _:b1_b1042 . _:b1_b1043 . _:b1_b1044 . _:b1_b975 . _:b1_b976 . _:b1_b977 . _:b1_b978 . _:b1_b979 . _:b1_b980 . _:b1_b981 . _:b1_b982 . _:b1_b983 . _:b1_b984 . _:b1_b985 . _:b1_b986 . _:b1_b987 . _:b1_b988 . _:b1_b989 . _:b1_b990 . _:b1_b991 . _:b1_b992 . _:b1_b993 . _:b1_b994 . _:b1_b995 . _:b1_b996 . _:b1_b997 . _:b1_b998 . _:b1_b999 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Products may be grouped together for various reasons, such as products that should be shipped together. Every product in a Sales Order Product Group is not required to be a Sales Order Product." . rdfs:label "Sales Order Product Group" . _:b1_b1100 . _:b1_b1101 . _:b1_b1102 . _:b1_b1103 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A document accompanying a Sales Order that lists the description, quantity of the goods to be delivered or other information." . rdfs:label "Sales Order Product Note" . _:b1_b1104 . _:b1_b1105 . _:b1_b1106 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "The customer motive for ordering a product or service, such as replacement, new purchase, upgrade" . rdfs:label "Sales Order Product Reason" . _:b1_b1045 . _:b1_b1046 . _:b1_b1047 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A tax on the price of a Sales Order Product." . rdfs:label "Sales Order Product Tax" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1224 . rdf:type . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Sales Order Property Group" . rdf:type . . "0.1" . rdfs:comment "A document generated by a seller to indicate the specific products/services a buyer will be receive during a sale." . rdfs:label "Sales Order" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A charge that is imposed by a government entity for public purposes. Types are aligned to phases of the process: SalesOrderTax, FulfillmentProductTax and ShipmentProductTax" . rdfs:label "Sales Order Tax" . _:b1_b1060 . _:b1_b1061 . _:b1_b1062 . _:b1_b1063 . _:b1_b1064 . _:b1_b1065 . _:b1_b1066 . _:b1_b1067 . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Sales Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Score Calculation Property Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Information about a party playing role of seller e.g. customer satisfaction score" . rdfs:label "Seller" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1226 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Products that are intangible e.g. labor, software subscription" . rdfs:label "Service Product" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1228 . rdf:type . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Service Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Setup Property Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A quantity of goods sent together to a place, or the act of sending them" . rdfs:label "Shipment" . _:b1_b1124 . _:b1_b1125 . _:b1_b1126 . _:b1_b1127 . _:b1_b1128 . _:b1_b1129 . _:b1_b1130 . _:b1_b1131 . _:b1_b1132 . _:b1_b1133 . _:b1_b1134 . _:b1_b1135 . _:b1_b1136 . _:b1_b1137 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A receipt, bill of lading or other document that is delivered with the shipment to explain the purchase or shipment contents." . rdfs:label "Shipment Document" . _:b1_b1151 . _:b1_b1152 . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:comment "Example Entities included: Shipment, Shipment Package, Shipment Document, Shipment Product" . rdfs:label "Shipment" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A parcel of one or more items bundled together, so that they arrive at the customer's address as a single unit." . rdfs:label "Shipment Package" . _:b1_b1153 . _:b1_b1154 . _:b1_b1155 . _:b1_b1156 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "An item on a list of one or more that comprises a shipment." . rdfs:label "Shipment Product" . _:b1_b1145 . _:b1_b1146 . _:b1_b1147 . _:b1_b1148 . _:b1_b1149 . _:b1_b1150 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A change to the price of an ordered product or service that is made after Fulfillment." . rdfs:label "Shipment Product Price Adjustment" . _:b1_b1160 . _:b1_b1161 . _:b1_b1162 . _:b1_b1163 . _:b1_b1164 . _:b1_b1165 . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A tax on the price of a Sales Order Product." . rdfs:label "Shipment Product Price Adjustment Tax" . _:b1_b1157 . _:b1_b1158 . _:b1_b1159 . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Shipment Property Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "The stage of a shipment. Possible values could be pre-transit, in transit, delayed, delivered" . rdfs:label "Shipment Status" . _:b1_b1138 . _:b1_b1139 . _:b1_b1140 . rdf:type . . "0.1" . rdfs:comment "Tracking the physical packages actually shipped for an order." . rdfs:label "Shipment" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A parcel of one or more items bundled together, so that they arrive at the customer's address as a single unit." . rdfs:label "Shipping Method" . _:b1_b1141 . _:b1_b1142 . _:b1_b1143 . _:b1_b1144 . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Shipping Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Sizing Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Storage Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Styling Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Success Property Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "Information about a party playing role of supplier e.g. vendor ranking" . rdfs:label "Supplier" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1230 . rdf:type . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Support Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "System Property Group" . rdf:type . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Taxation Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Translated Property Group" . rdf:type rdfs:Class . rdf:type . rdfs:comment "A party we may be, or will be, dealing with but we do not know who they are yet e.g. Social Handle 'TrustedNews' which we do not yet know if a person or a business but complain about our company so we want to log a case to investigate further. E.g. an ord" . rdfs:label "Uncategorized Party" . rdfs:subClassOf . _:b1_b1232 . rdf:type . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Usage Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Use Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Validity Property Group" . rdf:type . . . . . . "0.1" . rdfs:label "Weighting Property Group" . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to the Account the Partner have access to" . rdfs:comment "Reference to the primary account that the person is the contact for" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Account" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the unit of measure for current account balance e.g. money, points, miles, visits" . rdfs:label "Account Balance UOM Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to the contact playing the role" . rdfs:comment "The name of the person on the account who is the recipient of or contact for, the delivery" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Account Contact" . rdfs:label "Delivery Contact" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to the role played" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Account Contact Role Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Why the account is in hold status e.g misused, legal request" . rdfs:label "Account Hold Status Reason Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "E.g. loyalty account, business credit account, layaway, short term rental" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Account Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What type of trade account e.g. loyalty account, business credit account, layaway, short term rental" . rdfs:label "Account Type Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date and time when the order was activated for fulfillment or shipping." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Activated Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date from which we established the party as a supplier" . rdfs:comment "From what date is the category active" . rdfs:comment "From when is the Contact playing the Role on the Account" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Active From Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "From what date is the product active within the category" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Active From Date Time" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date at which we decided the party is no longer a supplier" . rdfs:comment "From when is the Contact playing the Role on the Account ending" . rdfs:comment "To what data is the category active" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Active To Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "To what date is the product active within the category" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Active To Date Time" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The date/time when the delivery was completed." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Actual Delivery DateTime" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What words seems to be used so we know if we need to change ours" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Ad Keywords" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many people estimated reached by competitor ads per day" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Ad Reach Rate" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to type of trade name e.g. also known as, doing business as" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Additional Name Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "First line of address e.g. street number and street name" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Address Line 1" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Second line of an address e.g building or suite number" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Address Line 2" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Third line of an address" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Address Line 3" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Forth line of an address" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Address Line 4" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Rollup of Sales Order Product Tax rows, where the product is delivery fee, after any adjustments on delivery fees." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Adjusted Delivery Tax Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Total Product Tax + Total Adjustment Tax Amount" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Adjusted Product Tax Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Total Product Amount + Total Adjustment Amount" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Adjusted Total Product Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The amount of an adjustment at the SalesOrderProduct level." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Adjustment Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Σ SalesOrderProductTax: Tax.TaxAmount. Filter by SalesOrderTaxType (SalesOrderProduct, Distributed, Manual)" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Adjustment Tax Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is product intended for e.g. newborns, teenagers" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Age" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The portion, in currency, of the Payment or Credit Memo that has been allocated to a Refund. This amount is used for both applying and un-applying amounts to a Refund Payment." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Allocated Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Quanity allocated for fulfillment" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Allocated Quantity" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "....not sure what this is so returned" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Allocation Group Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "....not sure what this is so returned" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Allocation Partition" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Can customer return this item or not e.g. no for underwear, swimsuits" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Allow Customer Return" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Can customer get partial refund if returning item e.g. half a bag of dog food ok" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Allow Partial Refund" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How much money was made for this employment" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Annual Income" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Annual revenue for the company of the lead." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Annual Revenue" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Estimated annual revenue of a global business" . rdfs:label "Annual Revenue Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Name of the Apex class that implements the Gateway Provider" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Apex Adapter Class Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The unique id to login to the application" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Application Login Id" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The portion, in currency, of the Payment applied to the invoice line item." . rdfs:comment "Total amount that has been applied." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Applied Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The date recorded in the system for the allocation of the funding source to the Refund Payment. This could differ from the effective date for the allocation." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Applied Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Entered area code" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Area Code" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How efficient the competitor is in using assets to produce profit" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Asset Return Ratio" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many times inventory turned into cash in given period" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Asset Turnover Ratio" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The account reached a state it should be assigned a territory" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Assign Territory Flag" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The name of the assistant." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Assistant Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The telephone number of the assistant." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Assistant Phone" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to what attribute set the category is using" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Attribute Set" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to the attribute value being assigned to the product" . rdfs:comment "The value of the product attribute" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Attribute Value" . rdfs:range . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The payment amount that is being authorized to complete a purchase." . rdfs:comment "Total amount that has been authorized." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Authorization Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Mode to determine if the payment is processed by Salesforce Payment Platform or is an external authorization that is being recorded in our platform." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Authorization Processing Mode" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The amount that was previously authorized and is now being reversed." . rdfs:comment "Total amount that has been reversed from the authorized amount." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Authorization Reversal Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is Auto pay enabled for this customer" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Auto Pay Enabled Flag" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Amount to be automatically paid next time" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Auto Payment Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to the payment instrument to be used e.g. paypal, credit card, bank acc" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Auto Payment Method" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The amount of money in the customer account that will be used to complete the payment, once the authorization has been completed." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Available Balance Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Amount of an order product that is available to be reduced. Value must be greater than or equal to 0. An order product is reducible only if AvailableQuantity is greater than 0. Value is always 0 if the order product's parent order is a reduction order." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Available Quantity" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Balance available for application of funds." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Available To Apply Balance Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How much is the value amount on average that the seller helped us with" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Average Converted Lead Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "A portion of the Payment Amount that has not yet been allocated to an invoice, credit memo or refund." . rdfs:comment "E.g. 100 points, 3 miles, 6 visits" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Balance Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the max balance allowed before we may take action around usage. Sometimes referred to as credit limit" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Balance Amount Limit" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "When business went into bankruptcy" . rdfs:label "Bankruptcy Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "When business emerged from bankruptcy" . rdfs:label "Bankruptcy Emergence Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Set to indicate if company has ever been in bankruptcy even if it is not currently" . rdfs:label "Bankruptcy History Flag" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What type of bankcruptcy the business ent through e.g. chapter 7, chapter 11" . rdfs:label "Bankruptcy Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What type of bankruptcy the business went through e.g. chapter 7, chapter 11" . rdfs:label "Bankruptcy Type Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Best time during day to contact via this contact point" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Best Time To Contact End Time" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Best time during day to contact via this contact point" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Best Time To Contact Start Time" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to the contact point billing address, if applicable" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Bill Contact Address" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Electronic or Physical Mail delivery" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Bill Delivery Method" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How can a bill be delivered e.g. electronic, mail" . rdfs:label "Bill Delivery Method Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How often to send Bill e.g. monthly" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Bill Frequency" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The Account that will be billed for the Sales Order. Can only be updated when the orders StatusCode value is Draft." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Bill To Account" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to billing address" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Bill To Address" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "City name of the address of the person to be billed." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Bill to City" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to the contact that the order will be billed to." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Bill To Contact" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Customer email address associated to the sales order" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Bill To Email" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "First or given name of the person to be billed." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Bill to First Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Last or family name of the person to be billed." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Bill to Last Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Customer phone number associated with the sales order" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Bill To Phone Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Second line of street address of the person to be billed." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Bill to Street 2" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "First line of street address of the person to be billed." