开源HEXO主题,我命名为 ACE 这是我第一个HEXO主题,他借鉴了很多其他开源主题的代码。 具体请查看下面 感谢与引用.
- 好看的导航条
- 支持首页滚动图片显示.
- 自定义菜单
- 添加彩带、几何特效.
- 支持文章置顶.
- 多语言
- 支持 Valine 评论系统.
在线 Demo : www.sumoon.com
自由使用,欢迎加个友链 ^_^
npm install hexo-cli -g
Access https://hexo.io for more info
cd your_blog_dir
git clone https://github.com/kinggozhang/hexo-theme-ace.git themes/ace
Change theme with 'ace'
## Themes: https://hexo.io/themes/
theme: ace
修改 themes/ace/_config.yml
navmenu: [
title: "menu1",
url: "#menu1",
children: [
title: "menu1-1",
url: "#menu1-1"
title: "menu1-2",
url: "#menu1-2"
title: "menu2",
url: "#menu2",
修改layout/_partial/nav.ejs 可自定义。
slideshow: true //首页三张幻灯图片, img/slideshow/slider1/2/3
ribban_bg: false //彩带北京
particle_bg: true //几何特效
#sticky post tag
sticky_tag: "Sticky"
复制你的头像到 <root>/img/
然后修改 _config.yml
sidebar: true # 是否显示Sidebar.
sidebar-about-description: "你的介绍"
sidebar-avatar: img/<个人头像地址>
widgets: # here are widget you can use, you can comment out
- featured-tags //标签云
- short-about //个人简介
- recent-posts //最近发表
- friends-blog //友链
- archive //归档
- category //目录
如果你想加入自己的widget, 代码在 layout/_widget
friends: [
title: "ACE theme",
href: "http://www.sumoon.com"
title: "your friend link",
href: "https://##"
如果你想把自己站点加入 ACE theme 请 fork 这个项目, 修改 _config.yml, 附加你的站点信息,然后提PR.
复制你的签名档到 <root>/img/signature
然后编辑 _config.yml
signature: true # 是否显示签名档
signature-img: img/signature/签名档图片
home_posts_tag: true
My markdown render engine plugin is hexo-renderer-markdown-it.
# Markdown-it config
## Docs: https://github.com/celsomiranda/hexo-renderer-markdown-it/wiki
html: true
xhtmlOut: false
breaks: true
linkify: true
typographer: true
quotes: '“”‘’'
and if you want to change the header anchor 'ℬ', you can go to layout/post.ejs
to change it.
anchors.options = {
visible: 'hover',
placement: 'left',
icon: ℬ // this is the header anchor "unicode" icon
Some hexo command:
hexo new post "<post name>" # you can change post to another layout if you want
hexo clean && hexo generate # generate the static file
hexo server # run hexo in local environment
hexo deploy # hexo will push the static files automatically into the specific branch(gh-pages) of your repo!