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leader election and node register/discover/balance in a service cluster by zookeeper in clojure


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A Clojure library designed to leader election and node register/discover/balance in a service cluster by zookeeper.


Add dependency in your project:

[lighthouse "0.1.0"]

Create a curator framework client:

(require '[lighthouse.zk :as zk])
(def cli (zk/mk-client "localhost:2181"))

Service register/discover/balance

In a service node:

(require '[ :refer :all])

;;register a node to zookeeper
(register cli "user-service")

Every service node can register itself to zookeeper by above code.

The default registerd node id and data is the node's machine hostname,but you can special them by:

(def node (register cli "user-service" :id "node-1" :data ""))

When you shutdown the node, you can unregister it by (unregister node).

In a service consumer, you can create a balancer for user-service:

(require '[ :refer :all])

(def user-service-balancer (create-service-balancer cli "user-service"))

Then You can get an alive user-service node:


It returns a node value map: {:id "node-1" :data ""}

The default balance type is :round-robin,you can create other balancer type:

(def user-service-balancer (create-service-balancer cli "user-service" :balancer-type :random))
(def user-service-balancer (create-service-balancer cli "user-service" :balancer-type :hash))

When you use :hash strategy, you must pass a key to balancer for hashing:

(user-service-balancer "a")
(user-service-balancer "b")
;;pass a default value that returned when can not find an alive node.
(user-service-balancer "a" {:id "default-node" :data "node1.ip"})

Stop the balancer:

(stop-service-balancer user-service-balancer)

Leader election

Every node trys to elect a leader:

(require '[lighthouse.leader :refer :all])

(start-election cli "/leader_election"
  (fn [cli path id]
    (println id "got leadership."))
  (fn [cli path id]
    (println id "released leadership."))
  :id "node-1")

Each node pass it's id,if not present, the default id is the node's matchine hostname.

(start-election client path on-aquired on-released & {:keys [id]})

When the node got the leadership, the on-aquired would be called with curator client,path and itself id. And when the node released the leadership, the on-released would be called with curator client,path and itself id.

The start-election returns a resettable promise, you can deliver it a true value to stop the election, or a false value to release the leadership but still be in queue for next election:

(def p (start-election ......))

;;release the leadership,but still be in queue for next election
(deliver p false)
;;stop current node in election
(deliver p true)

When election starts, you can get current leader or participants:

(get-leader cli "/leader_election")
(get-participants cli "/leader_election")

Stop current node in election:



Copyright © 2015 dennis zhuang

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


leader election and node register/discover/balance in a service cluster by zookeeper in clojure







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