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Bill to Street" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The day of the month that the customer should be invoiced" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Billing Day of the Month" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How often to send a bill e.g. monthly, 30th of month, never" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Billing Frequency Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date person was born in form of year, month, date" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Birth Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Place person is born e.g. a city name" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Birth Place" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the brand of the product e.g. Snike shoes" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Brand" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the value of the brand e.g. premium, regular, value" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Brand Grade Id" . rdfs:label "Brand Grade" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is the content of a bundle only decided, dynamically, at point of bundle use or not" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Bundled Products Decided At Use" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is the bundled inventoried on its' own or is the availability based on bundled products availability" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Bundled Products Decides Availability" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Can products in a bundle be partly chosen or all sold together as one unit e.g. mobile phone bundle consist of phone, call plan, data plan and goes together" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Bundled Products Sold Together" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Can products in a bundle be substituted by other products e.g. for mobile phone bundle customer can select other call plan (without it being declared as another bundle)" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Bundled Products Substitutional" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Main type of business activity a party perform e.g. farmer, sales" . rdfs:label "Business Activity Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Alternative name under which the business is known to the general public" . rdfs:label "Business Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to telephone number for the contact" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Business Phone" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How big is the business e.g. small, medium, enterprise" . rdfs:label "Business Size Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How big is the business e.g. small, medium, enterprise" . rdfs:label "Business Size Type Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is this e.g. a US retail store org x, UK distribution center y or call center z" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Business Unit Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The customer is eligible to bill now if True" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Can Bill Now" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Indicates whether the product can have a quantity schedule" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Quantity Scheduling Enabled" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Indicates whether the product can have a revenue schedule" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Revenue Scheduling Enabled" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date when the order was cancelled" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Cancel Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "....returned as we do not know what a date type is...." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Cancel Date Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The quantity of items that have been canceled. Does not consider credited or returned items" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Cancelled Quantity" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Capture Payment is the transfer of money from the customer's account to the merchant's account." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Capture Payment" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Payment, Refund, Canceled (voided) Payment and Canceled (voided) Refund are settement types. Either subtype of Payment (Payment, Refund) can be processed or cancelled." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Capture Payment Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Total amount that has been captured." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Captured Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The full name of the person to whom the card was issued, as shown on the card." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Card Holder Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "A number or value generated by the issuer that serves as a proxy for the actual payment card number" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Card Token" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "An identifier issued by a shipping carrier that is unique within that carrier, and can be used to determine where a package is in the delivery process." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Carrier Tracking Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Current year - last year cash flow / last year cash flow" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Cash Flow Growth" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Id of the Change Order that revised an earlier Sales Order (the Original Sales Order)." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Change Sales Order Id" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Id of the Change Order Product that revised an earlier Sales Order (the Original Sales Order)." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Change Sales Order Product Id" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What date this the customer checkout the shopping cart related to this order" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Checkout Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to product 2 that is related to product 1" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Child Product Id" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the second role in the relationshp e.g. Component of" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Child Product Role" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many children does the person have" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Children Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How big is the chance this customer will defect from being our customer" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Churn Score" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "City for the address of the lead." . rdfs:label "City" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Free text name of the city, town or village" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "City Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What date others no longer can do regular business with the entity" . rdfs:label "Closed For Business Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the primary color of the product" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Color" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "A message displayed to the customer during order creation." . rdfs:comment "Brief description of the Payment Application" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Comments" . rdfs:label "Payment Application Comment" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How active is the seller in our ecosystem online by answering questions" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Community Participation Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date on which the order was authorized by your organization." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Company Authorized Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "If no company stated the lead is regarded a consumer lead." . rdfs:comment "Name of a company which employs the bill-to card user." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Company Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Discretionary name of the business site location, for example Headquarters or London" . rdfs:label "Company Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Free training, delivery etc. possible" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Competitive Cost Avoidance Rank" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Degree of goodwill associated with the supplier" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Competitive Marketing Rank" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Degree of chance received first prices or can receive/better prices over lifetime" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Competitive Product Price Rank" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Degree of warranty provided relative to other suppliers" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Competitive Warranty Rank" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How big impact competitive measures should have on overall supplier score" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Competitive Weight Percent" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The assigned score after all competitive measures analyzed" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Competitive Weight Score" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "When did we first identify this party as a competitor" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Competitor From Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What do we have that we can leverage against the competitor" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Competitor Leverage Opportunities" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What main objectives are driving the competitor against us" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Competitor Objectives" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What are the competitors strengths" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Competitor Strengths" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What threats are the competitor bringing against us" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Competitor Threats" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "When did we no longer regard this party as a competitor" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Competitor To Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What are the competitors clear weaknesses" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Competitor Weaknesses" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "A list of email addresses to be messages for order confirmation. Not for large volume implementations" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Confirmation Recipient Email" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the credit score the person have e.g. 740" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Consumer Credit Score" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Who provided the credit score e.g. Experian" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Consumer Credit Score Provider Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to an address for the Lead" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Contact Address" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to email address for the contact." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Contact Email" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "A description of the contact" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Contact Note" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the primary phone number for this address" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Primary Contact Phone" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "If the identity document is associated with an address, such as the shipping address, then this field provides that relationship" . rdfs:comment "The ContactPointAddress for the shipping location. This entity stores contact info for the delivery contact, as well as the address." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Contact Point Address" . rdfs:label "Deliver to Address" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Email address for the lead." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Contact Point Email" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Type of contact point, specifically e.g. Contact Point Phone, Contact Point Email, Contact Point Address, Contact Point Location, Contact Point Social" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Contact Point Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Percentage unit cost variance higher than agreed purchase order price" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Contract Budget Cost Rate" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Number of deliveries with correct quantity / total number of deliveries" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Contract Delivery Correctness Rate" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many times Invoice not correct in last 12 months" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Contract Invoice Accuracy Rate" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Number of on-time deliveries for on-promise dates / total number of deliveries" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Contract On Time Delivery Rate" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Percentage of products with defects" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Contract Product Quality Rate" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Percentage of products that had to be returned" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Contract Product Return Rate" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many times SLA broken in last 12 months" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Contract SLA Issue Rate" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Days from sourcing process started to contract signed" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Contract Sourcing Cycle Days" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How big impact contract measures should have on overall supplier score" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Contract Weight Percent" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The assigned score after all contract measures analyzed" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Contract Weight Score" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date on which this Lead was converted." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Converted Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Object reference ID that points to the Account into which the Lead has been converted." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Converted To Account" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Object reference ID that points to the AccountContact into which the Lead has been converted." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Converted To AccountContact" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many times the person been convicted of a crime" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Convictions Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Country for the address of the lead." . rdfs:comment "Country where phone number logically stated to belong" . rdfs:comment "Free text value of country name" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Country Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "A discount coupon which is used to calculate the adjustment" . rdfs:label "Coupon" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "An alphanumeric code used to promote and identify the coupon." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Coupon Code" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The number of product discounts provided by the instance of the coupon." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Coupon Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference code for coupon status values" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Coupon Status Id" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Description of the status, e.g. Active, Inactive" . rdfs:label "Coupon Status Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date and time when this record was created" . rdfs:label "Created Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Why is the uncategorized party created" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Creation Reason" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "True if the payment card has expired." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Credit Card Expired" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The unapplied portion of the Credit Memo that remains after application to this Refund Payment." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Credit Memo Balance Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "In how good standing is the seller so we know they should receive more goods from us" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Credit Rating" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Name of current employer" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Current Employer Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Competitors ability to pay outstanding short or long term obligations" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Current Ratio" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "If value is not from a predefined list a manual value can be entered here" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Custom Attribute Value" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "An email address that is used in the authorization/reversal process. It may or may not be obtained via ContactPointAddress from the customer's master record." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Customer Authorization Reversal Email" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "A phone number that is used in the authorization/reversal process. It may or may not be obtained via ContactPointAddress from the customer's master record." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Customer Authorization Reversal Phone" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date on which the contact authorized the order." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Customer Authorized Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Email Address of the customer that made the payment. Used for authorization and fraud detection. This is replicated from ContactPointAddress to preserve the value used on the payment or refund authorization processing." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Customer Email Address" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Number used to identify this customer" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Customer Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Phone number of the customer that made the payment. Used for authorization and fraud detection. This is replicated from ContactPointAddress to preserve the value used on the payment or refund authorization processing." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Customer Phone Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How happy our customers are with the seller" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Customer Satisfaction Score" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What status customer is in e.g. prospect, active, inactive, nonrecoverable, hold, expired" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Customer Status" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What type of customer is this e.g. High Roller, Low Value" . rdfs:label "Customer Type Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "9 digit global standard number to identify businesses" . rdfs:label "DUNS Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Name as stated by the company Dun and Bradstreet" . rdfs:label "D&B Company Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date person passed away" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Death Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Place person passed away at" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Death Place" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Standard freight terms for this customer e.g. Free On Board Shipping Point (FOB)" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Default Freight Terms" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Instructions for the delivery" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Delivery Instructions" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Rollup of Sales Order Product Tax rows, where the product is delivery fee, before any adjustments on delivery fees." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Delivery Tax Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many demonstrations of our products have the seller given" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Demonstrations Given Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The department the contact works in" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Department Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How may dependents e.g. children or grown ups does the person claim to have" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Dependent Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the depth size of the product" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Depth" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Stores values similar to Payment Card Type, but is determined by application logic using the the Card BIN." