Rate limiter in clojure supports a rolling window,either in-memory or backed by redis.
It's transformed from rolling-rate-limiter in node.js, but does some performance tuning for redis-based implementation and adds a mechanism to prevent request flooding.
[clj-rate-limiter "0.1.5"]
Create an in-memory rate limiter with maximum 100 requsts in 1 seconds:
(require '[clj-rate-limiter.core :as r])
(def limiter (r/create
(r/rate-limiter-factory :memory
:interval 1000
:max-in-interval 100)))
(println (r/allow? limiter "key1"))
(println (r/allow? limiter "key2"))
(count (filter true? (repeatedly 1000 #(r/allow? limiter "key3")))) ;;should be 100
The :interval
sets the time window unit in millseconds, and :max-in-interval
sets the maximum requests in a time window, and :memory
make the rate limiter store requests in memory.
After the limiter is created, you can use (allow? limiter key)
to test if the request can be passed.The string key is present the type of the request.A group requests of the same key are rate limited by the limiter.
In a cluster, you may want to created a redis-backed limiter:
;;redis spec and pool as decribed in
(def redis {:spec {:host "localhost" :port 6379 :timeout 5000}
:pool {:max-active (* 3 (.availableProcessors (Runtime/getRuntime)))
:min-idle (.availableProcessors (Runtime/getRuntime))
:max-wait 5000}})
(def limiter (r/create
(r/rate-limiter-factory :redis
:redis redis
:namespace "APIs"
:interval 1000
:max-in-interval 100)))
You have to provide a redis spec and pool, and you can set the namespace prefix of the request keys.
You can set the minimum time in millseconds between requests by :min-difference
option,default is zero.
(def limiter (r/create
(r/rate-limiter-factory :redis
:redis redis
:namespace "APIs"
:interval 1000
:min-difference 1
:max-in-interval 100)))
The rate limiter will still add the request to backend storage even if the requests are too many. It may consume too much memory in backend storage,so i provide a option :flood-threshold
for such situation.
If you set :flood-threshold
value(a long value),when current requests number in storage is greater or equal to (* flood-threshold max-in-interval)
, then the limiter will not add the new request to backend storage until next time window.
(def limiter (r/create
(r/rate-limiter-factory :redis
:redis redis
:namespace "APIs"
:interval 1000
:flood-threshold 5
:max-in-interval 100)))
Copyright © 2015 dennis zhuang
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.