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Derived Card Type Code" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Description of a payment policy" . rdfs:comment "General description of the product" . rdfs:comment "Long name/description for the tax item" . rdfs:comment "Short unstructured narrative that describe the business" . rdfs:comment "Translated product description" . rdfs:comment "the text of the Note" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Description" . rdfs:label "Product Description" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The date the customer asked the delivery to occur" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Desired Delivery Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "A name used within program code to identify the Gateway Provider" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Developer Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Developer status for the order. An order can be either Draft or Activated" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Developer Status Code" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the diameter size of the cylindracal product" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Diameter" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Dietary habit e.g. kosher food eater" . rdfs:label "Dietary Habit Type Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Disability or Impairment e.g. wheel chair bound" . rdfs:label "Disability Type Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Discount amount applied to order line item" . rdfs:comment "The amount of price reduction from the standard price, expressed as a fixed amount e.g., $2.00" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Discount Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Discount percentage applied to this order line item" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Discount Percent" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The amount of price reduction from the standard price, expressed as a decimal fraction, e.g. .10 for 10% off" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Discount Percentage" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "...returned as we have a separate child entity to hold many product pictures/URLs" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Display URL" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How is the product to be disposed of e.g. recycle, return, throw-away" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Disposal Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date person requested data to be extracted" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Do Extract My Data Update Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date person last requested to be forgotten" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Do Forget Me Update Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date when do not market was last updated for this person" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Do Not Market Update Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date when do not process was last updated" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Do Not Process Update Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Why no processing allowed e.g Accuracy Questioned, Processing Unlawful, Legal Prohibit Delete, Data Subject Objection" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Do Not Process Reason" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Why no processing allowed e.g accuracy questioned, processing unlawful, legal prohibit delete, data subject objection" . rdfs:label "Do Not Process Reason Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date when request to not profile was last updated for this person" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Do Not Profile Update Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date when do not track location was last updated" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Do Not Track Location Update Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date when do not track browsing was last updated" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Do Not Track Update Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many e.g. white papers have the seller accessed" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Documentation Download Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the weigth of the product excluding packaging after drainage" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Drained Weight" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Indication of a business size and creditworthiness as stated by Dunn and Bradstreet" . rdfs:label "Dunn and Bradstreet Rating" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What level of education is this e.g. post graduate" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Education Level" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the level of education someone have e.g. PhD, College Degree" . rdfs:label "Education Level Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Name of education" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Education Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The date when the allocation is effective on the payment and available to the customer." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Effective Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "A complete email address e.g. JaneDoe@salesforce.com" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Email Address" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "If email sent to the lead bounced, the date and time the bounce occurred." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "EmailBouncedDate" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "If email sent to the lead bounced, the reason the bounce occurred." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "EmailBouncedReason" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Subset of an email address that represents the domain after then @ sign" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Email Domain" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date the latest email sent bounced back" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Email Latest Bounce Date Time" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reason the email bounced" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Email Latest Bounce Reason Text" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Subset of an email address that represents the mail before the @ sign" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Email Mail Box" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "From what date is individual employed at current employer" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Employed Since Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many employees does the business have" . rdfs:label "Employee Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "First line of address e.g. street number and street name" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Employer Address Line 1" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Second line of an address e.g building or suite number" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Employer Address Line 2" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Third line of an address" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Employer Address Line 3" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Forth line of an address" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Employer Address Line 4" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Free text name of the city, town or village" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Employer City Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Optional reference to the address of employer" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Employer Contact Point Address" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Name of employer" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Employer Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Phone number to employer." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Employer Phone Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Free text value of postal code" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Employer Postal Code Text" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Status of this employment e.g. student, part time, employed, unemployed, retired" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Employment Status" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "...returned as we have no idea why this is here" . rdfs:comment "Date employment ended" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "End Date" . rdfs:label "EndDate" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "When the status no longer is in effect" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "End Date Time" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Does the product need e.g. special UV light, be in freezer, hot water" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Environment Requirement" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The expected date when the shipment will arrive. This will be the scheduled date unless there are delays." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Estimated Delivery DateTime" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How profitable are our seller with our products" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Estimated Partner Gross Margin" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Cultural background e.g. black, white, hispanic, asian, native american, mixed" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Ethnicity" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Cultural background e.g. black, white, hispanic, asian, native american, mixed" . rdfs:label "Ethnicity Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many sales or marketing events the seller attended" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Event Participation Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "For contracts that are auto renewed what is the expected charge per month, used for revenue estimation" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Evergreen Contract Estimated Charge Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "For contracts that are auto renewed what is the expected number of month, used for revenue estimation" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Evergreen Contract Estimated Month Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many products in the bundle is expected to be wasted e.g. 1 of 1000 cans spoil" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Expected Waste Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Datetime when the authorization will no longer be valid. The amount of funds in the customer account is held until that time, unavailable for other payment authorizations." . rdfs:comment "The date on which the coupon is no longer valid" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Expiration Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The month of the payment card expiration date." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Expiration Month" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The year of the payment card expiration date." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Expiration Year" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date identification expires" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Expiry Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Entered phone extension number" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Extension Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "In cases where older data is migrated into a platform that defaults the standard CreatedDate with the system date, this field preserves the original created date value." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "External Created Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "An ID used in an external system to uniquely identify a Delivery Method" . rdfs:comment "An ID used in an external system to uniquely identify a Sales Channel" . rdfs:comment "Corresponding record Id from external data source system" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "External Record Id" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to the record id in the external system the product originated from" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "External Source Record Id" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is product mainly in one fabric e.g. cotton, leather" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Fabric" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Fax number for the lead." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Fax Contact Phone" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Fax number for the account." . rdfs:comment "Reference to fax number for the contact" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Fax Phone" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date the order was filed" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Filed Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "First name of person e.g. Jane" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "First Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The month and date the fiscal year ends for the business" . rdfs:label "Fiscal Year End Month Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many followers does the handle have" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Followers Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is the phone used for business purpose" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "For Business Use" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is the phone used for personal purpose" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "For Personal Use" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Number formatted according to e164 e.g. +165012345678" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Formatted E164 Phone Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Number formatted according to International e.g. +16 501-234-5678" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Formatted International Phone Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Number formatted according to e123 variable length national e.g. 650 123 45678" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Formatted National Phone Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Standard freight term e.g. Free On Board Shipping Point (FOB), CIF" . rdfs:label "Freight Terms Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Active to date" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "From Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What date was the order content completely provided to customer" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Fulfilled Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Quantity actually provided" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "FulfilledQuantity" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Authorization Approval Code sent back by the gateway" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Gateway Authorization Code" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The data that will be used by gateway for subsequent transactions" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Gateway Reference Details" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Description of the gateway specific result code returned by the gateway" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Gateway Result Code Description" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Female, Male, Other" . rdfs:comment "Is product intended for e.g. females, unisex" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Gender" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Female, Male, Gender Neutral, Other" . rdfs:label "Gender Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What financial account are credit and debits posted to for this customer account" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "General Ledger Account" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What account is debt and credit stored against e.g. Liabilty101" . rdfs:label "General Ledger Account Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Accuracy of the geographical information" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Geo Accuracy" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How accurate the lat/long information is" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Geo Code Accuracy" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Latitude to the center of address" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Geo Code Latitude" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Longitude to the center of the address" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Geo Code Longitude" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Geographical Latitude for the place" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Geo Latitude" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Geographical Longitude for the place" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Geo Longitude" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "A message for the gift recipient" . rdfs:comment "Text message to be delivered with the shipment" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Gift Message Text" . rdfs:label "Gift Message" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The message on the gift" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Gift Order Message" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Telephone number of the gift recipient" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Gift Recipient Telephone Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How are instances of this product accounted for e.g. as consumable, live stock, merchandize" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "GL Account Code" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to the global party, used for cross system master data management" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Global Party" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "When did person graduate from this education" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Graduation Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "TotalProductAmount + TotalAdjustmentAmount + TotalTaxAmount" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Grand Total Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "TotalDeliveryAmount + TotalDeliveryTaxAmount -- equivalent to Σ SalesOrderProduct(ProductId.ProductType == DeliveryCharge): TotalAmount" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Grand Total Delivery Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the weight of the product in its original packaging" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Gross Weight" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Cost charged to customer for handling the order" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Handling Cost Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The amount being charged to handle the payment." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Handling Fee Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Indicator whether individual have a history of Alchol abuse" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Has Alcohol Abuse History" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "True if the application of a Capture Payment or Credit Memo to a Refund Payment has been reversed." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Has Been Unapplied" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Indicator whether individual had a history of drug abuse" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Has Drug Abuse History" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the height size of the product" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Height" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What unit of mesure is used for height e.g. inches, centimeter" . rdfs:label "Height UOM Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the highest completed education level e.g. High School, PhD" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Highest Education Level" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is a hobby a person can have e.g. skiing, running, swimming" . rdfs:label "Hobby Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to the reason why the account is on hold status" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Hold Status Reason" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to home telephone number for the contact." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Home Phone" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many times the individual been hospitalized last 5 years" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Hospitalizations Last 5 Years Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "When was the houshold dissolved" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Household Dissolved Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "When was the household formed" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Household Formed Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many members are there in the household" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Household Member Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The unique network address of the device that originated the payment authorization reversal request." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Internet Protcol Address" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Internal Id that references a code from the United Nations International Standard Industrial Classification" . rdfs:label "ISIC" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "United Nations International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities" . rdfs:label "ISIC Code Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "....returned as we do not know what this means e.g. i18n support" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "ISO Culture" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Primary Key" . rdfs:comment "Primary key unique identification value" . rdfs:comment "Primary key" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Account Type Id" . rdfs:label "Email Frequency Id" . rdfs:label "Individual Id" . rdfs:label "Party Identification Id" . rdfs:label "Price Book Entry Id" . rdfs:label "Sales Order Change Type Id" . rdfs:label "Sales Order Payment Summary Id" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Actual value of identification e.g. driver license B1234456" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Identification Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "View types may indicate size e.g. 'small' 'large' or usage e.g. 'swatch' or any other image classifications." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Image View Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the income range the person is part of e.g. 100 to 200 000" . rdfs:label "Income Range Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date the business was legally incorporated" . rdfs:label "Incorporation Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "If the Account Contact Relationship is an indirect relationship this reference state in what direct relationship/context those are valid in" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Indirect Relation Account Contact" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to party that have a life event happened" . rdfs:comment "Reference to the person that is the contact for the account" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Individual" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "No matter how we do business with this person, how influential is the person" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Influencer Rating" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Name of institution where education was given" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Institution Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Defining a part of your own internal organization. May be anything from a holding company, a line of business, a country division, a department and for which you may want to track e.g. if it is a legal entity, default GL Code, profit-and-loss etc against." . rdfs:comment "Within the seller organization, the business unit that is responsible for the Sales Order" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Internal Business Unit" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "A unique ID generated by the Payment Platform." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Internal Reference Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Salesforce internal result code. Maps to one or more gateway result code" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Internal Result Code" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The value of the inventory of our products the seller hold" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Inventory Value Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The portion of the TotalInvoiceAmount that remains after application of this Capture Payment. Since invoices can consist of multiple line items, this is the total of all line items." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Invoice Balance Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is the price book entry active or not" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "IsActive" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Indicator whether individual currently consume alcohol" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Alcohol Consumer" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is the order alerted. Used to notify the user that something went wrong during a workflow." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Alerted" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "True if the sales order was placed by an unregistered guest user" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Anonymous" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Can the product be auto installed or not" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Auto Provisionable" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "For a subscription-type product that can be automatically renewed, this setting indicates the order selection was for auto-renewal" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Automatically Renewed" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "If product is not in stock has it been backordered (planned to be in stock and cross all inventory locations)" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Back Ordered" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "If the relationship is not restricted from role 1 to role 2 then set this to true" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Bidirectional" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Defines if the the sales order item a bonus product. Bonus products are usually free products add to an order. Being bonus has implications on returns and adjustments." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Bonus Product" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is the product the root-level of a bundled product?" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Bundle Root" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "True if the supplier is a transportation carrier e.g. FedEx, UPS" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Carrier" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is the order closed or not. Used to drive and halt workflows" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Closed" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "True if the sales order was placed under the terms of a contract" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Contracted" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Indicates whether the Lead has been converted (true) or not (false)" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Converted" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Can a coupon be used to redeem this item" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Coupon Redemption Allowed" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Can customers be offered product at a discounted price" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Customer Discount Allowed" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is this the default image for the product or not" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Default Image" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is this the default option for a product e.g. phone case PC1 is default for phone P2" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Default Option" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Indicator whether individual currently consume any drug other than alcohol" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Drug Consumer" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is actual content of the product bunde derived at point of use or not" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Dynamic Bundle" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is the phone number able to receive fax" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Fax Capable" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "If true, then all remaining funds held by the authorization will be released in the funding instrument. The default is false." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Final Capture" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Can this product be paid with food stamps" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Foodstamp Payment Allowed" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "True if the delivery is a gift" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Gift" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is this the whole order a gift order" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Gift Order" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is the individual currently regarded to be a good automobile driver" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Good Driver" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is the individual currently regarded to be a good school student" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Good Student" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is the hobby incurring extra risk of harm e.g. yes for shark swimming, mountaineering" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is High Risk Hobby" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is the job incurring extra risk of harm e.g. yes for law enforcement" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is High Risk Occupation" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Flag the indicates whether or not the order is historical. If the order is Historical it a cannot be changed. Cancellations, invoices, shipping, refunds and other post sale activities cannot be driven from this order. This allows past orders to be imported" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Historical Only" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Does the person own a home" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Home Owner" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Can the product be installed or not" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Installable" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is knowledge about the products intellectual property sensitive or not" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Intellectual Property Protected" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Does product only exist once it has been ordered e.g. monogrammed birth day cake" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Made To Order" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Must price be manually entered for this item" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Manual Price Entry Required" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Was this Price Adjustment applied manually? An agent giving an adjustment that is not part of coupon, campaign, or promotion. False by default" . rdfs:label "Is Manually Applied" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Can multiple coupons be applied to the same item" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Multiple Coupons Allowed" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Can seller and supplier partners get a discount on this product" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Partner Discount Allowed" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is this a stable or perishable item" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Perishable" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "If the product is not yet for sale can product be pre ordered" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Pre Orderable" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Must visually inspection of quality of this item be done" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Quality Verification Required" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Must quanitty be entered for this item at checkout" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Quantity Entry Required" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "If product is not in stock can customer be promised get it later at todays price" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Rain Check Allowed" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "...returned; we will support reduction order on line item OR separate order" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Reduction Order" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "TBD" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Return Coupon" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Can the product be returned or not" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Returnable" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is the phone capable to send and receive SMS" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is SMS Capable" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is this product intended to be sold or not (which may not be true if tracking external products or parts that make up the sellable product but need to be tracked for e.g. service purpose)" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Sellable" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Can product be sold by itself or only by being part of a bundle e.g. monogramming can ony be part of a bundle" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Sellable Independently" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Can product be 'sold' without a price e.g. monogram added to a shirt for free" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Sellable Without Price" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Does each item of the product have a unique serial number" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Serialized" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is the order suspended or not. Used to drive and halt workflows" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Suspended" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "True if taxes do not apply to this Sales Order" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Tax Exempt" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Indicator whether individual had a history of drug abuse" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Tobacco Consumer" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "True if the address is used for billing purposes" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Used For Billing" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "True if the address is used for shipping purposes" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Used For Shipping" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "True if the coupon is valid and unexpired" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Valid" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Must weight be entered for this item" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Weight Entry Required" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Can employees and contractor get a discount on this product" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Is Worker Discount Allowed" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "A 3 or 4-digit number printed on the back of the payment card." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Issue Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Where was the identification issued" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Issued At Location" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What authority issued the identification" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Issued By Authority" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date identification issues" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Issued Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Have we established a business plan or not with the seller" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Joint Business Plan Exist" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How much new revenue customer contributed with in last 12 months" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Last 12 Months New Revenue Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many support calls been made between customer and us in last 12 months" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Last 12 Months Support Call Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How much new revenue customer contributed with in last 24 months" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Last 24 Months New Revenue Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Either due date of the most recent event logged or of the most recently closed task" . rdfs:comment "Most recent of Due date of the most recent event logged or Due date of the most recently closed task" . rdfs:comment "Value either due date of most recent event logged or most recently closed task" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Last Activity Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date and time when a user last modified this record" . rdfs:label "Last Modified Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Last/family name (in most cultures the last/sure name) of person e.g. Doe" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Last Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The Datetime provided by the Payment Gateway. For various reasons including gateway split calls and async processing, there may be mulitple records of Payment Gateway Log data for a single Capture Payment/Refund or cancelled Capture Payment/Refund. This" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Latest Gateway Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "A unique ID generated by the Payment Platform. For various reasons including gateway split calls and async processing, there may be mulitple records of Payment Gateway Log data for a single Capture Payment/Refund or cancelled Capture Payment/Refund. Thi" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Latest Gateway Internal Reference Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Salesforce internal result code. Maps to one or more gateway result code. For various reasons including gateway split calls and async processing, there may be mulitple records of Payment Gateway Log data for a single Capture Payment/Refund or cancelled C" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Latest Gateway Internal Result" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Each gateway sends a unique reference number for the request and is called gateway reference number.In case of issues this can be used to identify the request on gateway side. For various reasons including gateway split calls and async processing, there" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Latest Gateway Reference Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Each Payment Gateway has its own set of Result Codes. Examples are 00 for success 100 for declined etc. For various reasons including gateway split calls and async processing, there may be mulitple records of Payment Gateway Log data for a single Capture" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Latest Gateway Result Code" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Any info or error message sent by the gateway" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Latest Payment Gateway Message" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many leads have the seller generated for us" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Lead Generation Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Rating of the lead e.g. warm, cold" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Lead Rating" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Rating of the lead e.g. warm, cold" . rdfs:label "Lead Rating Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Score value assigned by Einstein logic e.g 99 of 100" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Lead Score" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Source from which the lead was obtained." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Lead Source" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Source from which the lead was obtained e.g. sales partner Western Outfitters Inc" . rdfs:label "Lead Source Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Status for this converted lead e.g. open, worked, closed" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Lead Status" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Status code for this converted lead e.g. open, worked, closed" . rdfs:label "Lead Status Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Name of the territory or other political subdivision that authoized the incorporation" . rdfs:label "Legal Incorporation Jurisdiction" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The registered legal name of the business" . rdfs:label "Legal Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "E.g. Sole proprietor, Partnership, Limited Partnereshp, S-Corporation" . rdfs:label "Legal Organization Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "E.g. Sole proprietor, Partnership, Limited Partnership, S-Corporation" . rdfs:label "Legal Organization Type Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Legal or tax standing e.g. commercial, non-profit, academic, government" . rdfs:label "Legal Status" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Life attitude e.g. innovator, believer, achiever, experience, survivor" . rdfs:label "Life Attitude Type Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Life style e.g. modern, corporate, suburban, religious, workaholic, outdoors" . rdfs:label "Life Style Type Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Calculated as: UnitPriceTotalAmount - TotalLineAdjustmentAmount. TotalDistributedAdjustmentAmount is not included." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Line Adjustment SubTotal Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "List price for one unit of the order product. Value is inherited from the associated PriceBookEntry upon order product creation." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "List Price Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The unit of measure for the list price when the product is a physical product. Box, case and palette could be examples... are some examples" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "List Price Quantity Unit of Measure" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The unit of measure for the list price when the product is a subscription with a term. Yearly, quarterly, monthly, etc... are some examples" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "List Price Term Unit of Measure" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "General longer description of the product" . rdfs:comment "Translated long product description" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Product Long Description" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "If item was made same time as others the lot identifier state what manufacturer called that group" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Lot Identifier" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The default price for the product i.e.Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "MSRP Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The unique hardware identification number of the device that originated the payment authorization reversal request." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Mac Address" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to Mailing address" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Mailing Address" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The proper combination of name elements to use for contact via mail e.g. Jane Doe" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Mailing Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Dietary habit e.g. kosher food eater" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Main Dietary Habit Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Disability or Impairment e.g. wheel chair bound" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Main Disability Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Life attitude e.g. innovator, believer, achiever, experience, survivor" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Main Life Attitude Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Life style e.g. modern, corporate, suburban, religious, workaholic, outdoors" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Main Life Style Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Personal value e.g. family-oriented, materialistic, spiritual, idealistic, careerist" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Main Personal Value Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Personality e.g. impulsive, compulsive, authoritative, ambitious, introverted" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Main Personality Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Major citations individual currently have on record e.g. reckless driving" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Major Citation Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Does the seller require significant resources from us post sale" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Major Post Sale Support Needed" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Supplier of the good or service for which the coupon can applied towards purchase." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Manufacturer" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Name of the manufacturer for this product" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Manufacturer Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "E.g. single, married, divorced, widowed, partnership, other" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Marital Status" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "E.g. single, married, divorced, widowed, partnership, other" . rdfs:label "Marital Status Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How big is the business market equity on primary stock exchange" . rdfs:label "Market Capitalization Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How much money have we funded to seller for marketing development activities" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Marketing Development Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many percent of emails sent are replied to by customer" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Marketing Email Response Rate" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The complete payment credit card number, in masked format." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Masked Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to product that is not sold but defines what is to be sold" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Master Product" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How long e.g. drug or newspaper can be displayed before removal" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Max Holding Day Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The maximum transaction amount, for all transactions during a transaction period, that are accepted by the seller for this Payment Method." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Max Per Period Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The maximum number of transactions accepted by the seller for this Payment Method." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Max Per Period Transaction Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the maximum order value allowed for this product" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Max Required Order Value" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The maximum transaction amount accepted by the seller for this Payment Method Type." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Max Transaction Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Maximum quantity allowed for purchase e.g 5" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Maximum Order Quantity Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "e.g. paper, magnetic card," . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Media Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Middle name of person e.g. Mary-Ann" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Middle Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Has the person served in the military e.g. Unknown, Yes, No" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Military Service" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "E.g. Active or Retired military service status" . rdfs:label "MilitaryServiceStatusName" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Unknown, no military service, vietnam veteran, other veteran, active reserve, retired, active duty" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Military Status" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Unknown, no military service, vietnam veteran, other veteran, active reserve, retired, active duty" . rdfs:label "Military Status Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the minium order value required for this product" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Min Required Order Value" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is minimum required quantity to order the product from this price book" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Min Required Quantity" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the lowest price allowed (normally by manufacturer) to use in an ad" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Minimum Advertisement Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the earliest date the lowest manufactureres prices can be stated in an ad" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Minimum Advertisement Amount Start Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Minimum quantity allowed for purchase e.g 1" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Minimum Order Quantity Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Minor citations individual currently have on record e.g. driving with broken tail light or no number plate" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Minor Citation Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to mobile phone number for the lead." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Mobile Contact Phone" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to Contacts' mobile phone number." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Mobile Phone" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Identifier the manufacturer use e.g. SHOE-123-RED-8" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Model Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the marketed model year for this product" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Model Year" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Mothers last name as unmarried" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Mothers Maiden Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Internal Id that references a 6 digit North American Industry Identifier" . rdfs:label "NAICS" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "North American Industrial Classification Codes" . rdfs:label "NAICS Code Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How often to send emails" . rdfs:comment "Is it primarily a 'Home', 'Business', 'Fax', 'Mobile' or 'Other' phone" . rdfs:comment "Name of the Role e.g. decision maker, influencer" . rdfs:comment "Name of the System Credential" . rdfs:comment "Name of this Sales Order Product Identity Document" . rdfs:comment "Short description of the log entry" . rdfs:comment "Translated product name" . rdfs:comment "the name/label of a Sales Order System Status value" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Email Frequency Name" . rdfs:label "Name" . rdfs:label "Primary Phone Type Name" . rdfs:label "Product Name" . rdfs:label "Sales Order Change Log Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Suffix of a name e.g. Jr, Sr, III" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Name Suffix" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "A code used to provide uniqueness to the Payment Gateway Provider name" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Namespace Prefix" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "PaymentAmount - TotalAppliedAmount." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Net Applied Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How much profit the competitor makes per dollar in revenue" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Net Profit Margin" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Level of willingness by customer to promote our product and is between -100 to 100" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Net Promoter Score" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the weight of the product excluding packaging" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Net Weight" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How much money does the person have in total if all assets counted" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Net Worth" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many new customers did seller provide us with in last 12 months" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "New Customer Acquisition Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Account Balance 90 days ago" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Ninety Day Balance Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reasons why functionally same party records could not be merged e.g. doctor / patient" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "No Merge Reason" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "A user-defined text note about a SalesOrderProduct." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Note Text" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Number assigned to this customer account" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Account Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The last 4 digits of the payment card number, in clear text." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Number Last Digits" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Self declared information what occupation the person has" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Occupation" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Professional, manager, tradesman, technical, military, unskilled, student, home maker, other" . rdfs:label "Occupation Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What type of occupation was the job for" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Occupation Text" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Professional, manager, tradesman, technical, military, unskilled, student, home maker, other" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Occupation Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The official name used for legal communication e.g. Janet Mary-Ann Doe III" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Official Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What date others could start to business with the entity" . rdfs:label "Open For Business Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many opportunities have the seller been involved in" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Opportunity Involvement Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many opportunities was actually won that involved the seller" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Opportunity Win Rate" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "In what order should channels for a data subjects opt in/out be evaluated" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Opt In Priority" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Calculated as: TotalUnitPriceAmount - TotalDistributedAdjustmentAmount. TotalLineAdjustmentAmount is not included." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Order Adjustment SubTotal Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The delivery method for the Sales Order Delivery Group" . rdfs:comment "Unless overridden how will goods be delivered e.g. Bus, Overnight, In Person, Pickup" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Order Delivery Method" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What discount is given on the overall order" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Order Discount Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date at which the order ends. For subscription-type orders, this would be the date when the subscription ends." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Order End Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the insurance cost for the overall order" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Order Insurance Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Calculated as: TotalUnitPriceAmount - TotalDistributedAdjustmentAmount. TotalLineAdjustmentAmount is not included." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Order Manual Adjustment SubTotal Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Unique number assigned to this order and displayed to end users." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Order Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Automatically-generated number that identifies the order product." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Order Product Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date at which the order becomes effective. For subscription-type orders, this would be the date when the subscription begins." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Order Start Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Number of units of this order product." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Ordered Quantity" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The name used to sort people in a list e.g. Doe, J" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Ordering Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The original delivery group. This will be used in change order scenarios." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Original Delivery Group" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to the a parent order. Needed for reship, excahnge and even swap orders" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Original Order" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Required if is Reduction Order on the parent order is true. ID of the original order product being reduced." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Original Order Product" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The original adjustment group. This will be used for change order scenarios." . rdfs:label "Original Price Adjustment Group" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "A tax item on an earlier version of the Sales Order Product" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Original Sales Order Product Tax Id" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The actual id value instance for the place in the originating system" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Original Source Record Id" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What system did this information originate from" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Original Source System Id" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The source channel type of the customer. For example, Ad or Trade Show" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Originating Customer Source" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to Other address" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Other Contact Address" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is person over a certain age e.g. 13 or 16, used for compliance reasons" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Over Age" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is the company public or private" . rdfs:label "Ownership" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date the order was completely packed" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Packed Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What date was this order paid in full" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Paid Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Id of the parent customer account (business role), if applicable" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Parent Account" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "An optional reference to a parent category e.g. mobile phone part of phone category" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Parent Category" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The parent organization unit e.g. USA Enterprise parent of US HR Dept" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Parent Internal Business Unit" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to product 1 that is related to product 2" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Parent Product Id" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the first role in the relationshp e.g. Consist of" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Parent Product Role" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to Partner type of Account" . rdfs:comment "What partner did this lead come from (if applicable)" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Partner Account" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to party" . rdfs:comment "Reference to the parent Party e.g. Individual, Business, Affiliation Group" . rdfs:comment "Reference to the party playing the role" . rdfs:comment "What is the first party this relation involves" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Party" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Type of identification e.g. passport, driver license, rewards membership" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Party Identification Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The type of identification e.g driving license number, birth certificate, rewards membership" . rdfs:label "Party Identification Type Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The related Identity Document, which is related to a Sales Order Product, usually to document authorization to make a type of purchase." . rdfs:label "Party Identification" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the role a party can play e.g. member of, head of (household)" . rdfs:label "Party Relationship Role Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Type of affiliation" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Party Relationship Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to Party Role, populated if contact point only applicable in context of a role" . rdfs:comment "Reference to business role that this Lead role is an extension of" . rdfs:comment "Reference to the party role that has this status" . rdfs:comment "What is the first party role this relation involves" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Lead Party Role" . rdfs:label "Party Role" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to the actual status we store history about" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Party Role Status" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The type of party e.g. organization, individual, group, unknown" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Party Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What type of party is being defined in the system e.g. business, individual, household" . rdfs:label "Party Type Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is product in a certain pattern e.g. checkered, striped" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Pattern" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Short description of the Payment Allocation" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Allocation Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Amount of the Payment" . rdfs:comment "The amount from the related Payment, which has been applied to the related Sales Order" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Determines if application is at header level or line level. Enum values: Header, Line" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Application Level" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "True if the application of a Payment to an invoice or credit memo has been reversed." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Application Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "An approval from the issuer of a payment instrument (usually a card), that the customer has sufficient funds to cover the cost of the transaction." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Authorization" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Descriptive text about a Payment Authorization" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Authorization Comment" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "automatically-generated number that identifies the Payment Authorization." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Authorization Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "This describes whether the payment processing was done by the Salesforce platform, or an external system." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Authorization Processing Mode" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "An authorization reversal is a message that alerts the issuer that part or all of a sale has been cancelled and the authorization hold should be rescinded." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Authorization Reversal" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Descriptive text about a Payment Authorization Reversal" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Authorization Reversal Comment" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Description for a Payment Gateway Payment Log entry" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Authorization Reversal Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Processing stage of the Payment Authorization or Payment Authorization Reversal" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Authorization Reversal Status" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Processing stage of the Payment Authorization or Payment Authorization Reversal" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Authorization Status" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The unapplied portion of the PaymentAmount that remains after application to this Refund Payment." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Balance Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The effective date of the Payment Cancellation, if applicable." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Cancellation Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Credit Card, Debit Card" . rdfs:label "Payment Card Category Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Defines a list of approved Payment Card Types (e.g. Visa, Mastercard, etc)." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Card Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Enum value for a list of allowed Payment Card types: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover (TBD)" . rdfs:label "Payment Card Type Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The effective date of the Payment" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Effective Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Holds the payment gateway merchant details which are used to interact external payment systems." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Gateway" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "A unique code assigned to the gateway transaction by the gateway" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Gateway Address Verification System Code" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Authorization Approval Code sent back by the gateway" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Gateway Authorization Code" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Descriptive text about a Payment Gateway" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Gateway Comment" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The Datetime provided by the Gateway." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Gateway Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Short name of the Payment Gateway Interaction Log" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Gateway Interaction Log Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Expected Enum values include: Success, Failed,Timeout" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Gateway Interaction Status" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Expected Enum values include: Auth, Sale, Void, Capure, AVS, CheckGiftCardBalance, etc." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Gateway Interaction Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Unique transaction ID generated by the (internal) payment platform, i.e., Salesforce" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Gateway Internal Reference Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Any info or error message sent by the gateway" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Gateway Message" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Stores class details needed for maintaining Apex adapter." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Gateway Provider" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Description and detail about the Payment Gateway Provider" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Gateway Provider Comment" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Name of the Payment Gateway Provider" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Gateway Provider Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Each gateway sends a unique reference number for the request and is called gateway reference number.In case of issues this can be used to identify the request on gateway side." . rdfs:comment "Unique transaction Id generated by payment gateway" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Gateway Reference Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Each Payment Gateway has its own set of Result Codes. Examples are 00 for success 100 for declined etc." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Gateway Result" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Enum values for Payment Gateway Status: Active, Inactive" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Gateway Status" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Enum values for Payment Gateway Status Code: SUCCESS,FAILURE,TIMEOUT" . rdfs:label "Payment Gateway Status Code" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Payment Group provides a way to associate payments and payment gateway events, where the payment is not associated with a Sales Order. For each instance of Payment Authorization, either PaymentGroupID or SalesOrderPaymentSummaryId should always be set," . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Group" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "automatically-generated number that identifies the Payment Group." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Group Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Short description of the Payment Invoice Allocation" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Invoice Allocation Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The association of a Payment to an Invoice at the invoice header level. Multiple instances of PaymentInvoiceAllocation can share the same PaymentInvoiceApplication. Instances of PaymentInvoiceAllocation having the same PaymentInvoiceApplication are invoic" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Invoice Application" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Short description of the Payment Invoice Application" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Invoice Application Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Identifies the PaymentInvoiceApplication instance as either Apply or Unapply" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Invoice Application Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How is the order paid for e.g. credit card" . rdfs:comment "The common Payment Method for all payments in the Sales Order Payment Summary" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Method" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "A means by which a buyer compensates a seller for a purchased good or service." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Method" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference data set row for Payment Method Status" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Method Status" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "values of the Payment Method Status Code:" . rdfs:label "Payment Method Status Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "e.g. Cash Tender, Credit Tender, Bank Transfer, Coupon, Trade In Tender" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Method Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Unique number assigned to this payment and displayed to end users. Note: map this to Salesforce Reference Number" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "This entity stores policy information for an org or an account which can be used to automate the process of payment application to invoice based on business needs." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Policy" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Enum values: Active, Inactive" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Policy Status" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Determines how to select one treatment out of many. Enum values: Legal Entity, Workflow, Use Default, None" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Policy Treatment Selection" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The current state of the payment." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Status" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Unless overridden what is default terms e.g. 5%10,Net 30, Net 60" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Term" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How fast must payment be made e.g. 5% discount in 10 days, full amount in 30 days (Net30), 45 days (Net 45)" . rdfs:label "Payment Term Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Policy information that controls how a payment is applied to invoices." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Treatment" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Represents a specific algorithm or method to apply. For example - pay for taxes first, pay for charges first, pay for oldest due invoice first etc. It can also point to a rule based on which application can be done. Treatment has a method." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Treatment Method" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Algorithm to map payment to invoice like'Oldest Invoice First'. Enum values will include: OldestInvoiceFirst, NewestInvoiceFirst" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Treatment Method Code" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Description of the method" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Treatment Method Description" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "User-friendly name for the treatment method" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Treatment Method Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Short description of the Payment Treatment" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Treatment Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Whether this treatment is Active or Inactive" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Treatment Status" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Idnetifies the Payment as either a Capture Payment or Refund Payment" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Payment Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How tall is the person" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Person Height" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What unit of measure is used for height" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Person Height Unit Of Measure" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "When the life event is know to have happened" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Person Life Event Date Time" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to the life event taking place e.g. got married, new car" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Person Life Event Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Life events a person can have e.g. get married, bought new car" . rdfs:label "Person Life Event Type Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "E.g. newborn, infant, child, teen, adolescent, adult, mature, elderly" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Secondary Citizenship Country" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "E.g. newborn, infant, child, teen, adolescent, adult, mature, elderly" . rdfs:label "Person Life Stage Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The full name of a person e.g. Jane Mary-Ann Doe" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Person Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How heavy is the person" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Person Weight" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What unit of measure is used for weight" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Person Weight Unit Of Measure" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Personal value e.g. family-oriented, materialistic, spiritual, idealistic, careerist" . rdfs:label "Personal Value Type Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Personality e.g. impulsive, compulsive, authoritative, ambitious, introverted" . rdfs:label "Personality Type Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Phone number for the lead." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Phone Contact Point" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Entered Country code for the phone number e.g. +1, +91, +234" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Phone Country Code" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Link to a photo" . rdfs:comment "Profile image associated with the lead." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Photo URL" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "E.g. Minutes, Hours" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Plural Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What position was held for this employment" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Position Text" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Free text value of postal code" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Postal Code Text" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The name used to address a person in an informal setting e.g. J D" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Preferred Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many press mentions have been done about the competitor per day" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Press Mentions Rate" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Defines how the adjustment will be calculated. Valid values used in Commerce Cloud are: percentage, fixed_price, amount, free, price_book_price, bonus, total_fixed_price, bonus_choice, percentage_off_options" . rdfs:label "Price Adjustment Method" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to the associated PriceBookEntry. This field must be specified when creating OrderItem records. It can't be changed in an update." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Price Book Entry" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Text that describes the state of the price calculation process for the order" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Price Calculation Status Message" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is the item to be sold based on weight, by units or by usage" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Price Charge Type Id" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to the main account the party use for doing business with us in any capacity (role)" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Primary Account" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is this the primary contact point (cross all contact channels)" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Primary Flag" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the primary hobby of the person e.g. skiing, running, swimming" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Primary Hobby" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Which household is the person mainly part of (to avoid double counting in reports)" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Primary Household" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "An industry associated with this business and is free text (non validated)" . rdfs:label "Primary Industry Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is it primarily a 'Home', 'Business', 'Fax', 'Mobile' or 'Other' phone" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Primary Phone Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Name of the primary product category e.g. family associated with this record." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Primary Product Category" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The primary sales channel used to sell this product" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Primary Sales Channel" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the best way to communicate with the customer for Sales purpose" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Primary Sales Contact Point" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The verbiage on the coupon used to identify the primary scan code." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Primary Scan Code Label" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to product" . rdfs:comment "The Product which defines the Delivery Method" . rdfs:comment "The service, product or charge associated with this SalesOrderProduct." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Product" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to product catalog the category is part of" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Product Catalog" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to what category the attribute set is applicable to" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Product Category" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to the parent entity which have attributes to be translated" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Product Image" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Indicates product may become bigger under certain circumstances e.g. heat" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Product May Expand" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the relation between product 1 and 2 e.g. consist of/component of" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Product Relationship Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many products are returned as percentage of all products ordered" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Product Return Rate" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The unique Stock Keeping Unit identifier for the product e.g. SHOE-SNIKE-MOD1-SZ12-RED" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Product SKU" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Any special security required for handling or selling e.g. need security guards" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Product Security Requirement" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is the product In Design, In Test, Active or Inactive" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Product Status" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "First time this contact point (and type) has been observed in data source records that contributed to the creation of this party profile." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Profile First Created Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Last time this contact point (and type) has been updated in a data source record that contributed to the creation of this party profile." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Profile Last Updated Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Number of times this specific contact point (and type) has been observed across related data source records that contributed to the creation of this party profile." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Profile Occurrence Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Link to a photo" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Profile Picture URL" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date the promise the order would be fulfilled" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Promise Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date the order was promised to be fulfilled" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Promise Fulfillment Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Start date for the order product" . rdfs:comment "The date the seller promises to deliver the group of items" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Promised Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The customers prospect rating, for example Hot, Warm, or Cold." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Prospect Rating" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The customers prospect rating, for example Hot, Warm, or Cold." . rdfs:label "Prospect Rating Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The date when the seller expects to provision the service or product." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Provisioning Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Price to Earnings" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "P/E Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date of the purchase order." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Purchase Order Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Number identifying the purchase order. Maximum is 80." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Purchase Order Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Amount of Item in the package e.g. 10 bottles of water = 10 ea" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Quantity Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "If the product has a quantity schedule, the number of installments." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Quantity Installment Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "If the product has a quantity schedule, the amount of time covered by the schedule." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Quantity Installment Period" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The unit of measure for the quantity ordered. Item, box, palette could be examples." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Quantity Ordered Unit Of Measure" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The type of the quantity schedule, if the product has one i.e. Divide, Repeat" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Quantity Schedule Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the unit of measure for stating the weight of the product e.g. ea." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Quantity Unit Of Measure" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The reason description as to why the adjustment was given." . rdfs:label "Reason" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "A charge that will be incurred by the buyer on a repeating basis." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Recurring Price Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Description of the Refund Payment Allocation" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Refund Allocation Comment" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date upon which the allocation to the refund payment is effective." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Refund Allocation Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Short description of the Refund Allocation" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Refund AllocationName" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Identifies the Refund Allocation as either a Refund Payment Allocation or a Refund Credit Memo Allocation" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Refund Allocation Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The unallocated portion of the overall Refund Payment Amount that exists after application to this Capture Payment or Credit Memo. This could be non-zero if a refund amount was determined before a decision to obtain the funding from either a capture payme" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Refund Balance Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Represents a repayment made, typically to a customer who isn’t satisfied with the goods or services purchased. Refunds are typically made after a payment has already been received from customers" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Refund Payment" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Short description of the Refund Payment Allocation" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Refund Payment Allocation Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date when affiliation starts" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Related From Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the secondary party this relation involves" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Related Party" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the secondary party role this relation involves" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Related Party Role" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "In cases where payments are un-applied to invoices, a new PaymentAllocation is created and will be related back to the original, using this field." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Related Payment Allocation" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "In cases where refunds are un-applied to payments, a new RefundAllocation is created and will be related back to the original, using this field." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Related Refund Allocation" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Id of the Sales Order that was later revised via the related Change order" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Related Sales Order Id" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Id of a Sales Order Product that was later revised via the related Change order" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Related Sales Order Product Id" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date when affiliation ends" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Related To Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Religion e.g. Islam, Samaritanism, Syncretic, Christian" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Religion" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Religion e.g. Islam, Samaritanism, Syncretic, Christian" . rdfs:label "Religion Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "For renewal orders, the length of the renewal term" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Renewal Term" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "For renewal orders, the percentage of increase or decrease in order quantity" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Renewal Uplift Rate" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "If cleanup of rental post use required what is the cost" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Rental Cleanup Fee Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "If terms not honored by customer what is the penalty amount" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Rental Term Violation Penalty Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Who does the contact report to" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Reports To Account Contact" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Datetime when the payment platform sent the authorization reversal request to the gateway." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Request Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "When the product or service provisioning will end, from an order perspective" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Requested End Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The customer's preferred date for order fulfillment" . rdfs:comment "When the product or service provisioning will begin, from an order perspective" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Requested Start Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "If product is spilled or leaking what is the cleanup process needed" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Required Cleanup Process" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Amount that must be paid as deposit to be able to pickup or use the product" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Required Deposit Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Percentage that must be paid up front as deposit to be able to pickup or use the product" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Required Deposit Percentage" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Humidity required for product e.g. 50%" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Required Humidity Percentage" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Highest temperature allowed for product e.g. +20" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Required Temperature Highest Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Lowest temperature allowed for product e.g. -1" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Required Temperature Lowest Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Unit of Measure for a product storage e.g. Celcius" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Required Temperature UOM" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Indicates high priced items or variable weight items need individual price" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Requires Individual Unit Pricing" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Must a label of the price be visible for the product or not" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Requires Unit Price Label" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How was residence country captured i.e. user provided or derived based on IP address" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Residence Capture Method" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How as data captured e.g. self provided or derived based on IP address" . rdfs:label "Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Country the person mainly reside in and important to decide if subject to e.g. GDPR" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Residence Country Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "e.g. out of date, out of stock" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Return Coupon Reason" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "If the product has a revenue schedule, the number of installments from 1 to 150" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Revenue Installment Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The period of time covered by the schedule i.e. Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Revenue Installment Period" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The type of the revenue schedule, if the product has one i.e. Divide, Repeat" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Revenue Schedule Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many points given for the purchase of this item" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Reward Program Points Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Internal Id that references a 4 digit Standard Industry Classification code" . rdfs:label "SIC" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "4 digit Standard Industry Classification code" . rdfs:label "SIC Code Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "When is the Service Level Agreement expiring" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "SLA Expiration Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What type of Service Level Agreement does this customer have with us" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "SLA Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Types of Service Level Agreement e.g. 24x7, weekdays, work hours" . rdfs:label "SLA Type Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Total value of all products the seller sold for us" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Sales Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The sales channel used to place the order" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Sales Channel" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "automatically-generated number that identifies the Sales Order Channel." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Sales Channel Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The category of the Sales Channel, for example retail store, web store, partner, or direct marketing" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Sales Channel Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The Sales Order to which the Price Adjustment Group belongs" . rdfs:comment "The Sales Order to which the payment is applied" . rdfs:comment "The parent Sales Order. This is provided for implementations that do not utilize Fulfillment Order. When Fulfillment Orders do exist, the correct way to relate a shipment to a sales order is via the fulfillment order." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Sales Order Id" . rdfs:label "Sales Order" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Codes that define reasons for changing a Sales Order, e.g. quantity change, new distributed adjustment, new line adjustment, etc." . rdfs:label "Sales Order Change Type Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What stage of customer approval and finalization has been achieved." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Sales Order Confirmation Status" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "One or more Sales Order Products that share a common Sales Order Delivery Method, and Shipping Address" . rdfs:comment "Sales Order Delivery Group" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Sales Order Delivery Group" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "automatically-generated number that identifies the Sales Order Delivery Group" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Sales Order Delivery Group Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The status of the Sales Order Delivery Group" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Sales Order Delivery Status" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Association to a Payment is via Sales Order Payment Summary; multiple payments may be grouped into a Sales Order Payment. For each instance of Payment Authorization, either PaymentGroupID or SalesOrderPaymentSummaryId should always be set, but never bot" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Sales Order Payment Summary" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The Sales Order Price Adjustment to which the Sales Order Product Price Adjustment is optionally related, and will roll up to." . rdfs:label "Sales Order Price Adjustment Id" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Defines which subtype an instance of the Price Adjustment Group is for: Sales Order, Sales Order Product, Fulfillment Product or Shipment Product." . rdfs:label "Sales Order Price Adjustment Type Id" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The primary key of a SalesOrderProduct, which forms part of the association" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Sales Order Product 1" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The primary key of a SalesOrderProduct, which forms part of the association" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Sales Order Product 2" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "A Sales Order Product that belongs to the Sales Order Product Group" . rdfs:comment "The related Sales Order Product, which is associated to a required Identity Document" . rdfs:comment "User who created the record" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Sales Order Product Id" . rdfs:label "Sales Order Product" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "TotalPriceAmount + TotalTaxAmount. The adjusted product amount, with taxes and adjustment taxes applied." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Sales Order Product Adjusted Tax Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The Sales Order Product Group to which the Sales Order Product belongs" . rdfs:label "Sales Order Product Group" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Description/name of the Product Group Type, e.g. PriceBreakdown, ShipTogether" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Sales Order Product Group Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The adjustment on the Sales Order Product for which the tax has been calculated" . rdfs:label "Sales Order Product Price Adjustment" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "AdjustmentAmount + AdjustmentTaxAmount" . rdfs:label "Sales Order Product Price Adjustment Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Tax amount" . rdfs:label "Sales Order Product Price Adjustment Tax Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The type of Sales Order Product Price Adjustment: OrderProduct, Distributed (from order-level), or manual" . rdfs:label "Sales Order Product Price Adjustment Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The type of Sales Order Product Price Adjustment: OrderProduct, Distributed (from order-level), or manual" . rdfs:label "Sales Order Product Price Adjustment Type Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The reason code for the Sales Order Product. For CPQ, would only be used to describe a cancellation reason" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Sales Order Product Reason" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The category for the Sales Order Product Reason" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Sales Order Product Reason Category" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Status of the product within the order. Values may include Placed and Activated" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Sales Order Product Status" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Current order status e.g. Draft, Ready for Review, Placed, Ready for Activation, Activated" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Sales Order Status" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "A status that describes the system state of an order, which is changes independently of the Sales Order Status, which is displayed to the end user." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Sales Order System Status" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The amount of the tax, e.g. $1.13 if the currency is USD" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Sales Order Tax Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Phone number for this account." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Sales Phone" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How to greet the person e.g. Mr, Ms" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Salutation" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How routing and resolution of issues around account management is handled" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Satisfaction Customer Service Rank" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How non-involuntary labor used, made in safe working conditions, retailers can distribute etc." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Satisfaction Ethics Rank" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How happy is our seller with us" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Satisfaction Score" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How training and documentation is rated" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Satisfaction Technical Support Rank" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How big impact satisfaction measures should have on overall supplier score" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Satisfaction Weight Percent" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The assigned score after all satisfaction measures analyzed" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Satisfaction Weight Score" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "A bar or QR code used to promote and identify the coupon." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Scan Code" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The date when the delivery has been scheduled to occur." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Scheduled Delivery DateTime" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is product intended for e.g. winter, summer" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Season" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Second last name e.g. in hispanic may be mothers last name e.g. Roe" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Second Last Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The verbiage on the coupon used to identify the secondary scan code." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Secondary Scan Code Label" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Used with Segment Indexes for pricing subscriptions. A Segment Index is unique to a customer's purchase of a product that uses segment pricing, and is used to group the segments together." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Segment Index" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Used for pricing subscriptions, where sub-periods of the overall subscription are priced differently, and the pricing changes in a structured way over a series of segments, which are identified by numerically increasing Segment Numbers" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Segment Index Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The party that plays the role of seller on the Service Order" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Seller" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Lookup to the Seller Account assignee to this order product. This will normally be used only in marketplace configurations, where a site provides a customer with access to products that are sold by multiple other entities." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Seller Account" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is the seller e.g. reseller, distributor, wholesaler, sales partner" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Seller Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is the seller e.g. reseller, distributor, wholesaler, sales partner" . rdfs:label "Seller Type Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Packages personal data so that individuals can take ownership of it." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Export Individual's Data" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How long the service period is valid for e.g. 1,2,3" . rdfs:comment "What is max possible quantity one can order of this product from this price book" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Max Required Quantity" . rdfs:label "Service Period Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Time product available e.g. minutes, hours, days, weeks, years" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Service Period UOM" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The account of the party of type supplier that provides the service" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Service Provider Account" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What type of service is this e.g. rental, subscription, labor" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Service Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Enum values: Payment, Refund, Payment Cancellation, Refund Cancellation" . rdfs:label "Settlemet Type Code" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many units per facing (row) displayed of a product on a shelf" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Shelf Facing Unit Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "An address defined for either the Bill-to customer or shipping contact on the Sales Order" . rdfs:comment "Shipping Address" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Ship To Address" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "ID of the contact the order will be shipped to." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Ship To Contact" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Email to shiop to contact" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Ship To Email" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to the shipment order this package is for" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Shipment" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date shipment was sent" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Shipment Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "automatically-generated number that identifies the Shipment" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Shipment Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The package in which the product item was packed." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Shipment Package" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "A product item in a shipment. A Shipment Product Price Adjustment will be related to a Shipment Product when a shipping fee has been adjusted after the Sales Order was created." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Shipment Product" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many ShipmentProducts (items) were packed into the package." . rdfs:comment "How many instances of the product is shipped" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Shipment Product Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Description of the package" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Shipment Product Description" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The adjustment on the Shipment Product for which the tax has been calculated" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Shipment Product Price Adjustment" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "AdjustmentAmount + AdjustmentTaxAmount" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Shipment Product Price Adjustment Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The current stage of shipping, e.g. In Transit or Delivered" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Shipment Status" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to the shipping billing address, if applicable" . rdfs:comment "Shipping address" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Shipping Address Id" . rdfs:label "Shipping Address" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Who is the shipping contact" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Shipping Contact" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Shipping cost charged to customer" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Shipping Cost Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Email to be used for shipping inquiries" . rdfs:comment "Shipping email" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Shipping Email Id" . rdfs:label "Shipping Email" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The shipping transport method, e.g. UPS 3-day, FedEx overnight, etc." . rdfs:label "Shipping Method" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Shipping phone" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Shipping Phone Id" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What phone to use for shipping purposes" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Shipping Phone" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Shipping tax charged to customer" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Shipping Tax Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Short digit sequence used to address messages in the Multimedia Messaging System (MMS) and short message service (SMS) systems of mobile network operators" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Short Code" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "True if payments can be auto-applied to invoice. Default: False" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Should Auto Invoice" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Permanently deletes records and personal data related to this individual." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Forget This Individual" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Account Balance 60 days ago" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Sixty Day Balance Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the unit of measure for stating the size of the product" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Size UOM" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Does the social persona like our products e.g. Influencer, Fan, Detractor, Neutral" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Social Fan Status" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the standing for a social person amongst fans e.g. Newbie, Mega Star" . rdfs:label "Social Fan Status Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Id of the social persona e.g. @joe" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Social Handle Id" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Name of the social persona e.g Joe Doe" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Social Handle Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many posts are done by competitor per day" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Social Media Post Rate" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Who is it the provider of the handle e.g Facebook, Linkedin" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Social Network Provider" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Who provides the service for a social persona e.g. Twitter, Facebook" . rdfs:label "Prospect Rating Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to the Customer (party role) of a person who is buyer (sell-to), when that is different than the bill-to for the sales order." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Sold To Customer" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Instructions to the delivery service, e.g., leave with neighbors" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Special Instructions Text" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How well the individual can speak the language" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Spoken Proficiency Level" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How long is warranty included from the seller (not manufacturer) e.g. 24 months" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Standard Warranty Length Month" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date employment started" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Start Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "When the status started be effective" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Start Date Time" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Free text of the state province name the address is located in" . rdfs:comment "Geographical State Province for the address of the lead." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "State Province Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What main stock exchange is the party noted on" . rdfs:label "Stock Exchange Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the total value of this goods as we hold it in stock" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Stock Ledger Valuation Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Main ticker symbol for the primary exchange the business is trading on" . rdfs:label "Stock Ticker Symbol" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Street number and name for the address of the lead." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Street Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Is product generally deemed e.g. slim, regular" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Style" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Determines how often a new order is placed, in months, if this Order Item is a subscription." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Subscription Renewal Month Quantity" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Quantity of the Subscription Unit Term Unit of Measure" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Subscription Term Quantity" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The unit of Measure for the Subscription Term" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Subscription Term Unit of Measure" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many known success stories related to us have seller been involved in" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Success Story Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Calculated by (contract weight*score) + (satisfaction weight * score) + (cost weight percentage * score)" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Supplier Score" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Total cost amount spent on procuring products from supplier" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Supplier Spend" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Type of Supplier e.g.Retailer, Distributor, Manufacturer, Merchant" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Supplier Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Types of suppliers e.g. retailer, distributor, service partner, manufacturer" . rdfs:label "Supplier Type Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many times the individual had any type of surgery in last 5 years" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Surgeries Last 5 Years Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Stored authentication information for Merchant Credential" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "System Credential" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many times the seller accessed our online information which indicate dedication" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "System Login Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date and time when this record was last modified by a user or by an automated process" . rdfs:label "System Modified Stamp" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the weigth of the product bundle packaging without product content" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Tare Weight" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the government provided tax identification fort this business" . rdfs:label "Tax Id" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The city of an address used for tax assessment" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Tax Address City Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The first line of an address used for tax assessment" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Tax Address Street1" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The second line of an address used for tax assessment" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Tax Address Street2" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The tax amount" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Tax Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "In what income tax bracket does the person fall into e.g. 10000 to 20000, 20001-30000" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Tax Bracket Range" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The date used to calculate the effective tax rate." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Tax Effective Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "An error generated by the tax calculation algorithm." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Tax Error Message" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What tax rate is applied for the sales order" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Tax Rate" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The percentage rate that will be applied to another amount such as Product Total to calculate the tax." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Tax Rate Percent" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Entered phone number" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Telephone Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The date the organization ceased to operate and was closed for business" . rdfs:label "Termination Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Account Balance 30 days ago" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Thirty Day Balance Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Title of the contact such as CEO or Vice President." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Title" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Active to date" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "To Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Σ SalesOrderDeliveryGroup: TotalDeliveryTaxAmount" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Adjusted Delivery Tax Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "TotalLineAdjustmentAmount + TotalDistributedAdjustmentAmount + Total Manual Adjustment Amount. A positive value which when subtracted from (quantity*ListPriceAmount) determines TotalPriceAmount" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Adjustment Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "If the order-level adjustment has been distributed to each Sales Order Product, then this contains a rollup of the tax allied to each of those Sales Order Product distributed amounts." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Adjustment Tax Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Out of the Payment Amount, the amount which has been applied to Invoices and credit memos." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Applied Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The sum of all associated Payment Authorization records" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Authorization Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Total reversed authorized amount." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Authorization Reversal Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Total amount of Sales Order Product Booking amounts." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Booking Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Total revenue booked for this customer" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Bookings Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Total of all canceled order products" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Cancelled Billing Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How much future revenue this customer may contribute with and that is not yet booked" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Contracted Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Σ OrderItem(Type == DeliveryCharge): TotalAdjustmentAmount" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Delivery Adjustment Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Σ OrderItem(Type == DeliveryCharge): TotalAdjustmentTaxAmount" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Delivery Adjustment Tax Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "A total of Product, Adjustment and Delivery fee amounts, but excluding Taxes." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Delivery Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Σ OrderItem(Type == DeliveryCharge): IF (TotalLineAmount != NULL, TotalLineAmount, UnitPrice * Quantity)" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Delivery Charge Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Σ OrderItem(Type == DeliveryCharge): TotalProductTaxAmount" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Delivery Charge Tax Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Σ SalesOrderDeliveryGroup: TotalDeliveryChargeAmount" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Delivery Fee Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "TotalDeliveryLineTaxAmount + TotalDeliveryAdjustmentTaxAmount -- equivalent to Σ OrderItem(Type == DeliveryCharge): TotalTaxAmount" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Delivery Tax Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Σ SalesOrderProductPriceAdjustment(SalesOrderProductPriceAdjustmentType == Distributed): AdjustmentAmount. Excludes SalesOrderProduct and Manual adjustments." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Distributed Adjustment Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The sum of all taxes computed on order-level adjustments that are prorated to SalesOrderProduct (excludes taxes on SalesOrderProduct-level adjustments). Σ SalesOrderProductPriceAdjustment: AdjustmentTax, where PriceAdjustmentGroup.PriceAdjustmentTypeID =" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Distributed Adjustment Tax Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Total line level taxes on distributed adjustments" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Distributed Tax Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How much has customer bought from us since beginning of time" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Life Time Value" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Σ SalesOrderProductPriceAdjustment(SalesOrderProductPriceAdjustmentType == SalesOrderProduct): AdjustmentAmount. Excludes Distributed and Manual adjustments." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Line Adjustment Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Provides a way to override the standard calculation of the SalesOrderProduct's TotalPriceAmount." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Line Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Quantity * ListPriceAmount" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total List Price Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Σ SalesOrderProductPriceAdjustment(SalesOrderProductPriceAdjustmentType == Manual): AdjustmentAmount. Excludes SalesOrderProduct and Distributed adjustments." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Manual Adjustment Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The sum of all associated Payment records" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Payment Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The total of all payment captures related to this authorization." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Payment Capture Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Total pending for all order products." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Pending Billing Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Σ SalesOrderProduct.TotalPriceAmount. Includes adjustments" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Price Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Roll up of all SalesOrderProduct.UnitPriceAmount instance amounts. Excludes order price adjustments (separate objects) and delivery costs." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Product Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Σ SalesOrderProduct.TotalProductTaxAmount" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Product Tax Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How much money customer contributed to our profit" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Profit Contribution Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "For subscription products that have recurring charges, this total stores the total of recurring charges, when these are distinct from Product charges" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Recurring Price Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The sum of all associated Payment Reversal records" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Reversal Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Σ SalesOrderProduct.TotalTaxAmount" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Tax Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "When a payment has been applied to an Invoice Line or Credit Memo, and then is later backed out, the TotalUnappliedAmount will be non-zero." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Unapplied Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Σ SalesOrderProduct.TotalUnitPriceAmount. Excludes adjustments" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Total Unit Price Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many people from seller have been certified on our products" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Training Certification Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How many people from seller have been trained" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Training Participation Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Attribute Value to be translated" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Translated Attribute Value" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Attribute Description to be translated" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Translated Attribute Value Description" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Name attribute to be translated" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Translated Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Total number of software trials the seller been part of" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Trial Participation Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Name of the product type" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Product Type" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Description of Payment Method Type" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Type Description" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "e.g. none, drivers license" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Type Required Identification" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Reference to the URL of the collateral" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "URL" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Total amount that has been unapplied." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Unapplied Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The date when the allocation of the capture payment or credit memo to the refund payment was unapplied." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Unapplied Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Why can party not yet be categorized e.g. was cash buyer, got social handle only" . rdfs:label "Uncategorized Party Creation Reason Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What label value is assigned to this unknown party" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Uncategorized Party Label" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the list price for the product in this price book" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Unit List Price" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What the customer is paying for one unit of the product. This provides a way to override the standard List price." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Unit Price Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Unit tax amount for this order product" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Unit Tax Amount" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Should this account be used for billing purposes" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Use As Billing Account" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Should this account be used for sales purposes" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Use As Sales Account" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Should this account be used for service purposes" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Use As Service Account" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Should this account be used for shipping purposes" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Use As Shipping Account" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "e.g. 16, 18" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Use Minimum Age Year" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Use the products price as defined in the standard price book" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Use Standard Price" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "unique ID for a user's use of a device for a periof of time" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "User Device Session" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "E.g. valid for 1, 2 or 3" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Valid For Period Count" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "E.g. valid for hours, days, months" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Valid For Period Unit Of Measure" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The date from which the product can actually be used" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Valid From Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The date to which the product can actually be used" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Valid To Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Date identification was verified" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Verified Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "The version of the product e.g. 1.3.5" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Version Number" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Personal Web Site" . rdfs:comment "The Web Site for the party" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Web Site URL" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Website for the lead." . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Website" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "Month and date the person celebrate last weeding" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Wedding Anniversary Date" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the unit of measure for stating the weight of the bundle product" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Weight UOM" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What unit of measure is used for weight e.g. pound, kilogram" . rdfs:label "Weight UOM Name" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the wdth(length) size of the product" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Width" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "How well the individual can write the language" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Written Proficiency Level" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What year the business started, normally derived from incorporation date" . rdfs:label "Year Started" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the more specific income the person have" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Yearly Income" . rdfs:range . rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs:comment "What is the income range the person is part of" . rdfs:domain . rdfs:label "Yearly Income Range" . rdfs:range . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . _:b1_b0 . 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